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4 December 2024
N 14:03 | Category:Rhymes:Sangheili/untʼu diffhist +12 Susto talk contribs (Created page with "{{auto cat}}") |
N 14:03 | Hunt'u diffhist +348 Susto talk contribs (Created page with "{{lexeme|Sangheili}} ===Etymology=== From {{inh|sang|psng|*huum}} + {{m|psng|*tʼupʼa}}. ====Pronunciation==== {{IPA|/ˈhuntʼu/|lang=sang}} : {{rhymes|sang|untʼu}} ====Noun==== {{head|sang|noun|nominal form||verbal form|huumo}} # radiation #: {{ux|sang|Hunt'u ni bap'umo maaroji.|We found the source of the '''radiation'''.}}") |
N 12:52 | Shebishu diffhist +594 Wojnicz talk contribs (Created page with "{{lexeme|Irathient}} ===Etymology=== {{invis}} ====Pronunciation==== {{IPA|/ʃɛˈbiʃu/|lang=irat}} : {{rhymes|irat|iʃu}} ====Orthographic Form==== {{irat-orth|form=shebishu}} ====Noun==== {{head|irat|noun|g=cxiv}} # catching # knowing =====Inflection===== {{irat-nouns|root=shebi|finc=sh|poss=shebishə|class=14}} ====Verb==== {{head|irat|verb}} # {{lb|irat|with shon}} to catch # {{lb|irat|with shek}} to understand # {{lb|irat|with shek}} to know a f...") |
12:44 | Gyabire diffhist +45 Wojnicz talk contribs |
12:44 | Ubire diffhist +47 Wojnicz talk contribs |
N 12:43 | Thebeinu diffhist +451 Wojnicz talk contribs (Created page with "{{lexeme|Irathient}} ===Etymology=== {{invis}} ====Pronunciation==== {{IPA|/θɛˈbenu/|lang=irat}} : {{rhymes|irat|enu}} ====Orthographic Form==== {{irat-orth|form=thebeinu}} ====Noun==== {{head|irat|noun|g=cxii}} # position # calmness =====Inflection===== {{irat-nouns|root=thebei|poss=thebein|finc=n|class=12}} =====Related Terms===== {{col3|irat|beinagba|shebeinu|shebeinagba|nubeine|shebeinagbaku|thebeinvu|shebeinvu|Shebeinvu Shehesigyu}}") |
N 12:43 | Shebeinagbaku diffhist +588 Wojnicz talk contribs (Created page with "{{lexeme|Irathient}} ===Etymology=== {{invis}} ====Pronunciation==== {{IPA|/ʃɛbenagˈbaku/|lang=irat}} : {{rhymes|irat|aku}} ====Orthographic Form==== {{irat-orth|form=shebeinagbaku}} ====Noun==== {{head|irat|noun|g=cxiv}} # becoming =====Inflection===== {{irat-nouns|root=shebeinagbaku|vfin=1|class=14}} ====Verb==== {{head|irat|verb}} # {{lb|irat|with shein}} to become =====Inflection===== {{irat-verbs|root=beinagbaku|vfin=1|imp=beinagbakú}} =====Related...") |
N 12:43 | Shebeinagba diffhist +663 Wojnicz talk contribs (Created page with "{{lexeme|Irathient}} ===Etymology=== {{invis}} ====Pronunciation==== {{IPA|/ʃɛbeˈnagba/|lang=irat}} : {{rhymes|irat|agba}} ====Orthographic Form==== {{irat-orth|form=shebeinagba}} ====Noun==== {{head|irat|noun|g=cxiv}} # being positioned # being ready =====Inflection===== {{irat-nouns|root=shebeinagba|vfin=1|class=14}} ====Verb==== {{head|irat|verb}} # {{lb|irat|with shegnu}} be positioned # {{lb|irat|with shegnu}} to ready {{q|of a meal}} =====Inflec...") |
N 12:43 | Beinagba diffhist +426 Wojnicz talk contribs (Created page with "{{lexeme|Irathient}} ===Etymology=== {{invis}} ====Pronunciation==== {{IPA|/beˈnagba/|lang=irat}} : {{rhymes|irat|agba}} ====Orthographic Form==== {{irat-orth|form=beinagba}} ====Adjective==== {{Irat-head-adj}} # positioned # ready =====Inflection===== {{irat-adjs|root=beinagba|vfin=1}} =====Related Terms===== {{col3|irat|thebeinu|shebeinu|shebeinagba|nubeine|shebeinagbaku|thebeinvu|shebeinvu|Shebeinvu Shehesigyu}}") |
N 12:43 | Shebeinu diffhist +743 Wojnicz talk contribs (Created page with "{{lexeme|Irathient}} ===Etymology=== {{invis}} ====Pronunciation==== {{IPA|/ʃɛˈbenu/|lang=irat}} : {{rhymes|irat|enu}} ====Orthographic Form==== {{irat-orth|form=shebeinu}} ====Noun==== {{head|irat|noun|g=cxiv}} # calming # putting =====Inflection===== {{irat-nouns|root=shebei|finc=n|poss=shebein|class=14}} ====Verb==== {{head|irat|verb}} # {{lb|irat|with shek}} to calm # {{lb|irat|with shegyin}} to put, to place {{q|the location is fronted}} # {{lb|ir...") |
N 12:43 | Shebeinvu diffhist +735 Wojnicz talk contribs (Created page with "{{lexeme|Irathient}} ===Etymology=== {{invis}} ====Pronunciation==== {{IPA|/ʃɛˈbenvu/|lang=irat}} : {{rhymes|irat|envu}} ====Orthographic Form==== {{irat-orth|form=shebeinwu}} ====Noun==== {{head|irat|noun|g=cxiv}} # unnerving # removing =====Inflection===== {{irat-nouns|root=shebeinvu|vfin=1|class=14}} ====Verb==== {{head|irat|verb}} # {{lb|irat|with shek}} to unnerve # {{lb|irat|with shegyin}} to remove, to displace {{q|the location from which the ob...") |
N 12:43 | Thebeinvu diffhist +450 Wojnicz talk contribs (Created page with "{{lexeme|Irathient}} ===Etymology=== {{invis}} ====Pronunciation==== {{IPA|/θɛˈbenvu/|lang=irat}} : {{rhymes|irat|envu}} ====Orthographic Form==== {{irat-orth|form=thebeinwu}} ====Noun==== {{head|irat|noun|g=cxii}} # removal # discombobulation =====Inflection===== {{irat-nouns|root=thebeinvu|vfin=1|class=12}} =====Related Terms===== {{col3|irat|beinagba|shebeinu|shebeinagba|nubeine|shebeinagbaku|thebeinu|shebeinvu|Shebeinvu Shehesigyu}}") |
N 12:42 | Nubeine diffhist +442 Wojnicz talk contribs (Created page with "{{lexeme|Irathient}} ===Etymology=== {{invis}} ====Pronunciation==== {{IPA|/nuˈbenɛ/|lang=irat}} : {{rhymes|irat|enɛ}} ====Orthographic Form==== {{irat-orth|form=nubeine}} ====Noun==== {{head|irat|noun|g=cxi}} # storage place =====Inflection===== {{irat-nouns|root=nubei|poss=nubein|finc=n|class=11}} =====Related Terms===== {{col3|irat|thebeinu|shebeinu|shebeinagba|beinagba|shebeinagbaku|thebeinvu|shebeinvu|Shebeinvu Shehesigyu}}") |
N 12:42 | Shebeinvu Shehesigyu diffhist +519 Wojnicz talk contribs (Created page with "{{lexeme|Irathient}} ===Etymology=== From {{compound|irat|shebeinvu|shehesigyu|tr1="displacement"|tr2="catastrophic"}}. ====Pronunciation==== {{IPA|/ʃɛˈbenvu ʃɛhɛˈsiɟu/|lang=irat}} ====Orthographic Form==== {{irat-orth|form=shebeinwu shehesigyu}} ====Proper Noun==== {{head|irat|proper noun|head=Shebeinvu Shehesigyu}} # Great Diaspora (relevant to the universe of ''Defiance''; the Great Diaspora was a war between the Castithans and the Irathients...") |
11:45 | Thwelu Lirathi diffhist +3 Wojnicz talk contribs |
11:37 | Aeny 2 changes history +59 [Juelos (2×)] | |||
11:37 (cur | prev) +50 Juelos talk contribs | ||||
11:36 (cur | prev) +9 Juelos talk contribs (→Noun) |
11:02 | Kostilloqitta diffhist +27 Juelos talk contribs (→Adjective) |
N 11:01 | Aenoqitta 2 changes history +362 [Juelos (2×)] | |||
11:01 (cur | prev) 0 Juelos talk contribs | ||||
N |
11:01 (cur | prev) +362 Juelos talk contribs (Created page with "{{lexeme|High Valyrian}} ===Etymology=== From {{suffix|hval| aeny | t1=support | qitta | t2=-less}}. ====Pronunciation==== {{hv-IPA}} : {{rhymes|hval|itta}} ====Adjective==== {{head|hval|adjective}} {{hv-adj|root=aenoqitt|a|ys|on|or|eq=āpa|comp=ykta|sup=āje|class=I}} # unsafe =====Inflection===== {{hv-adj-1|root=aenoqitt}} {{cln|hval|4-syllable words}}") |
10:45 | Meles diffhist +31 Juelos talk contribs |
10:42 | Mele diffhist +92 Juelos talk contribs |
10:38 | Quptys diffhist +48 Juelos talk contribs |
3 December 2024
N 22:55 | Kāvar 3 changes history +634 [Juelos (3×)] | |||
22:55 (cur | prev) −25 Juelos talk contribs | ||||
22:54 (cur | prev) −13 Juelos talk contribs | ||||
N |
22:51 (cur | prev) +672 Juelos talk contribs (Created page with "{{lexeme|High Valyrian}} {{phrasebook|hval|Basic}} ===Etymology=== {{invis}} ====Pronunciation==== {{hv-IPA}} ====Noun==== {{head|hval|noun|first declension aquatic||nominative plural|kāvri}} # {{lb|hval|unknown canonicity}} coffee<ref>Peterson has given this term as a translation for "coffee", but it is not known if coffee exists in the ''A Song of Ice and Fire'' universe. Also, since the term is clearly based on "coffee" and related out-of-universe words, it se...") |
N 22:52 | Category:Hval:Coffee diffhist +12 Juelos talk contribs (Created page with "{{auto cat}}") |
N 20:23 | Ts'ahat'u diffhist +360 Susto talk contribs (Created page with "{{lexeme|Sangheili}} ===Etymology=== {{rfe|sang}} ====Pronunciation==== {{IPA|/ˈtsʼahatʼu/|lang=sang}} : {{rhymes|sang|atʼu}} ====Noun==== {{head|sang|noun|nominal form||verbal form|ts'aha}} # presence #: {{ux|sang|Mu ga ts'ahat'u o riin oni dunga gaidujitan.|She has soiled our world too much with her '''presence'''.}}") |
18:33 | Melos diffhist +257 Juelos talk contribs |
18:30 | Rēko 2 changes history +161 [Juelos (2×)] | |||
18:30 (cur | prev) −42 Juelos talk contribs (→Notes) | ||||
18:30 (cur | prev) +203 Juelos talk contribs |
N 18:26 | Rēkar diffhist +339 Juelos talk contribs (Created page with "{{lexeme|High Valyrian}} ===Etymology=== {{invis}} ====Pronunciation==== {{hv-IPA}} ====Noun==== {{head|hval|noun|first declension aquatic||nominative plural|rēkri}} # rose bush, rosebush =====Inflection===== {{HVn1|rēk|ar}} =====Related Terms===== {{col3|hval|rēko}} {{C|hval|Botany|Shrubs|Roses}} {{cln|hval|2-syllable words}}") |
18:24 | Deletion log Juelos talk contribs deleted page Category:Hval:Bushes (content was: "{{auto cat}}", and the only contributor was "Juelos" (talk)) |
N 18:24 | Category:Hval:Roses diffhist +12 Juelos talk contribs (Created page with "{{auto cat}}") |
N 18:21 | Asōvemy 3 changes history +316 [Juelos (3×)] | |||
18:21 (cur | prev) −5 Juelos talk contribs | ||||
18:20 (cur | prev) +10 Juelos talk contribs (→Etymology) | ||||
N |
18:19 (cur | prev) +311 Juelos talk contribs (Created page with "{{lexeme|High Valyrian}} ===Etymology=== From {{affix|hval|a-|sōvemagon|t2=to fly|-y}}. ====Pronunciation==== {{hv-IPA}} ====Noun==== {{head|hval|noun|second declension lunar||nominative plural|asōvemi}} # crossbow =====Inflection===== {{HVn2|asōvem|y}} {{c|hval|Weapons}} {{cln|hval|4-syllable words}}") |
N 14:38 | Bamuz diffhist +262 Wojnicz talk contribs (Created page with "{{lexeme|Kinuk'aaz}} {{number box|kinu|10}} ===Etymology=== From {{inh|kinu|pkin|*bamuz}}. ====Pronunciation==== {{IPA|/baˈmuz/|lang=kinu}} : {{rhymes|kinu|uz}} ====Orthographic Form==== {{kinu-orth|form=bamuz}} ====Numeral==== {{head|kinu|numeral}} # tenth") |
N 14:38 | Bazats diffhist +267 Wojnicz talk contribs (Created page with "{{lexeme|Kinuk'aaz}} {{number box|kinu|9}} ===Etymology=== From {{inh|kinu|pkin|*bazats'}}. ====Pronunciation==== {{IPA|/baˈzats/|lang=kinu}} : {{rhymes|kinu|ats}} ====Orthographic Form==== {{kinu-orth|form=bazats'}} ====Numeral==== {{head|kinu|numeral}} # ninth") |
N 14:37 | Badiim diffhist +268 Wojnicz talk contribs (Created page with "{{lexeme|Kinuk'aaz}} {{number box|kinu|8}} ===Etymology=== From {{inh|kinu|pkin|*badiim}}. ====Pronunciation==== {{IPA|/baˈdiːm/|lang=kinu}} : {{rhymes|kinu|iːm}} ====Orthographic Form==== {{kinu-orth|form=badiim}} ====Numeral==== {{head|kinu|numeral}} # eighth") |
14:36 | Baros diffhist +267 Wojnicz talk contribs |
N 14:35 | Bapek diffhist +263 Wojnicz talk contribs (Created page with "{{lexeme|Kinuk'aaz}} {{number box|kinu|6}} ===Etymology=== From {{inh|kinu|pkin|*bapek}}. ====Pronunciation==== {{IPA|/baˈpɛk/|lang=kinu}} : {{rhymes|kinu|ɛk}} ====Orthographic Form==== {{kinu-orth|form=bapek}} ====Numeral==== {{head|kinu|numeral}} # sixth") |
N 14:34 | Bavoüt diffhist +265 Wojnicz talk contribs (Created page with "{{lexeme|Kinuk'aaz}} {{number box|kinu|5}} ===Etymology=== From {{inh|kinu|pkin|*bavoit}}. ====Pronunciation==== {{IPA|/baˈvoyt/|lang=kinu}} : {{rhymes|kinu|oyt}} ====Orthographic Form==== {{kinu-orth|form=bavoit}} ====Numeral==== {{head|kinu|numeral}} # fifth") |
N 14:33 | Ba'ir diffhist +267 Wojnicz talk contribs (Created page with "{{lexeme|Kinuk'aaz}} {{number box|kinu|4}} ===Etymology=== From {{inh|kinu|pkin|*baʔiʀ}}. ====Pronunciation==== {{IPA|/baˈʔiʀ/|lang=kinu}} : {{rhymes|kinu|iʀ}} ====Orthographic Form==== {{kinu-orth|form=ba'ir}} ====Numeral==== {{head|kinu|numeral}} # fourth") |
N 14:33 | Bahöp diffhist +265 Wojnicz talk contribs (Created page with "{{lexeme|Kinuk'aaz}} {{number box|kinu|3}} ===Etymology=== From {{inh|kinu|pkin|*bahøp}}. ====Pronunciation==== {{IPA|/baˈhœp/|lang=kinu}} : {{rhymes|kinu|œp}} ====Orthographic Form==== {{kinu-orth|form=bahöp}} ====Numeral==== {{head|kinu|numeral}} # third") |
14:32 | Höp diffhist 0 Wojnicz talk contribs (→Etymology) |
N 14:31 | Tsimmuz nit diffhist +488 Wojnicz talk contribs (Created page with "{{lexeme|Kinuk'aaz}} {{number box|kinu|21}} ===Etymology=== From {{m|kinu|tsimmuz}} + {{m|kinu|nit}}. ====Pronunciation==== {{IPA|/tsimˈmuz nit/|lang=kinu}} ====Orthographic Form==== {{kinu-orth|form=tsimmuz nit}} ''or'' {{kinu-orth|form=tsiµuz nit}} ====Orthographic Numeric Form==== {{kinu-orth|form=21}} ====Noun==== {{Kinu-noun-head|class=j}} # twenty-one (21) ====Numeral==== {{head|kinu|numeral}} # twenty-one (21) =====Inflection===== {{Kinu-adj|iniv=|root=...") |
N 14:29 | Batsin diffhist +315 Wojnicz talk contribs (Created page with "{{lexeme|Kinuk'aaz}} {{number box|kinu|2}} ===Etymology=== From {{inh|kinu|pkin|*batsin}}. ====Pronunciation==== {{IPA|/baˈtsin/|lang=kinu}} : {{rhymes|kinu|in}} ====Orthographic Form==== {{kinu-orth|form=batsin}} ====Numeral==== {{head|kinu|numeral}} # second =====Derived Terms===== {{der3|kinu|zek batsin}}") |
N 14:22 | Zbibe diffhist +366 Wojnicz talk contribs (Created page with "{{lexeme|Irathient}} ===Etymology=== {{invis}} ====Pronunciation==== {{IPA|/ˈzbibɛ/|lang=irat}} : {{rhymes|irat|ibɛ}} ====Orthographic Form==== {{irat-orth|form=zbibe}} ====Noun==== {{head|irat|noun|g=ci}} # artisan =====Inflection===== {{irat-nouns|root=zbi|poss=zbib|possh=zbi|possunvoic=zbip|finc=b|class=1}} =====Related Terms===== {{col3|irat|tibiba}}") |
N 14:22 | Tibiba diffhist +436 Wojnicz talk contribs (Created page with "{{lexeme|Irathient}} ===Etymology=== {{invis}} ====Pronunciation==== {{IPA|/tiˈbiba/|lang=irat}} : {{rhymes|irat|iba}} ====Orthographic Form==== {{irat-orth|form=tibiba}} ====Noun==== {{head|irat|noun|g=ciii}} # Irathient insect that leaves intricate patterns on the wood it feasts on =====Inflection===== {{irat-nouns|root=tibi|poss=tibib|possh=tibi|possunvoic=tibip|finc=b|class=3}} =====Related Terms===== {{col3|irat|zbibe}}") |