Appendix:Wokuthízhű pronunciation

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The Wokuthízhű language has 24 consonants, 6 vowels and 3 glides.

Standard Romanization

Letter IPA English example Notes
a a father
ch watch
ch' tʃ’ Produced by holding your breath at the same time as making the above sound.
dh ð this
e e bait
f f food
f' f’ Produced by holding your breath at the same time as making the above sound.
i i machine
j jog
k k skill
k' k’ Produced by holding your breath at the same time as making the above sound.
l l left
m m man
n n no
ng ŋ ring
ɲ sinew
o o moat
p p span
p' p’ Produced by holding your breath at the same time as making the above sound.
s s see
t' t̪’ Produced by holding your breath at the same time as making the above sound.
th θ thin
th' θ’ Produced by holding your breath at the same time as making the above sound.
ts' ts’ Produced by saying ts as in "pits" while holding your breath.
u u rude
ü y Like the i in "machine" pronounced with rounded lips.
v v voice
w w wet
y j yes
ɥ Like the y in "yes" pronounced with rounded lips.
z z zoo
zh ʒ casual


  • Tone: High tone is marked with an acute accent over the vowel; a double acute accent is used in the case of ü, i.e. ű.



Labial Dental Alveolar Palatal Velar
Nasal m n [ɲ] ng [ŋ]
Plosive plain p t [t̪] ch [tʃ] k
ejective p' t' [t̪’] ts' ch' [tʃ’] k'
voiced j [dʒ]
Fricative plain f th [θ] s
ejective f' th' [θ’]
voiced v dh [ð] z zh [ʒ]
Approximant w l j, [ɥ]


Front Central Back
Close i, ü [y] u
Mid e o
Open a


Vowels take low or high tone.