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Documentation for Template:Fjer-decl-noun. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.

This template shows inflection tables for Fjerdan nouns.


The parameters are ordered after how they appear in the declension table, from left to right and top to bottom:

  • root: the nominative singular form. If left blank, the pagename (in lowercase) is used.
  • 1: the first stem in order that is different from the nominative singular.
  • 2: the second stem in order that is different from the nominative singular.
  • 3: the third stem in order that is different from the nominative singular.
  • g: the declension class, where the first letter stands for the gender (t tooth class, h hare class, w wolf class) and second/third letters stands for the final of the root (c, cc, e, i, u, a). There are some special cases, like wcy (used for wozh and nouns that decline similarly), wir (used for mär), tch (used for chah), and tai (used for prai).
  • clfin: set as 1, yes, y or true for stems that end in a cluster that followed by r result in an illicit cluster, in order to change the accusative definite ending from -rin to -ire.
  • accdef: used when the -rin suffix in the accusative definite causes a sound change to the stem. Only to be used in cases not covered by other parameters (there is overlap).


Tooth class



Indefinite Definite
Nominative holm holmen
Accusative hölmir hölmbrin
Oblique holm holmen
Genitive holm holmen



Indefinite Definite
Nominative ögel öglen
Accusative öglir öglire
Oblique ögel öglen
Genitive ögel öglen



Indefinite Definite
Nominative voke voken
Accusative vökir vökrin
Oblique voke voken
Genitive voke voken



Indefinite Definite
Nominative bräk brakyen
Accusative bräkir bräkrin
Oblique bräk brakyen
Genitive bräk brakyen



Indefinite Definite
Nominative rost rastwen
Accusative rastir rastire
Oblique rost rastwen
Genitive rost rastwen



Indefinite Definite
Nominative dolka dolken
Accusative dolker dolkrin
Oblique dolka dolken
Genitive dolka dolken

Hare class



Indefinite Definite
Nominative is isen
Accusative is is
Oblique ise isem
Genitive [[]] en



Indefinite Definite
Nominative aber abren
Accusative aber aber
Oblique abre abrem
Genitive [[]] en



Indefinite Definite
Nominative tule tulen
Accusative tule tule
Oblique tuli tulem
Genitive [[]] en



Indefinite Definite
Nominative hyäm hyampin
Accusative hyäm hyäm
Oblique hyampi hyampim
Genitive [[]] en



Indefinite Definite
Nominative köl kelwen
Accusative köl köl
Oblique kelwe kelwem
Genitive [[]] en



Indefinite Definite
Nominative muksa muksen
Accusative muksa muksa
Oblique muksa muksem
Genitive [[]] en

Wolf class



Indefinite Definite
Nominative ulf ulfen
Accusative ülfir ülfrin
Oblique ulfu ulfun
Genitive ulfen ulfnen



Indefinite Definite
Nominative wendel wendlen
Accusative windlir windlire
Oblique wöndlu wöndlun
Genitive wendlen wendleme



Indefinite Definite
Nominative ulle ullen
Accusative üllir üllire
Oblique ullo ullon
Genitive ullen ulleme



Indefinite Definite
Nominative nölf nölfen
Accusative nölfir nölfire
Oblique nolfi nolfin
Genitive nölfen nölfime


Indefinite Definite
Nominative mär maryen
Accusative märir märre
Oblique mari marin
Genitive maryen märime



Indefinite Definite
Nominative mörd merdwen
Accusative merdir merdire
Oblique mördu mördun
Genitive merdwen mördume



Indefinite Definite
Nominative Fyerda Fyerden
Accusative Fyerder Fyerdrin
Oblique Fyerdo Fyerdon
Genitive Fyerden Fyerdnen