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High Valyrian


From an invisible proto-language
The etymology of this word comes from an invisible proto-language. If you're confident you know the etymology, feel free to add it, but reader beware should the etymology be added by someone other than the creator of the language!


(Classical) IPA(key): /perˈziːtsos/

Rhymes: -iːtsos


perzītsos (third declension solar, nominative plural perzītsossa)

  1. little flame
    Aōle lykemās, perzītsos.
    Calm yourself, little flame.Template:Gotquoth
Singular Plural Paucal Collective
Nominative perzītsos perzītsossa perzītsun perzītsor
Accusative perzītsuni perzītsori
Genitive perzītso perzītsoti perzītsuno perzītsoro
Dative perzītsot perzītsunto perzītsorto
Locative perzītsunno perzītsorro
Instrumental perzītsoso perzītsossi perzītsusso perzītsorzo
Comitative perzītsummo perzītsormo
Vocative perzītsos perzītsossas perzītsusso perzītsorzo