
From The Languages of David J. Peterson
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High Valyrian


From raqagon +‎ -non.


(Classical) IPA(key): /ˈraqnon/


raqnon (third declension terrestrial, nominative plural raqna)

  1. love, loves
    Raqnon nākostōbāves issa.
    Love is weakness.
    Gierior oktior, jāhys pāstyssy, pōjyz jaehossa, pōjon raqnon, buqnon, kempēgrion, ōdrōn ñuqrio munnō embār qrimbughetas.
    An entire civilization, its inhabitants and their gods, their loves, grudges, guilts, and pain all drowned in a sea of ash and sorrow.
  2. appreciation
  3. passion
    Jaehaelor Mataerion, hen siñot dāez ōrejos se hen botennot raqnōt gevurlȳti āeksio...
    Jaehaelor Mataeryon, a freeborn landowner and gardener by trade and passion...
Singular Plural Paucal Collective
Nominative raqnon raqna raqnun raqnor
Accusative raqnuni raqnondi
Genitive raqno raqnoti raqnuno raqnondo
Dative raqnot raqnunto
Locative raqnunno raqnorro
Instrumental raqnoso raqnossi raqnusso raqnorzo
Comitative raqnummo raqnormo
Vocative raqnos raqnas raqnusso raqnorzo