Appendix:Kinuk'aaz pronunciation

From The Languages of David J. Peterson
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This appendix provides an overview of the phonology, phonotactics and romanization of the Kinuk’aaz language spoken by the Omec. The Kinuk'aaz language has 21 consonants, 7 short vowels, 4 long vowels, and no glides.

Standard Romanization

Letter IPA English example Notes
ʔ The sound in the middle of "uh-oh" Not romanized word-initially, where it does not contrast with a null onset
a a father
aa like a, but longer
ai ai time
b b bother
d d dog
dz dz adze
e ɛ get
g g good
h h ham
i i, ɨ machine, chicken [ɨ] is an allophone of /i/
ia ia yarn
ii like i, but longer
k k skill
k' k’ Produced by holding your breath at the same time as making k
l l left
m m man
n n no Assimilates to a following velar or uvular consonant
o o moat
oy Roughly like boy, but fully pronounced with rounded lips
ö œ Like e, but pronounced with rounded lips
öü œy Roughly like bay, but pronounced with rounded lips
p p span
q' q’ Produced by holding your breath at the same time as making a sound similar to k, but pronounced further back in the throat, with the back of the tongue contacting the uvula
r ʀ Roughly like the r in French rouge
s s see
t t stop
t' t’ Produced by holding your breath at the same time as making t
ts ts pits
ts' ts’ Produced by holding your breath at the same time as making ts
u u rude
uu like u, but longer
ü y Like i, but pronounced with rounded lips
üü Like ü, but longer
v v voice
z z zoo



Unlike the other known Votan languages, Kinuk'aaz lacks palatal consonants. It is also the only Votan language known to have ejective consonants, and the only one that made it to the screen (the other being the unused Yanga Kayang) known to have uvular consonants.

Labial Coronal Velar Uvular Glottal
Nasal m n [n~ŋ~ɴ]
Plosive voiceless p t k ' [ʔ]
ejective t' [t’] k' [k’] q' [q’]
voiced b d g
Affricate voiceless ts
ejective ts' [ts’]
voiced dz
Fricative voiceless s h
voiced v z
Liquid l r [ʀ]


Kinuk'aaz is the only Votan language known to have rounded front vowels and a vowel length distinction. Mid vowels lack long counterparts. Vowels are allophonically devoiced between ejectives and voiceless sounds.

Front Central Back
unrounded rounded
Close short i [i~ɨ] ü [y] u
long ii [iː] üü [yː] uu [uː]
Mid e [ɛ] ö [œ] o
Open short a
long aa [aː]


The last syllable of a root is generally stressed, which means that main stress often falls on a word's last syllable, although suffixation may result in stress falling elsewhere, especially in verbs, which rarely occur without a suffix. Some derivational suffixes are stressed whereas others never are.


Kinuk'aaz's syllables may start but never end with consonant clusters, and may not end with voiced or ejective stops or affricates. Words starting with vowels underlyingly start with glottal stops, and glottal stops are also often added to break hiatuses, although the sequence /y.o/ (üo) is permitted.

Syllable-initial clusters consist of less sonorous consonants followed by more sonorous ones, with the exception of sibilants, which may be followed by less sonorous consonants. All clusters beginning with a nasal must be homorganic, and all obstruents in a cluster must agree in voicing, but /v/ behaves as a glide rather than a fricative and may form clusters with either voiced or voiceless consonants. Geminates commonly occur.


Kinuk'aaz's consonants undergo 2 kinds of mutation, mainly due to prefixation and compounding:

  • m, n, t', ts', k' and dz do not mutate.
  • V-mutation causes all non-glottal voiceless stops, affricates and fricatives to voice, turns q' into , g into h and, sometimes, b into v and d into z depending on etymology, as the former implosives *b' and *d' did not mutate.
  • N-mutation deletes all glottals, causes all non-glottal voiceless stops and affricates to voice, turns all sibilants into dz, v into b, l into n and r into g.
V-mutation N-mutation
p b
t d
k g
' no change deleted
q' ' no change
b (only *b) v
d (only *d) z
g h
ts dz
s z dz
h no change deleted
v no change b
z dz
l n
r g