Season 2 The Witcher Dialogue

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The Witcher Dialogue Navigation: Season 1, Season 2, Season 3

During the first season of The Witcher, Hen Linge spoken dialogue was featured in all eight episodes.

Episode 201

Close what should not be open. Release what is bound...
...join what is broken. Replace what is lost.
Don't move!
You're surrounded!
Take them alive!

Episode 202

GROUP How much farther?


GROUP Camp is just ahead.

TRANSLATION Ynkreilde's eip a.

GROUP We'll settle for the night.

TRANSLATION Ynkreile'n a nwath.

GROUP Start with the tents and then light the fires for food.

TRANSLATION Einpis ein seiseip i anain deitha a breith.

GROUP How much longer do we dig?

TRANSLATION A kweted pove'n?

GROUP We should move on.

TRANSLATION T'a'n vein vort.

GROUP I believe in her.


GROUP She won't give up on us.

TRANSLATION Net'en felfirs en vort.

GROUP We're on the path to our future.

TRANSLATION Esen ein streid a keimented'en.

FRANCESCA You said gifts.

TRANSLATION Donilden eseith dikete.

FILAVANDREL Hostages. Humans--

TRANSLATION Felpektythyn. Dwaneth--

FRANCESCA You should have hung their corpses nearby to ward off others.

TRANSLATION T'a'th reiste lan rödyn einilei anteirth irnyn.

FILAVANDREL They can be of use. These are human forests.

TRANSLATION Kein'elan ynul. Dwanei wöda lan eir esel.

FRANCESCA They're our forests. This one was in dimeritium?

TRANSLATION Esel en wöda. Es't eir dimeritel neshte?

YENNEFER Is this how you treat your own?

TRANSLATION Enstred wak meikyrm yngrethet?

GROUP They've uncovered a tomb. This could be it!

TRANSLATION Avel hulte volmor. Het keine't esen!

GROUP Finally!


GROUP What is it?!


GROUP I can't believe it!

TRANSLATION Na't keine heir!

GROUP Thank the gods!

TRANSLATION Grasha eip dwareth!

GROUP Turn your back to the forest. Turn your front to me.

TRANSLATION Kwal deitre'th a wöda. Kwal hak'eth a me.

GROUP Come to me.

TRANSLATION Keim eip me.

GROUP I know what you desire.

TRANSLATION A veshe kwe's't ulet.

GROUP Leave the fear behind.

TRANSLATION Thenhelsh teirth eip kesh.

GROUP Take your power back.

TRANSLATION Themben keinme'th eipkeimen.

GROUP Make your ask.

TRANSLATION Anes urme'th.

GROUP Seize your destiny.

TRANSLATION Themben keirm'eth.

GROUP Do what you have to do.

TRANSLATION Anes kwe's't t'eip'eth.

GROUP We are on the right path.

TRANSLATION Esen ein kerve streid.

GROUP The humans can be our allies.

TRANSLATION Dwaneth keine yngwelvernath'en.

GROUP We will have our rightful home.

TRANSLATION Esen en kerve mor'en.

FRANCESCA Nourishment for our bodies and souls.

TRANSLATION Breidyrm a hilyn'en i a sovath'en.

Episode 203

Episode 204

Episode 205

Episode 206

Episode 207

Episode 208