
From The Languages of David J. Peterson
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From eip ("upon") +‎ veish ("live").


IPA(key): /epˈveʃ/

Orthographic Form



eipveish (basic/imperative)

  1. to survive
  2. to thrive
Conjugation of eipveish
Active Singular Plural
First Second Third First Second Third
Indicative Present eipveishe eipveishet eipveishe eipveishe eipveishet eipveishe
Middle Past esei eipveshte eseith eipveshte es eipveshte esen eipveshte esek eipveshte esel eipveshte
Full Past er eipveshte ereith eipveshte er eipveshte eren eipveshte erek eipveshte erel eipveshte
Future eipveish en
Participle Present eipveishen
Past eipveshte
Imperative/Nonfinite eipveish
Passive Singular Plural
First Second Third First Second Third
Indicative Present eipveishil eipveisheshil eipveishil eipveishil eipveisheshil eipveishil
Middle Past esei eipveshil eseith eipveshil es eipveshil esen eipveshil esek eipveshil esel eipveshil
Full Past er eipveshil ereith eipveshil er eipveshil eren eipveshil erek eipveshil erel eipveshil
Future enil eipveish
Participle Present eipveishenil
Past eipveshil
Imperative/Nonfinite eipveishil