
From The Languages of David J. Peterson
Revision as of 14:04, 25 September 2024 by Juelos (talk | contribs) (Undo revision 540498 by Juelos (talk))
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What the parameters are used for:

{{{1}}} is the verb root, without the final consonant (if digraph, exclude the whole digraph), and also without the final vowel if vowel-final, e.g. for vūjigon.
{{{2}}} is the final consonant of the verb root (if digraph, include the whole digraph), before the last vowel if vowel-final, e.g. lj for morghūljagon.
{{{3}}} is the final vowel if vowel-final, e.g. u for arghugon, otherwise leave empty.
{{{4}}} is the perfect stem e.g. zālt for zālagon. This is always used if defined, so it can be used even for vowel-final verbs that have irregular perfects.
{{{5}}} can be set to intr for intransitive verbs, in order to hide the Passive sections and display the perfect participle in the Active section.
{{{6}}} is the nasal present stem with a long vowel after nasal deletion e.g. for jemagon.
{{{7}}} can be set to em to make nasal deletion mandatory, e.g. for emagon and its derivatives, or nd to show both the -as/-is forms and the nasal-deletion form, e.g. for gaomagon and its derivatives.

The following syntax is used for irregular verbs and their possible prefixed derivatives (the appropriate prefix must be added to each part):

sagon: {{HVv|s|||ist|intr|3spai=issa |3ppai=issi |1sfai=kesan |3sfai=kessa |3pfai=kessi |iks=iks |futstem=kes |impfstem=īl |ptcpstem=iss}}
sahagon: {{HVv|sa|h||sēt|3spai=sas |3ppai=sēs |1saai=sīn |1sfai=sīnna |3sfai=sīlza |3pfai=sīlzi |futstem=sīl |impfstem=sīl |saa=sā |see=sē |saj=saj}}
jagon: {{HVv|j|||ist|intr|1spai=jān |1ppai=jī |3spai=is |3ppai=isi |1sfai=īnna |3sfai=īlza |3pfai=īlzi |futstem=īl |impfstem=īl |psthabstem=id |saj=j}}
ilagon: {{HVv|i|l||ilt|intr|1sfai=unna|3sfai=ulza |3pfai=ulzi|futstem=ul|impfstem=ul}}



