User:Najahho/Guide to Valyrian Inflection Templates

From The Languages of David J. Peterson
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By now you might be asking yourself: "How do I even use the High Valyrian inflection templates?"

Good that you ask!

Essentially the templates are there to generate the complete table of all the declensional forms for any High Valyrian noun. You only need to know the declensional type (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), gender is not required.

What you will see

What you will see is something along these lines:


So for each type you'll change this only in the number (important: the capitalization is necessary!).



Here we can see an example of what a line looks like. The first entry (in this case "ond") is the root of the noun, basically the part that doesn't change, while the second is the ending, the part that changes (don't worry, we'll take about nouns that change their roots below).


The template already generates everything only by entering this:

Singular Plural Paucal Collective
Nominative ondos ondossa ondun ondor
Accusative onduni ondori
Genitive ondo ondoti onduno ondoro
Dative ondot ondunto ondorto
Locative ondunno ondorro
Instrumental ondoso ondossi ondusso ondorzo
Comitative ondummo ondormo
Vocative ondos ondossas ondusso ondorzo

And voilà! You don't even need to think about anything else!

Changes in the root

In the third declension solar we have some roots that change their form, for example rūs, ruhossa. In those cases (and similar ones of the aquatic gender) what we will use is the form


The first part will be the nominative form of the word, while the second will be the root that changes. So, for example, in the previous word we mentioned "rūs" we will input:


And then:

Singular Plural Paucal Collective
Nominative rūs rūhossa rūhun rūhor
Accusative rūhuni rūhori
Genitive rūho rūhoti rūhuno rūhoro
Dative rūhot rūhunto rūhorto
Locative rūhunno rūhorro
Instrumental rūso rūhossi rūhusso rūhorzo
Comitative rūhummo rūhormo
Vocative rūs rūhossas rūhusso rūhorzo

Voilà! It's that easy!

Exceptional cases

There might be exceptional cases, nouns that have so many phonological changes that the templates can't accommodate. In those cases don't worry and just contact me (Najahho) and I'll fix it!