
From The Languages of David J. Peterson
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High Valyrian


From an invisible proto-language
The etymology of this word comes from an invisible proto-language. If you're confident you know the etymology, feel free to add it, but reader beware should the etymology be added by someone other than the creator of the language!


(Classical) IPA(key): /ˈleːkia/


lēkia (first declension lunar, nominative plural lēki)

  1. older brother
    Viserys Daenero lēkia issa
    Viserys is Daenerys's brother
  2. older male cousin by father's brother or mother's sister
Singular Plural Paucal Collective
Nominative lēkia lēkī lēkȳn lēkiar
Accusative lēkie lēkȳni lēkiari
Genitive lēkio lēkȳti lēkȳno lēkiaro
Dative lēkiot lēkȳnta lēkiarta
Locative lēkiā lēkȳnna lēkiarra
Instrumental lēkȳsa lēkȳssi lēkȳssa lēkiarza
Comitative lēkȳma lēkȳmmi lēkȳmma lēkiarma
Vocative lēkȳs lēkīs lēkȳssa lēkiarza