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High Valyrian

Etymology 1

From an invisible proto-language
The etymology of this word comes from an invisible proto-language. If you're confident you know the etymology, feel free to add it, but reader beware should the etymology be added by someone other than the creator of the language!


(Classical) IPA(key): /ˈaːeksio/

Rhymes: -aːeksio

Noun 1

āeksio (third declension lunar, nominative plural āeksia)

  1. master
    Qrinuntomy tolvie Āeksio brōzagon gaomon zȳho quptyro syt nāqopsemagon issa, kesos daor?
    Naming every Master an enemy would make it easier for his people, wouldn't it?
    -Hizdahr (Game of Thrones, Episode 504)
    Avy tolvio azantyro ñurho jentosy brōzan. Dārio Vīlībāzmaro Āeksȳso.
    I name you commander of all my forces, the Queen’s Master of War.
    -Daenerys (Game of Thrones, Episode 806)
  2. lord
    Āeksio yne ilīritas.
    The Lord has smiled upon me.
    -Thoros (Game of Thrones, Episode 306)
    Āeksio lēvītsoso zȳhor kerille ikisīptas.
    The lord dined on his soup with a spoon.
Singular Plural Paucal Collective
Nominative āeksio āeksia āeksȳn āeksior
Accusative āeksȳni āeksȳri
Genitive āeksiō āeksȳti āeksȳno āeksȳro
Dative āeksiot āeksȳnto āeksȳrto
Locative āeksȳnno āeksȳrro
Instrumental āeksȳso āeksȳssi āeksȳsso āeksȳrzo
Comitative āeksȳmmo āeksȳrmo
Vocative āeksios āeksīs āeksȳsso āeksȳrzo
Derived Terms
Related Terms

Etymology 2


(Classical) IPA(key): /ˈaːeksio/

Noun 2


  1. genitive singular of āeksion
    Āeksio ondos.
    Hand of gold.