User:Juelos/High Valyrian Non-Canonical Vocabulary: Difference between revisions
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(→H: added hiniknon = exposure, danger, risk) |
(→R: added ruakūljagon = to chip; to dull, to be made dull; to be made ineffective) |
Line 486: | Line 486: | ||
* '''rīglenka''' [riːˈɡleŋka] {{ID|rīglenka}} | * '''rīglenka''' [riːˈɡleŋka] {{ID|rīglenka}} | ||
: ''{{adj. I}}.'' honorable ''( < ''{{HVlex|rīgles}}'' + ''{{HVder|-enka}}''.)'' | : ''{{adj. I}}.'' honorable ''( < ''{{HVlex|rīgles}}'' + ''{{HVder|-enka}}''.)'' | ||
* '''ruakūljagon''' [ruaˈkuːʎaɡon] {{ID|ruakūljagon}} | |||
: {{HVperf|ruakūltan}} | |||
: ''{{HVverb|j}}'' to chip; to dull, to be made dull; to be made ineffective ''( < ''{{HVlex|ruaka}}'' + ''{{HVder|-jagon}}''.)'' | |||
* '''ruartys''' [ˈruartys] {{ID|ruartys}} | * '''ruartys''' [ˈruartys] {{ID|ruartys}} | ||
: ''n. {{2sol}}.'' spy ''( < ''{{HVlex|ruaragon}}'' + ''{{HVder|-tys}}'')'' | : ''n. {{2sol}}.'' spy ''( < ''{{HVlex|ruaragon}}'' + ''{{HVder|-tys}}'')'' |
Revision as of 13:23, 19 May 2023
This page keeps record of all words suggested by learners of High Valyrian so as to fill semantic gaps of High Valyrian and enable better communication in High Valyrian. However the contents of this page are not official in any way and could very well be proven wrong by DJP when he announces new lexemes, thus replacing the ones here with other official ones.
- acc. accusative case
- act. active
- adj. adjective
- adv. adverb
- ambitrans. ambitransitive
- aor. aorist
- appl. applicative
- aq. aquatic
- C-fin. consonant-final
- col. collective
- coll. collective
- com. comitative case
- comp. comparative
- conj. conjunction
- dat. dative case
- dem. demonstrative
- eq. equative
- exp. expression
- for. foreign
- fut. future
- gen. genitive case
- I class I (first declension)
- II class II (second declension)
- III class III (third declension)
- indecl. indeclinable
- inf. infinitive
- inst. instrumental case
- insv. instrumental passive, instrumentive
- int. interrogative
- interj. interjection
- intrans. intransitive
- irreg. irregular
- loc. locative, locative case
- lun. lunar
- n. noun
- num. numeral
- obl. oblique
- part. participle
- pass. passive
- pauc. paucal
- perf. perfect
- perh. perhaps
- pl. plural
- poss. possessive, possibly
- postp. postposition
- prep. preposition
- pres. present
- prob. probably
- pron. pronoun
- prop. proper
- relex. relexified
- s/o someone
- s/t something
- s/w somewhere
- sg. singular
- sol. solar
- subst. substantive, substantivized
- sup. superlative
- ter. terrestrial
- trans. transitive
- v. verb
- V-fin. vowel-final
- voc. vocative case
- 1 first declension/person
- 2 second declension/person
- 3 third declension/person
- 4 fourth declension
- 5 fifth declension
- 6 sixth declension
- ° unexpected gender
- → triggers (regarding cases and verb forms)
Non-Canonical Vocabulary
This section contains words reconstructed from words in, mainly, Astapori Valyrian with the changes having happened from High Valyrian already known in general (see here).
1st degree of certainty
These words' form and meaning is almost certain.
- kimagon [kiˈmaɡon]
- v. C-fin. to shake, to wave, to move around (cf. HV dokimare "serious, focused", dokimarves, AV kimagho.)
- kimībagon [kiˈmiːbaɡon]
- perfect: kimīptan
- v. C-fin. to wag, to swing; to talk, to wag one's jaw ( < kimagon + -ībagon; cf. AV kimivagho, HV kimībenka.)
- mandāves [manˈdaːves]
- nārytsa [ˈnaːrytsa]
- nȳnta [ˈnyːnta]
- ōghrar [ˈoːɣrar]
- oktōñe [okˈtoːɲe]
- pārsīr [ˈpaːrsiːr]
- pāsābarves [paːsaːˈbarves]
- piktenka [pikˈtenka]
- adj. I obedient ( < pikta + -enka; cf. AV pihtenkave.)
- ripāzma [riˈpaːzma]
- sīrtrī [ˈsiːrtriː]
- adv. better, more (cf. AV sidri.)
2nd degree of certainty
These words' reconstruction is not foolproof since there are many possibilities of sound changes that have occured.
- byjagon/byzagon/bȳjagon/bȳzagon
- v. to break wind (cf. AV byjagho.)
- nȳnyges -e,-i,-is [ˈnyːnyɡes]
- n. hamster?, rodent? (cf. AV nynyghi.)
Learners' Creations
- abotiros [aboˈtiros]
- n. 3sol. machine (type I substantive of the aorist participle of abotagon; lit. "one (of things) that always works".)
- ademmiarzy [ademˈmiarzy]
- n. 2lun. stipend, regular income (type I substantive of the passive aorist participle of ademmagon; lit. "that which is ever being made good, being paid".)
- ademmilaksir [ademmiˈlaksir]
- n. 5aq. price (type II substantive of the present participle of ademmagon; lit. "that which will be paid".)
- ademmvos [aˈdemmvos]
- n. 3sol. supplementary payment, amount needed to complete repayment; implement, tool ( < ademmagon + -vos.)
- āeksanna [aːeˈksanna]
- āeksurlion [aːeˈksurlion]
- aemarion [ˈaemarion]
- n. 3ter. container (type II substantive of the present participle of aemagon; lit. "having, containing".)
- aemarior [ˈaemarior]
- aerennon [aeˈrennon]
- aerēbiros [aeˈreːbiros]
- n. 3sol. nomad, wanderer, vagabond (type I substantive of the aorist participle of aerēbagon; lit. "one who ever is traveling".)
- aerēptys [aeˈreːptys]
- aertir [ˈaertir]
- n. 5aq. distance, displacement (type II substantive of the perfect participle of aeragon; lit. "that which has been moved".)
- āhibio [ˈaːhibio]
- āhinnes [aːˈhinnes]
- āhinnon [aːˈhinnon]
- angokvos [aŋˈɡokvos]
- angorys [ˈaŋɡorys]
- arghunon [ˈarɣunon]
- bānī [ˈbaːniː]
- baranon [baˈranon]
- bararys [baˈrarys]
- bardurion [ˈbardurion]
- barduty [ˈbarduty]
- n. 2lun. log, journal (type I substantive of the perfect participle of bardugon; lit. "that which has been written".)
- bekī [ˈbeki]
- bevilirion [beviˈlirion]
- n. 3ter. duty (type II substantive of the active aorist participle of bēvilagon; lit. "that which is ever being done".)
- biantys [ˈbiantys]
- blēnītsos [bleːˈniːtsos]
- botemarys [boteˈmarys]
- botēda [boˈteːda]
- botēdāves [boteːˈdaːves]
- botemion [boˈtemion]
- botilarion [botiˈlarion]
- n. 3ter. energy (type II substantive of the active future participle of botagon; lit. "that which is going to work".)
- buqarys [buˈqarys]
- bykemagon [bykeˈmaɡon]
- perfect: bykēdan
- v. C-fin. (irreg.) to shrink, to reduce ( < byka + -emagon.)
- dārāzma [daːˈraːzma]
- dārāzmar [daːˈraːzmar]
- dārāzmōñe [daːraːzˈmoːɲe]
- dāriar [ˈdaːriar]
- dārȳn [ˈdaːryːn]
- dekurūbio [dekuˈruːbio]
- n. 3lun. walker ( < dekurūbagon + -io.)
- donēdenkāves [doneːdeŋˈkaːves]
- dopāsirion [doˈpaːsirion]
- n. 3ter. heresy, sacrilege (type II substantive of the aorist participle of dopāsagon; lit. "that which ever negative believes".)
- dopāstys [doˈpaːstys]
- dorīgles [doˈriːɡles]
- dȳñenky [dyːˈɲeŋky]
- ēdrin [ˈeːdrin]
- n. 6pauc.5aq. supplies (type II substantive of the perfect participle of emagon; lit. "that which has been had".)
- giēnion [ˈɡieːnion]
- giēntys [ˈɡieːntys]
- n. 2sol. healer, doctor ( < giēñemagon + -tys.)
- gīhōñe [ɡiːˈhoːɲe]
- glaesozȳrys [ɡlaesoˈzyːrys]
- greviot [ˈɡreviot]
- postp. →gen. around
- grevuragon [ɡrevuˈraɡon]
- harrenkirī [harˈreŋkiriː]
- henupālegon [henuˈpaːleɡon]
- henupālerion [henuˈpaːlerion]
- n. 3ter. extortion (type II substantive of the present participle of henupālegon; lit. "extorting".)
- hiniknon [hiˈniknon]
- hīnnon [ˈhiːnnon]
- hobrenkāvio [hobreŋˈkaːvio]
- hūrezīmi [huːreˈziːmi]
- idakonon [idaˈkonon]
- idakorys [idaˈkorys]
- iepnes [ˈiepnes]
- imazumbarys [imaˈzumbarys]
- n. 2sol. association, alliance, union, coalition ( < imazumbagon + -arys.)
- imorghūlty [imorˈɣuːlty]
- n. 2lun. martyr (type I substantive of the perfect participle of imorghūljagon; lit. "one who died for".)
- iotāptessiarzir [iotaːptesˈsiarzir]
- n. 5aq. ideology, philosophy (type II substantive of the passive aorist participle of iotāptegon; lit. "that which is ever being considered".)
- irughio [iˈruɣio]
- issaryr [ˈissaryr]
- jaeliarzir [ɟaeˈliarzir]
- n. 5aq. greed, covetousness (type II substantive of the active aorist participle of jaelagon; lit. "that which ever is wished, wanted, hoped for".)
- jehikāzma [ɟehiˈkaːzma]
- jehikio [ɟeˈhikio]
- jeldegon [ˈɟeldeɡon]
- jēdrarākoty [ɟeːdraˈraːkoty]
- n. 2lun. saint (type I substantive of the perfect participle of jēdrarākogon; lit. "one who has turned into heaven".)
- jeldir [ˈɟeldir]
- n. 5aq. freewill, contentedness, satisfaction, mental well-being, peace of mind, serenity (type II substantive of the perfect participle of jaelagon; lit. "that which has been hoped or wished for".)
- jeldrin [ˈɟeldrin]
- n. 6pauc.5aq. agreement, harmony, meeting of minds, oneness (pauc. of jeldir freewill, contentedness, serenity.)
- jentanna [ɟenˈtanna]
- jitty [ˈɟitty]
- n. 2lun. missile, projectile (type I substantive of the perfect participle of jikagon; lit. "that which has been sent".)
- jomemēbagon [ɟomeˈmeːbaɡon]
- jorangogon [ɟoˈraŋɡoɡon]
- jorularion [ɟoruˈlarion]
- n. 3ter. relaxation (type II substantive of the future active participle of jorilagon; lit. "that which is going to rest".)
- jorȳdragon [ɟoˈryːdraɡon]
- karāves [kaˈraːves]
- n. 4sol. greatness, magnificence, excellence
- kempāves [kemˈpaːves]
- kepoqitta [kepoˈqitta]
- kipio [ˈkipio]
- korinon [koˈrinon]
- kōrion [ˈkoːrion]
- kōrūljagon [koːˈruːʎaɡon]
- kōrūlilla [koːruːˈlilla]
- kōrves [ˈkoːrves]
- kostillōñe [kostilˈloːɲe]
- kōttegon [ˈkoːtteɡon]
- perfect: kōttetan
- v. V-fin. to manage, to achieve (eventative of kostagon.)
- kydynnon [kyˈdynnon]
- kynilla [kyˈnilla]
- laehoqitta [laehoˈqitta]
- laodinon [ˈlaodinon]
- lentoqitta [lentoˈqitta]
- lentoqitty [lentoˈqitty]
- n. 2lun. homeless one, one who is homeless (type I substantive of lentoqitta; lit. "one who is homeless".)
- lumēgrie [luˈmeːɡrie]
- lumives [luˈmives]
- lykāpsājion [lykaːˈpsaːɟion]
- lykāpsāves [lykaːˈpsaːves]
- lykāves [lyˈkaːves]
- maghio [ˈmaɣio]
- mandāves [manˈdaːves]
- martāves [marˈtaːves]
- martemagon [marteˈmaɡon]
- perfect: martēdan
- v. C-fin. (irreg.). to balance ( < marta + -emagon.)
- martemvos [marˈtemvos]
- maspradagon [maspraˈdaɡon]
- mēremagon [meːreˈmaɡon]
- perfect: mērēdan
- v. C-fin. (irreg.) to unite, to coalesce ( < mēre + -emagon.)
- mīlyknes [miːˈlyknes]
- mīlykvos [miːˈlykvos]
- mīteparys [miːteˈparys]
- mīvindikio [miːˈvindikio]
- mīvindinon [miːˈvindinon]
- n. 3ter. taunt, torture, torment (cf. amīvindigon to taunt, torture, torment, frustrate, infuriate (of things))
- mīznon [ˈmiːznon]
- morghūltros [morˈɣuːltros]
- n. 3sol. wight (type I substantive of the past habitual participle of morghūljagon; lit. "that which used to be dead".)
- mūdegon [ˈmuːdeɡon]
- munqitta [muɴˈqitta]
- nābeka [ˈnaːbeka]
- nābekāves [naːbeˈkaːves]
- nādrīves [naːˈdriːves]
- n. 4sol. hypocrisy; incorrectness; injustice; wrong; fallaciousness, arbitrariness ( < nā- + drīves.)
- nādrīvio [naːˈdriːvio]
- nākīvio [naːˈkiːvio]
- nākeligon [naːkeˈliɡon]
- nāpāsagon [naːˈpaːsaɡon]
- nāpāsilla [naːpaːˈsilla]
- nāpāznon [naːˈpaːznon]
- nāqobjir [naːˈqobɟir]
- nāqopsirī [naːqoˈpsiriː]
- nārȳbagon [naːˈryːbaɡon]
- nāsombākogon [naːsomˈbaːkoɡon]
- nāsombākonon [naːsomˈbaːkonon]
- nēdenkāves [neːdeŋˈkaːves]
- nektorys [ˈnektorys]
- nevevos [neˈvevos]
- nevevītsos [neveˈviːtsos]
- nȳmnon [ˈnyːmnon]
- ōdrior [ˈoːdrior]
- ojenīlarion [oɟeˈniːlarion]
- n. 3ter. lust (type II substantive of the active future participle of ojenigon; lit. "that which will intensified touch".)
- ojenillurlion [oɟenilˈlurlion]
- oktalbar [okˈtalbar]
- oktāzma [okˈtaːzma]
- ondurtir [onˈdurtir]
- n. 5aq. seizure (type II substantive of the perfect participle of onduragon; lit. "that which was seized".)
- ossēnnes [osˈseːnnes]
- ossēnnin [osˈseːnnin]
- n. 6pauc. massacre (pauc. of ossēnnes murder, slaying.)
- otāpnon [oˈtaːpnon]
- ozdārligon [ozˈdaːrliɡon]
- ozdārlinon [ozˈdaːrlinon]
- ozērinagon [ozeːriˈnaɡon]
- ozērinnon [ozeːˈrinnon]
- ozgūrokagon [ozɡuːroˈkaɡon]
- ozgūroknon [ozɡuːˈroknon]
- ozgūrokio [ozˈɡuːrokio]
- ozgūrokvos [ozɡuːˈrokvos]
- ōzigon [ˈoːziɡon]
- ozūndejos [oˈzuːndeɟos]
- n. 3sol. witness (type I substantive of the active aorist participle of ozūndegon; lit. "one who ever witnesses".)
- pālekio [ˈpaːlekio]
- pāsābarves [paːsaːˈbarves]
- pāsāptys [paːˈsaːptys]
- pāznon [ˈpaːznon]
- pāsvos [ˈpaːsvos]
- pirtāves [pirˈtaːves]
- pirtemagon [pirteˈmaɡon]
- perfect: pirtēdan
- v. C-fin. (irreg.). to falsify ( < pirta + -emagon.)
- pirtirī [ˈpirtiriː]
- pirtys [ˈpirtys]
- pryjanon [pryˈɟanon]
- pryjatir [pryˈɟatir]
- n. 5aq. destruction (type II substantive of the perfect participle of pryjagon; lit. "that which has been destroyed".)
- pyrdekurun [pyrdeˈkurun]
- qanāves [qaˈnaːves]
- qanirī [qaˈniriː]
- qēlenka [qeːˈleŋka]
- qēlun [ˈqeːlun]
- qrīdrāennon [qriːˈdraːennon]
- n. 3ter. jealousy, envy ( < qrīdrāelagon + -non.)
- qrīdroparys [qriːdroˈparys]
- n. 2sol. ostracism, exile ( < qrīdropagon + -arys.)
- qrimpāleknon [qrimpaːˈleknon]
- qrimpālenon [qrimˈpaːlenon]
- n. 3ter. betrayal ( < qrimpālegon + -non.)
- qrinangēlla [qrinaŋˈɡeːlla]
- qrinēdrurys [qriˈneːdrurys]
- qrīnilla [qriːˈnilla]
- qrinkīvio [qriŋˈkiːvio]
- qubāves [quˈbaːves]
- raqirenka [raqiˈreŋka]
- rhēdessiarzos [r̥eːdesˈsiarzos]
- n. 3sol. noble, celebrity (type I substantive of rhēdessiarza.)
- rholarys [r̥oˈlarys]
- rīglenka [riːˈɡleŋka]
- ruakūljagon [ruaˈkuːʎaɡon]
- perfect: ruakūltan
- v. C-fin. to chip; to dull, to be made dull; to be made ineffective ( < ruaka + -jagon.)
- ruartys [ˈruartys]
- ruarilaksirī [ruarilaˈksiriː]
- adv. secretly, privately ( < ruarilaksa + -irī)
- ruarilaksir [ruariˈlaksir]
- n. 5aq. secrecy, privacy (type II substantive of the perfect participle of ruaragon; lit. "that which was hidden".)
- ruarilaksy [ruariˈlaksy]
- n. 2lun. secret (countable) (type I substantive of the perfect participle of ruaragon; lit. "one which was hidden".)
- rūhoqitta [ruːhoˈqitta]
- rūnikagon [ruːniˈkaɡon]
- rytsion [ˈrytsion]
- rȳuhīlagon [ryːuˈhiːlaɡon]
- rȳuhīnnon [ryːuˈhiːnnon]
- rȳumīsagon [ryːuˈmiːsaɡon]
- rȳumīsilaksyn [ryːumiːsiˈlaksyn]
- n. 6pauc.2lun. convoy (pauc. of type I substantive of the passive future participle of rȳumīsagon; lit. "some of that which will be escorted".)
- rȳumīstys [ryːuˈmiːstys]
- rȳupāsagon [ryːuˈpaːsaɡon]
- perfect: rȳupāstan
- v. C-fin. to make an alliance with, to contract with →gen. ( < rȳ- + -u- + pāsagon.)
- rȳupāsirion [ryːuˈpaːsirion]
- n. 3ter. confederation, alliance, coalition (type II substantive of the active aorist participle of rȳupāsagon; lit. "that which is ever made allies".)
- sahirion [saˈhirion]
- n. 3ter. force (type I substantive of the aorist active participle of sahagon; lit. "one that is ever forced".)
- sennon [ˈsennon]
- siglinon [siˈɡlinon]
- sindilior [ˈsindilior]
- sombākogon [somˈbaːkoɡon]
- sōpnon [ˈsoːpnon]
- sōpnenka [soːpˈneŋka]
- statilaksy [statiˈlaksy]
- n. 2lun. condemned one (type I substantive of the future passive participle of statagon; lit. "one who will be executed".)
- statnes [ˈstatnes]
- syluterion [syluˈterion]
- sytimūdegon [sytiˈmuːdeɡon]
- sytiotāptys [sytioˈtaːptys]
- n. 2sol. councilor ( < sytiotāpagon + -tys.)
- sytiotāptyn [sytioˈtaːptyn]
- sytiotāptir [sytioˈtaːptir]
- n. 5aq. advice, counsel (type II substantive of the perfect participle of sytiotāpagon; lit. "that which was advised".)
- tolālior [toˈlaːlior]
- trūmurlior [truːˈmurlior]
- tȳnī [ˈtyːniː]
- ūbrēdiarzir [uːbreːˈdiarzir]
- n. 5aq. generation (type II substantive of the passive past habitual participle of ūbremagon; lit. "that which has been raised".)
- ūbremion [ˈuːbremion]
- ūbrentys [uːˈbrentys]
- ūbremilla [uːbreˈmilla]
- vaovēttegon [vaoˈveːtteɡon]
- perfect: vaovēttetan
- v. V-fin.. to impute, to ascribe to, to attribute to ( < va- + -o- + vēttegon.)
- vaovīlīptys [vaoviːˈliːptys]
- vēdroso [ˈveːdroso]
- adj. invar. angry (com. of vēdros.)
- verdillun [verˈdillun]
- vētterys [ˈveːtterys]
- vētturlion [veːtˈturlion]
- vīlībilla [viːliːˈbilla]
- vīlībāzmītsos [viːliːbaːzˈmiːtsos]
- vīlinnon [viːˈlinnon]
- vīlīptros [viːˈliːptros]
- n. 3sol. veteran (type I substantive of the past habitual participle of vīlībagon; lit. "one who used to fight".)
- vōkāves [voːˈkaːves]
- volpuragon [volpuˈraɡon]
- vūjinon [ˈvuːɟinon]
- ȳdrajion [ˈyːdraɟion]
- n. 3ter. communication (type II substantive of the aorist participle of ȳdragon; lit. "that which ever is spoken".)
- ȳghāves [yːˈɣaːves]
- yvenka [yˈveŋka]
- zālirion [ˈzaːlirion]
- n. 3ter. inferno (type II substantive of the active aorist participle of zālagon; lit. "that which is ever burning".)
- Danavon [ˈdanavon]
- prop. n. 6for. Donovan ( < English)
- Iāvejaes [ˈiaːveɟaes]
- Jaehiāves [ɟaeˈhiaːves]
- Jaehirūdys [ɟaehiˈruːdys]
- Jaerhijarys [ɟaer̥iˈɟarys]
- Jaehurys [ˈɟaehurys]
- Jūelos [ˈɟuːelos]
- prop. n. 3sol. Joel ( < Swedish)
Dungeons and Dragons
- arliñes [ˈarliɲes]
- amīses [aˈmiːses]
- morghes [ˈmorɣes]
- nābemes [ˈnaːbemes]
- qrinistes [qriˈnistes]
- sētes [ˈseːtes]
- sytiarrites [syˈtiarrites]
- sytijentes [sytiˈɟentes]
- urnēptes [urˈneːptes]