
From The Languages of David J. Peterson
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  1. Related to youth.

Schematically Derived Terms

Please note that many of these forms are entirely hypothetical; not all of them actually exist.

  • Absolute Noun: ogbon kb=]m
  • Adjective: kebu k=[b=
  • Adverb: kebur k=[b=r
  • Animate A: igben ik=/bm
  • Animate B: kab kb=]
  • Animate C: kyaben yk=/b=]m
  • Animate D: kwaben wk=/b=]m
  • Augmentative A: kwab k=/b=
  • Augmentative B: kbu kb=w
  • Augmentative Implement: kwabon k=/b=m
  • Collective Noun: hugbu hkb=w
  • Common Implement: ekb k=[b
  • Common Noun A: keb k=/b
  • Common Noun B: kob kb=
  • Determiner: kib kb
  • Diminutive A: kbis k=/bs
  • Diminutive B: kbus kb=s
  • Diminutive Locative: begbis bk=/bs
  • Individual Noun: ugbis uk=/bs
  • Instance of Action: sokub skb=
  • Locative A: bekeb bk=/b
  • Locative B: begbon bkb=m
  • Locative C: ekiba k=[b‌h
  • Natural Noun: kovob k=[b=]
  • Proper Noun (Female) A: koba *kb=h
  • Proper Noun (Male) A: kab *kb=]
  • Proper Noun (Male) B: kptur *k=/btwr
  • Temporal: egbas k=[bs
  • Verbal Noun A: ikub ikb=
  • Verbal Noun B: sogbiv skb=v