
From The Languages of David J. Peterson
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acc. accusative case
act. active
adj. adjective
adv. adverb
ambitrans. ambitransitive
aor. aorist
appl. applicative
aq. aquatic
C-fin. consonant-final
coll. collective
com. comitative case
comp. comparative
conj. conjunction
dat. dative case
dem. demonstrative
eq. equative
exp. expression
for. foreign
fut. future
gen. genitive case
I class I (first declension)
II class II (second declension)
III class III (third declension)
indecl. indeclinable
inf. infinitive
inst. instrumental case
insv. instrumental passive, instrumentive
int. interrogative
interj. interjection
intrans. intransitive
irreg. irregular
loc. locative, locative case
lun. lunar
n. noun
num. numeral
obl. oblique
part. participle
pass. passive
pauc. paucal
perf. perfect
perh. perhaps
pl. plural
poss. possessive, possibly
postp. postposition
prep. preposition
pres. present
prob. probably
pron. pronoun
prop. proper
relex. relexified
s/o someone
s/t something
s/w somewhere
sg. singular
sol. solar
subst. substantive, substantivized
sup. superlative
ter. terrestrial
trans. transitive
v. verb
V-fin. vowel-final
voc. vocative case
1 first declension/person
2 second declension/person
3 third declension/person
4 fourth declension
5 fifth declension
6 sixth declension
° unexpected gender
triggers (regarding cases and verb forms)