Sortable High Valyrian Dictionary

From The Languages of David J. Peterson
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This page is updated semi-frequently. It will probably be the most up to date of the High Valyrian dictionary pages, pulling the definition lines from each individual entry. The terms themselves are however not added automatically to this page. Click the term link to go to the individual entry for more detailed information such as pronunciation, examples, inflection and so on.


Term Definition
A- Used to form instrumental passive verbs from a base verb.
Ā- Used to form repetitive verbs, meaning approximately "re-" or "again"; used if the base verb begins with a consonant.
Ābra woman
Ābrāzma (Westeros) lady
Ābrar humanity, all people; life; fertility
Ābrazȳrys wife
Ābrenka female
Āegenka iron
Āegion iron
Āegon a male given name
Āeksākogon to champion (with locative); to tout, to talk up (with locative)
Āeksio master; lord
Āeksion gold
Āgagon to drape, to cover with cloth
Āganna hood
Āgatir ceiling
Āgatrion canopy
Āgavor drapery (in general)
Āgavos drape
Āgugon to swallow, to gulp
Āgunon swallow, gulp; swallowing
Āhibagon to challenge
Ājehikagon to glitter, to glimmer, to gleam, to sparkle
Ājon island
Ājot īdre jerdī tojā Are you burying a clay cherry on the island?
-ākogon Used to form transformative verbs from nouns, meaning approximately "to become" or "to turn into", however derived verbs often acquire idiomatic meanings.
Ālion area, plot of land, place, location
Āmāzigon to return, to come back, to go back
Āmāzinon return
Āmazverdagon to recreate, to remake
Ānogar blood
Ānogres blood magic
Ānogrion temple
Āpikagon to track
Āpsos snout, muzzle, mouth (of an animal)
Āpykagon (of women) to produce (children)
Ārilla beer
Ārillurlion tavern
Āro barley
Ārughagon to miss, to miss out on
Āsikagon to give rebirth to, to bear again
Ātsio tooth
Ātsior full set of teeth
Āzālagon to forsake, to waste
-āzma Used to form augmentative nouns from various roots; meaning approximately "big" or "great".
Ademmagon to pay; to fulfill, to satisfy; to make good
Adere slippery; sleek, smooth; fast, quick, swift
Aderī quickly, swiftly; soon
Aderves smoothness, sleekness; slipperiness; quickness, fastness
Aeliks a male given name.
Aemagon (of things) to have; (of things) to contain
Aemon a male given name
Aena accommodating; supportive; reliable
Aenoqitta unsafe
Aeny buttress, support
Aeragon (ergative) to move; to go[usage 1]
Aerēbagon to travel; to be away
Aerikagon to stir
Aeritta restless
Aerys a male given name
Aezīmagon (of things) to split into something (va and dative)
Ajesurilaror (uncountable) spices, spice
Ajesurilaros spice; condiment
Ajomemēbagon (of things) to rage on
Ajorrāelagon (of things) to need, to require
-albar Used to form augmentative nouns from various roots; meaning approximately "big" or "great".
Albie bright, resplendent, shining, shiny, brilliant
Albijos best part, highlight
Albila clear
Albilemagon to explain, to make clear
Alysanne a female given name
Alyssa a female given name
Amāzigon (of things) to come, to arrive
Amanengagon (of things) to scoop, to ladle
Amanengy scoop, ladle; shovel
Ambigon to struggle
Ambir salmon
Amīsagon (of things) to protect, to guard; (of things) to block
Amīvindigon (of things) to taunt; (of things) to torture, to torment; (of things) to frustrate, to infuriate
Ampa ten (10)
Amplie tenth
Andali Andal person, Andal (ethnic group originating from the hills of Andalos in Essos)
Anehugon (with instrumental) to leak; (with ānogrosa) to bleed
Anektogon (of things) to cut, to slice
Anevegon (of things) to transport, to convey
Angogon to bite; (in dragon commands) to attack
Angolianna bay
Angolion gulf
-anna Used to form diminutive nouns from various roots; meaning approximately "small" or "little".
Anne horse
Ao you; second person singular personal pronoun, nominative case
Ao ynoma dīnilūks Will you marry me?
Aōha your; second person singular possessive adjective
Aōhon yours; second person singular possessive pronoun, nominative/accusative case
Aōhon iksan se ñuhon iksā I am yours and you are mine.
Aōhoso in your way, your way, as you wish
Aōla (reflexive) yourself; second person singular reflexive personal pronoun, nominative case; (emphatic) you, you yourself; second person singular emphatic personal pronoun, nominative case
Arakhi arakh, a curved sword used by the Dothraki
Arare cyclic
Are cyclic, repetitive, rhythmic
Arghugon to hunt
Arghurys hunter
Aria a female given name
Arlī back; again; anew; once more, once again
Arlie new; fresh
Arliñagon (intransitive) to change, to metamorphose, to become different, to become new
Arlinnon change, metamorphosis
Arraks a dragon given name
Arrigon to show to someone (dative), to display
Asēnagon (of things) to kill
Asōvemy crossbow
Astapor Astapor (a city in Slaver's Bay)
Atroksia owl
Atroksiar night
Averilla wine
Averille sylutetā Have you (singular) tasted the wine?
Averilloma (alcoholism) drunk, drunken, tipsy
Avero grape
Averun bunch of grapes
Avy jorrāelan I love you.
Avy raqan I love you (singular)
Azandomy armed
Azandy short sword, shortsword; sword
Azandyr weaponry
Azantyr army, military force
Azantys (military) knight; swordsman, swordswoman
Bāmves heat, warmth (referring to how an object feels)
Bāne hot, warm (to the touch, referring to how an object feels)
Bāngagon to bake; to prepare a meal
Baela a female given name
Baelagon to help someone (accusative) (with) something (locative), do something (infinitive); to aid, to assist
Baelio acolyte
Baelon a male given name
Baelor a male given name
Baes top, summit, apex, zenith; tip, point of a sword
-bagon Used to form verbs with a meaning related to the roots from which they are formed.
Balerion Balerion (a Valyrian deity); a dragon given name
Balon soil
Bantāzma midnight; the darkest part of the night; (figuratively) night
Bantis night
Baragon to mark, to smudge, to demarcate; to indicate, to refer to, to point out
Bardugon to write to someone (dative); to scratch (down writing) on
Bardulion school
Bardunon writing
Baririon (grammar) demonstrative, demonstrative pronoun
Bartanna skull
Bartos head
(superessive) on, onto, on top of, onto the top of, upon (co-occurs with a noun in the genitive); (topic) concerning, regarding, with respect to, about, on (the subject of) (co-occurs with a noun in the genitive or a clause with a verb in the subjunctive); (inessive) at, in (co-occurs with a noun in the genitive); (temporal) after, following (co-occurs with a noun in the genitive); (superessive) above, over; (temporal) after
Bē- Used to form locative applicative verbs, with the sense of "on" or "about", together with u-.
Bēgor trout
Bēmagon to latch; to seal; to fasten, to make fast; to close (one's eyes)
Bērigon to hang from something (locative)
Bērio tunic
Bēupyghagon to jump onto something (dative), (genitive for a singular object directly before the verb)
Bēuvāedagon to sing about or upon something (dative), (genitive for a singular object directly before the verb)
Bēvilagon must, to have to, to be necessary for someone (dative), (genitive for a singular object directly before the verb) to do something (infinitive); to require someone (dative), (genitive for a singular object directly before the verb) to do something (infinitive)
Bēvumbagon to float on, in or at something (dative), (genitive for a singular object directly before the verb); to hover on, in or at
Beka regular, normal, usual
Belmon chain
Belmor (monarchy) spouse of regent, consort, prince consort, queen consort; (figuratively) bondage, servitude, slavery
Belmos chain link, link in a chain; ring
Belmuragon to put chains on, to chain, to chain up, to lock in chains; to enslave
Belmurtys slave master, slaver
Beqes sow, female pig
Bībagon to suckle; (mostly of infants) to suck
Bībos infancy, early childhood
Bīkagon to suckle, to give suck to; to nourish
Bīkiros mammal
Bianor ewe, female sheep
Biare fortunate, lucky; happy
Biare Arlie Jēdari Happy New Year!
Biarver aōt Cheers! (said to a single person)
Biarves happiness, jubilation; luck, fortune
Biarvose you're welcome
Biktys wet nurse, nursing mother, nurse
Biragon to burst, to explode, to break
Bisa this (for animates)
Bisir this one, this (for abstract or uncountable animate entities)
Bisy this one, this (for animate, concrete, countable entities)
Blākuata Rāshi Blackwater Rush (a river)
Blēnon mountain
Blēnun mountain range
Bōjurlion arena
Bōsa long (physical and temporal); tall
Bōsir bench
Bōsirī long
Bode tail
Bodē inspired by, in the spirit of, following the style of (co-occurs with a noun in the genitive)
Bona that (for animates)
Bonir that one, that (for abstract or uncountable animate entities)
Bony that one, that (for animate, concrete, countable entities)
Botagon to suffer, to feel, to endure, to subject oneself to something (instrumental); to permit something (instrumental) that someone does something (subjunctive), to let someone do something (subjunctive); to work, to labor for or because of something (dative)
Botemagon to make work; to train, to tutor, to instruct
Botennon training; profession, trade
Boter suffering
Boterlion industrial area
Botes work; duty
Botion office
Botose hard, effortfully
Brāedāzma bronze
Brāedion copper
Brāedy bell
Brāvos Braavos (a city)
Brandon a male given name
Bratsi gull, seagull
Bratsio (vulgar) bitch
Brōzagon to name, to call, to give someone or something (accusative) a name (instrumental); (reflexive) to call oneself, to be named
Brōzi name
Brōziapos nickname, moniker, sobriquet
Bughe water buffalo
Bughegon to swim
Buqagon to hate, to despise
Buqilaksa abominable
Buqilaksir abomination
Buqnon hate, grudge, grudges
Buragon to worry
Buzdari slave
Bȳre six (6)
Bȳre ampā sixteen (16)
Bȳrēpsa sixty
Bȳrgār six hundred
Bȳrgallie six-hundredth
Bȳrīblie sixtieth
Byka small, little
Bykon flea
Bykurlion Flea Bottom (a part of the city of King's Landing)
Byllie sixth
Byllie ampā sixteenth
Dāeremagon to free, to liberate from, to rid of something (hen and dative)
Dāeremiros liberator, emancipator
Dāerī freely
Dāeron a male given name
Dāerves freedom; liberty
Dāez free
Dāranna heir to the throne, heir
Dāria queen
Dārilaros heir to the throne, crown princess, crown prince; princess, prince
Dārio a male given name.
Dārion kingdom, country; domain, dominion
Dārior empire
Dārligon to take, to claim
Dāro Vilinion King's Landing, capital city of the Seven Kingdoms
Dārōñe royal, regal
Dāromīsio (Westeros) member of the Kingsguard
Dāromīsior (Westeros) Kingsguard (as a group)
Dārys king; monarch
Daema (flower) violet
Daemōñe (of eyes) violet; authentically Valyrian, truly Valyrian
Daemon a male given name
Daenagon to pursue, to chase
Daenerys a female given name
Dakogon to run
Dakones footrace, race where one runs on foot; race, racing competition
Dakonon running
Daomblīrinon rainbow
Daomio rain
Daomior rainy season; (figuratively) rain, rains
Daor not; no
Daorion no place, nowhere
Daoriot nowhere
Daorun nothing (for inanimate entities)
Daorys no one, nobody, none (for animate entities)
Darklin A surname​.
Davābagon to rain
Dēdegon to capture, to catch
Dēmagon to sit, to sit down
Dēmalio syt for political reasons, political (literally "for the throne")
Dēmalion throne
Dēmavos seat, chair
Dēzagon to care
Dekligon to kick
Deks foot; step; footfall, sound of footsteps
Dekuragon to step
Dekuros step
Dekurūbagon to walk, to go on foot
Deragon to pluck, to pick (fruit or flowers)
Derēbagon to gather, to collect; to choose
Derēptir harvest
Dernon plucking
Dīnagon to put, to place[1]; (of officiants) to marry, to wed someone (accusative) to somebody else (comitative); to chase someone away (ozdakonot and accusative), to put to flight
Dija hot, warm (internally, referring to a state one feels or is in); (vulgar) aroused, horny
Dijāves heat, warmth (referring to a state one feels or is in); (vulgar) desire, arousal, horniness
Dijemagon to warm, to warm up, to make warm
Dijemion warming chamber (for hatching dragon eggs)
Dōmpragron pinecone
Dōna sweet; pleasant
Dōna talanna great-granddaughter
Dōna trēsanna great-grandson
Dōne pine tree
Dōniapos pine nut
Dōnirī sweetly, pleasantly
Dōnor vīgilla sekanjabin
Dōralbar boulder, large rock
Dōre no
Dōrenka stone, of stone, made of stone
Dōrenky stoney one; Stone Man (a person in the late stages of the Grey Plague)
Dōrī never, at no point, at no time; not at all, nohow, noway
Dōron stone, rock
Dōror fort, fortification
Dōros wall
Dobotēda ignorant, untutored; clumsy
Dobotēdāves ignorance
Dohaeragon to serve someone (accusative) something (instrumental)
Dohaeririon slavery; service
Dohaeriros slave; servant
Dohaertiarzy former master
Dohaertros former slave, one who was previously a slave
Dokelire endless
Dokimare serious; studious, focused, disciplined; steady, strong; driven
Dokimarves seriousness; studiousness; discipline, focus; strength; drive, resolve
Dor- Used to form terms with an negative meaning compared to the base term, like English un- and non-.
Dorne Dorne (a kingdom)
Dorolvie few, not many, not much, not a lot
Dorrīza basilisk
Dorzālty unburnt (one), title of Daenerys Targaryen
Dothraki Dothraki person, Dothraki (nomadic horse-riding ethnic group of Essos)
Dovaogēdy (military) member of the Unsullied (an elite slave fighting force in the Song of Ice and Fire series)
Drāmmagon to open, to lay open
Drāñe wide, broad
Drāñon opening, mouth (of a river), outlet
Drakaryr dragonpower
Drakarys dragon fire, dragonfire, fire (that a dragon produces); Dracarys! (command issued to dragons to get them to breathe fire)
Drēje true, veritable; correct, right; just
Drējī truly, true; correctly; really; (intensifier) very
Drējion reality
Drējos true one
Drīves truth; correctness; justness, justice; right; authority; justification, excuse, reason; claim
Drīvome truthful
Drīvose actually, in fact; in truth, truly, really; by right, by authority
Driftmāki Driftmark (an island)
Drōmon egg
Drōmun clutch (of eggs)
Drogon a dragon given name
Drūr tomorrow
Dubāzma cousin by father's sister or mother's brother, cross cousin, cousin
Dubys non-twin sibling, sibling; cousin by father's brother or mother's sister, parallel cousin, cousin
Dȳñenka animal, bestial
Dȳñes animal, beast
Dyragon to peel
Ēbrion night sky
Ēbrior night skies; space, outer space
Ēdrugon to sleep
Ēdrulion dreamland
Ēdrunon sleep
Ēdrurys dream
Ēdrurzys a dragon given name
Ēdrȳñagon (intransitive) to become sleepy, to become tired
Ēdrȳnta tired, sleepy
-ēgrie Used to form augmentative adjectives from other adjectives, meaning approximately "extremely" or "very".
Ēlī first
Ēlie first; primary
Ēlie Vala First Man, member of the First Men (ethnic group of Westeros)
Ēlio ono gō ages ago, long ago (literally "before the first dawn")
Ēlos first, first one, one who is first
Ēngenka tasty, flavorful, good (said of food)
Ēngītsos little tongue
Ēngos (anatomy) tongue; (linguistics) tongue, language, dialect
Ēngoso talkative, chatty
Ērinagon to win, to be victorious; to conquer, to defeat, to vanquish
Ērinnon victory
Ērintys conqueror, winner, victor
Ēs bee
Eglia ancestor
Egliar ancestors, ancestry
Eglie high (physically); high (in status); good, superior, high (in quality); late (temporally)
Eglives height, highness; grace, highness (a title of respect)
-egon Used to form eventative verbs from perfect stems of verbs, having various meanings generally centered on the outcome or result of the original verb.
Egralbar spear
Egros edge; blade, sword
Egry knife; razor
Elēdrar tides; ocean; time, passage of time
Elēdrion the Merling King (a deity)
Elēdris era, epoch, time, times, (generic) day
Elēnagon to swing, to sway, to oscillate, to move back and forth, to twist in the breeze; (aviation) to bank, to incline laterally in order to turn
Elēnar tide
Elēni voice, speech; music, melody; (figuratively) individuality; (figuratively) opinion
Elēnin performance (generally music accompanied by dance)
Elēnir music (in general)
Elekor hearing
Eleks ear
Elilla honey
Ellagon to hug, to embrace with a part of the body (instrumental)
Elrion chalcedony
Elun swarm of bees
-emagon Used to form factitive verbs from adjectives, nouns and other verbs, corresponding to English suffixes such as -en and -ify, meaning approximately "to make something or someone X" or "to give the quality of X".
Emagon to have
Embāzma great sea
Embar sea, ocean
Embōñe aquatic, relating to the water; (grammar) aquatic class, aquatic; oceanic, of the ocean, relating to the ocean; of the sea, coming from the sea, relating to the sea
Embōñe kēli sea otter
Embōñe raedes lobster
Embrōrbar a dragon given name
Embrot down, downward
Embrurlion the Seat of the Sea (a place on Driftmark)
Endia west
Endīha western, from the west, from the western lands
Endie western, west
Endien sunset
Endȳsa jelmōñe northwest, northwestern
Endȳsa jelmor northwest
Endȳsa vējōñe southwest, southwestern
Endȳsa vēzor southwest
-enka Used to form adjectives from nouns and verbs, corresponding to English suffixes such as -like and -ous as well as English nouns zero-derived to adjectives.
Enkagon to owe someone (accusative) something (instrumental)
Epagon to ask somebody or of somebody (dative), to inquire, to query
Epses female goat, nanny goat
Epvos question
Essos Essos (a continent)
Ezar duck
Ezīma half
Ezīmagon to split into something (va and dative)
Ezīmi half
Ezīmillion freehold
Ezīmos part, division
Ezīmpty sandal
Ezīmy window, slit (opening in a wall)
Gār hundred
Gaba monkey
Gadbag Alternative form of gadbagi
Gadbagi slave name
Gaemagon to charge, to rush
Gallie hundredth
Galry hammer, mallet
Galryr industry; construction
Gaomagon to do; to act, to perform; to allow someone to do something (dative and infinitive)
Gaomilaksir task, chore; errand; mission
Gaomōbagon to practice
Gaomon action, act, deed; issue, matter
Gaos nadir; underside; animal belly, animal stomach
Gaoso in one's way, one's way, as one will, as one likes, as one wishes, in the way one will[usage 2]
Garaka Andalish hawk
Garaktys vulture
Gēlenka silver-colored, silver-like
Gēlianna zinc
Gēliapos silver coin
Gēlion silver
Gēlior money
Gēliotīkun a dragon given name
Gēlōñe expensive
Gēlȳn debt, price
Geba bitter, acrid
Gelte helmet, helm
Geltialbar meeting place, meeting hall, gathering place; exhibition hall; basilica
Geltigon to cover, to cover up
Geltilion passage
Geltion roof
Geltiros cover, one which covers
Genes mouse; rat
Gepton left, left part, left side; left hand
Geptot to the left of (co-occurs with a noun in the genitive); (apudessive) to the side of, beside, next to (co-occurs with a noun in the genitive); left, to the left, leftward
Geralbar road, highway; street; way, thoroughfare
Geron path, walk, walkway, way
Geros ilas Goodbye.
Gerpa fruit
Gevī beautifully; (to dragons) Good!
Gevie beautiful
Gevives beauty
Gevurlion park, garden
Ghīs (Old) Ghis, capital city of the ancient Ghiscari Empire
Ghīska Ghiscari, of Ghis
Gīda steady, stable; even, equal; calm
Gīdāves equality
Gīdemagon to steady, to stabilize; to even up, to equalize
Gīdrion (substance) tin
Gīhōñe sincere
Gīhor (abstract) soul, essence
Gīmēdegon to warn, to give warning to, to alert; to signal, to notify; to advise
Gīmēdenon warning; augury, omen; notice, signal; advice
Gīmīmagon to inform; to instruct, to teach
Gīmigon to know (facts or information), to be aware of; to know how to do something (infinitive)
Gīmije fine, skilled, knowledgeable
Gīminon knowing
Gīs soul; spirit
Giēñagon (intransitive) to heal, to be healed, to become healed, to become healthy, to recover
Giēñēbagon to recuperate
Giēñemagon (transitive) to heal, to treat, to cure
Giēñilare Alternative form of giēnilare; to heal, yet to heal, not yet healed
Giēñilaros One Who is Not Yet Healed (a term used in Astapor for Unsullied in training), trainee Unsullied
Gierī wholly, completely, totally; dreadfully, terribly (when used with pejorative adjectives); together; all
Gierion people, populace, group of people inhabiting a specific place
Gierūljagon to gather, to assemble, to congregate, to get together, to join
Gierūlnon assembly, gathering, congregation; audience; crowd
Giez whole, complete, entire; together
Gisagon to scrape
Glaesa alive; true, real
Glaesagon to live; to spend one's life, to spend one's days; to fare (in the general sense); to be (used with adverb to describe a mood or a state of being or health)
Glaesaros organism, lifeform
Glaesenka lifelike
Glaeson life
(subessive) under, beneath, below, underneath, underneath of, to the underside of (co-occurs with a noun in the genitive); (temporal) before, preceding (co-occurs with a noun in the genitive); (subessive) under, beneath, below; (temporal) before
Gō- Used to form locative applicative verbs, with the sense of "under" or "below", together with u-.
Gōviāragon to flow under something (dative), (genitive for a singular object directly before the verb)
Gōvilagon to be under, underneath, below or beneath something (dative), (genitive for a singular object directly before the verb); to lie under, underneath, below or beneath
Gōvilemagon to put under something (dative), (genitive for a singular object directly before the verb); to cause to be under
Gōvilirion catacomb, catacombs; underground labyrinth
Gosagon to wilt, to wither
Grēges louse
Grevenka round
Grevenkos circle
Greviapos belt
Grevion waist; circumference
Grevy wheel
Grōvagon to roar
Grozagon to plow
Grozilla boundary, border, bound, limit
Grozillar borders, territory (referring to countries or lands)
Grozion furrow, ditch, trench
Grozior field (plowed)
Grozurlion farm
Gryves bear
Gūrēñagon to learn, to find out, to discover
Gūrēnilaksir lesson
Gūrēntir information, knowledge
Gūrogon to pick up; to get; to take; (reflexive) to earn, to merit, to deserve something (dative)
Gūron basket
Gūrotir that which is deserved, what is deserved, what one deserves; fate
Gūrotrir fate; that which one has earned, that which one deserves, what one deserves, what is deserved, one's due
Guēse tree
Guēsiapos sapling
Guēsilla tree sap
Guēsin forest, woods
Gȳs lime
Hāedar younger sister, sister; younger female cousin by father's brother or mother's sister, younger female parallel cousin, cousin
Hāedranna male's younger sister's child, cross niece, cross nephew, niece, nephew
Hāgugon (of things) to make vanish, to make disappear
Hāgunītsos eclipse (solar or lunar)
Hāre three (3)
Hāre ampā thirteen (13)
Hārēpsa thirty
Hārgār three hundred
Hārgallie three-hundredth
Hārīblie thirtieth
Hārion (geography) delta; (geometry) triangle
Hāros (used in the plural) three
Hae (similative) as, like, similar to (co-occurs with a noun in the locative); (similative) in the guise of, in the manner of, acting as, as (co-occurs with a noun in the locative); (comparison) as (co-occurs with a noun in the locative, and an adjective in the equative)
Hae hunē kirine content, satisfied (literally "happy as a rabbit")
Hae mērȳ together, as one
Haeragon (of things, ergative) to move
Haerēbagon (of things) to travel
Hakogon to pull from something (locative); to annoy, to bother, to affect because of something (locative)
Hakossiarza crazy, insane, mad, addled
Hakossiarzir insanity, lunacy, craziness, madness
Hakossiarzy lunatic, crazy person, madman
Hannagon to commit something (accusative) to something (dative); to place in something (locative), to put (in place)
Harenhalon Harrenhal (a castle)
Harrenka appropriate, suitable, right; appropriately sized, suitably sized, appropriately long, suitably long, (of) the right size
Harrī while, during (co-occurs with a noun in the genitive or a full phrase in the indicative)
Harris while, duration; indefinite amount of time that varies based on the activity referred to; appropriate amount of time that an activity ought to last
Haver loaf of bread
Haves piece of bread
Havon bread
Havor food, sustenance
Hēdrȳ from amongst, out of, out of the midst of, from (co-occurs with a noun in the genitive)
Hēdys butcher
Hēnka same; similar
Hēnkirī together; simultaneously; alike, similarly; in kind
Hēnkirī īlvi biarvī manaerili We will celebrate together.
Hēzīr henceforth, from now on; from this day forward
Heghagon to slaughter; to prepare food
Hegharys carcass (of an animal)
Heghy butcher's knife
Hegnīr like that; (to dragons) Good!; so, so that
Heksīr like this; in this way
Helaena a female given name
Helaenor oleander, oleander bush
Heltar beetle
Hembār next
Hen (ablative) from, of (co-occurs with a noun in the locative); (temporal) since (co-occurs with a noun in the locative); (elative) out of, from out of, from, of (co-occurs with a noun in the dative); (essive) as (co-occurs with a noun in the dative); (cause) because of, on account of, thanks to, for (co-occurs with a noun in the dative)
Hen egliot ilvot true-born, trueborn, born to parents who are married (literally "of the high bed")
Hen kejot for, because (literally "because of this")
Hen ñāqē recently, a short time ago (literally "since dawn")
Hen prānot always, from the beginning
Hen siñot dāez freeborn, free-born, born free (as opposed to in bondage or slavery; literally "free since birth")
Hen sȳndrāzmā in an age, in ages, in a very long time (literally "since the new moon")
Hen- Used to form locative applicative verbs, with the sense of "from" or "out of", together with u-.
Henujagon to leave, to go from, to exit, to flee something (dative), (genitive for a singular object directly before the verb); to keep out from something (dative), (genitive for a singular object directly before the verb)
Henumāzigon to come from something (dative), (genitive for a singular object directly before the verb)
Henumīdēmagon to spend time away from something (dative), (genitive for a singular object directly before the verb)
Hepagon to climb, to ascend
Hepnon climbing, ascension
Hepvos ladder; stairs, staircase
Heqo insect; fly
Hīghagon to scream, to wail, to cry out, to cry
Hīlagon to punch, to hit, to strike
Hīlībagon to pummel, to beat
Hīlivos bridge
Hilmio fist, grip
Hinikagon to put outside, to put out of doors, to turn out; to expose; to risk, to put in danger
Hinikare dangerous
Hinikilla danger
Hinon hill
Hiōragon (of things) to stand
Hiōriros statue
Hisagon to slice
Hivagon to melt
Hizdahr a male given name from Astapori Valyrian
Hōzalbar ogre, beast, monster, monstrosity, abomination
Hōze welt, pimple, boil; protuberance; tumor
Hōzigon to swell, to swell up
Hōzikagon (transitive) to boil; (reflexive) to boil (in the intransitive sense)
Hōzinon swelling; pride
Hōzita gerpa tomato
Hobrenka (vulgar) idiotic; (vulgar, intensifier) fucking
Hobres male goat, billy goat; jerk
Hontes bird
Hopa navel
Hopīha central
Hoskagon to cause to swell; to inspire pride in, to make proud, to give pride
Hūndegon (of things) to see, to catch sight of, to sight; (of things, intransitive) to look
Hūra moon
Hūrenka lunar, relating to the moon; (grammar) lunar class, lunar
Hūrilla moonlight, moonshine
Hūrlilio a dragon given name
Hūro hāgunītsos lunar eclipse
Hube vine
Hubon rope, cord
Huēmagon (of things) to erupt
Hulagon to pour something (accusative) into something (dative)
Humbagon (of things) to stay, to remain (with indicative) (used impersonally, i.e. "it remains (true) that...")
Hunanne donkey, ass (the animal)
Hunenka energetic
Hunenkirī energetically
Hunes rabbit, bunny, hare
Hurnīlaksir prospect, possibility
Hylagon to feel, to sense
Hynga (vulgar) penis
Hyngirion peninsula
I- Used to form oblique applicative verbs from a base verb.
Used to form adverbs from the base (positive) form of class II and class III adjectives, equivalent to English -ly, and to form the adverbial suffixes for superlative adverbs of all three declensions.
or, either; until[2], if and only if; before
Iāpa mother's older brother, maternal uncle older than mother, cross uncle older than mother, uncle
Iāpanna mother's older brother's child, cross cousin by maternal uncle older than mother, cousin
Iāragon to flow, to run; (of roads, mountain ranges etc.) to go
Iāriros liquid
Īby bone
Ībyr bone (the substance)
Īdre clay, made of clay
-īha Used to form ablative adjectives from nouns; describing origin from the place referred to by the noun, meaning approximately "coming from" or "of"; used especially frequently to form adjectives for geographical locations.
Īligon to cross, to cross over, to go over; to retread, to go back over
Īlilion crossing, crossroads
Īlinon crossing (in general); cross (the geometric figure); cross (reified, where someone is crucified)
Īlinuragon to crucify
Īlōnda (reflexive) ourselves; first person plural reflexive personal pronoun, nominative case[3]; (reciprocal) each other, one another; first person plural reciprocal personal pronoun, nominative case; (emphatic) we, us, we ourselves; first person plural emphatic personal pronoun, nominative case
Īlon we; first person plural personal pronoun, nominative case
Īlva our; first person plural possessive adjective
Īlvon ours; first person plural possessive pronoun, nominative/accusative case
-iapos Used to form diminutive nouns from various roots; meaning approximately "small" or "little".
-ītsos Used to form diminutive nouns from various roots; meaning approximately "small" or "little".
Ibāngagon to bake for; to prepare a meal for
Ibardugon to take stock of, to make records about, to document
Idakogon (transitive) to attack, to assail, to have at
Idaña twin, twin sister, twin brother
Idañe fellow; accompanying, concomitant
Iderēbagon to choose, to select, to decide on something (dative) for someone (accusative); (reflexive) to choose one's ..., to select one's ..., to decide on one's ...
Iderennes trial
Iderennion courthouse, court
Iderennon choice; decision; selection
Idīnagon (of officiants) to marry someone (accusative) to somebody else (accusative); to officiate a wedding
Idīnnon marriage
Iēdar water
Iēdrot (to dragons) Drink!
Iēmi a male given name
Iemny stomach, belly (of a human)
Iemnȳ (inessive) in, inside, inside of, within (co-occurs with a noun in the genitive)
Ienkagon to owe something (accusative)
Iepagon to ask someone (dative) for something (accusative)
Ijiōragon (reflexive) to be pleased by, to be made happy by something (dative), something (indicative)
Ikisībagon to dine on, to have a meal consisting primarily of
-ila Used to form adjectives from other adjectives, with a meaning related to that of the base adjective, but often being more abstract.
Ilāragon to curse out, to curse at, to insult, to spew obscenities out at
Ilagon to lie (in a certain place); (existential/locative, copulative) to be (in a certain place), in the sense of there is, there are; to exist; (archaic) to lie straight, to be straight
Ilībagon to lie (in a horizontal position), to be prostrate
Ilībio (vulgar) prostitute, whore, skank, slut (of either gender)
Ilībōños (vulgar) whoreson, bastard; (vulgar) bitch, slut; (vulgar) generic insult or curse used towards any gender
Ilīrigon to smile at, to smile upon; to smile for
Ilie straight, prostrate
Ilimagon to cry for, to weep for
-illa Used to form nouns, generally referring to byproducts or results associated with the root from which they are formed; derived nouns decline like a first declension noun in -a, but take aquatic agreement.
Illyrio a male given name
Ilnītsos rest, nap
Ilvos bed
Ilzigon to throw, to fling, to hurl, to toss; to scatter; to sow, to plant; to put to sleep; to bore, to be boring to; (with ēdruliot and accusative) to bore senseless, to be utterly boring to
Ilzilla trivial matters, boring matters, dull stuff; insignificant details, minor things, trifling things; table scraps fed to animals
Ilzȳnagon to cultivate, to engender; to encourage to grow, to cause to grow
Imāzigon to come to, to arrive at; to attend (an event)
Imandūljagon to forgive
Imassigon to befall, to happen to, to occur to
Imazumbagon (of volitional entities) to join up with, to join, to meet
Imorghūljagon to die for
Imundagon to sympathize with, to have sympathy for, to commiserate with
Imunnon sympathy, commiseration
-iñagon Used to form inchoative and inceptive verbs from adjectives and verbs, meaning approximately "to become X" or "to come to X".
Indigon to push; to mean, to intend someone (accusative) to do something (infinitive); (reflexive) to mean, to intend to do something (infinitive)
Indirarion reason, motive, cause
Indirys rival
Indor clay
Inkāgavos cape
Inkion bacon
Inkon back; back part, back side
Inkot (postessive) behind, in back of (co-occurs with a noun in the genitive); (postessive) in back, to the back, backward, back
-io Used to form augmentative nouns from other nouns, meaning approximately "big" or "great".; Used to form agent nouns from verbs, corresponding to English suffixes such as -er and -or.
Iōdegon to dive
Iōnos a male given name.
Iōragon to stand; to be (in a state), to be (feeling) something (locative) with/toward someone (comitative); (reflexive) to be (in a state), to be (feeling) something (locative) with/toward oneself (comitative); (with sīlāvose) to come of age, to become an adult, to reach majority
Iōrion building
Iōrves cold, cool, coldness (referring to how an object feels)
Ioje Alternative form of iosre
Iojilla frost
Iojūlirion Alternative form of iosrūlirion
Iojūljagon Alternative form of iosrūljagon
-ion Used to form type II or generic substantives (i.e. nouns), which refer to abstract or uncountable concepts, from class II and class III adjectives, participles and demonstratives.; Used to form nouns referring to places and locations associated with the root from which they are formed.; Used to form nouns referring to the activity or state associated with the verbs from which they are formed.; Used to form nouns referring to abstract concepts or qualities associated with the nouns from which they are formed.; Used to form nouns from various roots with various meanings not covered by the above; generic noun-forming suffix.
Iosre cold, cool (to the touch, referring to how an object feels)
Iosrūlirion autumn, fall
Iosrūljagon to cool, to become cool, to become cold, to cool off, to cool down
Iotāpagon to think of, to think about; to suspect
Iotāptegon to respect; to consider as something (hae and locative); to take into account, to consider the feelings of; to make plans taking into account the existence or importance of
Iotāptenon respect; consideration
Iotāptenoso respectfully, with respect
Iovagon to dip, to dunk, to submerge
Ipradagon to eat
Iqighagon to make someone (accusative) (feel) something (instrumental); (reflexive) to make oneself (accusative) (feel) something (instrumental)
Iqrinumbagon to antagonize
-ir Used to form type II or generic substantives (i.e. nouns), which refer to abstract or uncountable concepts, from class I adjectives, participles and demonstratives.
-irī Used to form adverbs from the base (positive) form of class I adjectives, equivalent to English -ly, and to form the adverbial suffixes for equative and comparative adverbs of all three declensions, there surfacing as -rī.
Irūdion inheritance
Irūdir tax, collection, tithe
Irūdy gift, present
Irughagon to give, to offer, to present something (accusative) to someone (dative); to release to, to abandon to; to pay something (accusative) to someone (dative) with something (instrumental)
Isahagon to force, to make, to cause, to use someone (accusative) to do something (infinitive)
Isindigon to buy (something), to purchase (something) for someone (accusative)
Issa yes
Issaros person, individual; being; human, human being
Issarys existence (in the generic sense, e.g. a rock exists even if it isn't alive)
Itatagon to finish with, to be finished with, to be done with
Itymagon to play with, to trifle with
Ityragon to share with
Ityrtegon to buy
Ivēttegon to appoint, to name (to a position)
Ivestragon to tell, to speak, to talk, to say to someone (accusative); to give (news or information)
Ivīlībagon to fight for
Izūgagon to fear
Izula four (4)
Izula ampā fourteen (14)
Izulēpsa forty
Izulīblie fortieth
Izulīha rectangular
Izulion square, plaza; (geometry) square
Izultion center, centre
Izunnie fourth
Izunnie ampā fourteenth
Jāelagon (of things) to store, to house (an animate subject takes the genitive)
Jāelion treasury, repository
Jāelvos sail
Jāely possession
Jāha his, her, its; third person singular terrestrial/aquatic possessive adjective
Jāhon hers, his, its; third person singular terrestrial/aquatic possessive pronoun, nominative/accusative case
Jāla (reflexive) herself, himself, itself; third person singular terrestrial/aquatic reflexive personal pronoun, nominative case; (emphatic) she, he, her, him, it, she herself, he himself, it itself; third person singular terrestrial/aquatic emphatic personal pronoun, nominative case
Jaedos summer
Jaedria the Summer Isles (an archipelago south of Westeros and Essos)
Jaehaelor a male given name
Jaehaerys a male given name
Jaehenka godlike
Jaehio goddess
Jaehor volcano; pantheon
Jaehossas sȳris sātās Gods be good!
Jaehossi Uēpossi Arlȳssī By the Old Gods and the New
Jaelagon to wish, to want, to desire, to have desire to do something (infinitive) that someone does something (subjunctive); to hope, to hope for; to opt
Jaelarys hope
Jaerēbagon to travel for
Jaes god, deity
Jagon to go[usage 3]; to pass; (in dragon commands) to move
Jakaerys a male given name
Jakegon (of things) to contribute to, to add to (with dative); (of things) to accompany (with dative)
Jaos dog
Jaqen a male given name
Jaqiarza glorious
Jaqiarzir glory
Jazdan harpy
Jēda season; cycle; time; year
Jēdar sky; year, years
Jēdun hour, hours
Jēlēbagon to blow, to gust (of wind or of air out of one's mouth)
Jēngār eight hundred
Jēngallie eight-hundredth
Jēnqa eight (8)
Jēnqa ampā eighteen (18)
Jēnqēpsa eighty
Jēnqelie eighth
Jēnqelie ampā eighteenth
Jēnqīblie eightieth
Jehākogon to cheer someone (locative); to cheer up, to brighten the mood of
Jehar emerald, malachite
Jehikagon to shine, to shine on, to illuminate
Jehikarys radiance, glow, halo; presence, bearing, countenance
Jehys ember, glowing coal
Jelar lemon tree
Jelmāzma storm; violent wind
Jelmāzmar storms, storm; storm season; bad weather, violent weather
Jelmio wind
Jelmior (figuratively) wind, winds; weather
Jelmōñe north, northern
Jelmor north
Jelo lemon
Jemagon to lead from something (locative) to something (dative)[usage 4]; to guide from something (locative) to something (dative)[usage 4]; to turn from something (locative) to something (dative)[usage 4]
Jeme you, you all; second person plural personal pronoun, nominative case
Jemēbagon to reign, to govern, to rule over, to lead (in the political sense)
Jemēla (reflexive) yourselves; second person plural reflexive personal pronoun, nominative case[4]; (reciprocal) each other, one another; second person plural reciprocal personal pronoun, nominative case; (emphatic) you, you all, you yourselves; second person plural emphatic personal pronoun, nominative case
Jemiros leader
Jenenka made of glass, glass; glassy
Jenigon (of things) to touch, to abut; (of things, figuratively) to bother; (of things, figuratively) to matter
Jentegon to command, to lead (in the sense of leading an army)
Jention leadership
Jentys leader; ruler; commander
Jenys glass
Jepagon Nonstandard form of iepagon.
Jerde cherry
Jeson dust, powder
Jessie joyful, joyous, exultant
Jessiemagon (transitive) to delight, to make joyous
Jessives joy
Jesuragon to powder, to dust with something (instrumental); to sprinkle with powder or dust, to pour dust or powder on
Jeva your; second person plural possessive adjective
Jevon yours, you all's; second person plural possessive pronoun, nominative/accusative case
Jikagon to send, to send off; to put[5]
Jiōragon to accept, to receive; to welcome to something (va and dative); to take in, to take on; to bring
Jiōrion reception hall, receiving room; audience chamber; chamber, chambers
Jiōrna welcome
Jiōrnon (countable) welcome
Jitsagon to yelp, to screech
Jōz poppy
Jōzigon to be proud of
Jobuqagon to disdain, to loathe
Jogeltigon to silence; to attenuate, to soften, to dampen
Joheghagon to continue to slaughter; to continue to prepare food
Jokōrȳdragon to gossip
Jokorigon to explore, to investigate
Jollōragon to study, to investigate something (dative)
Jollōrion place for studying, place for investigation
Jollōriros student
Jomīsagon to wear something (instrumental) on a body part (accusative)
Jomōzugon (alcoholism) to continue to get drunk, to continue to become drunk
Jonektogon to chop, to slice, to chop up, to slice up
Jonevegon to wear, to bear, to port, to sport (in the sense of wearing)
Jopagon (of things, e.g. snow or rain) to fall
Jor- Used to form continuative verbs; originally meaning approximately "to continue to", but derived verbs often acquire idiomatic meanings.
Jorakogon to wring; to annoy
Jorarghugon to pursue, to chase after; to seek
Jorepagon to pray, to pray to; to beg
Jorepnon prayer; begging
Jorilagon to rest, to nap, to take a nap
Joro ivy
Jorrāelagon to hold dear, to love, to cherish, to care for, to revere; to need
Jorrāeliarza dear, beloved
Jovēnnio manager; politician
Jovēnnon managing, governing; politics
Joverdagon to manage; to govern
Jozindigon to shop
Jūlor milk
Jūlrāzma cheese
Judligon to respond to, to answer, to reply to
Judlio archon
Jukagon to cleave, to chop
Juky axe
Jumbagon to wait for, to await
Junkae Yunkai, a city in Slaver's Bay
Jurnegon to look at, to regard, to examine
Jurnerys lookout, watch, sentry, patroller
Jȳdragon to speak of, to talk of something (accusative), (in) a language (instrumental)
-ka Used to form adjectives with a related meaning from (proper) nouns.
Kārilla wealth, riches
Kārillōñe wealthy, rich
Kāro heap, pile
Kātelin a female given name
Kāvar (unknown canonicity) coffee[6]
Kāzi lily
Kaerīnagon to save, to deliver
Kaerīnio savior
Kaerīnnon salvation
Kaerys boyfriend, girlfriend; significant other
-kagon Used to form causative verbs from verbs and other roots, meaning approximately "to cause to X" or "to make X".
Kara great, magnificent, excellent
Karakses a dragon given name
Kasta blue; green; grue, teal
Kastāmiri Castamere, a castle
Kastion lapis lazuli
Kastir vegetation, greenery
Kastrir shrubbery
Kastūljagon to bloom
Kastūljapos bloom
Kasty Green (member of a political faction in House of the Dragon)
Kēli cat, kitty
Kēlītsos little cat, kitty
Kēlio lion
Kejo syt Alternative form of kesrio syt
Kekepa father's father, paternal grandfather, grandfather
Keliemagon (transitive) to stop, to keep from
Keligon (intransitive) to cease, to stop, to come to a stop, to halt, to end
Kelinītsos chance, opportunity; pause, break, respite
Kempa heavy, weighty; impressive
Kempēgrie guilty
Kempēgrion guilt, guilts
Kepa father; father's brother, paternal uncle, parallel uncle, uncle
Kepāzma mother's father, maternal grandfather, grandfather
Kepo Tubis Biare Happy Father's Day!
Keragon to cook
Kerilla soup, stew
Kerio chef
Kesa this (for inanimates)
Kesīr here, at this place
Kesīr drējī jiōrilaks You are very welcome here
Kesir this one, this (for abstract or uncountable inanimate entities, and places)
Keskydoso in the same way; likewise
Kesrio syt because, for
Kessa yes
Kessyt in order to, to, so that, so
Kesy this one, this (for inanimate, concrete, countable entities)
Khal Alternative form of khali
Khalēsi khaleesi, wife of a leader of a Dothraki horde
Khali khal, leader of a Dothraki horde
Kīvio promise, oath, vow, one's word
Kīvo imprint, stamp; footprint
Kimībenka talkative, loquacious, garrulous
Kinvara a female given name
Kiōs spring (season)
Kipagon to ride
Kiragon to awaken, to wake up; to be awake, to be up
Kiremagon (transitive) to awaken, to wake, to wake up
Kirimves happiness, joy
Kirimvose thank you, thanks
Kirine happy, glad
Kisagon Obsolete form of ipradagon.
Kisalbar feast
Kisikagon to feed someone (accusative) something (instrumental)
Klihilla garum sauce, (fermented) fish sauce
Klios fish
Kōdrion (facility) bath
Kōrāzma blasphemy
Kōrī evilly, wickedly
Kōrȳdragon to blaspheme
Kōttegon to prove one's worth, to show one's skill in something (locative)
Kōttion tournament, tourney
Kōz evil, wicked, bad
Kona that (for inanimates)
Konīr there, at that place
Konir that one, that (for abstract or uncountable inanimate entities, and places)
Konor steam, vapor
Kony that one, that (for inanimate, concrete, countable entities)
Korigon to search for
Korze long sword, longsword; sword
Korzigon to stretch, to extend; to last
Korzion steel; Valyrian steel
Korzita firm; taut, stretched
Kostagon to be able, can, may (with infinitive); to be possible for something to do something (nominative and infinitive), that something does something
Kostilla value, worth, cost, importance
Kostilloqitta worthless
Kostilus please; maybe, perhaps, mayhaps, may
Kostio hero, champion
Kostion power, might; ability
Kostōba powerful, strong, mighty
Kostōbirī powerfully, mightily, strongly
Krēgo beet
Kris leg
Kropos dwarf, little person
Kūrie eleventh
Kulogon to avoid, to dodge, to go around
Kustikagon to strengthen, to empower, to enable; to encourage
Kȳdrar silk (the material)
Kȳdrenka silk, made of silk; silky, silk-like
Kȳvagon to plan, to strategize, to conceive (a plan or idea)
Kȳvakio Cyvasse, Volantene board game
Kȳvakion parlour for playing the Volantene board game Cyvasse (Kȳvakio), Cyvasse parlour
Kȳvanon plan, strategy
Kydos way
-kydoso Used to form manner adverbs from pronominal adjectives.
Kydȳbagon to measure
Kynar silk
Kyndir (countable) intestine
Kyndrir (uncountable) intestines
Kyno silkworm
Kyrkion (substance) lead
Kyrstenka cloth, made of cloth
Kyrston (countable) cloth
Kyrstor (uncountable) cloth, fabric, textile
Lānisi Rendition of "Lannis-", as in Lannisport.
Lāniso Vilinion Lannisport, a city
Lāra crow
Labar giant
Labrenka gigantic
Laeho geltiros eyelid
Laehurlion face
Laehurloqitta faceless
Laena a female given name
Laenor a male given name
Laes eye
Landir footwear
Landis boot, shoe
Landurlion cobbler (shop), shoe shop
Langār two hundred
Langallie two-hundredth
Lannister A surname​.
Lanta two (2)
Lanta ampā twelve (12)
Lantēpsa twenty (20)
Lantīblie twentieth
Lanty fox
Laodi veil
Laodiapos mask
Laodiaposo jomīsagon avy sytilīptas You should have worn the mask.
Laodigon to steal, to abduct; to take ; to cover, to veil, to shroud
Laodikio thief, cutpurse; robber; plunderer
Larīdion diamond
Lēda full, filled
Lēdegon to fill, to fill up something (accusative) with something (genitive) using something (instrumental); to impregnate, to make pregnant, to put a child in someone (accusative); to close off something (accusative) with something (genitive) using something (instrumental)
Lēkia older brother, brother; older male cousin by father's brother or mother's sister, older male parallel cousin, cousin
Lēkianna female's older brother's child, cross niece, cross nephew, niece, nephew
Lēvītsos spoon
Leghagon to fill something (accusative) with something (genitive) using something (instrumental)
Lenagon to build, to construct
Lentāzma home
Lenton house; home, homeland
Lentor village; house, family, family line, noble line, dynasty
Lentot civil, domestic, at home, home, within a place
Lentun community
Letagon to tie, to bind
Lettir order, society, association
Līr that which (is), that that (is), what (is) (for abstract or uncountable entities)
Līrigon to smile
Līrinon smile
-lie Used to form adjectives from various roots; surfaces as -rie in some environments. Rare and no longer productive.; Used to form ordinal numerals from the corresponding cardinal numeral, corresponding to English -th; surfaces as -nie and -elie in some environments.
-ligon Used to form repetitive verbs, meaning approximately "re-" or "again".
Lilagon to dance
Lilion dance; gala
Limagon to cry, to weep
-lion Used to form nouns referring to places and locations associated with the root from which they are formed.
Lioragon to sell
Liorilaksa for sale
Liorio seller, monger, purveyor
Liorion store, stall
Liorty sold one, one who is sold
Litse cute, pretty; fair, beautiful
Lo if; when; just as
Lōgor ship, boat
Lōragon to drill, to bore (with dative)
Lōrtetion cellar, basement
Lōrty tunnel; hole
Lōry drill, hand drill
Lōta solid, hard; fixed; durable
Lōtinty pie
Lōtirī steadfastly
Lōtūljagon to ensure that, to see to it that, to see that something happens (indicative)
Lōz wet, damp, moist
Lodaor otherwise
Loktys sailor
Lopon salt
Lorath Alternative form of Lorathi
Lorathi Lorath, one of the Free Cities
Lua (relative) who, which, that, whom, whose, where, of whom, by whom, with whom (etc.)
Lūhōñe specific
Lūs type, kind
Lukerys a male given name
Lumie sick, ill, unhealthy, unwell
Lurugon to fold
Lurvon ankle
one which (is), one who (is), one that (is) (for concrete, countable entities)
Lȳs Lys (a city)
Lyka calm, still; quiet, silent
Lykāpsa lazy
Lykāpsirī idly, lazily
Lykemagon to silence; (reflexive) to be quiet; to calm
Lykirī quietly, silently; calmly; (to dragons) Be calm!
Lyks peace
Lytagon to flap
Lytȳbagon to fly
Mālor rice
Māvos jug; jar
Māzīlare future, coming, to come, soon to be, one day
Māzīlarion future, that which is to come
Māzigon to come, to arrive
Maegi wise-woman; witch; soothsayer, fortune teller
Maegrie masterful
Maester maester
Maghagon to bring, to carry something (accusative) to something (dative); to take something (accusative) to something (dative)
Maghilla bags, baggage, luggage
Majaqagon to admire
Majēbagon to go in, to go through, to enter
Mana upper
Manaeragon to raise; to celebrate (with possessive adjective and biarvī)[7]
Manda kind, considerate, courteous, deferential, gentle
Mandia older sister, sister; older female cousin by father's brother or mother's sister, older female parallel cousin, cousin
Mandianna male's older sister's child, cross niece, cross nephew, niece, nephew
Mandirī courteously, kindly; deferentially
Manengagon to scoop, to ladle
Manengi pelican
Manengion net
Marta symmetrical, balanced
Maskiragon to wake up, to wake
Massa bat
Massigon to happen, to occur
Massinon occurrence, event
Massirys present, the present times.
Mataerion A Valyrian surname
Matarys a male given name
Maz- Used to form inceptive verbs from other verbs, meaning approximately "to come to X".
Mazannagon to set in motion, to mobilize something (accusative) to something (dative)
Mazemagon to take, to get, to obtain, to gain
Mazilībagon to lie down; to go to sleep; (of the sun) to set
Maziōragon to stand up, to stand
Mazōregon to accept, to take (a present or gift)
Mazumbagon to settle, to settle down; to join up with a group (comitative)
Mazumbilla nest, roost; cradle
Mazurnegon to catch sight of
Mazverdagon to create; (figuratively) to bring
Mazvestragon to speak
Mēdon metal
Mēny body
Mēre one (1); sole, only
Mēre ampā eleven (11)
Mērī only, alone; solely, exclusively, nothing but
Mēriot once, at one time, one time
Mērpa lonely, alone, single
Mērpāves solitude, loneliness
Mērys (used in the singular) one
Mele red, reddish, red-orange; dark orange, dark brown
Meles a dragon given name
Melīñagon (intransitive) to flush, to become red, to turn red
Melisandre a female given name; Melisandre (priestess of Asshai)
Melos ruby
Melvar pear tree
Melvo pear
Meme drum
Memēbagon to march
Mentanna (boardgames) piece
Mentyn battalion, squad, squadron, phalanx
Mentyr army
Mentys soldier
Merakses Meraxes (a Valyrian deity); a dragon given name
Merbugon to hunger, to be hungry for something (instrumental)
Merbun I'm hungry.
Mhysa (chiefly in Slaver's Bay) mother; a title of Daenerys Targaryen
Mība short (physically and temporally) ; slight, small, little
Mīdēmagon to spend time
Mīgūrogon to handle
Mījāelagon to accept as pawned, to accept as a pledge (the subject (the money-lender) takes the genitive)
Mījāelion pawnshop
Mīkeligon (intransitive) to pause
Mīpilogon to catch
Mīrēbagon to check in on, to attend to
Mīrīn Meereen, a city in Slaver's Bay
Mīsagon to guard, to defend, to protect something (accusative); to clothe, to put clothes on someone (accusative); (reflexive) to clothe oneself, to put on clothes
Mīsēnagon to fell (trees)
Mīsītsor (uncountable) clothes, clothing
Mīsītsos (countable) piece of clothing
Mīsio protector, guard; (Westeros) member of the Kingsguard
Mīsior guard (as a group); (Westeros) Kingsguard (as a group)
Mīsvos armor
Mītepagon to lend
Mītepio lender
Mīv- Used to form verbs of temporary duration from other verbs, i.e. approximately meaning "temporarily".
Mīvarrigon to act
Mīvindigon to taunt; to torture, to torment; to frustrate, to infuriate
Mīvojughagon to forget; to misplace
Mijegon to lack, to be without, to be apart from someone (comitative), something (instrumental)
Mijion lack, dearth
Mijiot (abessive) without (co-occurs with a noun in either the comitative, instrumental or genitive[usage 5])
Milagon to swap, to switch
-mio Used to form nouns referring to entities or phenomena carrying out the occurence described by the root (mostly verbs) from which they are formed; sometimes causes shortening of the preceding vowel.
Mirkydoso somehow, in some way
Mirre any, all ; whatever, whichever; some
Mirrī a bit, somewhat
Mirrion some place, somewhere; any place, anywhere
Mirriot somewhere; anywhere
Mirror whatever
Mirros something, some (primarily for inanimate entities, but sometimes for animate); anything (for inanimate entities)
Mirtys anyone, anybody (for animate entities); someone, somebody (for animate entities)
Mittagon to stammer, to stutter
Mittītsos little fool, fool of a boy/girl
Mittire idiotic, foolish, imbecilic
Mittys (vulgar) fool, idiot, moron, bastard
Mittys iksā You're a fool
Mizmio sheath
Mōris end, conclusion
Mōrqitta endless, ceaseless, eternal
Mōs lung
Mōzugon to drink (in general); (alcoholism) to drink (alcohol), to get drunk, to become drunk
Mōzvītsos daffodil
Mōzvos cup
Molry horn
Morghākogon to kill someone (accusative)
Morghe dead
Morghon death
Morghūlilare mortal
Morghūljagon to die; (of fire) to burn out
Mumuña mother's mother, maternal grandmother, grandmother
Muña mother, mom; mother's sister, maternal aunt, parallel aunt, aunt
Muñāzma father's mother, paternal grandmother, grandmother
Muñar parents (both sexes)
Mundāzma tragedy; grief
Mundāzmo sad, tragic, of tragedy
Mundagon to be miserable, to be sad
Munnon sorrow
Mȳr Myr, one of the Free Cities
Myrdys doe, deer, female deer
Nā- Used to form terms with an opposite, reversed or contrastive meaning compared to the base term, like English un-.
Nābēmagon to unfasten, to unleash; to fire (a siege engine)
Ñābranna father's younger sister's child, cross cousin by paternal aunt younger than father, cousin
Nādīnagon to remove[8]; to tear from somewhere (hen and locative)
Nāgeltigon to uncover, to reveal, to expose
Nāgīdāves inequality
Nājikagon to remove, to move, to take[9]
Nājumbagon to doubt that something (accusative) does something (infinitive)
Nākōrila innocent
Nākōrily innocent
Nākostōba weak
Nākostōbāves weakness
Ñāmar father's younger sister, paternal aunt younger than father, cross aunt younger than father, aunt
Nāmorghūlilare immortal
Nāmorghūlilaros immortal
Nāpāsiros nonbeliever
Nāpāstys nonbeliever
Ñāqa eastern, east
Ñāqes morning, dawn
Ñāqien sunrise
Ñāqon east
Nāqopsemagon to make easy, to simplify
Nāqopsir basics, that which is easy
Ñāqoso jelmōñe northeast, northeastern
Ñāqoso jelmor northeast
Ñāqoso vējōñe southeast, southeastern
Ñāqoso vēzor southeast
Nārijon shame
Nāsindigon to return (a purchase)
Nāvar lake
Naejītsos forehead
Naejon front; torso
Naejos breast, chest, pectorals, top half of the torso
Naejot (antessive) in front of, before (co-occurs with a noun in the genitive); (antessive) forward, in front, to the front
Naejuragon to face; to withstand
Naena many, multitude; horde
Naenākogon to multiply (with locative); to increase
Naenie many
Nagegon to sweat
Nager sweat
Ñaka brain
Ñakar cabbage
Ñallie twelfth
Nēdākogon to encourage someone (locative)
Nēdenka brave
Nēdenkirī bravely, boldly
Nēdys brave person
Nēño pomegranate
Nehugon (with instrumental) to leak, to seep, to ooze; (with ānogrosa) to bleed
Nekēbagon to carve
Nekēpty idol
Nekes glyph, character, letter, carved symbol
Nekesse (plural noun) writing system, script, orthography
Nekesse Valyrio Valyrian writing system, Valyrian glyphs
Nektogon to cut, to slice
Nektolla sample, cutting
Ñellion parchment
Ñelly (countable) skin, flesh
Ñellyr (uncountable) skin, flesh
Ñepegon to sew
Nerny door; mouth (of a cave)
-nes Used to form event nouns from verbs; sometimes causes phonetic changes to the stem it suffixes to.
Nevegon to carry
Nine (anatomy) palm
Ninka flat
Ninkiapos (boardgames) board
Ninkion plain, field
Ninkiot outside; (to dragons) Land!
Ñōghe arm
Ñōghoqitta armless
Ñōghybon elbow
Nōro celery, celery stalk
Nollon mushroom
Ñombes elephant
-non Used to form action nouns from verbs, corresponding to English suffixes such as -ing and -ion as well as English nouns zero-derived from verbs; used in most contexts except after some consonant clusters; sometimes causes phonetic changes to the stem it suffixes to.
Non thing
Nopāzma hell
Nopalbar cave
Nopon hole, pit
Nopot (to dragons) To the (dragon) pit!
Norvos Norvos, one of the Free Cities
Ñoves rooster, male chicken, chicken
Nūda gray, gray-haired; white, white-haired; antiquated, old-fashioned, obsolete, outmoded
Nūmāzma meaning, essence, truth of it, intention, significance
Nūmalbar ore
Nūmalbrion mine
Nūmio bead, pearl; jewel
Nūmo seed, pod, kernel, nut
Ñūvir poison, venom
Ñūvrenka poisonous, venomous
Ñuha my; first person singular possessive adjective
Ñuho kisalbrot umāzīt Are you coming to my banquet?
Ñuho prūmiā iksā You are in my heart.
Ñuhon mine; first person singular possessive pronoun, nominative/accusative case
Ñuhoso in my way, my way, as I wish
Ñuqilla soap
Ñuqir ash, ashes, cinder
Ñuragon to grind, to mash
Ñurion flour
Ñurire grevy millstone
Nurragon to squat
Ñurtys miller
Ñury pestle
Nuspes cow, female head of cattle
Ñuton pot, cooking pot
Nuttys (vulgar) old person
Nȳmagon to call
Nyke I; first person singular personal pronoun, nominative case
Nykēla (reflexive) myself; first person singular reflexive personal pronoun, nominative case; (emphatic) I, me, I myself; first person singular emphatic personal pronoun, nominative case
Ōdragon (especially of body parts) to hurt, to pain someone (accusative)
Ōdres pain; damage
Ōdrikagon to harm, to do harm
Ōdrio wound
Ōdron pain
Ōghar (countable) hair, strand of hair
Ōghrar (uncountable) hair
Ōhogon to shake
Ōñapos moment, instant, time
-ōñe Used to form adjectives from nouns; denoting similarity to or origin from the entity referred to by the noun; roughly equivalent to English -y, -like, coming from [...], or of [...].
Ōñepvos lightning
Ōñītsos twilight
Ōños light
Ōñurlion lighthouse
Ōrbar smoke
Ōregon to hold
Ōreje land-owning, landowning, who holds land
Ōrejion land
Ōrejos landowner
Ōtor ram, male sheep
Ōz dawn
Oba curved, bowed, arched, bent, convex
Obagon to curve, to bend, to bow
Obar curve, bend, arc, arch, slope
Obītsos nipple
Obo (archery) bow
Obūljagon to bend ; (reflexive) to bend the knee
Obūljarion surrender, submission
Obvos arch, archway
Odinge lungwort
Ohīlagon to stab
Ohīlion talon
Ohīlvos dagger, knife
Oiro fat
Ojāragon to surge, to course, to flow
Ojagon Alternative form of osragon
Ojehikagon to bless
Ojehiknon blessing
Ojeñāzma lust
Ojenilla sex, sexual intercourse
Ojūdir past
Ojūdo tubiro toliot (now) more than ever (literally "more than all past/lost days")
Ojughagon to lose, to misplace
Oktio civic, urban, of the city
Oktion city
Oktior civilization
Olvī a lot, profusely, very much
Olvī ziry jorrāelan I love her/him very much.
Olvie many, much, a lot of
Olvȳn much, many, a lot
Olzon amaranth
-on Used to form action nouns from verbs, corresponding to English suffixes such as -ing and -ion as well as English nouns zero-derived from verbs; mostly used after some consonant clusters.; Used to form nouns with a related meaning from various roots.
Ondor power, powers
Ondos hand; agency
Ondoso by, at the hand of (used with passive verbs to mark the agent; co-occurs with a noun in the genitive)
Onduragon to grasp, to take up, to grab, to seize; to obtain
Ondurilla purpose
Onga crooked, gnarled; wrinkled
Ongis convalescence, recovery period
Onjapos carrot
Ono toliot finally, at last, after a long time (literally "after dawn")
Onqēlos a female given name, Morning Star (a translation of Danica, of the same meaning)
Optys archer
-os Used to form type I or specific substantives (i.e. nouns), which refer to concrete or countable entities, from class II and class III adjectives, participles and demonstratives.
Oskisagon to devour, to gobble up, to wolf down
Ospānon sigh
Ospaghagon to sigh
Ospikagon to succeed, to follow, to come after
Ospiknon succession
Ospryjagon to destroy, to annihilate, to break completely, to ruin, to make someone's ruin
Ospȳnagon to squeeze, to press
Osragon to pick up, to lift; to heft
Ossēnagon to kill, to slay; to murder
Ossēnio murderer
Ossȳngagon to terrify, to terrorize, to frighten
Ossȳngnon terror
Ostāragon to goad; (reflexive) to set on, to decide on, to determine to
Ostessagon to shred
Otāpagon to think; to opine; to guess
Otāparys risk, peril
Ovoño jasmine, jasmine flower
Oz- Used to form verbs with an intensified meaning compared to the base verb.
Ozālagon to burn away, to burn down
Ozbaragon to brand
Ozbarty branded one, one who is branded
Ozdakogon to flee, to run, to run away
Ozdakonon flight, run, running away
Ozelēnagon to move around raucously, to thrash, to thrash about
Ozelēnnon action
Ozepagon to demand
Ozgūrogon to capture
Ozgūroty prisoner, prisoner of war, captive
Ozletagon (figuratively) to bind, to be bound
Ozmijegon (figuratively) to miss someone (comitative), something (instrumental)
Oznehugon to leak a lot, to leak badly (with instrumental)
Oznehure urgent, pressing
Ozūndegon to witness, to stand witness
Ozudligon to argue; to deny, to challenge, to oppose; to dare deny, to dare challenge, to dare oppose
Ozurnēbagon to watch over, to look after
Pālegon to turn, to twist, to rotate; to fall back, to retreat; (in dragon commands) to evade, to perform evasive maneuvers
Pālekagon to rebel; to incite rebellion or sedition
Pāleknon sedition, rebellion
Pālemio wrist
Pāletilla crown
Pār then, at that time
Pāsābagon (figuratively) to follow, to be a follower of
Pāsābare faithful, loyal
Pāsagon to trust (especially in the perfect); to believe (especially in the imperfect)
Pāstys citizen, inhabitant; disciple, believer
Paerī slowly; (to dragons) Slow (down)!
Paez slow, sluggish
Paghagon to breathe, to inhale
Paghar air; breath
Paghrion bladder
Paghy breath
Paghyr life, breathing, breaths
Pakton right, right part, right side; right hand
Paktot to the right of (co-occurs with a noun in the genitive); (apudessive) to the side of, beside, next to (co-occurs with a noun in the genitive); right, to the right, rightward
Pamagon to rub with something (dative); to pet
Parkliapos burger
Parklon meat
Parklor meal
Parklun piece of meat; serving
Parmenka grass
Parmon grass
Parmot (to dragons) Land!
Pēje arrow
Pējuragon to aim
Pējurnon archery
Pēko olive
Pelar wave
Peldio snake, viper
Pelelagon to reflect
Pelelvos mirror
Pelōñe coming from the waves
Pelrar trouble
Pendagon to wonder
Pentos Pentos, one of the Free Cities
Peri kiln
Perzītsos little flame
Perzo bē ȳgha fireproof
Perzōñe of fire, of flame, made of fire, made of flame; born of fire, born of flame; igneous
Perzys fire; flame
Pīlie shallow
Pikagon to follow, to walk after
Pikībagon to read
Pikībarys knowledge
Piktenka obedient
Piktys sycophant, lickspittle
Pilogon to hold, to hold on, to hold onto (with the hands, not the arms)
Pirta false, wrong, incorrect; fake
Pirtiapos joke
Pirtir falsehood, lie
Pirtrirzi under false pretense, deceitfully
Pirtȳdragon to misinform
Pisti breeze
Pōja their; third person plural possessive adjective
Pōjon theirs; third person plural possessive pronoun, nominative/accusative case
Pōnta they; third person plural personal pronoun, nominative case
Pōntāla (reflexive) themselves; third person plural reflexive personal pronoun, nominative case[10]; (reciprocal) each other, one another; third person plural reciprocal personal pronoun, nominative case; (emphatic) they, them, they themselves; third person plural emphatic personal pronoun, nominative case
Pogry (anatomy) nail, claw
Pore thigh
Porion femur
Prānon beginning
Pradagon to set, to set out; to be sealed, to be settled; to host, to hold, to arrange; to begin
Pragralbar hull
Pragres mollusk, mollusc
Pragrion bark
Pragron case, casing ; casket; shell, husk
Prūbres apple
Prūbron apple tree
Prūmia heart
Prūmiā responsible
Prūmȳsa as destined, as is one's destiny; as one likes
Pryjagon to destroy, to ruin, to break, to strike off
Pryjajos breaker
Pryjatys destroyer, breaker
Pūlbar mucus, slime
Puatagon to rot, to shrivel, to go bad
Puatarys mould
Puatta rotten
Puñe worn
Pungilla nostril
Pungos nose
Puñila worn, weather-beaten; (of language proficiency) rusty, unpracticed
Purtagon to scratch, to scour, to score
Pȳdegon to pounce
Pȳdes tiger
Pȳnagon to press, to squeeze, to compress
Pyghagon to jump, to leap, to bounce; (of the heart) to beat
Pykagon to spit; to breathe (dragonfire)
Pykiros breather (of dragonfire), spitter
Pyrtiñagon (intransitive) to itch, to feel itchy
Pyrȳzlie thousandth
Pyrys thousand
Pysagon to whisper
Qablos liver
Qaedar whale
Qana sharp; effective
Qanemagon to sharpen
Qantys crab
Qapa cold, cool (internally, referring to a state one feels or is in)
Qarth Alternative form of Qarthi
Qarthi Qarth, a city in the south of Essos
Qēlītsos candle
Qēlilla starlight, starshine
Qēlor galaxy; night sky
Qēlos star
Qēlun constellation
Qelbar river
Qelbōñe living in the river, coming from the river
Qelbōñe kēli river otter
Qelbria the Riverlands (a region of Westeros)
Qelbrilla vein
Qeldiñagon to rust
Qeldiñilla rust
Qeldlie yellow, golden; orange, brown
Qeldlion amber
Qepagon to pound, to flatten, to tamp
Qepēbagon to knead
Qepēbilla dough
Qeragon to drain, to empty; to dissolve
Qībi shoulders and upper back
Qībir strength
Qībōños cloak
Qīzalbar tower
Qīzy pillar, support, post
Qighagon to pile
Qilōnagon to scourge, to flog, to whip; to chastise, to punish, to exact punishment on
Qilōnarion punishment, chastisement
Qilōny whip
Qilonty scourged one, one who is scourged
Qimos chin
Qintir turtle
Qirkagon to drain, to empty
-qitta Used to form abessive adjectives from nouns and verbs, meaning "lacking" or "without", corresponding to English "-less".
Qlādīlla stripe, strip; ray; bar
Qlādīlluragon to stripe, to put stripes on
Qlādugon to drag (on the ground or behind one)
Qogrion agate
Qogron row, line; range ; rank; (in the plural) formation
Qogror ranks; group, grouping (in rows); (grammar) class, type, gender
Qohor Qohor, one of the Free Cities
Qohorīha Qohorik, of Qohor
Qopsa rigid, stiff; difficult, hard
Qrīdrāelagon to be jealous, to envy
Qrīdrolagon to mix, to mix up something (accusative) with something else (comitative) (or use a conjunctive construction with accusative for both); to confuse; to mess up
Qrīdronnon confusion
Qrīdronnor chaos
Qrīdropagon to take a misstep, to make a faux-pas; to be disgraced, to be destroyed (socially); (figuratively) to be lost; (transitive) to lose
Qrīdrughagon to give up, to abandon, to leave behind; to throw away, to discard, to jettison
Qrīnio tyrant, dictator
Qrīzahagon to exploit, to take advantage of, to misuse
Qrillāetty raped one, one who is raped
Qrillaodigon to abduct; to rape, to violate
Qrillaodikio marauder
Qrimbrōsta cursed
Qrimbrōzagon to curse (in the arcane sense)
Qrimbrōzvos curse
Qrimbughegon to drown
Qrimpālegon to betray (with dative); to double-cross
Qrimpālekio traitor, turncoat, double-crosser
Qrin- Used to form pejorative verbs from other verbs, like English mis-, approximately meaning "badly" or "improperly".
Qringaomagon to fail; to make a mistake, to err, to sin
Qringaomio evildoer, sinner
Qringaomnon sin, misdeed
Qrinjaelagon to envy
Qrinkorzikagon to stretch to the limit, to reach the limit of
Qrinumbagon to stay beyond one's welcome; to occupy (with locative); to antagonize (with dative)
Qrinuntenka antagonistic, hostile; villainous
Qrinuntenkāves antagonism
Qrinuntys occupier; enemy, foe; villain
Qryldes male pig, boar
Qūvir lamentation, grief, mourning
Qūvrir mourning, lamentation, grief (the collective activity)
Qūvy tear
Qūvyn fit of tears; sudden, short burst of tears that quickly disappears; cloudburst, sudden violent rainstorm
Qūvyr sadness, sorrow (in general)
Quba low, lower, nether; low (in status); bad, poor, inferior, low (in quality); early, previous (temporally)
Qubemagon to lower
Qubirī badly, poorly
Qubroti jās (vulgar) Fuck off!
Qulbes hen, female chicken
Qumblī thickly, thick
Qumblie thick
Qupēgrie terrible
Quptenka pagan; vulgar, uncivilized; common, popular
Quptenkos Ēngoso ȳdrassia Do you speak the Common Tongue?
Quptyr rabble, mob, riffraff, lowlifes, (uncivilized) people, commoners
Quptys heathen, pagan; infidel
Qurdalbar court
Qurdon table
Qȳbor mother's younger brother, maternal uncle younger than mother, cross uncle younger than mother, uncle
Qȳbranna mother's younger brother's child, cross cousin by maternal uncle younger than mother, cousin
Rāelagon to keep in something (locative); to hold onto, to hold back; to maintain, to retain
Rāenābagon to clean something (accusative) off of something (dative); to wash
Rāenābion bathroom
Rāenagon to wipe something (accusative) off of something (dative); to brush
Rāenion shore, beach, strand
Rāpa soft; careful
Rāpemagon (transitive) to soften, to make soft
Rāpirī (to dragons) Be calm!
Rāpūljagon (intransitive) to soften, to become soft
Raedes scorpion
Rakegon to participate, to take part, to have a hand in doing something (infinitive), in doing something (va and dative) with someone (dative); to accompany someone (dative) to something (va and dative)
Rakekio participant (in an event); companion (for an event or journey); temporary associate
Rakella (countable) experience
Rakellar (uncountable) experience
Raoba turnip
Raqagon to like, to love; to appreciate, to enjoy
Raqiarzy beloved
Raqiros friend
Raqnon love, loves; appreciation; passion
Rēbagon to go through, to move through; to walk; to pass; to undergo
Rēbion strait; channel
Rēkar rose bush, rosebush
Rēko rose
Reks frog
Relgos mouth (of a human)
Remio gate, city gate
Renigon to touch (e.g. with the hand)
Resagon to lean, to list (to one side, in the nautical sense)
Rhaegal a dragon given name
Rhaegar a male given name
Rhaegor hazel tree
Rhaella a female given name
Rhaena a female given name
Rhaenagon to meet; to find, to encounter, to discover; (idiomatic, transitive) to begin, to start (an event or a time period)
Rhaenyra a female given name
Rhaenys a female given name
Rhakiāzma tapestry
Rhakigon to weave
Rhakilion loom
Rhakion shack, cottage
Rhakitegon to understand
Rhēdegon to know (a person), to be acquainted with
Rhēdessiarza renowned, well thought of, well-known, universally recognised, famous; noble
Rhinka rough (to the touch), coarse; unpleasant
Rhinkila unsophisticated
Rhoinari Rhoynar person, Rhoynar (ethnic group originating from around the river Rhoyne in Essos)
Rholagon to mix, to mix up, to mix together, to blend something (accusative) with something else (comitative)
Rhottio adult man
Rhotton beard
Rhova loud
Rhovagon to shout, to bark; to make a frightful or ugly sound, to make a terrible noise
Rhovio thunder, thunderclap, thunderstrike
Rhovior thunder (the phenomenon)
Rhovnes auction
Rhūqes dove, pigeon
Rhupagon to hack, to chip, to split
-ria Used to form nouns, generally referring to places associated with the root from which they are formed; derived nouns decline like a first declension noun in -ia, but take aquatic agreement.
Riāzma canyon
Rīgles honor, distinction
Rīglose avy rhaenan It is an honor to meet you
Rīnagon to manage, to handle; to oversee
Rīza lizard; reptile
Rīzalbar firewyrm
Rijagon to praise, to laud
Rijes praise; compliment
Rijes aōt Congratulations! (literally "Praise to you!")
Rijībagon to worship, to praise; to obey
Rijībarys dependence
Rijīblion place of worship, temple, church
Rijilaksy praiseworthy person, one who is praiseworthy
Rijnon (countable) praise
Rijnor (uncountable) praise
Riña girl; child (of either gender)
Riñalbar (hypocoristic) old girl
Riñar children (both sexes)
Riñītsos little girl; little child
Rios canyon, valley
Ripo core; pit of a fruit, stone of a fruit; meat of a nut
Rizmon sand
Rizmor desert, wastes
Rōbir fig
Rōva big, large
Rōvēgrī greatly, enormously
Rōvēgrie huge, enormous; great, excellent; awesome, epic; (of wine) fine; congratulations; cheers; Excellent!
Roberti a male given name
Rola squirrel
Rongenka leather
Rongon hide, animal skin; leather
Ropagon to fall
Ropakagon to cause to fall, to fell, to push over, to knock over, to knock down; to displace; to replace something (accusative) with something else (instrumental); to cast a shadow (with sȳndor)
Rūhurlion womb, uterus
Ruaka dull; ineffective
Rūklon flower
Rūnagon to remember
Rūnarys nostalgia; reverie; (mental) trauma
Rūni (countable) memory
Rūniapos letter; note
Rūnir (uncountable) memory (the faculty, i.e. one's memory)
Ruaragon to hide, to conceal from someone (hen and dative)
Ruarilaksa secret, private
Ruarilaksirī secretly, privately
Ruarion crypt
Rūs infant, baby; offspring, child
Rudigon to dig
Rudirys hole, pit (specifically one that has been dug)
Rughagon to drop, to throw down; (reflexive) to quit something (hen and dative)
Rullōr Alternative form of Rullor
Rullor R'hllor, the Lord of Light (a deity)
Runar lava
between, in between, beneath (co-occurs with a noun in the genitive); through, across (co-occurs with a noun in the genitive); (temporal) throughout, all (co-occurs with a noun in the genitive)
Rȳ- Used to form locative applicative verbs, with the sense of "through" or "between", together with u-.
Rȳbagon to hear; to obey, to heed, to take instruction from; to focus
Rȳudekurūbagon to walk through something (dative), (genitive for a singular object directly before the verb)
Rȳvȳdragon to mediate between something (dative), (genitive for a singular object directly before the verb)
Rȳz dragonfly
Ryptegon to listen
Ryptiarzir legend
Rytsa healthy, well, hale
Rytsas hello
Rytsuragon to call, to greet; to thank someone (kirimvose and accusative)
Rytsurnon regard; greeting
Saelie third
Saelie ampā thirteenth
Saelos third, third one, one who is third
Sagon (copulative) to be; to exist
Sahagon to force, to make, to cause, to use someone (dative) to do something (infinitive); to waste something (accusative)
Sambar cloud
Sambrar fog
Se and
Sēnagon to kill, to murder
Sēntys killer, slayer
Sētegon to make, to create; to bring forth, to bring into being, to conjure; to shape, to form, to give form to, to mould, to fashion, to work (a substance); to smith, to forge
Sētekio smith, forger
Sētelion forge, smithy; smithery works
Sētenon smithing, moulding; creation; magic, wizardry, conjuring, enchantment
Sēter spell, magic spell, enchantment
Sēterys form, shape
Sētio wizard, magician, conjuror
Selagon (of plural subjects) to move to, to go to, to head to, to make for something (dative) (as a group with a predesignated destination in mind); to agree to something (dative) with someone (comitative)
Sepār also, even, and also, too; then, so then (in conditionals); and (especially where consecutivity is implied), and then, and so, next; therefore, thus; just so; just as, as; when
Sersi a female given name
Sesīr also, even, and also; now, even now; and now, and so, and
Sīgār seven hundred
Sīgallie seven-hundredth
Sīglie seventh
Sīglie ampā seventeenth
Sīkuda seven (7)
Sīkuda ampā seventeen (17)
Sīkudēpsa seventy
Sīkudīblie seventieth
Sīla sure, certain; of age, major, adult
Sīlāves surety, certainty; majority, adulthood
Sīlāvose sure, certain; of age, major, adult; surely, certainly, with certainty, to be sure, for a surety
Sīlī surely, for a surety
Sīlie certain, absolute, definite
Sīmagon to rise, to float up
Sīmonagon (of the sun) to rise; to grow in size or proportion (the definition will change depending on the subject)
Sīr now, right now, at this time, at the present time; already, yet; just, just now; anymore, any longer
Sīrgō prior; previously, before (now); beforehand; at once, immediately
Sigligon to bear again, to give birth to again; to reinstantiate, to reinitiate, to restart, to reboot; to reignite
Sikagon to give birth to, to birth, to bear, to have a child, to bring forth; to ignite, to light (on fire) (e.g. a candle); to initiate, to instantiate
Sikarys placenta, afterbirth
Sikio culprit, perpetrator
Siñagon to become, to come to be, to turn into; to go as; to be
Sindiapos souvenir
Sindigon to buy, to purchase
Sindikio buyer
Sindilion market, marketplace
Sindity purchase, bought thing; bought one, one who is bought
Siñon birth
Skore which, what? (for inanimates)
Skorī (interrogative) when, at what time?; when
Skorio syt (interrogative) why, on account of what?
Skorion what, what place, where? (for abstract or uncountable inanimate entities, including places)
Skorion massitas What happened?
Skoriot (interrogative) where, at what place?; (relative) where, at which
Skorkydoso (interrogative) how, by what way, by what means?
Skorkydoso glaesā How are you (singular)?
Skorkydoso glaesāt How are you (plural)?
Skorlūs what kind of, what type of (with genitive)
Skoro syt (interrogative) why, on account of what?
Skoros what? (for inanimate, concrete, countable entities)
Skoros gaomā What are you (singular) doing?
Skoros otāpā What do you (singular) think?
Skoros ynot epilū What would you ask of me?
Skoroso jemēle brōzāt What are your (plural) names?
Skorverdon how many (of), what amount of, what number of ...? (with genitive plural)
Skorȳso (interrogative) why?; because (properly used in this sense only in response to a question)
Sōdrurlion Winterfell (a castle)
Sōlugon to roll, to tumble
Sōlukagon to coil, to roll up
Sōlutty scroll
Sōlvy ball
Sōna snow
Sōnar winter
Sōpagon to laugh, to laugh at
Sōvegon to fly; to go away, to be gone, to leave; (with prūmȳsa) to do as one likes
Sōvemagon to make fly
Sōveros flag
Sōvion butterfly
Solion voyage
Soljagon to sail; to steer, to pilot; to guide
Soljanna rudder
Sombāzmion castle, fortress
Sombion fort, fortification
Somby shield
Spare which, what? (for animates)
Sparion who? (for abstract or uncountable animate entities)
Sparos who? (for animate, concrete, countable entities)
Spryjagon (of things) to destroy, to break
Spyghagon (of things) to pulsate; (of things) to toll, to chime; (of storms) to break
Statagon to execute
Stefan a male given name
Stepagon to share
Sūmar tea
Sūmo tea leaf
Sūsagon to spin, to twirl, to whirl
Suemmagon to jam; to close (a door or window)
Suene young, youthful
Suerūljagon to get stuck, to become stuck
Suez stuck, jammed, fixed, wedged
Suvion ice
Sȳndor shadow
Sȳndrāzma new moon
Sȳndrilla color; hue
Sȳndrillion painting
Sȳndror darkness
Sȳndrun shade
Sȳremagon to fix, to repair, to mend
Sȳrī well
Sȳrī glaesan I'm good. (a response to Skorkydoso glaesā? (How are you?))
Sȳrves goodness
Sȳz good, fine; well-made
Sylugon to try
Sylunon attempt, try
Sylutegon (transitive) to taste
Sylvia wisdom
Sylvie wise
Syraks a dragon given name
Syrio a male given name
Syt (benefactive) for, intended for, on behalf of (co-occurs with a noun in the genitive, or a clause with a verb in the subjunctive)
Syt- Used to form the oblique applicative verbs, with the sense of "for", together with i-.
Sytiderēbagon to choose, to select something (dative) for someone (accusative)
Sytilībagon should, to be for someone (accusative) to do something (infinitive); to be meant for someone (accusative) to do something (infinitive); should have, to belong to
Sytinevegon to go out with, to date
Sytiotāpagon to advise, to counsel
Sytiotāpio advisor, councillor
Sytiotāpior council
Sytiotāpȳn council
Sytisindigon to buy (something) for, to purchase (something) for
Sytivīlībagon to fight for
Tāemītsos stick
Tāemis digit, finger, toe
Tāemy branch
Tāragon to pitch, to prop up, to support
Tārty tent
Taena a female given name
Tala daughter; female's sister's daughter, male's brother's daughter, parallel niece, niece
Talanna granddaughter
Taoba boy
Targārien A Valyrian surname
Tatagon to finish, to be over
Tēgītsos divot
Tēgie curved, bowed, bent, concave
Tēgigon (intransitive) to curve, to be curved
Tēgir curve
Tēgivos bowl
Tēgriapos plate
Tēmagon to prick, to poke, to prod
Tēmire cruel
Tēmo thorn
Tegalbar continent
Tegenka boring, dull; ordinary, usual
Teglion floor
Tegōñe terrestrial, relating to the earth; (grammar) terrestrial class, terrestrial
Tegon ground; earth; soil; land
Tegot (to dragons) Land!
Tegun land, lands
Temby leaf, palm frond; page, sheet
Tembyr book
Tembyrlion library
Tepagon to give something (accusative) to someone (dative)
Tepilla mercy, compassion, generosity
Tepilloma merciful
Teptys teacher, instructor, mentor
Terragon to uproot, to unearth, to dig up
Tessagon to rip
Teta complete, total; absolute; finished, done
Tetirī fully
Thoros a male given name
Tīkor flock of birds
Tīkos feather
Tīkun wing
Tije wooden
Tijon wood
Timpa white; light, light-colored; light grey; pink
Tindon root
Tista dry
Tistālion store room
Tistālior bank (in the sense of financial institute)
Tōma five (5)
Tōma ampā fifteen (15)
Tōmēpsa fifty
Tōmelie fifth
Tōmelie ampā fifteenth
Tōmīblie fiftieth
Tōmītsos elderberry
Tōmo elderflower, sambucus, elderflower plant, elderberry plant, elder plant, elder
Tōngār five hundred
Tōngallie five-hundredth
Tojagon to bury
Tolālion environs, environment; wilderness
Toli jorrāelan I love someone else.
Tolī above, overhead; after, afterward; beyond; too; too much, excessively; more
Tolie other, another; further; extra, more; higher; next
Tolije last, final, ultimate
Tolijī finally, at last
Tolion something else, another, another one, the other, the other one (for inanimate entities)
Toliot above, over (co-occurs with a noun in the genitive); after, once (co-occurs with a noun in the genitive); beyond, than, more than (co-occurs with a noun in the genitive or a verb in the infinitive)
Tolkydoso differently
Tolmīha far, distant; strange, foreign
Tolmīhy stranger
Tolmio far side, far wall
Tolmiot far; across, over (co-occurs with a noun in the genitive)
Tolvie every; each; all
Tolvion every place, everywhere
Tolviot everywhere
Tolvȳn everything, all (for inanimate entities)
Tolvys everyone, everybody (for animate entities)
Tolys someone else, somebody else, another, another one, the other, the other one (for animate entities)
Toron brick
Trēsanna grandson
Trēsy son; male's brother's son, female's sister's son, parallel nephew, nephew
Trūma deep
Trūmirī deeply
Tūse odor
Tubī today
Tubī hae kesīr sittāks sesīr kirine iksan You were born on a day like this one, and so I am happy. (An ad hoc alternative to "Happy Birthday").
Tubis day
Turgon worm
Tȳne second; secondary
Tymagon to play, to frolic, to gambol
Tymptir game
Tyragon to distribute, to share, to share out, to dole out
Tyria Tyria (a ruined city on the Valyrian Peninsula)
Tyrion a male given name
Tyros Tyrosh, one of the Free Cities
Tyrosīha Tyroshi, of Tyrosh
-tys Used to form nouns describing people in general, and agent nouns in particular, from various roots, sometimes corresponding to English suffixes such as -er and -or.
Tyvagon to crawl, to creep
Tyvaros serpent, snake
U- Used to form locative applicative verbs from a base verb.
Ūbnon wait, anticipation, waiting period, hiatus
Ūbremagon to raise, to rear, to tend to (children); to grow (plants)
Ūbrie ripe, mature
Ūbriljagon to ripen, to mature; to grow
Ūbrilla (uncountable, countable) vegetable, vegetables
Ūbryr (uncountable) flora, plantlife, plants (in general)
Ūbrys plant
Ūja she, he, it; third person singular terrestrial/aquatic personal pronoun, nominative case
Ūliapos key
Ūlio falcon, hawk
-ūljagon Used to form inchoative verbs from adjectives, meaning approximately "to become X" or "to enter the state of being X", like English -en in its intransitive usage.
Ūly hook
Ūñagon to count
Ūñarys total, sum; amount
Ūndegon to see, to catch sight of, to sight; (intransitive) to look
Ubēriros vest
Ubles eel
Udēmagon to sit on, to sit down on (with dative)
Udekuragon to near (with dative); to approach, to step towards
Udekurūbagon to walk at, in, on or through something (dative)
Udir word, news
Udligon (transitive, intransitive) to respond, to answer, to reply
Udlinītsos echo
Udlinon response, answer, reply
Udrāzma command, order
Udrimmi witty, clever, quick-witted, always having the right word at the right moment
Udrin phrase; saying; aphorism
Udrir speech, language
Udrirzi Valyrio ȳdrā Do you (sg.) speak Valyrian?
Uēdrugon to sleep on something (dative)
Uēmagon to vomit
Uēpa old, elderly
Uēpir elder
Uēpys old one, old person, elder
Uēs squid
Uela cedar
Uellaros trousers, pants
Uglaesagon to live somewhere (dative); to survive something (dative)
Ulōragon to investigate something (dative)
Ulōrvos mind, sense, reason
Umāzigon to come, to arrive somewhere (with dative)
Umbagon to stay, to wait, to remain; to hold, to halt
Umbikagon (reflexive) to be reluctant, to be unwilling, to be loath to do something (infinitive)
Umbis waiting period
Umbon remainder
Umbun surplus, additional information
Umīsagon to guard
Unektogon to cut out, to cut off (with dative)
Upyghagon to elude, to escape, to get away from someone (dative)
-uragon Used to form verbs from nouns and other roots, meaning approximately "to make use of X", sometimes corresponding to English verbs zero-derived from nouns.
Urghes sparrow
-urlion Used to form nouns referring to places and locations associated with the root from which they are formed.
Urnēbagon to watch
Urnēbion watch
Urnegon to see; to give order to do something (infinitive); (in the perfect) to be (a certain age), to be ... (years old)
Urnekio seer
Urnerys dragon keeper, dragonkeeper
Usōvegon to be sorry, to apologize to someone (dative) for something (dative)[11]
Va (allative) towards (co-occurs with a noun in the locative); (adessive) at, near (co-occurs with a noun in the locative); (illative) to, all the way up to (co-occurs with a noun in the dative)
Va daorunto to nothing, completely, away (in the context of destroying things)
Va mōriot always, forever, to the end
Va ñellyrty perzys fire made flesh
Va- Used to form locative applicative verbs, with the sense of "to" or "toward", together with u-.
Vāda calf (child/kid of a mammal)
Vādegon to position, to put in place
Vāedagon to sing
Vāedar song
Vāedon singing
Vāedrar concert
Vaerēbagon to travel from something (dative), (genitive for a singular object directly before the verb)
Vagar Vhagar (a Valyrian deity); a dragon given name
Vajie Alternative form of vasrie
Vajiñagon Alternative form of vasriñagon
Vala man
Valāzma (Westeros) knight, Ser
Valar dohaeris All men must serve.
Valar morghūlis All men must die.
Valdrīzes sphinx, Valyrian sphinx, dragon with a human face
Valenka male
Valonqar younger brother, brother; younger male cousin by father's brother or mother's sister, younger male parallel cousin, cousin
Valonqranna female's younger brother's child, cross niece, cross nephew, niece, nephew
Valyre Valyrian
Valyria Valyria (a ruined city in the south of Essos, capital of the former Valyrian Freehold); the Valyrian Freehold, Valyria (the political entity ruled from said city; cf. Rome); the Valyrian peninsula (the peninsula in the south of Essos on which said city is located); Valyrian language, Valyrian
Valyrīha Valyrian, of Valyria
Valyrīhy Valyrian person, Valyrian
Valyry Valyrian person, Valyrian
Valzȳrys husband
Vamīha near, close
Vamio near side, near wall
Vamiot near, nearby; near, close to (co-occurs with a noun in the genitive)
Vandis bull, male head of cattle
Vaodekuragon to near something (dative), (genitive for a singular object directly before the verb); to approach, to step towards
Vaogar mud, filth
Vaogēdy defiled one, sullied one, one who is defiled, one who is sullied
Vaogemagon to sully, to defile
Vaogenka dirty, muddy
Vaokses spider
Vaoresagon to prefer, to favor, to like something (dative), (genitive for a singular object directly before the verb)
Vaoreznon favor
Vapār until
Vargo a male given name
Varys a male given name
Vasīr still; as yet; so far; yet, and yet
Vasrie thin
Vasrie pragres mussel
Vasriñagon to thin, to become thin; to lessen, to become less
Vēdrilla grudge
Vēdros anger
Vēdrugon to sleep on something (dative), (genitive for a singular object directly before the verb)
Vējes fate; doom
Vējītsos death sentence
Vējōñe south, southern
Vēsperzys a dragon given name
Vēttegon to finalise, to set, to settle
Vēttetir judgment, verdict
Vēttīlaksir contest; dispute; match, game
Vēttir law, regulation
Vēzenka solar, relating to the sun; (grammar) solar class, solar
Vēzilla sunlight, sunshine
Vēzo gō at all, ever, on Earth (literally "under the sun")
Vēzo hāgunītsos solar eclipse
Vēzor south
Vēzos sun
Vēzot up, upward
Velagon to oscillate, to bob (up and down)
Velarion A Valyrian surname
Vele buoy
Velkrys stag, male deer
Vellaros trousers, pants
Velma father's older sister, paternal aunt older than father, cross aunt older than father, aunt
Velmanna father's older sister's child, cross cousin by paternal aunt older than father, cousin
Verdagon to arrange, to order, to deal in; to make (decisions)
Verdilla system, framework, arrangement, order
Verdligon to remake, to recreate
Verdon sum; figure, number; amount; arranging, arrangement
Vermagon to warn, to alert
Vermaks a dragon given name.
Vermitor a dragon given name
-ves Used to form nouns describing abstract qualities from adjectives, corresponding to English suffixes such as -ness and -ity.
Vesteros Westeros (the westernmost continent of the Known World in A Song of Ice and Fire)
Vestragon to say something (accusative) to someone (dative); to tell someone (dative) something (accusative) ; to speak ; (with impersonal subject and subjunctive) to seem, it seems to someone (dative)
Vestretir saying; statement, proclamation, pronouncement
Vestriarzir story, tale, narrative, history
Vestrion forum
Vestriros storyteller, oral historian, professional speaker
Viāragon to become something (locative); (with vilinio) to make landing somewhere (locative)
Vīga sour
Vīgilla vinegar
Vīlībāzma war; battle, fight, showdown; combat
Vīlībagon to fight
Vilagon to be, to lie, to rest somewhere (dative), (genitive for a singular object directly before the verb)
Vilemagon to set, to place, to put, to cause to be at/on/in/before something (dative), (genitive for a singular object directly before the verb)
Vilinion port, harbor ; landing
Vindigon (reflexive) to refuse to do something (infinitive) reflexive pronoun directly before the verb (genitive) reflexive pronoun elsewhere (dative)
Viōdy sauce
Viōragon to stand on or in something (dative), (genitive for a singular object directly before the verb)
Viragon to separate, to thresh out, to pull apart
Visagon to control; to manage, to handle
Visenia a female given name
Viserion a dragon given name
Viserys a male given name
Vōka pure
Vōkria stream
Vōljes raven
Vōre nine (9)
Vōre ampā nineteen (19)
Vōrēpsa ninety
Vōrgār nine hundred
Vōrgallie nine-hundredth
Vōrīblie ninetieth
Vōska sacred, holy ; precious
Vokemagon to purify
Voktys priest, priestess
Volantīha Volantene, of Volantis
Volantis Volantis, one of the Free Cities
Vollie ninth
Vollie ampā nineteenth
Volpe foresight, prescience
Volper caution
-vos Used to form nouns, mostly referring to tools, implements and instruments, from verbs and adjectives.
Votre orchid
Votrītsos vagina
Vūjigon to kiss
Vumbiarzy room
Vurnegon to survey something (dative), (genitive for a singular object directly before the verb)
Vusko blackberry
Vȳs world; planet
-y Used to form type I or specific substantives (i.e. nouns), which refer to concrete or countable entities, from class I adjectives, participles and demonstratives.; Used to form nouns denoting tools and implements from various roots.
Ȳdragon to speak, to talk to someone (accusative), (in) a language (instrumental)
Ȳdrajos speaker (of a language)
Ȳdrakio lecturer, orator
Ȳdrarys speech (the ability or act)
Ȳgha safe, secure
Ȳghālion sanctuary
Ȳlon moss
Ȳma ant
Ȳrda narrow
Ȳs art
Ybon knee
Ykynagon (transitive) to smell
Yn but, however; while, but while, even if; yet
Ynot for me, to me, me; dative singular of nyke, used with adpositions; (to dragons) Come (to me)!
Yrgos neck, throat
-ys Used to form nouns, generally referring to the evidence or result of the action associated with a verb, an active participle of which they are formed.; Used to form nouns denoting people or entities with some quality from adjectives describing said quality.
Yunkai Alternative spelling of Junkae
Zāeres (countable) crystal, gem
Zāeron The time allocated for running scripts has expired. crystal
Zāeror crystal formation, crystal
Zākon mint
Zālagon The time allocated for running scripts has expired. to burn
Zālarys burn, burn mark, evidence of burning
Zāliapos onion
Zālion coal (rock)
Zān yesterday
Zāra sugar
Zaldrījudirys dragon pit, dragonpit
Zaldrīzāeksio dragonrider, dragonlord
Zaldrīzdōron Dragonstone (a castle)
Zaldrīzerme all-powerful, indestructible, invincible
Zaldrīzes dragon
Zaldrīzes buzdari iksos daor A dragon is not a slave.
Zbērigon (of things) to hang from something (locative); (with possessive adjective and The time allocated for running scripts has expired.)[12] to burden, to nag, to curse, to plague (literally "to hang at the neck(s) of")
Zdēmagon (of things) to sit
Zderēbagon (of things) to include
Zēa jade
Zēo Embar the Jade Sea (a body of water south of Essos)
Zēres eagle
Zenturlion inn, hotel
Zentys guest
Zgeltigon (of things) to cover, to cover up
Zgiēñagon The time allocated for running scripts has expired. to heal, to be healed, to become healed, to become healthy
Zgiēñemagon (of things) to cure, to treat, to heal
Zgiēñemvos cure, medicine, treatment
Zgiēñemvurlion apothecary, pharmacy
Zīragon The time allocated for running scripts has expired. to freeze, to become frozen
Zīrta frozen
Zīrtys perzys frozen fire, dragonglass, obsidian
Ziksanna hat, cap
Ziksos neck, nape, back of the neck; scalp
Ziksoso in one's way, one's way, as one will, as one likes, as one wishes, in the way one will[usage 6]; as accustomed, as expected
Ziry she, he, it; her, him; third person singular lunar/solar personal pronoun, nominative/accusative case
Zirȳla The time allocated for running scripts has expired. herself, himself, itself; third person singular lunar/solar reflexive personal pronoun, nominative case; The time allocated for running scripts has expired. she, he, her, him, it, she herself, he himself, it itself; third person singular lunar/solar emphatic personal pronoun, nominative case
Zo Loraq A surname​.The time allocated for running scripts has expired.
Zōbrie black, dark, dark-colored; gray, grey; purple
Zōbrys Black (member of a political faction in House of the Dragon)
Zōro strawberry
Zokla wolf
Zoklākogon to entice someone (locative); to entreat someone (locative)
Zoklāzma direwolf
Zoklītsos little wolf
Zomir darkness, dark
Zūgār four hundred
Zūgagon to be afraid of, to fear something (dative)
Zūgallie four-hundredth
Zūger The time allocated for running scripts has expired. fear
Zūges The time allocated for running scripts has expired. fear
Zūgilla reluctance
Zubon garlic
Zuly scale (on an animal's skin)
Zulyr scales, skin (of an animal)
Zȳha his, her, its; third person singular lunar/solar possessive adjective
Zȳhon hers, his, its; third person singular lunar/solar possessive pronoun, nominative/accusative case
Zȳragon to match, to fit, to go with
-zȳrys Used to form nouns referring to spouses from other nouns.
Zȳrys spouse


  1. Used in the sense of putting a thing in its associated location e.g. to put a shirt on a torso, but not a book on a table.
  2. Can be used both before both before what corresponds to the prepositional phrase and what corresponds to the main clause in English, although sometimes only before the former, like in English.
  3. To force the reflexive meaning and distinguish it from the reciprocal, add The time allocated for running scripts has expired. before the pronoun (so Hēnke īlōnde ūndi can only mean "We saw ourselves").
  4. To force the reflexive meaning and distinguish it from the reciprocal, add The time allocated for running scripts has expired. before the pronoun (so Hēnke jemēle ūndāt can only mean "You saw yourselves").
  5. Used in the sense of putting a thing in a location which it is not associated to, e.g. to put a book on a table, but not a shirt on a torso.
  6. Peterson has given this term as a translation for "coffee", but it is not known if coffee exists in the A Song of Ice and Fire universe. Also, since the term is clearly based on "coffee" and related out-of-universe words, it does not seem to be an actual in-universe word for "coffee".
  7. The possessive adjective used should correspond to the person and number of the subject, and take the accusative solar singular agreement of The time allocated for running scripts has expired..
  8. Used in the sense of removing a thing from its associated location e.g. to remove a shirt from a torso, but not a book from a table.
  9. Used in the sense of removing a thing from a location which it is not associated to, e.g. to remove a book from a table, but not a shirt from a torso.
  10. To force the reflexive meaning and distinguish it from the reciprocal, add The time allocated for running scripts has expired. before the pronoun (so Hēnke pōntāle ūndis can only mean "They saw themselves").
  11. The direct object is the thing or act being apologized for, and takes the dative. The one apologized to, the indirect object, is a another dative object that appears before the direct object. When confusion is possible, the indirect object is pulled out to the front of the sentence.
  12. The possessive adjective used should correspond to the person and number of the object, and take the locative solar agreement of The time allocated for running scripts has expired. (singular/collective object) or The time allocated for running scripts has expired. (plural/paucal object).

Usage Notes

  1. The meaning is less intentional than The time allocated for running scripts has expired..
  2. Depending on context, one can here be translated as you, he, she, it or they.
  3. The meaning is more intentional than The time allocated for running scripts has expired..
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 If confusion is possible, use the prepositions The time allocated for running scripts has expired. and The time allocated for running scripts has expired., respectively.
  5. In earlier stages of the language, animate nouns take the comitative and inanimate nouns take the instrumental, in parallel with The time allocated for running scripts has expired.. In later stages and in informal contexts, however, both types of nouns take the genitive. Also, by default, the noun is in the singular, if it is a general statement about a lack of something.
  6. Depending on context, one can here be translated as you, he, she, it or they.