
From The Languages of David J. Peterson
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High Valyrian


(Classical) IPA(key): /ˈtembyr/

Noun 1


  1. nominative collective of temby

Noun 2

tembyr (second/sixth declension lunar, nominative plural tembyri)

  1. book
    Qryldes ñuhā tembyrry ēdrīles.
    A boar was sleeping on my book.
    Tembī, tembyrī, sōluttīsi ñuqriot sīdis.
    Books, scrolls, and tomes turned to cinder. (Literally "Pages, books, and scrolls...")
Collective Collective Plural
Nominative tembyr tembyri
Accusative tembyri tembyrī
Genitive tembyro tembyroti
Dative tembyrty
Locative tembyrry
Instrumental tembyrzy tembyrzi
Comitative tembyrmy tembyrmi
Vocative tembyrzy tembyrzis
Derived Terms