Appendix:Væyne Zaanics orthography

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The Væyne Zaanics language is written with the Yesuþoh script, an alphabet with a variety of multigraphs and contextual variants. Yesuþoh is unicameral and written horizontally from left to right.

Importantly, the "light" vowels of Væyne Zaanics are æ, e, i and their long counterparts, while the "dark" ones are a, o, u and their long counterparts.


Romanization IPA Notes Yesuþoh
a ɑ, ə [ə] when unstressed and non-initial/non-pretonic, except in syllables ending with w, l, r, y or h. Initial: a
Elsewhere: @a
aa ɑː aa
æ æ, ə [ə] when unstressed and non-initial/non-pretonic, except in syllables ending with w, l, r, y or h. Initial: æ
ææ æː ææ
b b Preconsonantal: b@
Elsewhere: b
c k Before light vowels: c|
Before dark vowels: c\
Elsewhere: c
cgh x cgh
ch tʃ, ʃ [tʃ] word-initially and after a consonant, [ʃ] elsewhere. ch
d d d
dj dj
e e, ə [ə] when unstressed and non-initial/non-pretonic, except in syllables ending with w, l, r, y or h. Final: e
Elsewhere: e@
ee ee
f f f
g g g
gh x, ɣ [ɣ] between vowels and before voiced consonants, [x] elsewhere. gh
h h, silent Silent in syllable-final position. h
i i i
ii ii
j dʒ, ʒ [dʒ] word-initially and after a consonant, [ʒ] elsewhere. j
l l l
m m Initial: m
Elsewhere: @m
n n Final: n
Elsewhere: n@
o o, ə [ə] when unstressed and non-initial/non-pretonic, except in syllables ending with w, l, r, y or h. o
oo oo
p p p
r r Preconsonantal: r@
Postconsonantal: @r
Elsewhere: r
s s Final: s
Elsewhere: s@
sch ʃ sch
t t Final: t
Prevocalic: t\
Preconsonantal: t@
tch tch
þ θ, ð [ð] between vowels and before voiced consonants, [θ] elsewhere. Intervocalic: \þ\
Elsewhere: þ
u u u
uu uu
v v v
w w Preconsonantal: w@
Elsewhere: w
y j y
z z z
zj ʒ zj


English Yesuþoh
Pause ,
End of sentence After light vowels: |.
After dark vowels: \.
Elsewhere: .
Question mark After light vowels: |?
After dark vowels: \?
Elsewhere: ?