User:Najahho/High Valyrian Noun Declensions
Declension classes can be defined based on which cases they merge, and (for the most part) their stem vowels. Paucals and collectives have very similar, if not identical, paradigms across all declensions; both seem to merge the vocative case with instrumental, but keep all other cases distinct (irrespective of what happens in the singular and plural). Consequently, mergers will only be listed for the singular and plural.
Forms listed in grey type are guesses, generally based on parallels from other paradigms of the same declension. They should be used very carefully, if at all.
First Declension
First declension nouns have the stem-vowel a. There are at least two types of first declension nouns, and at least one subtype:
- Those that end in -a (e.g. vala "man"), mostly lunar.
- A subtype that ends in -ia (e.g. dāria "queen.")
- Those that end in -ar (e.g. embar "water"), mostly aquatic.
There do not appear to be solar (*-as) or terrestrial (*-an) types.
The first declension paradigm merges the genitive, dative, and locative plural (as do nearly all nouns), but distinguishes all other forms.
Lunar-type: vala
Sing. | Pl. | Pauc. | Col. | |
Nom. | vala | vali | valun | valar |
Acc. | vale | valī | valuni | valari |
Gen. | valo | valoti | valuno | valaro |
Dat. | valot | valoti | valunta | valarta |
Loc. | valā | valoti | valunna | valarra |
Ins. | valosa | valossi | valussa | valarza |
Com. | valoma | valommi | valumma | valarma |
Voc. | valus | valis | valussa | valarza |
Dāria subtype
Sing. | Pl. | Pauc. | Col. | |
Nom. | dāria | dārī | dārȳn | dāriar |
Acc. | dārie | dārī | dārȳni | dāriari |
Gen. | dārio | dārȳti | dārȳno | dāriaro |
Dat. | dāriot | dārȳti | dārȳnta | dāriarta |
Loc. | dāriā | dārȳti | dārȳnna | dāriarra |
Ins. | dārȳsa | dārȳssi | dārȳssa | dāriarza |
Com. | dārȳma | dārȳmmi | dārȳmma | dāriarma |
Voc. | dārȳs | dārīs | dārȳssa | dāriarza |
Aquatic-type: embar
Sing. | Pl. | Pauc. | Col. | |
Nom. | embar | embri | embrun | embrar |
Acc. | embri | embrī | embruni | embrari |
Gen. | embro | embroti | embruno | embraro |
Dat. | embrot | embroti | embrunta | embrarta |
Loc. | embār | embroti | embrunna | embrarra |
Ins. | embrosa | embrossi | embrussa | embrarza |
Com. | embroma | embrommi | embrumma | embrarma |
Voc. | embus | embis | embrussa | embrarza |
1Lun. | Singular | Plural | ||||||||||||||
vala "man" |
Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. | Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. |
vala | vale | valo | valot | valā | valosa | valoma | valus | vali | valī | valoti | valoti | valoti | valossi | valommi | valis | |
Paucal | Collective | |||||||||||||||
valun | valuni | valuno | valunta | valunna | valussa | valumma | valussa | valar | valari | valaro | valarta | valarra | valarza | valarma | valarza | |
1Lun. (i) | Singular | Plural | ||||||||||||||
dāria "queen" |
Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. | Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. |
dāria | dārie | dārio | dāriot | dāriā | dārȳsa | dārȳma | dārȳs | dārī | dārī | dārȳti | dārȳti | dārȳti | dārȳssi | dārȳmmi | dārīs | |
Paucal | Collective | |||||||||||||||
dārȳn | dārȳni | dārȳno | dārȳnta | dārȳnna | dārȳssa | dārȳmma | dārȳssa | dāriar | dāriari | dāriaro | dāriarta | dāriarra | dāriarza | dāriarma | dāriarza | |
1Aq. | Singular | Plural | ||||||||||||||
embar "water" |
Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. | Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. |
embar | embri | embro | embrot | embār | embrosa | embroma | embus | embri | embrī | embroti | embroti | embroti | embrossi | embrommi | embis | |
Paucal | Collective | |||||||||||||||
embrun | embruni | embruno | embrunta | embrunna | embrussa | embrommi | embrussa | embrar | embrari | embraro | embrarta | embrarra | embrarza | embrarma | embrarza |
Second Declension
Second declension nouns have the stem-vowel y. There are two types of second declension nouns:
- Those that end in -y (e.g. trēsy "son"), mostly lunar.
- Those that end in -ys (e.g. loktys "sailer"), mostly solar.
There are not terrestrial- or aquatic-types, so any word whose citation form ends in -yn or -yr can safely assumed to be reanalyzed paucals and collectives respectively.
The second declension merges the locative and instrumental singular; locative and instrumental plural; and the genitive and dative plural. Critically it distinguishes the locative plural from the genitive/dative, and is the only noun class in the language to do so.
Lunar-type: trēsy
Sing. | Pl. | Pauc. | Col. | |
Nom. | trēsy | trēsi | trēsyn | trēsyr |
Acc. | trēsi | trēsī | trēsyni | trēsyri |
Gen. | trēso | trēsoti | trēsyno | trēsyro |
Dat. | trēsot | trēsoti | trēsynty | trēsyrty |
Loc. | trēsȳ | trēsī | trēsynny | trēsyrry |
Ins. | trēsomy | trēsommi | trēsyssy | trēsyrzy |
Com. | trēsomy | trēsommi | trēsymmy | trēsyrmy |
Voc. | trēsys | trēsys | trēsyssy | trēsyrzy |
Solar-type: loktys
Sing. | Pl. | Pauc. | Col. | |
Nom. | loktys | loktyssy | loktyn | loktyr |
Acc. | lokti | loktī | loktyni | loktyri |
Gen. | lokto | loktoti | loktyno | loktyro |
Dat. | loktot | loktoti | loktynty | loktyrty |
Loc. | loktȳ | loktī | loktynny | loktyrry |
Ins. | loktomy | loktommi | loktyssy | loktyrzy |
Com. | loktomy | loktommi | loktymmy | loktyrmy |
Voc. | loktys | loktyssys | loktyssy | loktyrzy |
2Lun. | Singular | Plural | ||||||||||||||
trēsy "son" |
Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. | Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. |
trēsy | trēsi | trēso | trēsot | trēsȳ | trēsomy | trēsomy | trēsys | trēsi | trēsī | trēsoti | trēsoti | trēsī | trēsommi | trēsommi | trēsys | |
Paucal | Collective | |||||||||||||||
trēsyn | trēsyni | trēsyno | trēsynty | trēsynny | trēsyssy | trēsymmy | trēsyssy | trēsyr | trēsyri | trēsyro | trēsyrty | trēsyrry | trēsyrzy | trēsyrmy | trēsyrzy | |
2sol. | Singular | Plural | ||||||||||||||
loktys "sailer" |
Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. | Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. |
loktys | lokti | lokto | loktot | loktȳ | loktomy | loktomy | loktys | loktyssy | loktī | loktoti | loktoti | loktī | loktommi | loktommi | loktyssys | |
Paucal | Collective | |||||||||||||||
loktyn | loktyni | loktyno | loktynty | loktynny | loktyssy | loktymmy | loktyssy | loktyr | loktyri | loktyro | loktyrty | loktyrry | loktyrzy | loktyrmy | loktyrzy |
Third Declension
Third declension nouns have the stem-vowel o. The third declension is very diverse: all four gender-types occur in the third declension, and several subtypes:
- Those that end in -o (e.g. pēko "olive"), mostly lunar.
- A subtype that ends in -io (e.g. āeksio "master.")
- Those that end in -os (e.g. ēngos "tongue"), mostly solar.
- At least three subtypes, to accommodate such words as rūs "baby," deks "foot," and ȳs "art."
- Those that end in -on (e.g. belmon "chain"), mostly terrestrial.
- A subtype that ends in -ion (e.g. dārion "kingdom.")
- Those that end in -or (e.g. lentor "house"), mostly aquatic.
- A subtype to accommodate Mȳr (and any other words that might be like it).
The third declension merges the nominative and accusative singular, dative and locative singular; the instrumental and comitative singular; the nominative and accusative plural, and the genitive, dative, and locative plural.
Lunar-type: pēko
Sing. | Pl. | Pauc. | Col. | |
Nom. | pēko | pēka | pēkun | pēkor |
Acc. | pēko | pēka | pēkuni | pēkori |
Gen. | pēkō | pēkoti | pēkuno | pēkoro |
Dat. | pēkot | pēkoti | pēkunto | pēkorto |
Loc. | pēkot | pēkoti | pēkunno | pēkorro |
Ins. | pēkoso | pēkossi | pēkusso | pēkorzo |
Com. | pēkoso | pēkossi | pēkummo | pēkormo |
Voc. | pēkos | pēkas | pēkusso | pēkorzo |
Āeksio subtype
Sing. | Pl. | Pauc. | Col. | |
Nom. | āeksio | āeksia | āeksȳn | āeksior |
Acc. | āeksio | āeksia | āeksȳni | āeksȳri |
Gen. | āeksiō | āeksȳti | āeksȳno | āeksȳro |
Dat. | āeksiot | āeksȳti | āeksȳnto | āeksȳrto |
Loc. | āeksiot | āeksȳti | āeksȳnno | āeksȳrro |
Ins. | āeksȳso | āeksȳssi | āeksȳsso | āeksȳrzo |
Com. | āeksȳso | āeksȳssi | āeksȳmmo | āeksȳrmo |
Voc. | āeksios | āeksīs | āeksȳsso | āeksȳrzo |
Solar-type: ēngos
Sing. | Pl. | Pauc. | Col. | |
Nom. | ēngos | ēngossa | ēngun | ēngor |
Acc. | ēngos | ēngossa | ēnguni | ēngori |
Gen. | ēngo | ēngoti | ēnguno | ēngoro |
Dat. | ēngot | ēngoti | ēngunto | ēngorto |
Loc. | ēngot | ēngoti | ēngunno | ēngorro |
Ins. | ēngoso | ēngossi | ēngusso | ēngorzo |
Com. | ēngoso | ēngossi | ēngummo | ēngormo |
Voc. | ēngos | ēngossas | ēngusso | ēngorzo |
Contracting subtypes
There are several subtypes of the third declension solar paradigm that share the feature of dropping the o from the nominative/accusative/vocative singular, and the instrumental/comitative singular. All other forms are regular.
There are currently four known paradigms of this class, here listen in approximate descending order of frequency:
- h-stems like rūs (*rūhos → *rūhs → rūs; *rūhos → *rūhso → rūso)
- k-stems like deks (*dekos → deks; *dekoso → dekso)
- v-stems like ȳs (*yvos → *yvs → ȳs; *yvoso → *yvso → ȳso)
- n-stems like ōz (*onos → *ons → ōz; *onoso → *onso → ōzo)
To summarize in tabular format:
h-stem | k-stem | v-stem | n-stem | |
Nom. | *rūhos → rūs | *dekos → deks | *yvos → ȳs | *onos → ōz |
Acc. | *rūhos → rūs | *dekos → deks | *yvos → ȳs | *onos → ōz |
Gen. | *rūho — rūho | *deko — deko | *yvo — yvo | *ono — ono |
Dat. | *rūhot — rūhot | *dekot — dekot | *yvot — yvot | *onot — onot |
Loc. | *rūhot — rūhot | *dekot — dekot | *yvot — yvot | *onot — onot |
Ins. | *rūhoso → rūso | *dekoso → dekso | *yvoso → ȳso | *onoso → ōzo |
Com. | *rūhoso → rūso | *dekoso → dekso | *yvoso → ȳso | *onoso → ōzo |
Voc. | *rūhos → rūs | *dekos → deks | *yvos → ȳs | *onos → ōz |
Rūs subtype
Words of the h-stem type include rūs "baby," kiōs "spring," baes "summit," jaes "god." In the contracted fom the h of the stem disappears. All known nouns of this class are one syllable long, and most contain a long vowel or a diphthong (even in uncontracted forms).
Sing. | Pl. | Pauc. | Col. | |
Nom. | rūs | rūhossa | rūhun | rūhor |
Acc. | rūs | rūhossa | rūhuni | rūhori |
Gen. | rūho | rūhoti | rūhuno | rūhoro |
Dat. | rūhot | rūhoti | rūhunto | rūhorto |
Loc. | rūhot | rūhoti | rūhunno | rūhorro |
Ins. | rūso | rūhossi | rūhusso | rūhorzo |
Com. | rūso | rūhossi | rūhummo | rūhormo |
Voc. | rūs | rūhossas | rūhusso | rūhorzo |
Deks subtype
The k-stem paradigm includes deks "foot," eleks "ear," and Aeliks "Aelix." They are actually fairly simple, as only the o drops and no change is made to the stem.
Sing. | Pl. | Pauc. | Col. | |
Nom. | deks | dekossa | dekun | dekor |
Acc. | deks | dekossa | dekuni | dekori |
Gen. | deko | dekoti | dekuno | dekoro |
Dat. | dekot | dekoti | dekunto | dekorto |
Loc. | dekot | dekoti | dekunno | dekorro |
Ins. | dekso | dekossi | dekusso | dekorzo |
Com. | dekso | dekossi | dekummo | dekormo |
Voc. | deks | dekossas | dekusso | dekorzo |
Ȳs subtype
The v-stem class includes ȳs "art" and Lȳs "Lys." In both known cases the yv becomes ȳ in contracted forms.
Sing. | Pl. | Pauc. | Col. | |
Nom. | ȳs | yvossa | yvun | yvor |
Acc. | ȳs | yvossa | yvuni | yvori |
Gen. | yvo | yvoti | yvuno | yvoro |
Dat. | yvot | yvoti | yvunto | yvorto |
Loc. | yvot | yvoti | yvunno | yvorro |
Ins. | ȳso | yvossi | yvusso | yvorzo |
Com. | ȳso | yvossi | yvummo | yvormo |
Voc. | ȳs | yvossas | yvusso | yvorzo |
Ōz subtype
The n-stem type is known only from the noun ōz. The uncontracted form is ŏno-, and the contracted form is ōz-. This paradigm is extremely unusual in that, due to nasal deletion, the citation form ends in z.
Sing. | Pl. | Pauc. | Col. | |
Nom. | ōz | onossa | onun | onor |
Acc. | ōz | onossa | onuni | onori |
Gen. | ono | onoti | onuno | onoro |
Dat. | onot | onoti | onunto | onorto |
Loc. | onot | onoti | onunno | onorro |
Ins. | ōzo | onossi | onusso | onorzo |
Com. | ōzo | onossi | onummo | onormo |
Voc. | ōz | onossas | onusso | onorzo |
Terrestrial-type: belmon
Sing. | Pl. | Pauc. | Col. | |
Nom. | belmon | belma | belmun | belmor |
Acc. | belmon | belma | belmuni | belmondi |
Gen. | belmo | belmoti | belmuno | belmondo |
Dat. | belmot | belmoti | belmunto | belmondo |
Loc. | belmot | belmoti | belmunno | belmorro |
Ins. | belmoso | belmossi | belmusso | belmorzo |
Com. | belmoso | belmossi | belmummo | belmormo |
Voc. | belmos | belmas | belmusso | belmorzo |
Dārion subtype
Sing. | Pl. | Pauc. | Col. | |
Nom. | dārion | dāria | dārȳn | dārior |
Acc. | dārion | dāria | dārȳni | dārȳndi |
Gen. | dārio | dārȳti | dārȳno | dārȳndo |
Dat. | dāriot | dārȳti | dārȳnto | dārȳndo |
Loc. | dāriot | dārȳti | dārȳnno | dārȳrro |
Ins. | dārȳso | dārȳssi | dārȳsso | dārȳrzo |
Com. | dārȳso | dārȳssi | dārȳmmo | dārȳrmo |
Voc. | dārios | dārīs | dārȳsso | dārȳrzo |
Aquatic-type: lentor
Sing. | Pl. | Pauc. | Col. | |
Nom. | lentor | lentra | lentrun | lentror |
Acc. | lentor | lentra | lentruni | lentrori |
Gen. | lentro | lentroti | lentruno | lentroro |
Dat. | lentrot | lentroti | lentrunto | lentrorto |
Loc. | lentrot | lentroti | lentrunno | lentrorro |
Ins. | lentroso | lentrossi | lentrusso | lentrorzo |
Com. | lentroso | lentrossi | lentrummo | lentrormo |
Voc. | lentos | lentas | lentrusso | lentrorzo |
Mȳr subtype
Sing. | Pl. | Pauc. | Col. | |
Nom. | Mȳr | Mȳra | Mȳryn | Mȳror |
Acc. | Mȳr | Mȳra | Mȳryni | Mȳrori |
Gen. | Mȳro | Mȳroti | Mȳryno | Mȳroro |
Dat. | Mȳrot | Mȳroti | Mȳrynto | Mȳrorto |
Loc. | Mȳrot | Mȳroti | Mȳrynno | Mȳrorro |
Ins. | Mȳroso | Mȳrossi | Mȳrysso | Mȳrorzo |
Com. | Mȳroso | Mȳrossi | Mȳrymmo | Mȳrormo |
Voc. | Mȳs | Mȳras | Mȳrysso | Mȳrorzo |
3Lun. | Singular | Plural | ||||||||||||||
pēko "olive" |
Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. | Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. |
pēko | pēko | pēkō | pēkot | pēkot | pēkoso | pēkoso | pēkos | pēka | pēka | pēkoti | pēkoti | pēkoti | pēkossi | pēkossi | pēkas | |
Paucal | Collective | |||||||||||||||
pēkun | pēkuni | pēkuno | pēkunto | pēkunno | pēkusso | pēkummo | pekusso | pēkor | pēkori | pēkoro | pēkorto | pēkorro | pēkorzo | pēkormo | pēkorzo | |
3Lun. (i) | Singular | Plural | ||||||||||||||
āeksio "master" |
Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. | Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. |
āeksio | āeksio | āeksio | āeksiot | āeksiot | āeksȳso | āeksȳso | āeksios | āeksia | āeksia | āeksȳti | āeksȳti | āeksȳti | āeksȳssi | āeksȳssi | āeksīs | |
Paucal | Collective | |||||||||||||||
āeksȳn | āeksȳni | āeksȳno | āeksȳnto | āeksȳnno | āeksȳsso | āeksȳmmo | āeksȳsso | āeksior | āeksȳri | āeksȳro | āeksȳrto | āeksȳrro | āeksȳrzo | āeksȳrmo | āeksȳrzo | |
3Sol. | Singular | Plural | ||||||||||||||
ēngos "tongue" |
Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. | Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. |
ēngos | ēngos | ēngo | ēngot | ēngot | ēngoso | ēngoso | ēngos | ēngossa | ēngossa | ēngoti | ēngoti | ēngoti | ēngossi | ēngossi | ēngossas | |
Paucal | Collective | |||||||||||||||
ēngun | ēnguni | ēnguno | ēngunto | ēngunno | ēngusso | ēngummo | ēngusso | ēngor | ēngori | ēngoro | ēngorto | ēngorro | ēngorzo | ēngormo | ēngorzo | |
3Sol. (h) | Singular | Plural | ||||||||||||||
rūs "baby" |
Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. | Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. |
rūs | rūs | rūho | rūhot | rūhot | rūso | rūso | rūs | rūhossa | rūhossa | rūhoti | rūhoti | rūhoti | rūhossi | rūhossi | rūhossas | |
Paucal | Collective | |||||||||||||||
rūhun | rūhuni | rūhuno | rūhunto | rūhunno | rūhusso | rūhummo | rūhusso | rūhor | rūhori | rūhoro | rūhorto | rūhorro | rūhorzo | rūhormo | rūhorzo | |
3Sol. (k) | Singular | Plural | ||||||||||||||
deks "foot" |
Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. | Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. |
deks | deks | deko | dekot | dekot | dekso | dekso | deks | dekossa | dekossa | dekoti | dekoti | dekoti | dekossi | dekossi | dekossas | |
Paucal | Collective | |||||||||||||||
dekun | dekuni | dekuno | dekunto | dekunno | dekusso | dekummo | dekusso | dekor | dekori | dekoro | dekorto | dekorro | dekorzo | dekormo | dekorzo | |
3Sol. (v) | Singular | Plural | ||||||||||||||
ȳs "art" |
Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. | Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. |
ȳs | ȳs | yvo | yvot | yvot | ȳso | ȳso | ȳs | yvossa | yvossa | yvoti | yvoti | yvoti | yvossi | yvossi | yvossas | |
Paucal | Collective | |||||||||||||||
yvun | yvuni | yvuno | yvunto | yvunno | yvusso | yvummo | yvusso | yvor | yvori | yvoro | yvorto | yvorro | yvorzo | yvormo | yvorzo | |
3Ter. | Singular | Plural | ||||||||||||||
belmon "chain" |
Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. | Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. |
belmon | belmon | belmo | belmot | belmot | belmoso | belmoso | belmos | belma | belma | belmoti | belmoti | belmoti | belmossi | belmossi | belmas | |
Paucal | Collective | |||||||||||||||
belmun | belmuni | belmuno | belmunto | belmunno | belmusso | belmummo | belmusso | belmor | belmondi | belmondo | belmondo | belmorro | belmorzo | belmormo | belmorzo | |
3Ter. (i) | Singular | Plural | ||||||||||||||
dārion "kingdom" |
Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. | Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. |
dārion | dārion | dārio | dāriot | dāriot | dārioso | dārioso | dārios | dāria | dāria | dārȳti | dārȳti | dārȳti | dārȳssi | dārȳssi | dārīs | |
Paucal | Collective | |||||||||||||||
dārȳn | dārȳni | dārȳno | dārȳnto | dārȳnno | dārȳsso | dārȳmmo | dārȳsso | dārior | dārȳndi | dārȳndo | dārȳndo | dārȳrro | dārȳrzo | dārȳrmo | dārȳrzo | |
3Aq. | Singular | Plural | ||||||||||||||
lentor "house" |
Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. | Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. |
lentor | lentor | lentro | lentrot | lentrot | lentroso | lentroso | lentos | lentra | lentra | lentroti | lentroti | lentroti | lentrossi | lentrossi | lentas | |
Paucal | Collective | |||||||||||||||
lentrun | lentruni | lentruno | lentrunto | lentrunno | lentrusso | lentrummo | lentrusso | lentror | lentrori | lentroro | lentrorto | lentrorro | lentrorzo | lentrormo | lentrorzo | |
3Aq. (*) | Singular | Plural | ||||||||||||||
Mȳr "Myr" |
Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. | Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. |
Mȳr | Mȳr | Mȳro | Mȳrot | Mȳrot | Mȳroso | Mȳroso | Mȳs | Mȳra | Mȳra | Mȳroti | Mȳroti | Mȳroti | Mȳrossi | Mȳrossi | Mȳras | |
Paucal | Collective | |||||||||||||||
Mȳryn | Mȳryni | Mȳryno | Mȳrynto | Mȳrynno | Mȳrysso | Mȳrymmo | Mȳrysso | Mȳror | Mȳrori | Mȳroro | Mȳrorto | Mȳrorro | Mȳrorzo | Mȳrormo | Mȳrorzo |
Fourth Declension
Fourth declension nouns have the stem-vowel e. There are at least three types of fourth declension nouns:
- Those that end in -e (e.g. gelte "helmet"), mostly lunar.
- Those that end in -es (e.g. zaldrīzes "dragon"), mostly solar.
- Those that end in -en (only known example at this time is Targārien "Targaryen"), mostly terrestrial.
No aquatic-type fourth declension nouns attested so far.
The fourth declension does not appear to merge any cases, other than the usual genitive, dative, and locative plural.
Lunar-type: gelte
Sing. | Pl. | Pauc. | Col. | |
Nom. | gelte | gelti | geltin | gelter |
Acc. | geltī | geltī | geltini | gelteri |
Gen. | gelto | geltoti | geltino | geltero |
Dat. | geltot | geltoti | geltinte | gelterte |
Loc. | geltē | geltoti | geltinne | gelterre |
Ins. | geltose | geltossi | geltisse | gelterze |
Com. | geltome | geltommi | geltimme | gelterme |
Voc. | geltys | geltis | geltisse | gelterze |
Solar-type: zaldrīzes
Sing. | Pl. | Pauc. | Col. | |
Nom. | zaldrīzes | zaldrīzesse | zaldrīzin | zaldrīzer |
Acc. | zaldrīzī | zaldrīzī | zaldrīzini | zaldrīzeri |
Gen. | zaldrīzo | zaldrīzoti | zaldrīzino | zaldrīzero |
Dat. | zaldrīzot | zaldrīzoti | zaldrīzinte | zaldrīzerte |
Loc. | zaldrīzē | zaldrīzoti | zaldrīzinne | zaldrīzerre |
Ins. | zaldrīzose | zaldrīzossi | zaldrīzisse | zaldrīzerze |
Com. | zaldrīzome | zaldrīzommi | zaldrīzimme | zaldrīzerme |
Voc. | zaldrīzys | zaldrīzesses | zaldrīzisse | zaldrīzerze |
Terrestrial-type: Targārien
Sing. | Pl. | Pauc. | Col. | |
Nom. | Targārien | Targārī | Targārȳn | Targārior |
Acc. | Targārī | Targārī | Targārȳni | Targārȳndi |
Gen. | Targārio | Targārȳti | Targārȳno | Targārȳndo |
Dat. | Targāriot | Targārȳti | Targārȳnte | Targārȳnde |
Loc. | Targāriēn | Targārȳti | Targārȳnne | Targārȳrre |
Ins. | Targārȳse | Targārȳssi | Targārȳsse | Targārȳrze |
Com. | Targārȳme | Targārȳmmi | Targārȳmme | Targārȳrme |
Voc. | Targāries | Targārīs | Targārȳsse | Targārȳrze |
4Lun. | Singular | Plural | ||||||||||||||
gelte "helmet" |
Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. | Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. |
gelte | geltī | gelto | geltot | geltē | geltose | geltome | geltys | gelti | geltī | geltoti | geltoti | geltoti | geltossi | geltommi | geltīs | |
Paucal | Collective | |||||||||||||||
geltin | geltini | geltino | geltinte | geltinne | geltisse | geltimme | geltisse | gelter | gelteri | geltero | gelterte | gelterre | gelterze | gelterme | gelterze | |
4Sol. | Singular | Plural | ||||||||||||||
zaldrīzes "dragon" |
Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. | Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. |
zaldrīzes | zaldrīzī | zaldrīzo | zaldrīzot | zaldrīzē | zaldrīzose | zaldrīzome | zaldrīzys | zaldrīzesse | zaldrīzī | zaldrīzoti | zaldrīzoti | zaldrīzoti | zaldrīzossi | zaldrīzommi | zaldrīzesses | |
Paucal | Collective | |||||||||||||||
zaldrīzin | zaldrīzini | zaldrīzino | zaldrīzinte | zaldrīzinne | zaldrīzisse | zaldrīzimme | zaldrīzisse | zaldrīzer | zaldrīzeri | zaldrīzero | zaldrīzerte | zaldrīzerre | zaldrīzerze | zaldrīzerme | zaldrīzerze | |
4Ter. | Singular | Plural | ||||||||||||||
Targārien "Targaryen" |
Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. | Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. |
Targārien | Targārī | Targārio | Targāriot | Targāriēn | Targārȳse | Targārȳme | Targāries | Targārī | Targārī | Targārȳti | Targārȳti | Targārȳti | Targārȳssi | Targārȳmmi | Targārīs | |
Paucal | Collective | |||||||||||||||
Targārȳn | Targārȳni | Targārȳno | Targārȳnte | Targārȳnne | Targārȳsse | Targārȳmme | Targārȳsse | Targārior | Targārȳndi | Targārȳndo | Targārȳnde | Targārȳrre | Targārȳrze | Targārȳrme | Targārȳrze |
Fifth Declension
Fifth declension nouns have the stem-vowel i. There are at least two types of fifth declension nouns:
- Those that end in -i (e.g. brōzi "name"), mostly lunar.
- Those that end in -is (e.g. tubis "day"), mostly solar
- Those that end in -ir (e.g. rōbir "fig"), mostly aquatic.
There does not appear to be a terrestrial (*-in) type.
It is known that the fifth declension merges the nominative and accusative singular; the nominative and accusative plural; and the usual genitive, dative, and locative plural. It cannot yet be confirmed that these are the only mergers, but it does appear likely.
Lunar-type: brōzi
Sing. | Pl. | Pauc. | Col. | |
Nom. | brōzi | brōza | brōzin | brōzir |
Acc. | brōzi | brōza | brōzini | brōziri |
Gen. | brōzio | brōzȳti | brōzino | brōziro |
Dat. | brōziot | brōzȳti | brōzinti | brōzirti |
Loc. | brōzī | brōzȳti | brōzinni | brōzirri |
Ins. | brōzȳsi | brōzȳssi | brōzissi | brōzirzi |
Com. | brōzȳmi | brōzȳmmi | brōzimmi | brōzirmi |
Voc. | brōzys | brōzas | brōzissi | brōzirzi |
Solar-type: tubis
Sing. | Pl. | Pauc. | Col. | |
Nom. | tubis | tubissa | tubin | tubir |
Acc. | tubis | tubissa | tubini | tubiri |
Gen. | tubio | tubȳti | tubino | tubiro |
Dat. | tubiot | tubȳti | tubinti | tubirti |
Loc. | tubī | tubȳti | tubinni | tubirri |
Ins. | tubȳsi | tubȳssi | tubissi | tubirzi |
Com. | tubȳmi | tubȳmmi | tubimmi | tubirmi |
Voc. | tubys | tubissas | tubissi | tubirzi |
Aquatic-type: rōbir
Sing. | Pl. | Pauc. | Col. | |
Nom. | rōbir | rōbra | rōbrin | rōbrir |
Acc. | rōbir | rōbra | rōbrini | rōbriri |
Gen. | rōbrio | rōbrȳti | rōbrino | rōbriro |
Dat. | rōbriot | rōbrȳti | rōbrinti | rōbrirti |
Loc. | rōbīr | rōbrȳti | rōbrinni | rōbrirri |
Ins. | rōbrȳsi | rōbrȳssi | rōbrissi | rōbrirzi |
Com. | rōbrȳmi | rōbrȳmmi | rōbrimmi | rōbrirmi |
Voc. | rōbys | rōbas | rōbrissi | rōbrirzi |
Vestriarzir subtype
Regular, except that the zr cluster becomes j. This is a regular sound change.[1]
Sing. | Pl. | Pauc. | Col. | |
Nom. | vestriarzir | vestriarja | vestriarjin | vestriarjir |
Acc. | vestriarzir | vestriarja | vestriarjini | vestriarjiri |
Gen. | vestriarjio | vestriarjȳti | vestriarjino | vestriarjiro |
Dat. | vestriarjiot | vestriarjȳti | vestriarjinti | vestriarjirti |
Loc. | vestriarzīr | vestriarjȳti | vestriarjinni | vestriarjirri |
Ins. | vestriarjȳsi | vestriarjȳssi | vestriarjissi | vestriarjirzi |
Com. | vestriarjȳmi | vestriarjȳmmi | vestriarjimmi | vestriarjirmi |
Voc. | vestriarzys | vestriarzas | vestriarjissi | vestriarjirzi |
5Lun. | Singular | Plural | ||||||||||||||
brōzi "name" |
Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. | Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. |
brōzi | brōzi | brōzio | brōziot | brōzī | brōzȳsi | brōzȳmi | brōzys | brōza | brōza | brōzȳti | brōzȳti | brōzȳti | brōzȳssi | brōzȳmmi | brōzas | |
Paucal | Collective | |||||||||||||||
brōzin | brōzini | brōzino | brōzinti | brōzinni | brōzissi | brōzimmi | brōzissi | brōzir | brōziri | brōziro | brōzirti | brōzirri | brōzirzi | brōzirmi | brōzirzi | |
5Sol. | Singular | Plural | ||||||||||||||
tubis "day" |
Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. | Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. |
tubis | tubis | tubio | tubiot | tubī | tubȳsi | tubȳmi | tubys | tubissa | tubissa | tubȳti | tubȳti | tubȳti | tubȳssi | tubȳmmi | tubissas | |
Paucal | Collective | |||||||||||||||
tubin | tubini | tubino | tubinti | tubinni | tubissi | tubimmi | tubissi | tubir | tubiri | tubiro | tubirti | tubirri | tubirzi | tubirmi | tubirzi | |
5Aq. | Singular | Plural | ||||||||||||||
rōbir "fig" |
Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. | Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. |
rōbir | rōbir | rōbrio | rōbriot | rōbīr | rōbrȳsi | rōbrȳmi | rōbys | rōbra | rōbra | rōbȳti | rōbrȳti | rōbrȳti | rōbrȳssi | rōbrȳmmi | rōbas | |
Paucal | Collective | |||||||||||||||
rōbrin | rōbrini | rōbrino | rōbrinti | rōbrinni | rōbrissi | rōbrimmi | rōbrissi | rōbrir | rōbriri | rōbriro | rōbrirti | rōbrirri | rōbrirzi | rōbrirmi | rōbrirzi | |
5Aq. (z) | Singular | Plural | ||||||||||||||
vestriarzir "story" |
Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. | Nom. | Acc. | Gen. | Dat. | Loc. | Ins. | Com. | Voc. |
vestriarzir | vestriarzir | vestriarjio | vestriarjiot | vestriarzīr | vestriarjȳsi | vestriarjȳmi | vestriarzys | vestriarja | vestriarja | vestriarzȳti | vestriarjȳti | vestriarjȳti | vestriarjȳssi | vestriarjȳmmi | vestriarzas | |
Paucal | Collective | |||||||||||||||
vestriarjin | vestriarjini | vestriarjino | vestriarjinti | vestriarjinni | vestriarjissi | vestriarjimmi | vestriarjissi | vestriarjir | vestriarjiri | vestriarjiro | vestriarjirti | vestriarjirri | vestriarjirzi | vestriarjirmi | vestriarjirzi |
Sixth Declension
The sixth declension is used for miscellaneous nouns. It can be divided into three categories:
Foreign Words
Foreign words, especially those that have not been fully accepted into the language (e.g. buzdari), are mostly lumped into this paradigm.[2] Words of this type have an optional -i in the nominative singular. It is not yet known how genders are assigned to them.
The accusative singular, nominative plural, and optionally the nominative singular of this paradigm all end in -i. It has the usual genitive, dative, locative plural merger. Other than that, all forms are distinct.
Sing. | Pl. | Pauc. | Col. | |
Nom. | buzdar(i) | buzdari | buzdarin | buzdarir |
Acc. | buzdari | buzdarī | buzdarini | buzdariri |
Gen. | buzdaro | buzdaroti | buzdarino | buzdariro |
Dat. | buzdarot | buzdaroti | buzdarinti | buzdarirti |
Loc. | buzdarī | buzdaroti | buzdarinni | buzdarirri |
Ins. | buzdarisi | buzdarissi | buzdarissi | buzdarirzi |
Com. | buzdarimi | buzdarimmi | buzdarimmi | buzdarirmi |
Voc. | buzdaris | buzdarissis | buzdarissi | buzdarirzi |
In the nominative singular the final -i is optional. It is mandatory in the accusative singular[3] and plural forms.
If a borrowed word already ends in a vowel, it can still be borrowed into this declension by keeping the final vowel in the nominative singular, in place of the optional -i, but dropping it in favor of the case-endings elsewhere, e.g. nom.s. mhysa, acc.s. mhysi, voc.s. mhysis etc.[2] There is also the possibility of adding -h- to the stem, analogously to the third declension rūs subtype: Yunkai, dat. Yunkaihot.
Reanalyzed Collectives
Sometimes a collective acquires so specific a meaning that it begins to be thought of as a separate word (e.g. azantyr "army," originally the collective of azantys "soldier.") At this point, a way to pluralize them becomes necessary, which puts them into the sixth declension. Reanalyzed collectives retain the gender of the original word, and therefore can be any gender.
Reanalyzed collectives merge the instrumental and vocative singular; and the genitive, dative, and locative plural.
Here is all we know about the declension reanalyzed collectives:
- The singular keeps its usual collective declension (e.g. azantyrmy "along with an army," udrirzi "in a language.")
- The nominative plural ends in -i or -y, depending on vowel harmony (but the exact conditions are unclear.)[4]
- The plural declension is not identical to that of foreign words or reanalyzed paucals.
- The plural merges no cases, except for the usual gen./dat./
- If a reanalyzed collective were ever to be itself placed in the collective or paucal, the first declension paradigms (-ar, -un) would probably be used. However, it is uncertain that this ever happens.[5]
Reanalyzed Paucals
Sometimes a paucal acquires so specific a meaning that it begins to be thought of as a separate word (e.g. tīkun "wing," originally the paucal of tīkos "feather"). At this point, a way to pluralize them becomes necessary, which puts them into the sixth declension. Reanalyzed paucals retain the gender of the original word, and therefore can be any gender.
Reanalyzed paucals merge the instrumental and vocative singular; and the genitive, dative, and locative plural.
Here is all we know about the declension reanalyzed paucals:
- The singular keeps its usual paucal declension (e.g. tīkusso "by wing.").
- The nominative plural probably follows the same rule as reanalyzed collectives, e.g. tīkuni "wings." The accusative plural appears to be -ī, as seen in gēlȳnī "debts."
- The plural declension is not identical to that of foreign words or reanalyzed collectives.
- The plural merges no cases, except for the usual gen./dat./
- If a reanalyzed plural were ever to be itself placed in the paucal or collective, the first declension paradigms (-un, -ar) would probably be used. However, it is uncertain that this ever happens.[5]
- ↑
- ↑ Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 It is at least possible for a foreign word to be put into a different paradigm it resembles:
- I suppose it really depends on how the speaker is feeling. You could certainly drop it straight into the lunar declension I paradigm (same as vala). You could also just strip the final -a in everything but the nominative singular and put it into the paradigm for borrowings. It’s a foreign word, so you never know.
- —DJP, commenting on the possibility of using the word Mhysa in High Valyrian.
- ↑ At least in theory, but cf. Gadbag aōhe qrīdrughās "Throw away your slave name."
- ↑ At different times DJP has implied both azantyri and azantyry as the plural of azantyr. It is unclear how this should be interpreted.
- ↑ Jump up to: 5.0 5.1ȳhon-keliton-issa/#comment-1347