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From an invisible proto-language
The etymology of this word comes from an invisible proto-language. If you're confident you know the etymology, feel free to add it, but reader beware should the etymology be added by someone other than the creator of the language!


IPA(key): /ʃɛˈdranɛ/

Rhymes: -anɛ

Orthographic Form



shedrane class xiv

  1. gasping
  2. terrifying
  3. invigorating
Singular Plural Preadjectival
Plain shedrane shedraneshə shedrane
Genitive Alienable pashedrane pashedraneshə pashedrane
Inalienable lishedrane lishedraneshə lishedrane



  1. (with shegnu) to gasp
  2. (with shek) to terrify
  3. (with shek) to invigorate
Conjugation of shedrane
Bare Fronted
Active Finite adrane adranehe
Participle -adrane -adranehe
Passive Finite idrane idranehe
Participle -idrane -idranehe
Singular Jussive First Person medrané medranehé
Class I izadrané izadranehé
Class II/XV/XVII ihadrané ihadranehé
Class III/VII itadrané itadranehé
Class IV/VIII ikadrané ikadranehé
Class V idadrané idadranehé
Class VI igadrané igadranehé
Class IX iradrané iradranehé
Class X isadrané isadranehé
Class XI/XIII/XVI/XVIII inadrané inadranehé
Class XII ithadrané ithadranehé
Class XIV ishadrané ishadranehé
Plural Jussive First Person bedrané bedranehé
Class I uzedrané uzedranehé
Class II/XV/XVII uhedrané uhedranehé
Class III/VII utedrané utedranehé
Class IV/VIII ukedrané ukedranehé
Class V udedrané udedranehé
Class VI ugedrané ugedranehé
Class IX uredrané uredranehé
Class X usedrané usedranehé
Class XI/XIII/XVI/XVIII unedrané unedranehé
Class XII uthedrané uthedranehé
Class XIV ushedrané ushedranehé
Imperative drané dranehé
Infinitive shedrane shedranehe

Related Terms