User:Aegon/High Valyrian Tutorial/4-3

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Lesson 3|Numerals

This lesson covers counting in High Valyrian which uses a base 10 number system, just like English where basic numerals run zero through nine with a new digit added at powers of ten.

Numerals to Nine

Numerals, Zero to Nine
High Valyrian English
daorun (6pauc. 3ter.) nothing; zero
mēre (num. adj II) one
lanta (num. adj. I) two
hāre (num. adj. II) tree
izula (num. adj. I) four
tōma (num. adj. I) five
bȳre (num. adj II) six
sīkuda (num. adj. I) seven
jēnqa (num. adj. I) eight
vōre (num. adj. II) nine

High Valyrian numbers are adjectives which nearly always appear prepositive, before the noun. Numerals one to nine, when used in a sentence, decline in grammatical gender, case, and number to match the noun they describe.

High Valyrian English
tōmyz azantyssy Iōnot māzīlzi five knights will come for Jon
sīkudra lōgra qelbār ilzi seven ships are in the river

High Valyrian numbers decline in case too, as seen in the below examples.

High Valyrian English
dārys bono hāro guēsoti bē vestras the king is talking about those three trees
jēnqom azantommi pōnte idakōs attack them with eight knights

Numerals Eleven to Ninety-Nine

Numerals, Multiples of Ten
High Valyrian English
ampa (adj. indecl.) ten
lantēpsa (adj. indecl.) twenty
hārēpsa (adj. indecl.) thirty
izulēpsa (adj. indecl.) fourty
tōmēpsa (adj. indecl.) fifty
bȳrēpsa (adj. indecl.) sixty
sīkudēpsa (adj. indecl.) seventy
jēnqēpsa (adj. indecl.) eighty
vōrēpsa (adj. indecl.) ninety

Form the ten's digit in High Valyrian adding the suffix -ēpsa to the one's digit for the appropriate number--for example, form twenty, lantēpsa from adding -ēpsa to lanta, "two." For numbers in High Valyrian between eleven and ninety-nine, place the declining adjective denoting the digit before the indeclinable adjective in the coordinated form to denote the power of ten. The digit adjective always declines to match the grammatical gender, case, and number of the noun where the adjective for the ten's digit does not decline. Examples follow.

High Valyrian English
mēri ampā zaldrīzesse eman I have eleven dragons
taobi lantos lantēpsā egrommi tymilis se mēre taoba zirȳle nektotas the boys were playing with twenty-two knives and one boy cut himself
dāri hen sīkudo hārēpsā dārȳti urnen I see the king of the thirty-seven kingdoms
konīr ñuhī mēri ampā korzī dīntin I used to put my eleven longswords there

Numerals One Hundred to Nine Hundred

Numerals, Multiples of One Hundred
High Valyrian English
gār (adj. indecl.) one hundred
langār (adj. indecl.) two hundred
hārgār (adj. indecl.) three hundred
zūgār (adj. indecl.) four hundred
tōngār (adj. indecl.) five hundred
bȳrgār (adj. indecl.) six hundred
sīgār (adj. indecl.) seven hundred
jēngār (adj. indecl.) eight hundred
vōrgār (adj. indecl.) nine hundred

Form the hundred's digit in High Valyrian adding the suffix -gār to a shortened form of the one's digit. For numbers in High Valyrian between one hundred to nine hundred and ninety-nine, form the numerical adjectival phrase placing the indeclinable hundred's digit followed with se then followed with the declining adjective denoting the digit before the indeclinable adjective in the coordinated form to denote the power of ten as discussed above. The hundred's digit never declines. Examples follow.

High Valyrian English
vōrgār se vōriar vōrēpsā qintra eman I have nine hundred and ninety-nine turtles
kesys sōlutty gār se mēro ampā azantoti bē issa this scroll is about the one hundred and eleven knights

Numerals over One Thousand

Counting over one thousand uses a different paradigm. The High Valyrian noun, pyrys means "one thousand" and is not used like an adjective. Instead, place the noun with a quantity of it in the genitive plural, and assign the case the verb calls for to the noun pyrys. In other words, the numerical adjectival phrase modifies the noun pyrys itself.

High Valyrian English
lantī jēnqēpsā pyrī azantoti konīr vīlīptis eighty-two thousand knights fought there
konot lentot sōlutty lanto jēnqēpsā pyroti azantoti bē ilza in that house there is a scroll about the eighty-two thousand knights