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local export = {}
local export = {}

local m_links = require("Module:Links")
local m_links = require("Module:links")

local form_types = {
Number = a bare number; a mathematical entity which has different form types (e.g. cardinal, ordinal)
Form type = a category of the forms that represent a number; examples are cardinal, ordinal, distributive, fractional
Form = a word or expression that represents a number in a given language
Tag = an identifier attached to a form that allows different logical subtypes of forms from the same form type to be
      identified; e.g. 'vuitanta-vuit<tag:Central>' vs. 'huitanta-huit<tag:Valencian>' to identify variants of
  Catalan cardinal number 88 for different dialectal standards; there can be multiple tags per form, e.g.
  'tair ar ddeg<tag:vigesimal><tag:feminine>' for the Welsh number 13 where there are both decimal/vigesimal and
  masculine/feminine variants of this number
Tag list = a list of tags in the order they are specified in the data, e.g. {"vigesimal", "feminine"} for the example
Combined tag = the string representation of a tag list, using ||| to separate individual tags
local default_form_types = {
{key = "cardinal", display = "[[cardinal number|Cardinal]]"},
{key = "cardinal", display = "[[cardinal number|Cardinal]]"},
{key = "ordinal", display = "[[ordinal number|Ordinal]]"},
{key = "ordinal", display = "[[ordinal number|Ordinal]]"},
{key = "ordinal_abbr", display = "[[ordinal number|Ordinal]] [[abbreviation]]"},
{key = "adverbial", display = "[[adverbial number|Adverbial]]"},
{key = "adverbial", display = "[[adverbial number|Adverbial]]"},
{key = "multiplier", display = "[[multiplier|Multiplier]]"},
{key = "multiplier", display = "[[multiplier|Multiplier]]"},
Line 13: Line 31:

local function index_of_number_type(t, type)
-- Keys in a `numbers` entry that aren't form types.
for i, subtable in ipairs(t) do
local non_form_types = {
if subtable.key == type then
numeral = true,
return i
wplink = true,
next = true,
prev = true,
next_outer = true,
prev_outer = true,
upper = true,
lower = true,
local function track(page)
require("Module:debug/track")("number list/" .. page)
return true
-- General set intersection
local function set_intersection(sets)
local intersection = {}
for key, _ in pairs(sets[1]) do
intersection[key] = true
for i = 2, #sets do
local this_set = sets[i]
for key, _ in pairs(intersection) do
if not this_set[key] then
-- See
-- It is safe to modify or remove a key while iterating over the table.
intersection[key] = nil
return intersection
local function set_intersection(set1, set2)
local intersection = {}
for key, _ in pairs(set1) do
intersection[key] = true
for key, _ in pairs(intersection) do
if not set2[key] then
-- See
-- It is safe to modify or remove a key while iterating over the table.
intersection[key] = nil
return intersection
local function list_to_set(list)
local set = {}
for _, item in ipairs(list) do
set[item] = true
return set
function export.get_data_module_name(langcode, must_exist)
local module_name = "Module:number list/data/" .. langcode
if must_exist and not then
error(("Data module [[%s]] for language code '%s' does not exist"):format(module_name, langcode))
return module_name
local function power_of(n)
return "1" .. string.rep("0", n)
-- Format a number (either a Lua number or a string) in fixed point without any decimal point or scientific notation.
-- `tostring()` doesn't work because it converts large numbers such as 1000000000000000 to "1e+15".
function export.format_fixed(number)
if type(number) == "string" then
return number
return ("%.0f"):format(number)
-- Parse a form with modifiers such as 'vuitanta-vuit' or 'سیزده'
-- or 'سیزده' into its component parts. Return a form object, i.e. an object with fields
-- `form` for the form, and `tr`, `tag`, `q`, `qq` or `link` for the modifiers. The `tag` field is a tag list
-- (see above).
function export.parse_form_and_modifiers(form_with_modifiers)
local retval = {}
local form
form = form_with_modifiers
while true do
local new_form, angle_bracketed = form:match("^(.-)(%b<>)$")
if not new_form then
local prefix, content = angle_bracketed:match "^<(%w+):(.+)>$"
if not prefix then
if prefix == "tag" then
if retval.tag then
table.insert(retval.tag, content)
retval.tag = {content}
elseif prefix == "q" or prefix == "qq" or prefix == "tr" or prefix == "link" then
if retval[prefix] then
error(("Duplicate modifier '%s' in data module form, already saw value '%s': %s"):format(prefix,
retval[prefix], form_with_modifiers))
retval[prefix] = content
error(("Unrecognized modifier '%s' in data module form: %s"):format(prefix, form_with_modifiers))
form = new_form
retval.form = form
return retval
-- Find the `numbers` object for a given number (which should be in string representation).
function export.lookup_data(m_data, numstr)
-- Don't try to convert very large numbers to Lua numbers because they may overflow.
-- Powers of 10 >= 10^22 cannot be represented exactly as a Lua number.
return m_data.numbers[numstr] or #numstr < 22 and m_data.numbers[tonumber(numstr)] or nil
-- Return true if a < b, where either may be a Lua number or the string representation of a number.
function export.numbers_less_than(a, b)
a, b = export.format_fixed(a), export.format_fixed(b)
local alen = #a
local blen = #b
if alen < blen then
return true
if alen > blen then
return false
return a < b
-- Return true if a > b, where either may be a Lua number or the string representation of a number.
function export.numbers_greater_than(a, b)
return export.numbers_less_than(b, a)
-- Given a number form, convert it to its independent (un-affixed) form. This only makes sense for certain languages
-- where there is a difference between independent and affixed forms of numerals. Currently the only such language
-- is Swahili, where e.g. the cardinal number form for 3 is affixed [[-tatu]], independent [[tatu]], and the ordinal
-- number form is [[-a tatu]], independent [[tatu]]. We rely on a set of Lua pattern substitutions to convert from
-- affixed to independent form.
-- FIXME: This needs major rethinking in a way that isn't specific to Swahili.
local function maybe_unaffix(m_data, form)
if not m_data.unaffix then
return form
for _, entry in ipairs(m_data.unaffix) do
local from, to = unpack(entry)
form = mw.ustring.gsub(form, from, to)
return form
-- Convert the given number form (taken from the data for `lang`, after parsing the form for modifiers and stripping
-- the modifiers) to an entry name. The form may have links and/or accent/length marks that need to be stripped.
local function form_to_entry_name(form, lang)
return (lang:makeEntryName(m_links.remove_links(form)))
-- Return true if the given number form object (taken from the data for `lang`, after parsing the form for modifiers)
-- matches `pagename`. If there is a <link:...> modifier, we check against it. Otherwise, we check against the form
-- itself. In this case, the form may have links and/or accent/length marks that need to be stripped, and we may need
-- to convert the form to its independent (un-affixed) form, if there is a difference between independent and affixed
-- forms (as in Swahili).
local function form_equals_pagename(formobj, pagename, m_data, lang)
if == pagename then
return true
local entry_name = form_to_entry_name(formobj.form, lang)
return entry_name == pagename or maybe_unaffix(m_data, entry_name) == pagename
-- Given the data for a language and a number (which should be in string representation), find the next and previous
-- numbers to display (in string representation).
local function get_next_and_prev_keys(m_data, numstr)
local numdata = export.lookup_data(m_data, numstr)
if not numdata then
return nil, nil
local nextnum =
local prevnum = numdata.prev
if not nextnum or not prevnum then
-- Find the next/previous numbers by sorting all the keys and locating the number in question among them.
local sorted_list = {}
local index = 1
for key, _ in pairs(m_data.numbers) do
sorted_list[index] = key
index = index + 1
table.sort(sorted_list, export.numbers_less_than)
-- We could binary search to save time, but given that we already sort, which is supra-linear, it won't
-- matter to search linearly.
for i, key in ipairs(sorted_list) do
if export.format_fixed(key) == numstr then
nextnum = nextnum or sorted_list[i + 1]
prevnum = prevnum or sorted_list[i - 1]
if nextnum then
nextnum = export.format_fixed(nextnum)
if prevnum then
prevnum = export.format_fixed(prevnum)
return nextnum, prevnum
-- Find the "description objects" (a two-element list {NUMBER, TYPE}, where NUMBER is either a Lua number or a string,
-- depending on how it appears in the underlying data) that matches `pagename` and (if given) `matching_type`.
-- Return a list of such objects.
local function lookup_number_by_form(lang, m_data, pagename, matching_type)
local retval = {}
local function check_form(form, num, typ)
local formobj = export.parse_form_and_modifiers(form)
if form_equals_pagename(formobj, pagename, m_data, lang) and (not matching_type or typ == matching_type) then
-- It's possible the same pagename occurs multiply for a given type and number, e.g. with different length
-- or accent marks. The calling code is OK with multiple entries for a given number (which can also occur
-- with different types, e.g. the ordinal and fractional forms for a given number are the same), but will
-- throw an error if different numbers are seen.
table.insert(retval, {num, typ})
for num, numdata in pairs(m_data.numbers) do
for numtype, forms in pairs(numdata) do
if non_form_types[numtype] then
-- do nothing
elseif type(forms) == "table" then
for _, form in ipairs(forms) do
check_form(form, num, numtype)
check_form(forms, num, numtype)
return retval

Line 25: Line 295:
-- the numeral type that the form should appear before or after.
-- the numeral type that the form should appear before or after.
-- The transformations are applied in order.
-- The transformations are applied in order.
local function add_form_types(additional_types)
local function add_form_types(form_types, additional_types)
local types = require "Module:Table".deepcopy(form_types)
local types = require("Module:table").deepcopy(form_types)
for _, type in ipairs(additional_types) do
for _, type in ipairs(additional_types) do
type = require "Module:Table".shallowcopy(type)
if not (type.before or type.after) then
local i
table.insert(types, type)
if type.before or type.after then
i = index_of_number_type(types, type.before or type.after)
if type.before and type.after then
error("The form type '" .. type.key .. "' is specifying both before and after, which is not allowed")
-- For now, simply log an error message
-- if the "before" or "after" number type was not found,
-- and insert the number type at the end.
local index
if i then
local anchor = type.before or type.after
if type.before then
table.insert(types, i - 1, type)
for i, another_type in ipairs(types) do
if another_type.key == anchor then
table.insert(types, i + 1, type)
index = i
if index and type.after then
index = index + 1
table.insert(types, type)
type = require("Module:table").shallowcopy(type)
if type.before or type.after then
type.before, type.after = nil, nil
if not index then
mw.log("Number type "
mw.log("Number type "
.. (type.before or type.after)
.. (type.before or type.after)
.. " was not found.")
.. " was not found.")
table.insert(types, type)
table.insert(types, index, type)
type.before, type.after = nil, nil
return types
return types

function export.get_number_types(language_code)
-- Return all form types for the language in question, in order.
local m_data = require("Module:Number list/data/" .. language_code)
function export.get_number_types(m_data)
local final_form_types = form_types
local form_types = default_form_types
if m_data.additional_number_types then
if m_data.additional_number_types then
final_form_types = add_form_types(m_data.additional_number_types)
return add_form_types(form_types, m_data.additional_number_types)
return form_types
return final_form_types

-- Convert a number type object (an object with `display` and `key` fields) to its displayed form.
function export.display_number_type(number_type)
function export.display_number_type(number_type)
if number_type.display then
if number_type.display then
Line 72: Line 354:

local a = ("a"):byte()
-- Group digits with a separator, such as a comma or a period. See [[w:Digit grouping]].
local function multiple_num_links(terms, lang)
local function add_separator(numstr, separator, group, start)
local links = {}
start = start or group
for i, term in ipairs(terms) do
if start >= #numstr then
links[i] = m_links.language_link{lang = lang, term = term, alt = "[" .. string.char(a + i - 1) .. "]", tr = "-"}
return numstr
return "<sup>" .. table.concat(links, ", ") .. "</sup>"

function map(func, array)
local parts = { numstr:sub(-start) }
local new_array = {}
for i = start + 1, #numstr, group do
for i,v in ipairs(array) do
table.insert(parts, 1, numstr:sub(-(i + group - 1), -i))
new_array[i] = func(v)
return new_array

local function unsuffix(term)
return table.concat(parts, separator)
if type(term) == "table" then
return map(unsuffix, term)
if term:find("^-a ") ~= nil then
return term:sub(4)
if term:sub(1, 1) == "-" then
return term:sub(2)
return term

-- See [[w:Digit grouping]].
function export.add_thousands_separator(numstr, separator)
local function add_separator(number, separator, group, start)
if #numstr < 4 then -- < 1000
number = tostring(number)
return numstr
start = start or group
if start >= #number then
return number
return add_separator(numstr, separator or ",", 3)
local parts = { number:sub(-start) }
for i = start + 1, #number, group do
table.insert(parts, 1, number:sub(-(i + group - 1), -i))
return table.concat(parts, separator)
local function add_thousands_separator(number, separator)
return add_separator(number, separator, 3)

local function add_Indic_separator(number, separator)
local function add_Indic_separator(numstr, separator)
return add_separator(number, separator, 2, 3)
return add_separator(numstr, separator, 2, 3)

function export.generate_decimal_numeral(numeral_config, number)
-- Convert a number (represented as a string) to non-Arabic form based on the specs in `numeral_config`.
if type(number) ~= "number" then
-- This is used, for example, to display the Hindu, Eastern Arabic or Roman form of a number along with the standard
return nil
-- Arabic form. Most of the code below assumes that the non-Arabic numerals are decimal, and the digits map one-to-one
-- with Arabic numerals. If this is not the case (e.g. for Roman numerals), a special module function is called to do
-- the conversion.
function export.generate_non_arabic_numeral(numeral_config, numstr)
-- `numstr` is a number represented as a string. See comment near top of show_box().
if numeral_config.module and numeral_config.func then
if numeral_config.module and numeral_config.func then
return require("Module:" .. numeral_config.module)[numeral_config.func](number)
return require("Module:" .. numeral_config.module)[numeral_config.func](numstr)
local thousands_separator, Indic_separator, zero_codepoint =
local thousands_separator, Indic_separator, zero_codepoint =
if not zero_codepoint then
if not zero_codepoint then
return nil
return nil
local number_string = tostring(number)
if thousands_separator then
if thousands_separator then
number_string = add_thousands_separator(number_string, thousands_separator)
numstr = export.add_thousands_separator(numstr, thousands_separator)
elseif Indic_separator then
elseif Indic_separator then
number_string = add_Indic_separator(number_string, Indic_separator)
numstr = add_Indic_separator(numstr, Indic_separator)
return number_string:gsub("[0-9]", function (digit)
return numstr:gsub("[0-9]", function (digit)
return mw.ustring.char(zero_codepoint + tonumber(digit))
return mw.ustring.char(zero_codepoint + tonumber(digit))
Line 158: Line 412:

local function remove_duplicate_entry_names(lang, terms)
-- Format a number (either a Lua number or a string) for display. Sufficiently small numbers are displayed in fixed
local entries = require "Module:Fun".map(
-- point with thousands separators. Larger numbers are displayed in both fixed point and scientific notation using
function(term) return lang:makeEntryName(term) end,
-- superscripts, and sufficiently large numbers are displayed only in scientific notation.
function export.format_number_for_display(number)
local entry_set = {}
return require "Module:Fun".filter(
local numstr = export.format_fixed(number)
local already_seen = entry_set[entry]
local fixed = export.add_thousands_separator(numstr)
entry_set[entry] = true
if #numstr <= MAX_NUM_DIGITS_FOR_FIXED_ONLY then
return not already_seen
return fixed
local kstr = numstr:match("^([0-9]*[1-9])0*$")
if not kstr then
error("Internal error: Unable to match number '" .. numstr .. "'")
local exponent = ("10<sup>%s</sup>"):format(#numstr - 1)
local mantissa
if kstr == "1" then
mantissa = ""
elseif #kstr == 1 then
mantissa = kstr .. " x "
mantissa = kstr:gsub("^([0-9])", "%1.") .. " x "
local scientific = mantissa .. exponent
return scientific
return fixed .. " (" .. scientific .. ")"
-- Map a list of tags to a single string that is equivalent. We need to do this because we can't easily put lists in the
-- keys of tables.
local function tag_list_to_combined_tag(tag_list)
return table.concat(tag_list, "|||")
-- Given a list of forms with attached inline modifiers (e.g. 'huitanta-huit<tag:Valencian>' or
-- 'tair ar ddeg<tag:vigesimal><tag:feminine>'), parse the forms into form objects (the return value of
-- parse_form_and_modifiers()) and group by the tag. Three values are returned:
-- `seen_forms`, `forms_by_tag`, `seen_tags` where:
-- (1) `seen_forms` is the list of parsed form objects;
-- (2) `forms_by_tag` is a table grouping the form objects by combined tag, where the key is the tag and the value is
--      a list of the form objects seen with that tag (forms without tag are grouped under the empty-string tag);
-- (3) `seen_tags` is a list of the combined tags encountered, in the order they were encountered;
-- (4) `combined_tags_to_tag_lists` is a map from combined tags to the corresponding tag lists.
function export.group_numeral_forms_by_tag(forms)
local seen_forms = {}
local forms_by_tag = {}
local seen_tags = {}
local combined_tags_to_tag_lists = {}
for _, form in ipairs(forms) do
local formobj = export.parse_form_and_modifiers(form)
table.insert(seen_forms, formobj)
local combined_tag = formobj.tag and tag_list_to_combined_tag(formobj.tag) or ""
if not forms_by_tag[combined_tag] then
table.insert(seen_tags, combined_tag)
forms_by_tag[combined_tag] = {}
combined_tags_to_tag_lists[combined_tag] = formobj.tag or {}
table.insert(forms_by_tag[combined_tag], formobj)
return seen_forms, forms_by_tag, seen_tags, combined_tags_to_tag_lists

-- Given a form object (as returned by parse_form_and_modifiers()), format as appropriate for the current language.
function export.format_formobj(formobj, m_data, lang)
local left_q = formobj.q and require("Module:qualifier").format_qualifier(formobj.q) .. " " or ""
local right_q = formobj.qq and " " .. require("Module:qualifier").format_qualifier(formobj.qq) or ""
return left_q .. m_links.full_link{
lang = lang, term = maybe_unaffix(m_data, formobj.form), alt = formobj.form, tr =,
} .. right_q

-- Implementation of {{number box}}.
function export.show_box(frame)
function export.show_box(frame)
local full_link = m_links.full_link
local full_link = m_links.full_link
local params = {
local params = {
[1] = {required = true},
[1] = {required = true},
[2] = {required = true},
[2] = {},
[3] = {},
["pagename"] = {},
[4] = {},
["type"] = {},
["type"] = {},
local args = require("Module:Parameters").process(frame:getParent().args, params)
local parent_args = frame:getParent().args
if parent_args.pagename then
local lang = args[1] or "und"
local cur_num = args[2] or 2
local args = require("Module:parameters").process(parent_args, params, nil, "number list", "show_box")
local langcode = args[1] or "und"
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode(langcode, "1")
-- Get the data from the data module. Some modules (e.g. currently [[Module:number list/data/ka]]) have to be
-- loaded with require() because the exported numbers table has a metatable.
local module_name = export.get_data_module_name(langcode, "must exist")
local m_data = require(module_name)
local pagename = args.pagename or (mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Reconstruction" and "*" or "") .. mw.title.getCurrentTitle().subpageText
-- Resolve any risky characters which makeEntryName will escape, so that any matches involving them work correctly.
pagename = (lang:makeEntryName(pagename))
local cur_type = args.type
local cur_type = args.type
if not (type(cur_num) == "number" or cur_num:find "^%d+$") then
error("Extraneous characters in parameter 2: should be decimal number (integer).")
-- We represent all numbers as strings in this function to deal with the limited precision inherent in Lua numbers.
-- These large numbers do occur, such as 100 trillion ([[རབ་བཀྲམ་ཆེན་པོ]]), 1 sextillion, etc. Lua represents all
-- numbers as 64-bit floats, meaning that some numbers above 2^53 cannot be represented exactly. The first power of
-- 10 that cannot be represented exactly is 10^22 (ten sextillion in short scale, ten thousand trillion in long
-- scale), but the first power of ten whose neighboring numbers cannot be represented exactly is 10^16 (ten
-- quadrillion or ten thousand billion). Ideally we would use a big integer library of some kind, but unfortunately
-- Wiktionary does not seem to have any such library installed. MediaWiki docs make mention of bcmath, but
-- throws an error.
-- In module data, we allow numbers to be indexed as Lua numbers or as strings. See lookup_data() above.
local cur_num = args[2] or langcode == "und" and mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Template" and "2" or nil
-- If a current number wasn't specified, find it by looking through the data for the current language and matching
-- forms against the pagename.
if not cur_num then
local nums_and_types = lookup_number_by_form(lang, m_data, pagename, cur_type)
if #nums_and_types == 0 then
error("The current page name '" .. pagename .. "' does not match the spelling of any known number in [[" ..
module_name .. "]]. Check the data module or the spelling of the page.")
for _, num_and_type in ipairs(nums_and_types) do
local num, typ = unpack(num_and_type)
num = export.format_fixed(num)
if cur_num and num ~= cur_num then
local errparts = {}
for _, num_and_type in ipairs(nums_and_types) do
local num, typ = unpack(num_and_type)
table.insert(errparts, ("%s (%s)"):format(num, typ))
error("The current page name '" .. pagename .. "' matches the spelling of multiple numbers in [[" ..
module_name .. "]]: " .. table.concat(errparts, ",") .. ". Please specify the number explicitly.")
cur_num = num
local alt_pagename = args[3] or false
local remove_suffix = args[4] or false
cur_num = cur_num:gsub(",", "") -- remove thousands separators
lang = require("Module:Languages").getByCode(lang) or error("The language code \"" .. lang .. "\" is not valid.")
if not cur_num:find("^%d+$") then
error("Extraneous characters in parameter 2: should be decimal number (integer): '" .. cur_num .. "'")
-- Get the data from the data module.
-- [[Module:Number list/data/en]] has to be loaded with require because its
-- exported numbers table has a metatable.
-- Wrapper around `export.lookup_data` that may throw an error if the number can't be found (specifically if
local module_name = "Module:Number list/data/" .. lang:getCode()
-- param_for_error is given).
local m_data = require(module_name)
local function lookup_data(numstr, param_for_error)
local retval = export.lookup_data(m_data, numstr)
-- Numbers that can't be represented exactly as a Lua number
if not retval and param_for_error then
-- must be stored as a string. The first power of 10 that cannot be
error(('The %s number "%s" specified in the "numbers" table entry for "%s" cannot be found in '
-- represented exactly is 10^22 (ten sextillion in short scale,
.. "[[%s]]; please fix the module."):format(param_for_error, numstr, cur_num, module_name))
-- ten thousand trillion in long scale), but the first power of ten whose
-- neighboring numbers cannot be represented exactly
return retval
-- is 10^16 (ten quadrillion or ten thousand billion).
-- The number data must be looked up using the string, but after that
-- the number string must be converted to a number, because some code
local cur_data = lookup_data(cur_num)
-- after this point requires a number. This might cause bugs!
-- Ideally we would use a big integer library of some kind.
local cur_data = m_data.numbers[cur_num] or m_data.numbers[tonumber(cur_num)]
if not cur_data then
if not cur_data then
error('The number "' .. cur_num .. '" is not found in the "numbers" table in [[' .. module_name .. ']].')
error('The number "' .. cur_num .. '" is not found in the "numbers" table in [[' .. module_name .. "]].")
-- Save original cur_num if it is a string, for use below.
orig_cur_num = cur_num
local formatted_forms = {}
cur_num = tonumber(cur_num)
-- Go over each number and make links
local forms = {}
local full_pagename = (mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText=="Reconstruction" and "*" or "") .. mw.title.getCurrentTitle().subpageText
if alt_pagename then full_pagename = alt_pagename end
if cur_type and not cur_data[cur_type] then
if cur_type and not cur_data[cur_type] then
error("The numeral type " .. cur_type .. " for " .. orig_cur_num
error("The numeral type " .. cur_type .. " for " .. cur_num .. " is not found in [[" .. module_name .. "]].")
.. " is not found in [[" .. module_name .. "]].")
-- See above for the definition of "combined tag" and "tag list". The combined tag is just the concatenation of the
-- tag list with ||| between the tags.
local cur_tag_list, cur_combined_tag
local form_types = export.get_number_types(m_data)
for _, form_type in ipairs(export.get_number_types(lang:getCode())) do
-- For each form type (see `form_types` at top of file), group the entries for that form type by tag and figure out
-- what the current form type and tag is, i.e. the form type and tag for the form matching the pagename. Tags are
-- e.g. as in 'vuitanta-vuit<tag:Central>' or 'huitanta-huit<tag:Valencian>' for Catalan and allow different
-- logical sets of numbers for the same form type to be identified. There can potentially be multiple tags per
-- form, e.g. 'tair ar ddeg<tag:vigesimal><tag:feminine>' for the Welsh number 13 where there are both decimal/
-- vigesimal and masculine/feminine variants of this number.
-- We need to do two passes over all form types. In the first pass, for each form type we parse all the forms,
-- group them by tag, and store the results in a per-form-type table. In the second pass, we then format all forms
-- for all form types. The reason for doing two passes is because we need to know the current tag in order to
-- display a form type correctly (because we display the forms for the current tag before the forms for any other
-- tags), but we won't know the current tag until we have done a pass over all form types and forms of those form
-- types in order to determine which one matches the pagename.
-- We use the current tag in two ways:
-- 1. When displaying all the forms for a given number, we group both by form type and tag, and display the forms
--    for a given form type/tag combination on a single line. For a given form type, we display the forms for each
--    tag in the order the tags were specified in the data, except that the forms for the current tag are placed
--    before all others (so e.g. for Catalan, if the current tag is "Valencian", we list the Valencian form(s)
--    first even if the Central form(s) are listed first in the data file).
-- 2. When displaying links to adjacent numbers in display_adjacent_number_links(), if there aren't form(s) for the
--    current type, we don't display any links; but if there are mutiple tagged forms for the current type, we only
--    display links for the forms for the current tag if there are any such forms, otherwise we display links for
--    all forms of all tags.
-- In the presence of multiple tags, things get a bit more complicated:
-- 1. When displaying links to adjacent numbers, say the current tag is vigesimal+feminine, we want to prefer an
--    adjacent-number form that's both vigesimal and feminine, but otherwise we prefer one that's vigesimal or
--    feminine over one that's neither. Say the current tag is just vigesimal; we of course prefer an
--    adjacent-number form that's just vigesimal, but otherwise we prefer a tag that's vigesimal + either masculine
--    or feminine to a tag that's not vigesimal. So it seems we want the form(s) that have the maximum intersection
--    of tags, and if there are two different tag lists with the same number of intersecting tags (e.g. the current
--    tag is vigesimal+feminine and we have a choice of decimal+feminine or just vigesimal), we should prefer the
--    form that has fewer non-matching tags, hence we prefer the just-vigesimal form.
-- 2. By the same logic, when displaying all the forms for a given number, we should order by the size of the
--    intersection of the tag list in question with the current tag list, then inversely by the size of the tag list
--    (so we prefer tag lists with fewer non-matching tags), then by the order of the tag lists in the data file.
local forms_by_tag_per_form_type = {}
local seen_tags_per_form_type = {}
local combined_tags_to_tag_lists_per_form_type = {}
for _, form_type in ipairs(form_types) do
local numeral = cur_data[form_type.key]
local numeral = cur_data[form_type.key]
if numeral then
if numeral then
local form = {}
local numerals
local numerals
if type(numeral) == "string" then
if type(numeral) == "string" then
Line 241: Line 642:
numerals = numeral
numerals = numeral
for _, numeral in ipairs(numerals) do
local seen_forms, forms_by_tag, seen_tags, combined_tags_to_tag_lists = export.group_numeral_forms_by_tag(numerals)
-- If this number is the current page, then store the key for later use
forms_by_tag_per_form_type[form_type] = forms_by_tag
if not cur_type and lang:makeEntryName(numeral) == full_pagename then
seen_tags_per_form_type[form_type] = seen_tags
cur_type = form_type.key
combined_tags_to_tag_lists_per_form_type[form_type] = combined_tags_to_tag_lists
for _, formobj in ipairs(seen_forms) do
if not cur_tag_list and form_equals_pagename(formobj, pagename, m_data, lang) then
cur_tag_list = formobj.tag or {}
cur_combined_tag = tag_list_to_combined_tag(cur_tag_list)
cur_type = cur_type or form_type.key
table.insert(form, full_link({lang = lang, term = remove_suffix and unsuffix(numeral) or numeral, alt = numeral }))
local displayed_number_type = export.display_number_type(form_type)
if form_type.key == cur_type then
displayed_number_type = "'''" .. displayed_number_type .. "'''"
-- Error if we couldn't locate the pagename among the forms for the current number. This only happens if the
-- number if given explicitly in 2=.
if not cur_type and mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText ~= "Template" then
error("The current page name '" .. pagename .. "' does not match any of the numbers listed in [[" ..
module_name .. "]] for " .. cur_num .. ". Check the data module or the spelling of the page.")
-- Now, format all the forms for all form types for the current number.
local function sort_combined_tags(combined_tags, seen_tags, combined_tags_to_tag_lists)
-- cur_tag_list should normally never be nil, but can be so in template space
local cur_tag_set = list_to_set(cur_tag_list or {})
local tags_to_order = {}
for i, tag in ipairs(seen_tags) do
tags_to_order[tag] = i
local function compare_tags(tag1, tag2)
-- See long comment above.
-- First compare by number of tags in common with the current tag list.
local tag_list1 = combined_tags_to_tag_lists[tag1]
local tag_list2 = combined_tags_to_tag_lists[tag2]
local common1 = set_intersection(cur_tag_set, list_to_set(tag_list1))
local common2 = set_intersection(cur_tag_set, list_to_set(tag_list2))
if #common1 ~= #common2 then
return #common1 < #common2
-- Then compare inversely by number of tags not in common with the current tag list (which is equivalent to
-- comparing by total number of tags, since tags should be distinct).
if #tag_list1 ~= #tag_list2 then
return #tag_list1 > #tag_list2
-- Finally, compare by the original ordering in the number data, but if a tag is the same as the current
table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''" .. displayed_number_type .. "'': " .. table.concat(form, ", "))
-- tag, put it first, and if somehow we encounter a tag that's not in the original ordering, put it last.
local index1 = tag1 == cur_combined_tag and 0 or tags_to_order[tag1] or #seen_tags + 1
local index2 = tag2 == cur_combined_tag and 0 or tags_to_order[tag2] or #seen_tags + 1
return index1 < index2
table.sort(combined_tags, compare_tags)
if not cur_type and mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText ~= "Template" then
for _, form_type in ipairs(form_types) do
error("The current page name does not match any of the numbers listed in [[" .. module_name .. "]] for " .. cur_num .. ". Check the data module or the spelling of the page.")
local forms_by_tag = forms_by_tag_per_form_type[form_type]
local seen_tags = seen_tags_per_form_type[form_type]
local combined_tags_to_tag_lists = combined_tags_to_tag_lists_per_form_type[form_type]
if forms_by_tag then
local function insert_forms_by_tag(tag)
local formatted_tag_forms = {}
local pagename_among_forms = false
for _, formobj in ipairs(forms_by_tag[tag]) do
table.insert(formatted_tag_forms, export.format_formobj(formobj, m_data, lang))
if form_equals_pagename(formobj, pagename, m_data, lang) then
pagename_among_forms = true
if tag ~= "" then
local tag_list = combined_tags_to_tag_lists[tag]
tag = table.concat(tag_list, " / ")
local displayed_number_type = export.display_number_type(form_type) .. (tag == "" and "" or (" (%s)"):format(tag))
if pagename_among_forms then
displayed_number_type = "'''" .. displayed_number_type .. "'''"
table.insert(formatted_forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''" .. displayed_number_type .. "'': " ..
table.concat(formatted_tag_forms, ", "))
sort_combined_tags(seen_tags, seen_tags, combined_tags_to_tag_lists)
for _, tag in ipairs(seen_tags) do
-- Current number in header
-- Current number in header
-- Prevent large numbers, such as 100 trillion ([[རབ་བཀྲམ་ཆེན་པོ]]) from being
local cur_display = export.format_number_for_display(cur_num)
-- displayed in scientific notation (1+e14).
local cur_display = ("%i"):format(cur_num)
if cur_num >= 1000 then
cur_display = add_thousands_separator(cur_display, ",")
local numeral
local numeral
if m_data.numeral_config then
if m_data.numeral_config then
numeral = export.generate_decimal_numeral(m_data.numeral_config, cur_num)
numeral = export.generate_non_arabic_numeral(m_data.numeral_config, cur_num)
elseif cur_data["numeral"] then
elseif cur_data["numeral"] then
numeral = tostring(cur_data["numeral"])
numeral = export.format_fixed(cur_data["numeral"])
if numeral then
if numeral then
cur_display = full_link({lang = lang, alt = numeral, tr = "-"}) .. "<br/><span style=\"font-size: smaller;\">" .. cur_display .. "</span>"
cur_display = full_link{lang = lang, alt = numeral, tr = "-"} .. "<br/><span style=\"font-size: smaller;\">" .. cur_display .. "</span>"
-- Link to previous number
--------------------- Determine next/prev, next/prev outer, and upper/lower numbers. ----------------------
local prev_data = m_data.numbers[cur_num - 1]
local prev_display = ""
-- We have three series of numbers to determine:
-- Current format:
-- 1. The next/previous numbers, which are always those in the sorted series of available numbers unless overridden
-- if multiple entries:
--    by `next`/`prev` specs in an individual number.
-- <sup>[a], [b], ...</sup> ← <numeral>
-- 2. The next/previous outer numbers, which are displayed to the outside of the next/previous numbers. These can
-- else
--   be overridden for an individual number using `next_outer`/`prev_outer`. Otherwise, we try according to an
-- ← <numeral>
--    algorithm described below in the code for computing the outer numbers.
local prev_num = prev_data and prev_data[cur_type]
-- 3. The upper/lower numbers, which are displayed above or below the central number box. These can be overridden
if prev_num then
--    for an individual number using `upper`/`lower`. These are always 10x greater or less than the number in
local entries
--    question, number not considering a number if it's the same as the next/previous number.
if type(prev_num) == "table" then
entries = remove_duplicate_entry_names(lang, prev_num)
local next_num, prev_num = get_next_and_prev_keys(m_data, cur_num)
local next_data = next_num and lookup_data(next_num, "next")
local prev_data = prev_num and lookup_data(prev_num, "previous")
--------- Decompose number into mantissa (k) and exponent (m). ----------
local k, m
if cur_num == "0" then
k = 0
m = 1
local kstr, mstr = cur_num:match("^([0-9]*[1-9])(0*)$")
if not kstr then
error("Internal error: Unable to match number '" .. cur_num .. "'")
elseif #kstr > 15 then
-- This is because some numbers with 16 or more digits can't be represented exactly.
error("Can't handle number with more than 15 digits before the trailing zeros: '" .. cur_num .. "'")
k = tonumber(kstr)
m = #mstr
-- Find the next greater power of 10 for cur_num, up to 10^6. `try` should look up the data for a power of 10
-- and return it if it's available and the number passes any checks, otherwise nil.
local function make_greater_power_of_ten(power)
return cur_num .. string.rep("0", power)
-- Find the next lesser power of 10 for cur_num, up to 10^6. `try` should look up the data for a power of 10
-- and return it if it's available and the number passes any checks, otherwise nil.
local function make_lesser_power_of_ten(power)
local desired_zeros = m - power
if desired_zeros < 0 then
return nil
return k .. string.rep("0", desired_zeros)
local next_outer_data, prev_outer_data
local next_outer_num, prev_outer_num = cur_data.next_outer, cur_data.prev_outer
-- When trying to find then next/previous outer numbers, first, if the base-10 mantissa is not 1 or 0, we add 1 to
-- or subtract 1 from the mantissa, keeping the same number of zeros. Hence, for 300, we try 400 for the next outer,
-- 200 for the previous outer. For 900, we try 1000 for the next outer and 800 for the previous outer. If the
-- mantissa is 1, the next outer is computed the same but for the previous outer we use 9 followed by one fewer
-- zero. Hence, for 100 we try 200 for the next outer but 90 for the previous outer. If the mantissa is 0 (i.e. the
-- entire number is 0), we try 10 for the next outer, and have no previous outer.
-- Next, if the number is an even power of 10, we try 10x, 1000x greater, 100x greater and 1,000,000x greater, in
-- that sequence. Essentially, first we try the next power of 10; then we try the next short-scale number (billion,
-- trillion, etc. where large numbers follow a 10^3 sequence); then we try the next long-scale number (where large
-- numbers follow a 10^6 sequence); then we try the next Indic-scale number (where large numbers follow a 10^2
-- sequence: lakh, crore, arab, ...). We don't just try powers of 10 in order because then if e.g. we have entries
-- for one million, ten million, one hundred million and one billion, and the current number is one million, the
-- next number will be ten million and the next outer number one hundred million, when it would be cleaner to have
-- one billion as the outer number (and in many cases, there is no Wiktionary entry for one hundred million).
-- For the previous outer number, we do an analogous algorithm but make sure we don't try numbers less than 1.
local power_of_10_sequence = { 1, 3, 2, 6 }
--------- Determine next outer number. ----------
if next_outer_num then
next_outer_data = lookup_data(next_outer_num, "next outer")
local function try(num)
local data = (not next_num or export.numbers_greater_than(num, next_num)) and lookup_data(num) or nil
if data then
next_outer_num = num
next_outer_data = data
return data
if not try((k + 1) .. string.rep("0", m)) and k == 1 then
-- Try looking up a greater power of ten instead.
for _, power_of_10 in ipairs(power_of_10_sequence) do
if try(make_greater_power_of_ten(power_of_10)) then
--------- Determine previous outer number. ----------
if prev_outer_num then
prev_outer_data = lookup_data(prev_outer_num, "previous outer")
local function try(num)
local data = (not prev_num or export.numbers_less_than(num, prev_num)) and lookup_data(num) or nil
if data then
prev_outer_num = num
prev_outer_data = data
return data
if k == 0 or m == 0 then
-- less than 10; no previous outer num
local num_to_try
if k == 1 then
num_to_try = "9" .. string.rep("0", m - 1)
num_to_try = (k - 1) .. string.rep("0", m)
if not try(num_to_try) and k == 1 then
-- Try looking up a smaller power of ten instead.
for _, power_of_10 in ipairs(power_of_10_sequence) do
local num_to_try = make_lesser_power_of_ten(power_of_10)
if num_to_try and try(num_to_try) then
local upper_data, lower_data
local upper_num, lower_num = cur_data.upper, cur_data.lower
--------- Determine upper number. ----------
if upper_num then
upper_data = lookup_data(upper_num, "upper")
-- Try looking up the next power of ten.
upper_num = make_greater_power_of_ten(1)
if upper_num == next_num or cur_num == "0" then
upper_num = nil
entries = { prev_num }
upper_data = lookup_data(upper_num)
mw.logObject(prev_num, 'prev_num')
mw.logObject(entries, 'entries')
--------- Determine lower number. ----------
if lower_num then
if #entries > 1 then
lower_data = lookup_data(lower_num, "lower")
prev_display = multiple_num_links(remove_suffix and unsuffix(entries) or entries, lang)
elseif k == 0 or m == 0 then
.. "&nbsp;←&nbsp;&nbsp;" .. (cur_num - 1)
-- less than 10; no lower num
-- Try looking up the previous power or 10.
lower_num = make_lesser_power_of_ten(1)
if lower_num == prev_num then
lower_num = nil
prev_display = m_links.language_link {
lower_data = lookup_data(lower_num)
lang = lang,
term = remove_suffix and unsuffix(entries[1]) or entries[1],
alt = "&nbsp;←&nbsp;&nbsp;" .. (cur_num - 1),
tr = "-",
-- Link to next number
-- For a number `num` (an "adjacent" number to the current number, i.e. either next, previous, next/previous outer,
local next_data = m_data.numbers[cur_num + 1]
-- or upper/lower) with corresponding entry data `num_data`, display link(s) to the form(s) for this number that
local next_display = ""
-- are associated with the current type and tag. If there is a single form to be linked to, the form is linked
-- using the number itself as the display text; otherwise, the multiple forms are linked with superscripted [a],
-- Current format:
-- [b], etc. and the number it displayed adjacent to the links. In either case, beside the number there may be an
-- arrow. If `arrow` == "rarrow", the format is like this:
-- if multiple entries:
-- if multiple entries:
-- <numeral> → <sup>[a], [b], ...</sup>
-- <numeral> → <sup>[a], [b], ...</sup>
-- else
-- else
-- <numeral> →
-- <numeral> →
local next_num = next_data and next_data[cur_type]
-- If `arrow` == "larrow", the format is like this:
if next_num then
-- if multiple entries:
local entries
-- <sup>[a], [b], ...</sup> ← <numeral>
if type(next_num) == "table" then
-- else
entries = remove_duplicate_entry_names(lang, next_num)
-- ← <numeral>
-- Otherwise, the format is like this:
-- if multiple entries:
-- <numeral><sup>[a], [b], ...</sup>
-- else
-- <numeral>
-- Returns nil if `num_data` is nil or there is no entry in `num_data` for the current number type.
-- For the handling of tags in this function, see the "LONG COMMENT EXPLAINING TAG HANDLING" above.
local function display_adjacent_number_links(num, num_data, arrow)
if not num_data then
return nil
local num_type_data = num_data[cur_type]
if not num_type_data then
return nil
local forms = num_type_data
if type(forms) ~= "table" then
forms = {forms}
local seen_forms, forms_by_tag = export.group_numeral_forms_by_tag(forms)
local forms_to_display
if cur_tag and forms_by_tag[cur_tag] then
forms_to_display = forms_by_tag[cur_tag]
entries = { next_num }
forms_to_display = seen_forms
if #entries > 1 then
for i, form_to_display in ipairs(forms_to_display) do
next_display = (cur_num + 1) .. "&nbsp;&nbsp;→&nbsp;"
forms_to_display[i] = or maybe_unaffix(m_data,
.. multiple_num_links(remove_suffix and unsuffix(entries) or entries, lang)
form_to_entry_name(form_to_display.form, lang))
next_display = m_links.language_link {
lang = lang,
term = remove_suffix and unsuffix(entries[1]) or entries[1],
alt = (cur_num + 1) .. "&nbsp;&nbsp;→&nbsp;",
tr = "-",
local seen_pagenames = {}
-- Link to number times ten and divided by ten
local pagenames_to_display = {}
-- Show this only if the number is a power of ten times a number 1-9 (that is, of the form x000...)
for _, form in ipairs(forms_to_display) do
local up_display
if not seen_pagenames[form] then
local down_display
table.insert(pagenames_to_display, form)
seen_pagenames[form] = true
-- This test *could* be done numerically, but this is nice and simple and it works.
if tostring(cur_num):find("^[1-9]0*$") then
up_num = cur_num * 10
local up_data = m_data.numbers[up_num]
if up_data and up_data[cur_type] then
if type(up_data[cur_type]) == "table" then
up_display = up_num .. multiple_num_links(remove_suffix and unsuffix(up_data[cur_type]) or up_data[cur_type], lang)
up_display = full_link({lang = lang, term = remove_suffix and unsuffix(up_data[cur_type]) or up_data[cur_type], alt = up_num, tr = "-"})
-- Only divide by 10 if the number is at least 10
if #pagenames_to_display == 0 then
if cur_num >= 10 then
return nil
local down_num = cur_num / 10
local down_data = m_data.numbers[down_num]
num = export.format_number_for_display(num)
if down_data and down_data[cur_type] then
local num_arrow =
if type(down_data[cur_type]) == "table" then
arrow == "rarrow" and num .. "&nbsp;&nbsp;→&nbsp;" or
down_display = down_num .. multiple_num_links(remove_suffix and unsuffix(down_data[cur_type]) or down_data[cur_type], lang)
arrow == "larrow" and "&nbsp;←&nbsp;&nbsp;" .. num or
down_display = full_link({lang = lang, term = remove_suffix and unsuffix(down_data[cur_type]) or down_data[cur_type], alt = down_num, tr = "-"})
if #pagenames_to_display > 1 then
local a = ("a"):byte()
local links = {}
for i, term in ipairs(pagenames_to_display) do
links[i] = m_links.language_link{lang = lang, term = term, alt = "[" .. string.char(a + i - 1) .. "]"}
links = "<sup>" .. table.concat(links, ", ") .. "</sup>"
return arrow == "larrow" and links .. num_arrow or num_arrow .. links
return m_links.language_link {
lang = lang,
term = pagenames_to_display[1],
alt = num_arrow,
-- Display links to previous/next numbers
local prev_display = display_adjacent_number_links(prev_num, prev_data, "larrow") or ""
local next_display = display_adjacent_number_links(next_num, next_data, "rarrow") or ""
-- Display links to previous/next outer numbers
local prev_outer_display = display_adjacent_number_links(prev_outer_num, prev_outer_data, "larrow")
local next_outer_display = display_adjacent_number_links(next_outer_num, next_outer_data, "rarrow")
-- Display links to upper/lower numbers
local upper_display = display_adjacent_number_links(upper_num, upper_data)
local lower_display = display_adjacent_number_links(lower_num, lower_data)
local canonical_name = lang:getCanonicalName()
local canonical_name = lang:getCanonicalName()
local appendix1 = canonical_name .. ' numerals'
local appendix1 = canonical_name .. " numerals"
local appendix2 = canonical_name .. ' numbers'
local appendix2 = canonical_name .. " numbers"
local appendix
local appendix
local title
local title
Line 393: Line 1,016:
appendix = appendix2
appendix = appendix2
if appendix then
if appendix then
title = '[[Appendix:' .. appendix .. '|' .. appendix2 .. ']]'
title = "[[Appendix:" .. appendix .. "|" .. appendix2 .. "]]"
title = appendix2
title = appendix2
local edit_link = ' <sup>(<span class="plainlinks">[' ..
tostring(mw.uri.fullUrl(module_name, { action = "edit" })) ..
" edit]</span>)</sup>"
return [=[{| class="floatright" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="float: right; background: #ffffff; border: 1px #aaa solid; border-collapse: collapse; margin-top: .5em;" rules="all"
|+ ''']=] .. title .. edit_link .. "'''" ..
(up_display and [=[

|- style="text-align: center; background:#dddddd;"
local function format_cell(contents, class_name, colspan, bold)
class_name = class_name and (" " .. class_name) or ""
| style="font-size:smaller;" | ]=] .. up_display .. [=[
colspan = colspan and ('colspan="%s" '):format(colspan) or ""
bold = bold and "!" or "|"
return ('%s %sclass="table-cell %s | %s\n'):format(bold, colspan, class_name, contents)
local has_outer_display = not not (prev_outer_display or next_outer_display)
local function format_upper_lower_display_row(display)
local blank_cell
if has_outer_display then
blank_cell = '| colspan="2" |\n'
blank_cell = "|\n"
local parts = {'|- class="adjacent-panel"\n'}
table.insert(parts, blank_cell)
table.insert(parts, format_cell(display, "adjacent-number"))
table.insert(parts, blank_cell)
return table.concat(parts)

upper_display = upper_display and format_upper_lower_display_row(upper_display) or ""
]=] or "\n") .. [=[|- style="text-align: center;"
lower_display = lower_display and format_upper_lower_display_row(lower_display) or ""
| style="min-width: 6em; font-size:smaller; background:#dddddd;" | ]=] .. prev_display .. [=[

! style="min-width: 6em; font-size:larger;" | ]=] .. cur_display .. [=[
local function format_display_cell(display)
return format_cell(display, "adjacent-number")

| style="min-width: 6em; font-size:smaller; background:#dddddd;" | ]=] .. next_display .. [=[
prev_display = format_display_cell(prev_display)
next_display = format_display_cell(next_display)
prev_outer_display = has_outer_display and format_display_cell(prev_outer_display or "") or ""
next_outer_display = has_outer_display and format_display_cell(next_outer_display or "") or ""
cur_display = format_cell(cur_display, "current-number", nil, "bold")

]=] .. (down_display and [=[|- style="text-align: center; background:#dddddd;"
local forms_display = ('| colspan="%s" style="text-align: center;" | %s\n'):format(
has_outer_display and 5 or 3, table.concat(formatted_forms, "<br/>"))
| style="font-size:smaller;" | ]=] .. down_display .. [=[

local footer_display
]=] or "") .. [=[|-
if cur_data.wplink then
| colspan="3" | ]=] .. table.concat(forms, "<br/>") .. [=[
local footer =
"[[w:" .. lang:getCode() .. ":Main Page|" .. lang:getCanonicalName() .. " Wikipedia]] article on " ..
m_links.full_link{lang = lang, term = "w:" .. lang:getCode() .. ":" .. cur_data.wplink,
alt = export.format_number_for_display(cur_num)}
footer_display = '|- style="text-align: center;"\n' .. format_cell(footer, "footer-cell", has_outer_display and 5 or 3)
footer_display = ""

local edit_link = ' <sup>(<span class="plainlinks">[' ..
tostring(mw.uri.fullUrl(module_name, { action = "edit" })) ..
" edit]</span>)</sup>"
return [=[{| class="floatright number-box" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="background: #ffffff; border: 1px #aaa solid; border-collapse: collapse; margin-top: .5em;" rules="all"
|+ ''']=] .. title .. edit_link .. "'''\n" ..
upper_display .. '|- style="text-align: center;"\n' ..
prev_outer_display .. prev_display .. cur_display .. next_display .. next_outer_display .. "|-\n" ..
lower_display .. "|-\n" ..
forms_display .. footer_display .. "|}" .. require("Module:TemplateStyles")("Template:number box/styles.css")

local trim = mw.text.trim

-- Assumes string or nil (or false), the types that can be found in an args table.
-- Assumes string or nil (or false), the types that can be found in an args table.
local function if_not_empty(val)
local function if_not_empty(val)
if val and trim(val) == "" then
if val and mw.text.trim(val) == "" then
return nil
return nil
Line 445: Line 1,096:

function export.show_box_manual(frame)
function export.show_box_manual(frame)
local m_links = require("Module:Links")
local m_links = require("Module:links")
local num_type = frame.args["type"]
local num_type = frame.args["type"]
local args = {}
local args = {}
--cloning parent's args while also assigning nil to empty strings
--cloning parent's args while also assigning nil to empty strings
Line 453: Line 1,104:
args[pname] = if_not_empty(param)
args[pname] = if_not_empty(param)
local lang = args[1] or (mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Template" and "und") or error("Language code has not been specified. Please pass parameter 1 to the template.")
local lang = args[1] or (mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Template" and "und") or error("Language code has not been specified. Please pass parameter 1 to the template.")
local sc = args["sc"];  
local sc = args["sc"];
local headlink = args["headlink"]
local headlink = args["headlink"]
local wplink = args["wplink"]
local wplink = args["wplink"]
local alt = args["alt"]
local alt = args["alt"]
local tr = args["tr"]
local tr = args["tr"]
local prev_symbol = if_not_empty(args[2])
local prev_symbol = if_not_empty(args[2])
local cur_symbol = if_not_empty(args[3]);
local cur_symbol = if_not_empty(args[3]);
local next_symbol = if_not_empty(args[4])
local next_symbol = if_not_empty(args[4])
local prev_term = if_not_empty(args[5])
local prev_term = if_not_empty(args[5])
local next_term = if_not_empty(args[6])
local next_term = if_not_empty(args[6])

local cardinal_term = args["card"]; local cardinal_alt = args["cardalt"]; local cardinal_tr = args["cardtr"]
local cardinal_term = args["card"]; local cardinal_alt = args["cardalt"]; local cardinal_tr = args["cardtr"]
local ordinal_term = args["ord"]; local ordinal_alt = args["ordalt"]; local ordinal_tr = args["ordtr"]
local ordinal_term = args["ord"]; local ordinal_alt = args["ordalt"]; local ordinal_tr = args["ordtr"]
local adverbial_term = args["adv"]; local adverbial_alt = args["advalt"]; local adverbial_tr = args["advtr"]
local adverbial_term = args["adv"]; local adverbial_alt = args["advalt"]; local adverbial_tr = args["advtr"]
local multiplier_term = args["mult"]; local multiplier_alt = args["multalt"]; local multiplier_tr = args["multtr"]
local multiplier_term = args["mult"]; local multiplier_alt = args["multalt"]; local multiplier_tr = args["multtr"]
local distributive_term = args["dis"]; local distributive_alt = args["disalt"]; local distributive_tr = args["distr"]
local distributive_term = args["dis"]; local distributive_alt = args["disalt"]; local distributive_tr = args["distr"]
local collective_term = args["coll"]; local collective_alt = args["collalt"]; local collective_tr = args["colltr"]
local collective_term = args["coll"]; local collective_alt = args["collalt"]; local collective_tr = args["colltr"]
local fractional_term = args["frac"]; local fractional_alt = args["fracalt"]; local fractional_tr = args["fractr"]
local fractional_term = args["frac"]; local fractional_alt = args["fracalt"]; local fractional_tr = args["fractr"]
local optional1_title = args["opt"]
local optional1_title = args["opt"]
local optional1_term = args["optx"]; local optional1_alt = args["optxalt"]; local optional1_tr = args["optxtr"]
local optional1_term = args["optx"]; local optional1_alt = args["optxalt"]; local optional1_tr = args["optxtr"]
local optional2_title = args["opt2"]
local optional2_title = args["opt2"]
local optional2_term = args["opt2x"]; local optional2_alt = args["opt2xalt"]; local optional2_tr = args["opt2xtr"]
local optional2_term = args["opt2x"]; local optional2_alt = args["opt2xalt"]; local optional2_tr = args["opt2xtr"]

lang = require("Module:Languages").getByCode(lang) or error("The language code \"" .. lang .. "\" is not valid.")
sc = (sc and (require("Module:Scripts").getByCode(sc) or error("The script code \"" .. sc .. "\" is not valid.")) or nil)
lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode(lang) or error("The language code \"" .. lang .. "\" is not valid.")
sc = (sc and (require("Module:scripts").getByCode(sc) or error("The script code \"" .. sc .. "\" is not valid.")) or nil)
require("Module:Debug").track("number list/" .. lang:getCode())
if sc then
if sc then
require("Module:Debug").track("number list/sc")
if headlink then
if headlink then
require("Module:Debug").track("number list/headlink")
if wplink then
if wplink then
require("Module:Debug").track("number list/wplink")
if alt then
if alt then
require("Module:Debug").track("number list/alt")
if cardinal_alt or ordinal_alt or adverbial_alt or multiplier_alt or distributive_alt or collective_alt or fractional_alt or optional1_alt or optional2_alt then
if cardinal_alt or ordinal_alt or adverbial_alt or multiplier_alt or distributive_alt or collective_alt or fractional_alt or optional1_alt or optional2_alt then
require("Module:Debug").track("number list/xalt")
local lang_type = lang:getType()
local subpage = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().subpageText
local subpage = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().subpageText
local is_reconstructed = lang_type == "reconstructed" or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Reconstruction"
local is_reconstructed = lang:hasType("reconstructed") or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Reconstruction"
alt = alt or (is_reconstructed and "*" or "") .. subpage
-- Commenting out this line prevents passing redundant alts to full_link;
-- however, there may have been a purpose to it.
-- alt = alt or (is_reconstructed and "*" or "") .. subpage
if num_type == "cardinal" then
if num_type == "cardinal" then
cardinal_term = (is_reconstructed and "*" or "") .. subpage
cardinal_term = (is_reconstructed and "*" or "") .. subpage
Line 528: Line 1,181:
ordinal_tr = tr
ordinal_tr = tr
local header = lang:getCanonicalName() .. " " .. num_type .. " numbers"
local header = lang:getCanonicalName() .. " " .. num_type .. " numbers"
if headlink then
if headlink then
header = "[[" .. headlink .. "|" .. header .. "]]"
header = "[[" .. headlink .. "|" .. header .. "]]"
local previous = ""
local previous = ""
if prev_term or prev_symbol then
if prev_term or prev_symbol then
previous = m_links.full_link({lang = lang, sc = sc, term = prev_term, alt = "&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;&nbsp;" .. prev_symbol, tr = "-"})
previous = m_links.full_link{lang = lang, sc = sc, term = prev_term, alt = "&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;&nbsp;" .. prev_symbol, tr = "-", no_alt_ast = true}
local current = m_links.full_link({lang = lang, sc = sc, alt = cur_symbol, tr = "-"})
local current = m_links.full_link{lang = lang, sc = sc, alt = cur_symbol, tr = "-", no_alt_ast = true}
local next = ""
local next = ""
if next_term or next_symbol then
if next_term or next_symbol then
next = m_links.full_link({lang = lang, sc = sc, term = next_term, alt = next_symbol .. "&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;", tr = "-"})
next = m_links.full_link{lang = lang, sc = sc, term = next_term, alt = next_symbol .. "&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;", tr = "-", no_alt_ast = true}
local forms = {}
local forms = {}
if cardinal_term then
if cardinal_term then
table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''[[cardinal number|Cardinal]]'' : " .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, sc = sc, term = cardinal_term, alt = cardinal_alt, tr = cardinal_tr}))
table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''[[cardinal number|Cardinal]]'' : " .. m_links.full_link{lang = lang, sc = sc, term = cardinal_term, alt = cardinal_alt, tr = cardinal_tr})
if ordinal_term then
if ordinal_term then
table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''[[ordinal number|Ordinal]]'' : " .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, sc = sc, term = ordinal_term, alt = ordinal_alt, tr = ordinal_tr}))
table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''[[ordinal number|Ordinal]]'' : " .. m_links.full_link{lang = lang, sc = sc, term = ordinal_term, alt = ordinal_alt, tr = ordinal_tr})
if adverbial_term then
if adverbial_term then
table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''[[adverbial number|Adverbial]]'' : " .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, sc = sc, term = adverbial_term, alt = adverbial_alt, tr = adverbial_tr}))
table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''[[adverbial number|Adverbial]]'' : " .. m_links.full_link{lang = lang, sc = sc, term = adverbial_term, alt = adverbial_alt, tr = adverbial_tr})
if multiplier_term then
if multiplier_term then
table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''[[multiplier|Multiplier]]'' : " .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, sc = sc, term = multiplier_term, alt = multiplier_alt, tr = multiplier_tr}))
table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''[[multiplier|Multiplier]]'' : " .. m_links.full_link{lang = lang, sc = sc, term = multiplier_term, alt = multiplier_alt, tr = multiplier_tr})
if distributive_term then
if distributive_term then
table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''[[distributive number|Distributive]]'' : " .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, sc = sc, term = distributive_term, alt = distributive_alt, tr = distributive_tr}))
table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''[[distributive number|Distributive]]'' : " .. m_links.full_link{lang = lang, sc = sc, term = distributive_term, alt = distributive_alt, tr = distributive_tr})
if collective_term then
if collective_term then
table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''[[collective number|Collective]]'' : " .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, sc = sc, term = collective_term, alt = collective_alt, tr = collective_tr}))
table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''[[collective number|Collective]]'' : " .. m_links.full_link{lang = lang, sc = sc, term = collective_term, alt = collective_alt, tr = collective_tr})
if fractional_term then
if fractional_term then
table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''[[fractional|Fractional]]'' : " .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, sc = sc, term = fractional_term, alt = fractional_alt, tr = fractional_tr}))
table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''[[fractional|Fractional]]'' : " .. m_links.full_link{lang = lang, sc = sc, term = fractional_term, alt = fractional_alt, tr = fractional_tr})
if optional1_title then
if optional1_title then
table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''" .. optional1_title .. "'' : " .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, sc = sc, term = optional1_term, alt = optional1_alt, tr = optional1_tr}))
table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''" .. optional1_title .. "'' : " .. m_links.full_link{lang = lang, sc = sc, term = optional1_term, alt = optional1_alt, tr = optional1_tr})
if optional2_title then
if optional2_title then
table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''" .. optional2_title .. "'' : " .. m_links.full_link({lang = lang, sc = sc, term = optional2_term, alt = optional2_alt, tr = optional2_tr}))
table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''" .. optional2_title .. "'' : " .. m_links.full_link{lang = lang, sc = sc, term = optional2_term, alt = optional2_alt, tr = optional2_tr})
local footer = ""
local footer = ""
if wplink then
if wplink then
footer =
footer =
"[[w:" .. lang:getCode() .. ":Main Page|" .. lang:getCanonicalName() .. " Wikipedia]] article on " ..
"[[w:" .. lang:getCode() .. ":Main Page|" .. lang:getCanonicalName() .. " Wikipedia]] article on " ..
m_links.full_link({lang = lang, sc = sc, term = "w:" .. lang:getCode() .. ":" .. wplink, alt = alt, tr = tr})
m_links.full_link{lang = lang, sc = sc, term = "w:" .. lang:getCode() .. ":" .. wplink, alt = alt, tr = tr}
return [=[{| class="floatright" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="background: #ffffff; border: 1px #aaa solid; border-collapse: collapse; margin-top: .5em;" rules="all"  
return [=[{| class="floatright number-box" style="float: right;" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" rules="all"
|+ ''']=] .. header .. [=['''
|+ ''']=] .. header .. [=['''
| style="width: 64px; background:#dddddd; text-align: center; font-size:smaller;" | ]=] .. previous .. [=[
| class="adjacent-slot" | ]=] .. previous .. [=[

! style="width: 98px; text-align: center; font-size:larger;" | ]=] .. current .. [=[
! class="current-slot" | ]=] .. current .. [=[

| style="width: 64px; text-align: center; background:#dddddd; font-size:smaller;" | ]=] .. next .. [=[
| class="adjacent-slot" | ]=] .. next .. [=[

| colspan="3" | ]=] .. table.concat(forms, "<br/>") .. [=[
| colspan="3" class="form-slot" | ]=] .. table.concat(forms, "<br/>") .. [=[

| colspan="3" style="text-align: center; background: #dddddd;" | ]=] .. footer .. [=[
| colspan="3" class="footer-slot" | ]=] .. footer .. [=[

|}]=] .. require("Module:TemplateStyles")("Template:number box/styles.css")

return export
return export

Revision as of 03:18, 24 February 2024

This module generates navigation boxes for number words, such as three, third, thrice, and triple. It is used by {{number box}}, {{cardinalbox}}, {{ordinalbox}}, {{adverbialbox}}, and {{collectivebox}}. The language-specific submodules are used by {{number box}}.

Language-specific submodules

local export = {}

local m_links = require("Module:links")



Number = a bare number; a mathematical entity which has different form types (e.g. cardinal, ordinal)
Form type = a category of the forms that represent a number; examples are cardinal, ordinal, distributive, fractional
Form = a word or expression that represents a number in a given language
Tag = an identifier attached to a form that allows different logical subtypes of forms from the same form type to be
      identified; e.g. 'vuitanta-vuit<tag:Central>' vs. 'huitanta-huit<tag:Valencian>' to identify variants of
	  Catalan cardinal number 88 for different dialectal standards; there can be multiple tags per form, e.g.
	  'tair ar ddeg<tag:vigesimal><tag:feminine>' for the Welsh number 13 where there are both decimal/vigesimal and
	  masculine/feminine variants of this number
Tag list = a list of tags in the order they are specified in the data, e.g. {"vigesimal", "feminine"} for the example
Combined tag = the string representation of a tag list, using ||| to separate individual tags

local default_form_types = {
	{key = "cardinal", display = "[[cardinal number|Cardinal]]"},
	{key = "ordinal", display = "[[ordinal number|Ordinal]]"},
	{key = "ordinal_abbr", display = "[[ordinal number|Ordinal]] [[abbreviation]]"},
	{key = "adverbial", display = "[[adverbial number|Adverbial]]"},
	{key = "multiplier", display = "[[multiplier|Multiplier]]"},
	{key = "distributive", display = "[[distributive number|Distributive]]"},
	{key = "collective", display = "[[collective number|Collective]]"},
	{key = "fractional", display = "[[fractional|Fractional]]"},

-- Keys in a `numbers` entry that aren't form types.
local non_form_types = {
	numeral = true,
	wplink = true,
	next = true,
	prev = true,
	next_outer = true,
	prev_outer = true,
	upper = true,
	lower = true,

local function track(page)
	require("Module:debug/track")("number list/" .. page)
	return true

-- General set intersection
local function set_intersection(sets)
	local intersection = {}
	for key, _ in pairs(sets[1]) do
		intersection[key] = true
	for i = 2, #sets do
		local this_set = sets[i]
		for key, _ in pairs(intersection) do
			if not this_set[key] then
				-- See
				-- It is safe to modify or remove a key while iterating over the table.
				intersection[key] = nil
	return intersection

local function set_intersection(set1, set2)
	local intersection = {}
	for key, _ in pairs(set1) do
		intersection[key] = true
	for key, _ in pairs(intersection) do
		if not set2[key] then
			-- See
			-- It is safe to modify or remove a key while iterating over the table.
			intersection[key] = nil
	return intersection

local function list_to_set(list)
	local set = {}
	for _, item in ipairs(list) do
		set[item] = true
	return set

function export.get_data_module_name(langcode, must_exist)
	local module_name = "Module:number list/data/" .. langcode
	if must_exist and not then
		error(("Data module [[%s]] for language code '%s' does not exist"):format(module_name, langcode))
	return module_name

local function power_of(n)
	return "1" .. string.rep("0", n)

-- Format a number (either a Lua number or a string) in fixed point without any decimal point or scientific notation.
-- `tostring()` doesn't work because it converts large numbers such as 1000000000000000 to "1e+15".
function export.format_fixed(number)
	if type(number) == "string" then
		return number
		return ("%.0f"):format(number)

-- Parse a form with modifiers such as 'vuitanta-vuit' or 'سیزده'
-- or 'سیزده' into its component parts. Return a form object, i.e. an object with fields
-- `form` for the form, and `tr`, `tag`, `q`, `qq` or `link` for the modifiers. The `tag` field is a tag list
-- (see above).
function export.parse_form_and_modifiers(form_with_modifiers)
	local retval = {}
	local form
	form = form_with_modifiers
	while true do
		local new_form, angle_bracketed = form:match("^(.-)(%b<>)$")
		if not new_form then
		local prefix, content = angle_bracketed:match "^<(%w+):(.+)>$"
		if not prefix then
		if prefix == "tag" then
			if retval.tag then
				table.insert(retval.tag, content)
				retval.tag = {content}
		elseif prefix == "q" or prefix == "qq" or prefix == "tr" or prefix == "link" then
			if retval[prefix] then
				error(("Duplicate modifier '%s' in data module form, already saw value '%s': %s"):format(prefix,
					retval[prefix], form_with_modifiers))
				retval[prefix] = content
			error(("Unrecognized modifier '%s' in data module form: %s"):format(prefix, form_with_modifiers))
		form = new_form
	retval.form = form
	return retval

-- Find the `numbers` object for a given number (which should be in string representation).
function export.lookup_data(m_data, numstr)
	-- Don't try to convert very large numbers to Lua numbers because they may overflow.
	-- Powers of 10 >= 10^22 cannot be represented exactly as a Lua number.
	return m_data.numbers[numstr] or #numstr < 22 and m_data.numbers[tonumber(numstr)] or nil

-- Return true if a < b, where either may be a Lua number or the string representation of a number.
function export.numbers_less_than(a, b)
	a, b = export.format_fixed(a), export.format_fixed(b)
	local alen = #a
	local blen = #b
	if alen < blen then
		return true
	if alen > blen then
		return false
	return a < b

-- Return true if a > b, where either may be a Lua number or the string representation of a number.
function export.numbers_greater_than(a, b)
	return export.numbers_less_than(b, a)

-- Given a number form, convert it to its independent (un-affixed) form. This only makes sense for certain languages
-- where there is a difference between independent and affixed forms of numerals. Currently the only such language
-- is Swahili, where e.g. the cardinal number form for 3 is affixed [[-tatu]], independent [[tatu]], and the ordinal
-- number form is [[-a tatu]], independent [[tatu]]. We rely on a set of Lua pattern substitutions to convert from
-- affixed to independent form.
-- FIXME: This needs major rethinking in a way that isn't specific to Swahili.
local function maybe_unaffix(m_data, form)
	if not m_data.unaffix then
		return form
	for _, entry in ipairs(m_data.unaffix) do
		local from, to = unpack(entry)
		form = mw.ustring.gsub(form, from, to)
	return form

-- Convert the given number form (taken from the data for `lang`, after parsing the form for modifiers and stripping
-- the modifiers) to an entry name. The form may have links and/or accent/length marks that need to be stripped.
local function form_to_entry_name(form, lang)
	return (lang:makeEntryName(m_links.remove_links(form)))

-- Return true if the given number form object (taken from the data for `lang`, after parsing the form for modifiers)
-- matches `pagename`. If there is a <link:...> modifier, we check against it. Otherwise, we check against the form
-- itself. In this case, the form may have links and/or accent/length marks that need to be stripped, and we may need
-- to convert the form to its independent (un-affixed) form, if there is a difference between independent and affixed
-- forms (as in Swahili).
local function form_equals_pagename(formobj, pagename, m_data, lang)
	if == pagename then
		return true
	local entry_name = form_to_entry_name(formobj.form, lang)
	return entry_name == pagename or maybe_unaffix(m_data, entry_name) == pagename

-- Given the data for a language and a number (which should be in string representation), find the next and previous
-- numbers to display (in string representation).
local function get_next_and_prev_keys(m_data, numstr)
	local numdata = export.lookup_data(m_data, numstr)
	if not numdata then
		return nil, nil
	local nextnum =
	local prevnum = numdata.prev
	if not nextnum or not prevnum then
		-- Find the next/previous numbers by sorting all the keys and locating the number in question among them.
		local sorted_list = {}
		local index = 1
		for key, _ in pairs(m_data.numbers) do
			sorted_list[index] = key
			index = index + 1

		table.sort(sorted_list, export.numbers_less_than)

		-- We could binary search to save time, but given that we already sort, which is supra-linear, it won't
		-- matter to search linearly.
		for i, key in ipairs(sorted_list) do
			if export.format_fixed(key) == numstr then
				nextnum = nextnum or sorted_list[i + 1]
				prevnum = prevnum or sorted_list[i - 1]

	if nextnum then
		nextnum = export.format_fixed(nextnum)
	if prevnum then
		prevnum = export.format_fixed(prevnum)

	return nextnum, prevnum

-- Find the "description objects" (a two-element list {NUMBER, TYPE}, where NUMBER is either a Lua number or a string,
-- depending on how it appears in the underlying data) that matches `pagename` and (if given) `matching_type`.
-- Return a list of such objects.
local function lookup_number_by_form(lang, m_data, pagename, matching_type)
	local retval = {}
	local function check_form(form, num, typ)
		local formobj = export.parse_form_and_modifiers(form)
		if form_equals_pagename(formobj, pagename, m_data, lang) and (not matching_type or typ == matching_type) then
			-- It's possible the same pagename occurs multiply for a given type and number, e.g. with different length
			-- or accent marks. The calling code is OK with multiple entries for a given number (which can also occur
			-- with different types, e.g. the ordinal and fractional forms for a given number are the same), but will
			-- throw an error if different numbers are seen.
			table.insert(retval, {num, typ})

	for num, numdata in pairs(m_data.numbers) do
		for numtype, forms in pairs(numdata) do
			if non_form_types[numtype] then
				-- do nothing
			elseif type(forms) == "table" then
				for _, form in ipairs(forms) do
					check_form(form, num, numtype)
				check_form(forms, num, numtype)

	return retval

-- additional_types is an array of tables like form_types,
-- but each table can contain the keys "before" or "after", which specify
-- the numeral type that the form should appear before or after.
-- The transformations are applied in order.
local function add_form_types(form_types, additional_types)
	local types = require("Module:table").deepcopy(form_types)
	for _, type in ipairs(additional_types) do
		if not (type.before or type.after) then
			table.insert(types, type)
			if type.before and type.after then
				error("The form type '" .. type.key .. "' is specifying both before and after, which is not allowed")

			local index
			local anchor = type.before or type.after

			for i, another_type in ipairs(types) do
				if another_type.key == anchor then
					index = i

			if index and type.after then
				index = index + 1

			type = require("Module:table").shallowcopy(type)
			type.before, type.after = nil, nil
			if not index then
				mw.log("Number type "
					.. (type.before or type.after)
					.. " was not found.")
				table.insert(types, type)
				table.insert(types, index, type)
	return types

-- Return all form types for the language in question, in order.
function export.get_number_types(m_data)
	local form_types = default_form_types
	if m_data.additional_number_types then
		return add_form_types(form_types, m_data.additional_number_types)
		return form_types

-- Convert a number type object (an object with `display` and `key` fields) to its displayed form.
function export.display_number_type(number_type)
	if number_type.display then
		return number_type.display
		return (number_type.key:gsub("^.", string.upper):gsub("_", " "))

-- Group digits with a separator, such as a comma or a period. See [[w:Digit grouping]].
local function add_separator(numstr, separator, group, start)
	start = start or group
	if start >= #numstr then
		return numstr

	local parts = { numstr:sub(-start) }
	for i = start + 1, #numstr, group do
		table.insert(parts, 1, numstr:sub(-(i + group - 1), -i))

	return table.concat(parts, separator)

function export.add_thousands_separator(numstr, separator)
	if #numstr < 4 then -- < 1000
		return numstr
	return add_separator(numstr, separator or ",", 3)

local function add_Indic_separator(numstr, separator)
	return add_separator(numstr, separator, 2, 3)

-- Convert a number (represented as a string) to non-Arabic form based on the specs in `numeral_config`.
-- This is used, for example, to display the Hindu, Eastern Arabic or Roman form of a number along with the standard
-- Arabic form. Most of the code below assumes that the non-Arabic numerals are decimal, and the digits map one-to-one
-- with Arabic numerals. If this is not the case (e.g. for Roman numerals), a special module function is called to do
-- the conversion.
function export.generate_non_arabic_numeral(numeral_config, numstr)
	-- `numstr` is a number represented as a string. See comment near top of show_box().
	if numeral_config.module and numeral_config.func then
		return require("Module:" .. numeral_config.module)[numeral_config.func](numstr)

	local thousands_separator, Indic_separator, zero_codepoint =

	if not zero_codepoint then
		return nil

	if thousands_separator then
		numstr = export.add_thousands_separator(numstr, thousands_separator)
	elseif Indic_separator then
		numstr = add_Indic_separator(numstr, Indic_separator)

	return numstr:gsub("[0-9]", function (digit)
		return mw.ustring.char(zero_codepoint + tonumber(digit))

-- Format a number (either a Lua number or a string) for display. Sufficiently small numbers are displayed in fixed
-- point with thousands separators. Larger numbers are displayed in both fixed point and scientific notation using
-- superscripts, and sufficiently large numbers are displayed only in scientific notation.
function export.format_number_for_display(number)
	local numstr = export.format_fixed(number)
	local fixed = export.add_thousands_separator(numstr)
	if #numstr <= MAX_NUM_DIGITS_FOR_FIXED_ONLY then
		return fixed
	local kstr = numstr:match("^([0-9]*[1-9])0*$")
	if not kstr then
		error("Internal error: Unable to match number '" .. numstr .. "'")
	local exponent = ("10<sup>%s</sup>"):format(#numstr - 1)
	local mantissa
	if kstr == "1" then
		mantissa = ""
	elseif #kstr == 1 then
		mantissa = kstr .. " x "
		mantissa = kstr:gsub("^([0-9])", "%1.") .. " x "
	local scientific = mantissa .. exponent
		return scientific
		return fixed .. " (" .. scientific .. ")"

-- Map a list of tags to a single string that is equivalent. We need to do this because we can't easily put lists in the
-- keys of tables.
local function tag_list_to_combined_tag(tag_list)
	return table.concat(tag_list, "|||")

-- Given a list of forms with attached inline modifiers (e.g. 'huitanta-huit<tag:Valencian>' or
-- 'tair ar ddeg<tag:vigesimal><tag:feminine>'), parse the forms into form objects (the return value of
-- parse_form_and_modifiers()) and group by the tag. Three values are returned:
-- `seen_forms`, `forms_by_tag`, `seen_tags` where:
-- (1) `seen_forms` is the list of parsed form objects;
-- (2) `forms_by_tag` is a table grouping the form objects by combined tag, where the key is the tag and the value is
--      a list of the form objects seen with that tag (forms without tag are grouped under the empty-string tag);
-- (3) `seen_tags` is a list of the combined tags encountered, in the order they were encountered;
-- (4) `combined_tags_to_tag_lists` is a map from combined tags to the corresponding tag lists.
function export.group_numeral_forms_by_tag(forms)
	local seen_forms = {}
	local forms_by_tag = {}
	local seen_tags = {}
	local combined_tags_to_tag_lists = {}

	for _, form in ipairs(forms) do
		local formobj = export.parse_form_and_modifiers(form)
		table.insert(seen_forms, formobj)
		local combined_tag = formobj.tag and tag_list_to_combined_tag(formobj.tag) or ""
		if not forms_by_tag[combined_tag] then
			table.insert(seen_tags, combined_tag)
			forms_by_tag[combined_tag] = {}
			combined_tags_to_tag_lists[combined_tag] = formobj.tag or {}
		table.insert(forms_by_tag[combined_tag], formobj)

	return seen_forms, forms_by_tag, seen_tags, combined_tags_to_tag_lists

-- Given a form object (as returned by parse_form_and_modifiers()), format as appropriate for the current language.
function export.format_formobj(formobj, m_data, lang)
	local left_q = formobj.q and require("Module:qualifier").format_qualifier(formobj.q) .. " " or ""
	local right_q = formobj.qq and " " .. require("Module:qualifier").format_qualifier(formobj.qq) or ""
	return left_q .. m_links.full_link{
		lang = lang, term = maybe_unaffix(m_data, formobj.form), alt = formobj.form, tr =,
	} .. right_q

-- Implementation of {{number box}}.
function export.show_box(frame)
	local full_link = m_links.full_link

	local params = {
		[1] = {required = true},
		[2] = {},
		["pagename"] = {},
		["type"] = {},

	local parent_args = frame:getParent().args
	if parent_args.pagename then
	local args = require("Module:parameters").process(parent_args, params, nil, "number list", "show_box")

	local langcode = args[1] or "und"
	local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode(langcode, "1")

	-- Get the data from the data module. Some modules (e.g. currently [[Module:number list/data/ka]]) have to be
	-- loaded with require() because the exported numbers table has a metatable.
	local module_name = export.get_data_module_name(langcode, "must exist")
	local m_data = require(module_name)

	local pagename = args.pagename or (mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Reconstruction" and "*" or "") .. mw.title.getCurrentTitle().subpageText
	-- Resolve any risky characters which makeEntryName will escape, so that any matches involving them work correctly.
	pagename = (lang:makeEntryName(pagename))
	local cur_type = args.type

	-- We represent all numbers as strings in this function to deal with the limited precision inherent in Lua numbers.
	-- These large numbers do occur, such as 100 trillion ([[རབ་བཀྲམ་ཆེན་པོ]]), 1 sextillion, etc. Lua represents all
	-- numbers as 64-bit floats, meaning that some numbers above 2^53 cannot be represented exactly. The first power of
	-- 10 that cannot be represented exactly is 10^22 (ten sextillion in short scale, ten thousand trillion in long
	-- scale), but the first power of ten whose neighboring numbers cannot be represented exactly is 10^16 (ten
	-- quadrillion or ten thousand billion). Ideally we would use a big integer library of some kind, but unfortunately
	-- Wiktionary does not seem to have any such library installed. MediaWiki docs make mention of bcmath, but
	-- throws an error.
	-- In module data, we allow numbers to be indexed as Lua numbers or as strings. See lookup_data() above.
	local cur_num = args[2] or langcode == "und" and mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Template" and "2" or nil

	-- If a current number wasn't specified, find it by looking through the data for the current language and matching
	-- forms against the pagename.
	if not cur_num then
		local nums_and_types = lookup_number_by_form(lang, m_data, pagename, cur_type)
		if #nums_and_types == 0 then
			error("The current page name '" .. pagename .. "' does not match the spelling of any known number in [[" ..
				module_name .. "]]. Check the data module or the spelling of the page.")
		for _, num_and_type in ipairs(nums_and_types) do
			local num, typ = unpack(num_and_type)
			num = export.format_fixed(num)
			if cur_num and num ~= cur_num then
				local errparts = {}
				for _, num_and_type in ipairs(nums_and_types) do
					local num, typ = unpack(num_and_type)
					table.insert(errparts, ("%s (%s)"):format(num, typ))
				error("The current page name '" .. pagename .. "' matches the spelling of multiple numbers in [[" ..
					module_name .. "]]: " .. table.concat(errparts, ",") .. ". Please specify the number explicitly.")
				cur_num = num

	cur_num = cur_num:gsub(",", "") -- remove thousands separators
	if not cur_num:find("^%d+$") then
		error("Extraneous characters in parameter 2: should be decimal number (integer): '" .. cur_num .. "'")

	-- Wrapper around `export.lookup_data` that may throw an error if the number can't be found (specifically if
	-- param_for_error is given).
	local function lookup_data(numstr, param_for_error)
		local retval = export.lookup_data(m_data, numstr)
		if not retval and param_for_error then
			error(('The %s number "%s" specified in the "numbers" table entry for "%s" cannot be found in '
				.. "[[%s]]; please fix the module."):format(param_for_error, numstr, cur_num, module_name))
		return retval

	local cur_data = lookup_data(cur_num)
	if not cur_data then
		error('The number "' .. cur_num .. '" is not found in the "numbers" table in [[' .. module_name .. "]].")

	local formatted_forms = {}

	if cur_type and not cur_data[cur_type] then
		error("The numeral type " .. cur_type .. " for " .. cur_num .. " is not found in [[" .. module_name .. "]].")

	-- See above for the definition of "combined tag" and "tag list". The combined tag is just the concatenation of the
	-- tag list with ||| between the tags.
	local cur_tag_list, cur_combined_tag

	local form_types = export.get_number_types(m_data)
	-- For each form type (see `form_types` at top of file), group the entries for that form type by tag and figure out
	-- what the current form type and tag is, i.e. the form type and tag for the form matching the pagename. Tags are
	-- e.g. as in 'vuitanta-vuit<tag:Central>' or 'huitanta-huit<tag:Valencian>' for Catalan and allow different
	-- logical sets of numbers for the same form type to be identified. There can potentially be multiple tags per
	-- form, e.g. 'tair ar ddeg<tag:vigesimal><tag:feminine>' for the Welsh number 13 where there are both decimal/
	-- vigesimal and masculine/feminine variants of this number.
	-- We need to do two passes over all form types. In the first pass, for each form type we parse all the forms,
	-- group them by tag, and store the results in a per-form-type table. In the second pass, we then format all forms
	-- for all form types. The reason for doing two passes is because we need to know the current tag in order to
	-- display a form type correctly (because we display the forms for the current tag before the forms for any other
	-- tags), but we won't know the current tag until we have done a pass over all form types and forms of those form
	-- types in order to determine which one matches the pagename.
	-- We use the current tag in two ways:
	-- 1. When displaying all the forms for a given number, we group both by form type and tag, and display the forms
	--    for a given form type/tag combination on a single line. For a given form type, we display the forms for each
	--    tag in the order the tags were specified in the data, except that the forms for the current tag are placed
	--    before all others (so e.g. for Catalan, if the current tag is "Valencian", we list the Valencian form(s)
	--    first even if the Central form(s) are listed first in the data file).
	-- 2. When displaying links to adjacent numbers in display_adjacent_number_links(), if there aren't form(s) for the
	--    current type, we don't display any links; but if there are mutiple tagged forms for the current type, we only
	--    display links for the forms for the current tag if there are any such forms, otherwise we display links for
	--    all forms of all tags.
	-- In the presence of multiple tags, things get a bit more complicated:
	-- 1. When displaying links to adjacent numbers, say the current tag is vigesimal+feminine, we want to prefer an
	--    adjacent-number form that's both vigesimal and feminine, but otherwise we prefer one that's vigesimal or
	--    feminine over one that's neither. Say the current tag is just vigesimal; we of course prefer an
	--    adjacent-number form that's just vigesimal, but otherwise we prefer a tag that's vigesimal + either masculine
	--    or feminine to a tag that's not vigesimal. So it seems we want the form(s) that have the maximum intersection
	--    of tags, and if there are two different tag lists with the same number of intersecting tags (e.g. the current
	--    tag is vigesimal+feminine and we have a choice of decimal+feminine or just vigesimal), we should prefer the
	--    form that has fewer non-matching tags, hence we prefer the just-vigesimal form.
	-- 2. By the same logic, when displaying all the forms for a given number, we should order by the size of the
	--    intersection of the tag list in question with the current tag list, then inversely by the size of the tag list
	--    (so we prefer tag lists with fewer non-matching tags), then by the order of the tag lists in the data file.

	local forms_by_tag_per_form_type = {}
	local seen_tags_per_form_type = {}
	local combined_tags_to_tag_lists_per_form_type = {}

	for _, form_type in ipairs(form_types) do
		local numeral = cur_data[form_type.key]
		if numeral then
			local numerals
			if type(numeral) == "string" then
				numerals = {numeral}
			elseif type(numeral) == "table" then
				numerals = numeral

			local seen_forms, forms_by_tag, seen_tags, combined_tags_to_tag_lists = export.group_numeral_forms_by_tag(numerals)
			forms_by_tag_per_form_type[form_type] = forms_by_tag
			seen_tags_per_form_type[form_type] = seen_tags
			combined_tags_to_tag_lists_per_form_type[form_type] = combined_tags_to_tag_lists
			for _, formobj in ipairs(seen_forms) do
				if not cur_tag_list and form_equals_pagename(formobj, pagename, m_data, lang) then
					cur_tag_list = formobj.tag or {}
					cur_combined_tag = tag_list_to_combined_tag(cur_tag_list)
					cur_type = cur_type or form_type.key

	-- Error if we couldn't locate the pagename among the forms for the current number. This only happens if the
	-- number if given explicitly in 2=.

	if not cur_type and mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText ~= "Template" then
		error("The current page name '" .. pagename .. "' does not match any of the numbers listed in [[" ..
			module_name .. "]] for " .. cur_num .. ". Check the data module or the spelling of the page.")

	-- Now, format all the forms for all form types for the current number.

	local function sort_combined_tags(combined_tags, seen_tags, combined_tags_to_tag_lists)
		-- cur_tag_list should normally never be nil, but can be so in template space
		local cur_tag_set = list_to_set(cur_tag_list or {})
		local tags_to_order = {}
		for i, tag in ipairs(seen_tags) do
			tags_to_order[tag] = i
		local function compare_tags(tag1, tag2)
			-- See long comment above.
			-- First compare by number of tags in common with the current tag list.
			local tag_list1 = combined_tags_to_tag_lists[tag1]
			local tag_list2 = combined_tags_to_tag_lists[tag2]
			local common1 = set_intersection(cur_tag_set, list_to_set(tag_list1))
			local common2 = set_intersection(cur_tag_set, list_to_set(tag_list2))
			if #common1 ~= #common2 then
				return #common1 < #common2
			-- Then compare inversely by number of tags not in common with the current tag list (which is equivalent to
			-- comparing by total number of tags, since tags should be distinct).
			if #tag_list1 ~= #tag_list2 then
				return #tag_list1 > #tag_list2
			-- Finally, compare by the original ordering in the number data, but if a tag is the same as the current
			-- tag, put it first, and if somehow we encounter a tag that's not in the original ordering, put it last.
			local index1 = tag1 == cur_combined_tag and 0 or tags_to_order[tag1] or #seen_tags + 1
			local index2 = tag2 == cur_combined_tag and 0 or tags_to_order[tag2] or #seen_tags + 1
			return index1 < index2
		table.sort(combined_tags, compare_tags)

	for _, form_type in ipairs(form_types) do
		local forms_by_tag = forms_by_tag_per_form_type[form_type]
		local seen_tags = seen_tags_per_form_type[form_type]
		local combined_tags_to_tag_lists = combined_tags_to_tag_lists_per_form_type[form_type]
		if forms_by_tag then
			local function insert_forms_by_tag(tag)
				local formatted_tag_forms = {}

				local pagename_among_forms = false
				for _, formobj in ipairs(forms_by_tag[tag]) do
					table.insert(formatted_tag_forms, export.format_formobj(formobj, m_data, lang))
					if form_equals_pagename(formobj, pagename, m_data, lang) then
						pagename_among_forms = true

				if tag ~= "" then
					local tag_list = combined_tags_to_tag_lists[tag]
					tag = table.concat(tag_list, " / ")
				local displayed_number_type = export.display_number_type(form_type) .. (tag == "" and "" or (" (%s)"):format(tag))
				if pagename_among_forms then
					displayed_number_type = "'''" .. displayed_number_type .. "'''"

				table.insert(formatted_forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''" .. displayed_number_type .. "'': " ..
					table.concat(formatted_tag_forms, ", "))

			sort_combined_tags(seen_tags, seen_tags, combined_tags_to_tag_lists)
			for _, tag in ipairs(seen_tags) do

	-- Current number in header
	local cur_display = export.format_number_for_display(cur_num)

	local numeral
	if m_data.numeral_config then
		numeral = export.generate_non_arabic_numeral(m_data.numeral_config, cur_num)
	elseif cur_data["numeral"] then
		numeral = export.format_fixed(cur_data["numeral"])

	if numeral then
		cur_display = full_link{lang = lang, alt = numeral, tr = "-"} .. "<br/><span style=\"font-size: smaller;\">" .. cur_display .. "</span>"

	--------------------- Determine next/prev, next/prev outer, and upper/lower numbers. ----------------------

	-- We have three series of numbers to determine:
	-- 1. The next/previous numbers, which are always those in the sorted series of available numbers unless overridden
	--    by `next`/`prev` specs in an individual number.
	-- 2. The next/previous outer numbers, which are displayed to the outside of the next/previous numbers. These can
	--    be overridden for an individual number using `next_outer`/`prev_outer`. Otherwise, we try according to an
	--    algorithm described below in the code for computing the outer numbers.
	-- 3. The upper/lower numbers, which are displayed above or below the central number box. These can be overridden
	--    for an individual number using `upper`/`lower`. These are always 10x greater or less than the number in
	--    question, number not considering a number if it's the same as the next/previous number.

	local next_num, prev_num = get_next_and_prev_keys(m_data, cur_num)
	local next_data = next_num and lookup_data(next_num, "next")
	local prev_data = prev_num and lookup_data(prev_num, "previous")

	--------- Decompose number into mantissa (k) and exponent (m). ----------

	local k, m
	if cur_num == "0" then
		k = 0
		m = 1
		local kstr, mstr = cur_num:match("^([0-9]*[1-9])(0*)$")
		if not kstr then
			error("Internal error: Unable to match number '" .. cur_num .. "'")
		elseif #kstr > 15 then
			-- This is because some numbers with 16 or more digits can't be represented exactly.
			error("Can't handle number with more than 15 digits before the trailing zeros: '" .. cur_num .. "'")
		k = tonumber(kstr)
		m = #mstr

	-- Find the next greater power of 10 for cur_num, up to 10^6. `try` should look up the data for a power of 10
	-- and return it if it's available and the number passes any checks, otherwise nil.
	local function make_greater_power_of_ten(power)
		return cur_num .. string.rep("0", power)

	-- Find the next lesser power of 10 for cur_num, up to 10^6. `try` should look up the data for a power of 10
	-- and return it if it's available and the number passes any checks, otherwise nil.
	local function make_lesser_power_of_ten(power)
		local desired_zeros = m - power
		if desired_zeros < 0 then
			return nil
		return k .. string.rep("0", desired_zeros)

	local next_outer_data, prev_outer_data
	local next_outer_num, prev_outer_num = cur_data.next_outer, cur_data.prev_outer

	-- When trying to find then next/previous outer numbers, first, if the base-10 mantissa is not 1 or 0, we add 1 to
	-- or subtract 1 from the mantissa, keeping the same number of zeros. Hence, for 300, we try 400 for the next outer,
	-- 200 for the previous outer. For 900, we try 1000 for the next outer and 800 for the previous outer. If the
	-- mantissa is 1, the next outer is computed the same but for the previous outer we use 9 followed by one fewer
	-- zero. Hence, for 100 we try 200 for the next outer but 90 for the previous outer. If the mantissa is 0 (i.e. the
	-- entire number is 0), we try 10 for the next outer, and have no previous outer.
	-- Next, if the number is an even power of 10, we try 10x, 1000x greater, 100x greater and 1,000,000x greater, in
	-- that sequence. Essentially, first we try the next power of 10; then we try the next short-scale number (billion,
	-- trillion, etc. where large numbers follow a 10^3 sequence); then we try the next long-scale number (where large
	-- numbers follow a 10^6 sequence); then we try the next Indic-scale number (where large numbers follow a 10^2
	-- sequence: lakh, crore, arab, ...). We don't just try powers of 10 in order because then if e.g. we have entries
	-- for one million, ten million, one hundred million and one billion, and the current number is one million, the
	-- next number will be ten million and the next outer number one hundred million, when it would be cleaner to have
	-- one billion as the outer number (and in many cases, there is no Wiktionary entry for one hundred million).
	-- For the previous outer number, we do an analogous algorithm but make sure we don't try numbers less than 1.
	local power_of_10_sequence = { 1, 3, 2, 6 }

	--------- Determine next outer number. ----------
	if next_outer_num then
		next_outer_data = lookup_data(next_outer_num, "next outer")
		local function try(num)
			local data = (not next_num or export.numbers_greater_than(num, next_num)) and lookup_data(num) or nil
			if data then
				next_outer_num = num
				next_outer_data = data
			return data
		if not try((k + 1) .. string.rep("0", m)) and k == 1 then
			-- Try looking up a greater power of ten instead.
			for _, power_of_10 in ipairs(power_of_10_sequence) do
				if try(make_greater_power_of_ten(power_of_10)) then

	--------- Determine previous outer number. ----------
	if prev_outer_num then
		prev_outer_data = lookup_data(prev_outer_num, "previous outer")
		local function try(num)
			local data = (not prev_num or export.numbers_less_than(num, prev_num)) and lookup_data(num) or nil
			if data then
				prev_outer_num = num
				prev_outer_data = data
			return data
		if k == 0 or m == 0 then
			-- less than 10; no previous outer num
			local num_to_try
			if k == 1 then
				num_to_try = "9" .. string.rep("0", m - 1)
				num_to_try = (k - 1) .. string.rep("0", m)
			if not try(num_to_try) and k == 1 then
				-- Try looking up a smaller power of ten instead.
				for _, power_of_10 in ipairs(power_of_10_sequence) do
					local num_to_try = make_lesser_power_of_ten(power_of_10)
					if num_to_try and try(num_to_try) then

	local upper_data, lower_data
	local upper_num, lower_num = cur_data.upper, cur_data.lower

	--------- Determine upper number. ----------
	if upper_num then
		upper_data = lookup_data(upper_num, "upper")
		-- Try looking up the next power of ten.
		upper_num = make_greater_power_of_ten(1)
		if upper_num == next_num or cur_num == "0" then
			upper_num = nil
			upper_data = lookup_data(upper_num)

	--------- Determine lower number. ----------
	if lower_num then
		lower_data = lookup_data(lower_num, "lower")
	elseif k == 0 or m == 0 then
		-- less than 10; no lower num
		-- Try looking up the previous power or 10.
		lower_num = make_lesser_power_of_ten(1)
		if lower_num == prev_num then
			lower_num = nil
			lower_data = lookup_data(lower_num)

	-- For a number `num` (an "adjacent" number to the current number, i.e. either next, previous, next/previous outer,
	-- or upper/lower) with corresponding entry data `num_data`, display link(s) to the form(s) for this number that
	-- are associated with the current type and tag. If there is a single form to be linked to, the form is linked
	-- using the number itself as the display text; otherwise, the multiple forms are linked with superscripted [a],
	-- [b], etc. and the number it displayed adjacent to the links. In either case, beside the number there may be an
	-- arrow. If `arrow` == "rarrow", the format is like this:
	--		if multiple entries:
	--			<numeral> → <sup>[a], [b], ...</sup>
	--		else
	--			<numeral> →
	-- If `arrow` == "larrow", the format is like this:
	--		if multiple entries:
	--			<sup>[a], [b], ...</sup> ← <numeral>
	--		else
	--			← <numeral>
	-- Otherwise, the format is like this:
	--		if multiple entries:
	--			<numeral><sup>[a], [b], ...</sup>
	--		else
	--			<numeral>
	-- Returns nil if `num_data` is nil or there is no entry in `num_data` for the current number type.
	-- For the handling of tags in this function, see the "LONG COMMENT EXPLAINING TAG HANDLING" above.
	local function display_adjacent_number_links(num, num_data, arrow)
		if not num_data then
			return nil
		local num_type_data = num_data[cur_type]
		if not num_type_data then
			return nil
		local forms = num_type_data
		if type(forms) ~= "table" then
			forms = {forms}

		local seen_forms, forms_by_tag = export.group_numeral_forms_by_tag(forms)

		local forms_to_display
		if cur_tag and forms_by_tag[cur_tag] then
			forms_to_display = forms_by_tag[cur_tag]
			forms_to_display = seen_forms

		for i, form_to_display in ipairs(forms_to_display) do
			forms_to_display[i] = or maybe_unaffix(m_data,
				form_to_entry_name(form_to_display.form, lang))

		local seen_pagenames = {}
		local pagenames_to_display = {}
		for _, form in ipairs(forms_to_display) do
			if not seen_pagenames[form] then
				table.insert(pagenames_to_display, form)
				seen_pagenames[form] = true

		if #pagenames_to_display == 0 then
			return nil

		num = export.format_number_for_display(num)
		local num_arrow =
			arrow == "rarrow" and num .. "&nbsp;&nbsp;→&nbsp;" or
			arrow == "larrow" and "&nbsp;←&nbsp;&nbsp;" .. num or
		if #pagenames_to_display > 1 then
			local a = ("a"):byte()
			local links = {}
			for i, term in ipairs(pagenames_to_display) do
				links[i] = m_links.language_link{lang = lang, term = term, alt = "[" .. string.char(a + i - 1) .. "]"}
			links = "<sup>" .. table.concat(links, ", ") .. "</sup>"
			return arrow == "larrow" and links .. num_arrow or num_arrow .. links
			return m_links.language_link {
				lang = lang,
				term = pagenames_to_display[1],
				alt = num_arrow,

	-- Display links to previous/next numbers
	local prev_display = display_adjacent_number_links(prev_num, prev_data, "larrow") or ""
	local next_display = display_adjacent_number_links(next_num, next_data, "rarrow") or ""

	-- Display links to previous/next outer numbers
	local prev_outer_display = display_adjacent_number_links(prev_outer_num, prev_outer_data, "larrow")
	local next_outer_display = display_adjacent_number_links(next_outer_num, next_outer_data, "rarrow")

	-- Display links to upper/lower numbers
	local upper_display = display_adjacent_number_links(upper_num, upper_data)
	local lower_display = display_adjacent_number_links(lower_num, lower_data)

	local canonical_name = lang:getCanonicalName()
	local appendix1 = canonical_name .. " numerals"
	local appendix2 = canonical_name .. " numbers"
	local appendix
	local title
	if, "Appendix").exists then
		appendix = appendix1
	elseif, "Appendix").exists then
		appendix = appendix2

	if appendix then
		title = "[[Appendix:" .. appendix .. "|" .. appendix2 .. "]]"
		title = appendix2

	local function format_cell(contents, class_name, colspan, bold)
		class_name = class_name and (" " .. class_name) or ""
		colspan = colspan and ('colspan="%s" '):format(colspan) or ""
		bold = bold and "!" or "|"
		return ('%s %sclass="table-cell %s | %s\n'):format(bold, colspan, class_name, contents)

	local has_outer_display = not not (prev_outer_display or next_outer_display)
	local function format_upper_lower_display_row(display)
		local blank_cell
		if has_outer_display then
			blank_cell = '| colspan="2" |\n'
			blank_cell = "|\n"
		local parts = {'|- class="adjacent-panel"\n'}
		table.insert(parts, blank_cell)
		table.insert(parts, format_cell(display, "adjacent-number"))
		table.insert(parts, blank_cell)
		return table.concat(parts)

	upper_display = upper_display and format_upper_lower_display_row(upper_display) or ""
	lower_display = lower_display and format_upper_lower_display_row(lower_display) or ""

	local function format_display_cell(display)
		return format_cell(display, "adjacent-number")

	prev_display = format_display_cell(prev_display)
	next_display = format_display_cell(next_display)
	prev_outer_display = has_outer_display and format_display_cell(prev_outer_display or "") or ""
	next_outer_display = has_outer_display and format_display_cell(next_outer_display or "") or ""
	cur_display = format_cell(cur_display, "current-number", nil, "bold")

	local forms_display = ('| colspan="%s" style="text-align: center;" | %s\n'):format(
		has_outer_display and 5 or 3, table.concat(formatted_forms, "<br/>"))

	local footer_display
	if cur_data.wplink then
		local footer =
			"[[w:" .. lang:getCode() .. ":Main Page|" .. lang:getCanonicalName() .. " Wikipedia]] article on " ..
			m_links.full_link{lang = lang, term = "w:" .. lang:getCode() .. ":" .. cur_data.wplink,
			alt = export.format_number_for_display(cur_num)}
		footer_display = '|- style="text-align: center;"\n' .. format_cell(footer, "footer-cell", has_outer_display and 5 or 3)
		footer_display = ""

	local edit_link = ' <sup>(<span class="plainlinks">[' ..
		tostring(mw.uri.fullUrl(module_name, { action = "edit" })) ..
		" edit]</span>)</sup>"

	return [=[{| class="floatright number-box" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" style="background: #ffffff; border: 1px #aaa solid; border-collapse: collapse; margin-top: .5em;" rules="all"
|+ ''']=] .. title .. edit_link .. "'''\n" ..
	upper_display .. '|- style="text-align: center;"\n' ..
	prev_outer_display .. prev_display .. cur_display .. next_display .. next_outer_display .. "|-\n" ..
	lower_display .. "|-\n" ..
	forms_display .. footer_display .. "|}" .. require("Module:TemplateStyles")("Template:number box/styles.css")

-- Assumes string or nil (or false), the types that can be found in an args table.
local function if_not_empty(val)
	if val and mw.text.trim(val) == "" then
		return nil
		return val

function export.show_box_manual(frame)
	local m_links = require("Module:links")
	local num_type = frame.args["type"]

	local args = {}
	--cloning parent's args while also assigning nil to empty strings
	for pname, param in pairs(frame:getParent().args) do
		args[pname] = if_not_empty(param)

	local lang = args[1] or (mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Template" and "und") or error("Language code has not been specified. Please pass parameter 1 to the template.")
	local sc = args["sc"];
	local headlink = args["headlink"]
	local wplink = args["wplink"]
	local alt = args["alt"]
	local tr = args["tr"]

	local prev_symbol = if_not_empty(args[2])
	local cur_symbol = if_not_empty(args[3]);
	local next_symbol = if_not_empty(args[4])

	local prev_term = if_not_empty(args[5])
	local next_term = if_not_empty(args[6])

	local cardinal_term = args["card"]; local cardinal_alt = args["cardalt"]; local cardinal_tr = args["cardtr"]

	local ordinal_term = args["ord"]; local ordinal_alt = args["ordalt"]; local ordinal_tr = args["ordtr"]

	local adverbial_term = args["adv"]; local adverbial_alt = args["advalt"]; local adverbial_tr = args["advtr"]

	local multiplier_term = args["mult"]; local multiplier_alt = args["multalt"]; local multiplier_tr = args["multtr"]

	local distributive_term = args["dis"]; local distributive_alt = args["disalt"]; local distributive_tr = args["distr"]

	local collective_term = args["coll"]; local collective_alt = args["collalt"]; local collective_tr = args["colltr"]

	local fractional_term = args["frac"]; local fractional_alt = args["fracalt"]; local fractional_tr = args["fractr"]

	local optional1_title = args["opt"]
	local optional1_term = args["optx"]; local optional1_alt = args["optxalt"]; local optional1_tr = args["optxtr"]

	local optional2_title = args["opt2"]
	local optional2_term = args["opt2x"]; local optional2_alt = args["opt2xalt"]; local optional2_tr = args["opt2xtr"]

	lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode(lang) or error("The language code \"" .. lang .. "\" is not valid.")
	sc = (sc and (require("Module:scripts").getByCode(sc) or error("The script code \"" .. sc .. "\" is not valid.")) or nil)


	if sc then

	if headlink then

	if wplink then

	if alt then

	if cardinal_alt or ordinal_alt or adverbial_alt or multiplier_alt or distributive_alt or collective_alt or fractional_alt or optional1_alt or optional2_alt then

	local subpage = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().subpageText
	local is_reconstructed = lang:hasType("reconstructed") or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Reconstruction"
	-- Commenting out this line prevents passing redundant alts to full_link;
	-- however, there may have been a purpose to it.
	-- alt = alt or (is_reconstructed and "*" or "") .. subpage

	if num_type == "cardinal" then
		cardinal_term = (is_reconstructed and "*" or "") .. subpage
		cardinal_alt = alt
		cardinal_tr = tr
	elseif num_type == "ordinal" then
		ordinal_term = (is_reconstructed and "*" or "") .. subpage
		ordinal_alt = alt
		ordinal_tr = tr

	local header = lang:getCanonicalName() .. " " .. num_type .. " numbers"

	if headlink then
		header = "[[" .. headlink .. "|" .. header .. "]]"

	local previous = ""

	if prev_term or prev_symbol then
		previous = m_links.full_link{lang = lang, sc = sc, term = prev_term, alt = "&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;&nbsp;" .. prev_symbol, tr = "-", no_alt_ast = true}

	local current = m_links.full_link{lang = lang, sc = sc, alt = cur_symbol, tr = "-", no_alt_ast = true}

	local next = ""

	if next_term or next_symbol then
		next = m_links.full_link{lang = lang, sc = sc, term = next_term, alt = next_symbol .. "&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;", tr = "-", no_alt_ast = true}

	local forms = {}

	if cardinal_term then
		table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''[[cardinal number|Cardinal]]'' : " .. m_links.full_link{lang = lang, sc = sc, term = cardinal_term, alt = cardinal_alt, tr = cardinal_tr})

	if ordinal_term then
		table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''[[ordinal number|Ordinal]]'' : " .. m_links.full_link{lang = lang, sc = sc, term = ordinal_term, alt = ordinal_alt, tr = ordinal_tr})

	if adverbial_term then
		table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''[[adverbial number|Adverbial]]'' : " .. m_links.full_link{lang = lang, sc = sc, term = adverbial_term, alt = adverbial_alt, tr = adverbial_tr})

	if multiplier_term then
		table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''[[multiplier|Multiplier]]'' : " .. m_links.full_link{lang = lang, sc = sc, term = multiplier_term, alt = multiplier_alt, tr = multiplier_tr})

	if distributive_term then
		table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''[[distributive number|Distributive]]'' : " .. m_links.full_link{lang = lang, sc = sc, term = distributive_term, alt = distributive_alt, tr = distributive_tr})

	if collective_term then
		table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''[[collective number|Collective]]'' : " .. m_links.full_link{lang = lang, sc = sc, term = collective_term, alt = collective_alt, tr = collective_tr})

	if fractional_term then
		table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''[[fractional|Fractional]]'' : " .. m_links.full_link{lang = lang, sc = sc, term = fractional_term, alt = fractional_alt, tr = fractional_tr})

	if optional1_title then
		table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''" .. optional1_title .. "'' : " .. m_links.full_link{lang = lang, sc = sc, term = optional1_term, alt = optional1_alt, tr = optional1_tr})

	if optional2_title then
		table.insert(forms, " &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''" .. optional2_title .. "'' : " .. m_links.full_link{lang = lang, sc = sc, term = optional2_term, alt = optional2_alt, tr = optional2_tr})

	local footer = ""

	if wplink then
		footer =
			"[[w:" .. lang:getCode() .. ":Main Page|" .. lang:getCanonicalName() .. " Wikipedia]] article on " ..
			m_links.full_link{lang = lang, sc = sc, term = "w:" .. lang:getCode() .. ":" .. wplink, alt = alt, tr = tr}

	return [=[{| class="floatright number-box" style="float: right;" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" rules="all"
|+ ''']=] .. header .. [=['''
| class="adjacent-slot" | ]=] .. previous .. [=[

! class="current-slot" | ]=] .. current .. [=[

| class="adjacent-slot" | ]=] .. next .. [=[

| colspan="3" class="form-slot" | ]=] .. table.concat(forms, "<br/>") .. [=[

| colspan="3" class="footer-slot" | ]=] .. footer .. [=[

|}]=] .. require("Module:TemplateStyles")("Template:number box/styles.css")

return export