
From The Languages of David J. Peterson
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This module implements {{place}}. Comments can be found throughout the module explaining it. Data describing the recognized placetypes and how to categorize them can be found in Module:place/data. The recognized place names are generally found in Module:place/shared-data, which (as the name suggests) is shared by Module:place/data and Module:category tree/topic cat/data/Places (which handles the generation of page contents for place categories such as Category:en:Cities in Osaka Prefecture).

local export = {}

local m_links = require("Module:links")
local m_langs = require("Module:languages")
local m_strutils = require("Module:string utilities")
local data = require("Module:place/data")

local cat_data = data.cat_data

local namespace = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText

----------- Wikicode utility functions

-- returns a wikilink link {{l|language|text}}
local function link(text, language)
	if not language or language == "" then
		return text

	return m_links.full_link({term = text, lang = m_langs.getByCode(language)}, nil, true)

-- Returns the category link for a category, given the language code and the
-- name of the category.
local function catlink(lang, text)
	return require("Module:utilities").format_categories({lang:getCode() .. ":" .. m_links.remove_links(text)}, lang)

---------- Basic utility functions

-- Return the singular version of a maybe-plural placetype, or nil if not plural.
local function maybe_singularize(placetype)
	if not placetype then
		return nil
	local retval = m_strutils.singularize(placetype)
	if retval == placetype then
		return nil
	return retval

-- Given a placetype, split the placetype into one or more potential "splits", each consisting
-- of (a) a recognized qualifier (e.g. "small", "former"), which we canonicalize
-- (e.g. "historic" -> "historical", "seaside" -> "coastal"); (b) the concatenation of any
-- previously recognized qualifiers on the left; and (c) the "bare placetype" to the right of
-- the rightmost recognized qualifier. Return a list of pairs of
-- more than one element in the list in cases like "small unincorporated town". If no recognized
-- qualifier could be found, the list will be empty. PREV_CANON_QUALIFIERS will be nil if there
-- are no previous qualifiers.
local function split_and_canonicalize_placetype(placetype)
	local splits = {}
	local prev_qualifier = nil
	while true do
		local qualifier, bare_placetype = placetype:match("^(.-) (.*)$")
		if qualifier then
			local canon = data.placetype_qualifiers[qualifier]
			local new_qualifier
			if canon == true then
				new_qualifier = qualifier
			elseif canon then
				new_qualifier = canon
			table.insert(splits, {prev_qualifier, new_qualifier, bare_placetype})
			prev_qualifier = prev_qualifier and prev_qualifier .. " " .. new_qualifier or new_qualifier
			placetype = bare_placetype
	return splits

-- Given a placetype, return an ordered list of equivalent placetypes to look under
-- to find the placetype's properties (actually, an ordered list of objects of the
-- form {qualifier=QUALIFIER, placetype=PLACETYPE} where QUALIFIER is a descriptive
-- qualifier to prepend, or nil). The placetype itself always forms the first entry.
local function get_placetype_equivs(placetype)
	local equivs = {}

	local function do_placetype(qualifier, placetype)
		-- First do the placetype itself.
		table.insert(equivs, {placetype=placetype})
		-- Then check for a singularized equivalent.
		local sg_placetype = maybe_singularize(placetype)
		if sg_placetype then
			table.insert(equivs, {placetype=sg_placetype})
		-- Then check for a mapping in placetype_equivs; add if present.
		if data.placetype_equivs[placetype] then
			table.insert(equivs, {placetype=data.placetype_equivs[placetype]})
		-- Then check for a mapping in placetype_equivs for the singularized equivalent.
		if sg_placetype and data.placetype_equivs[sg_placetype] then
			table.insert(equivs, {placetype=data.placetype_equivs[sg_placetype]})

	do_placetype(nil, placetype)

	-- Then successively split off recognized qualifiers and loop over successively greater sets of
	-- qualifiers from the left.
	local splits = split_and_canonicalize_placetype(placetype)
	for _, split in ipairs(splits) do
		local prev_qualifier, this_qualifier, bare_placetype = split[1], split[2], split[3]
		-- First see if the rightmost split-off qualifier is in qualifier_to_placetype_equivs
		-- (e.g. 'fictional *' -> 'fictional location'). If so, add the mapping.
		if data.qualifier_to_placetype_equivs[this_qualifier] then
			table.insert(equivs, {qualifier=prev_qualifier, placetype=data.qualifier_to_placetype_equivs[this_qualifier]})
		-- Then see if the rightmost split-off qualifier is in qualifier_equivs (e.g. 'former' -> 'historical').
		-- If so, create a placetype from the qualifier mapping + the following bare_placetype; then, add
		-- that placetype, and any mapping for the placetype in placetype_equivs.
		if data.qualifier_equivs[this_qualifier] then
			do_placetype(prev_qualifier, data.qualifier_equivs[this_qualifier] .. " " .. bare_placetype)
		-- Finally, join the rightmost split-off qualifier to the previously split-off qualifiers to form a
		-- combined qualifier, and add it along with bare_placetype and any mapping in placetype_equivs for
		-- bare_placetype.
		local qualifier = prev_qualifier and prev_qualifier .. " " .. this_qualifier or this_qualifier
		do_placetype(qualifier, bare_placetype)
	return equivs

local function get_equiv_placetype_prop(placetype, fun)
	if not placetype then
		return fun(nil), nil
	local equivs = get_placetype_equivs(placetype)
	for _, equiv in ipairs(equivs) do
		local retval = fun(equiv.placetype)
		if retval then
			return retval, equiv
	return nil, nil

-- Fetches the synergy table from cat_data, which describes the format of
-- glosses consisting of <placetype1> and <placetype2>.
-- The parameters are tables in the format {placetype, placename, langcode}.
local function get_synergy_table(place1, place2)
	if not place2 then
		return nil
	local pt_data = get_equiv_placetype_prop(place2[1], function(pt) return cat_data[pt] end)
	if not pt_data or not pt_data.synergy then
		return nil

	if not place1 then
		place1 = {}

	local synergy = get_equiv_placetype_prop(place1[1], function(pt) return pt_data.synergy[pt] end)
	return synergy or pt_data.synergy["default"]

-- Returns the article that is used with a word. It is fetched from the cat_data
-- table; if that doesn’t exist, "an" is given for words beginning with a vowel
-- and "a" otherwise.
-- If sentence == true, the first letter of the article is made upper-case.
local function get_article(word, sentence)
	local art = ""

	local pt_data = get_equiv_placetype_prop(word, function(pt) return cat_data[pt] end)
	if pt_data and pt_data.article then
		art = pt_data.article
	elseif word:find("^[aeiou]") then
		art = "an"
		art = "a"

	if sentence then
		art = m_strutils.ucfirst(art)

	return art

---------- Argument parsing functions and utilities

-- Given a place spec (see parse_place_specs()) and a holonym spec (the return value
-- of split_holonym()), add a key/value into the place spec corresponding to the
-- placetype and placename of the holonym spec. For example, corresponding to the
-- holonym "country/Italy", a key "country" with the list value {"Italy"} will be
-- added to the place spec. If there is already a key with that place type, the new
-- placename will be added to the end of the value's list.
local function key_holonym_spec_into_place_spec(place_spec, holonym_spec)
	if not holonym_spec[1] then
		return place_spec

	local equiv_placetypes = get_placetype_equivs(holonym_spec[1])
	local placename = holonym_spec[2]
	for _, equiv in ipairs(equiv_placetypes) do
		local placetype = equiv.placetype
		if not place_spec[placetype] then
			place_spec[placetype] = {placename}
			place_spec[placetype][table.getn(place_spec[placetype]) + 1] = placename

	return place_spec

-- Implement "implications", i.e. where the presence of a given holonym causes additional
-- holonym(s) to be added. There are two types of implications, general implications
-- (which apply to both display and categorization) and category implications (which apply
-- only to categorization). PLACE_SPECS is the return value of parse_place_specs(), i.e.
-- one or more place specs, collectively describing the data passed to {{place}}.
-- IMPLICATION_DATA is the data used to implement the implications, i.e. a table indexed
-- by holonym placetype, each value of which is a table indexed by holonym place name,
-- each value of which is a list of "PLACETYPE/PLACENAME" holonyms to be added to the
-- end of the list of holonyms. SHOULD_CLONE specifies whether to clone a given place spec
-- before modifying it.
local function handle_implications(place_specs, implication_data, should_clone)
	-- handle category implications
	for n, spec in ipairs(place_specs) do
		local lastarg = table.getn(spec)
		local cloned = false

		for c = 3, lastarg do
			local imp_data = get_equiv_placetype_prop(spec[c][1], function(pt)
				local implication = implication_data[pt] and implication_data[pt][m_links.remove_links(spec[c][2])]
				if implication then
					return implication
			if imp_data then
				if should_clone and not cloned then
					spec = mw.clone(spec)
					cloned = true
					place_specs[n] = spec
				for i, holonym_to_add in ipairs(imp_data) do
					local split_holonym = mw.text.split(holonym_to_add, "/", true)
					if #split_holonym ~= 2 then
						error("Invalid holonym in implications: " .. holonym_to_add)
					local holonym_placetype, holonym_placename = split_holonym[1], split_holonym[2]
					local new_holonym = {holonym_placetype, holonym_placename}
					spec[table.getn(spec) + i] = new_holonym
					key_holonym_spec_into_place_spec(spec, new_holonym)

-- Look up a placename in an alias table, handling links appropriately.
-- If the alias isn't found, return nil.
local function lookup_placename_alias(placename, aliases)
	-- If the placename is a link, apply the alias inside the link.
	-- This pattern matches both piped and unpiped links. If the link is not
	-- piped, the second capture (linktext) will be empty.
	local link, linktext = mw.ustring.match(placename, "^%[%[([^|%]]+)%|?(.-)%]%]$")
	if link then
		if linktext ~= "" then
			local alias = aliases[linktext]
			return alias and "[[" .. link .. "|" .. alias .. "]]" or nil
			local alias = aliases[link]
			return alias and "[[" .. alias .. "]]" or nil
		return aliases[placename]

-- Split a holonym (e.g. "continent/Europe" or "country/en:Italy" or "in southern")
-- into its components. Return value is {PLACETYPE, PLACENAME, LANGCODE}, e.g.
-- {"country", "Italy", "en"}. If there isn't a slash (e.g. "in southern"), the
-- first element will be nil. Placetype aliases (e.g. "c" for "country") and
-- placename aliases (e.g. "US" or "USA" for "United States") will be expanded.
local function split_holonym(datum)
	datum = mw.text.split(datum, "/", true)

	if table.getn(datum) < 2 then
		datum = {nil, datum[1]}

	-- HACK! Check for Wikipedia links, which contain an embedded colon.
	-- There should be a better way.
	if not datum[2]:find("%[%[w:") and not datum[2]:find("%[%[wikipedia:") then
		local links = mw.text.split(datum[2], ":", true)

		if table.getn(links) > 1 then
			datum[2] = links[2]
			datum[3] = links[1]

	if datum[1] then
		datum[1] = data.placetype_aliases[datum[1]] or datum[1]
		datum[2] = get_equiv_placetype_prop(datum[1],
			function(pt) return data.placename_display_aliases[pt] and lookup_placename_alias(datum[2], data.placename_display_aliases[pt]) end
		) or datum[2]

		if not get_equiv_placetype_prop(datum[1], function(pt) return data.autolink[datum[3] and pt] end) then
			datum[3] = "en"
	return datum

-- Parse a "new-style" place spec, with placetypes and holonyms surrounded by <<...>>
-- amid otherwise raw text.  Return value is a place spec, as documented in
-- parse_place_specs().
local function parse_new_style_place_spec(text)
	local segments = m_strutils.capturing_split(text, "<<(.-)>>")
	local retval = {"foobar", {}, raw = {}, order = {}}
	for i, segment in ipairs(segments) do
		if i % 2 == 1 then
			table.insert(retval.raw, segment)
			table.insert(retval.order, {"raw", #retval.raw})
		elseif segment:find("/") then
			local holonym = split_holonym(segment)
			table.insert(retval, holonym)
			table.insert(retval.order, {"holonym", #retval})
			key_holonym_spec_into_place_spec(retval, holonym)
			table.insert(retval[2], segment)
			table.insert(retval.order, {"placetype", #retval[2]})

	return retval

-- Process numeric args (except for the language code in 1=). The return value is one or
-- more "place specs", each one corresponding to a single semicolon-separated combination of
-- placetype + holonyms in the numeric arguments. A given place spec is a table
-- For example, the call {{place|en|city|s/Pennsylvania|c/US}} will result in a place spec
-- {"foobar", {"city"}, {"state", "Pennsylvania"}, {"country", "United States"}, state={"Pennsylvania"}, country={"United States"}}.
-- Here, the placetype aliases "s" and "c" have been expanded into "state" and "country"
-- respectively, and the placename alias "US" has been expanded into "United States".
-- PLACETYPES is a list because there may be more than one (e.g. the call
-- {{place|en|city/and/county|s/California}} will result in a place spec
-- {"foobar", {"city", "and", "county"}, {"state", "California"}, state={"California"}})
-- and the value in the key/value pairs is likewise a list (e.g. the call
-- {{place|en|city|s/Kansas|and|s/Missouri}} will result in a place spec
-- {"foobar", {"city"}, {"state", "Kansas"}, {nil, "and"}, {"state", "Missouri"}, state={"Kansas", "Missouri"}}).
local function parse_place_specs(numargs)
	local specs = {}
	local c = 1
	local cY = 1
	local cX = 2
	local last_was_new_style = false

	while numargs[c] do
		if numargs[c] == ";" then
			cY = cY + 1
			cX = 2
			last_was_new_style = false
			if numargs[c]:find("<<") then
				if cX > 2 then
					cY = cY + 1
					cX = 2
				specs[cY] = parse_new_style_place_spec(numargs[c])
				last_was_new_style = true
				if last_was_new_style then
					error("Old-style arguments cannot directly follow new-style place spec")
				last_was_new_style = false
				if cX == 2 then
					local entry_placetypes = mw.text.split(numargs[c], "/", true)
					for n, ept in ipairs(entry_placetypes) do
						entry_placetypes[n] = data.placetype_aliases[ept] or ept
					specs[cY] = {"foobar", entry_placetypes}
					specs[cY][cX] = split_holonym(numargs[c])
					key_holonym_spec_into_place_spec(specs[cY], specs[cY][cX])

			cX = cX + 1

		c = c + 1

	handle_implications(specs, data.implications, false)

	return specs

-------- Definition-generating functions

-- Returns a string with the wikilinks to the English translations of the word.
local function get_translations(transl)
	local ret = {}

	for _, t in ipairs(transl) do
		if t:find("[[", nil, true) then
			table.insert(ret, t)
		elseif t == mw.title.getCurrentTitle().prefixedText then
			table.insert(ret, "[[#English|" .. t .. "]]")
			table.insert(ret, "[[" .. t .. "]]")

	return table.concat(ret, "; ")

-- Prepend the appropriate article if needed to LINKED_PLACENAME, where PLACENAME
-- is the corresponding unlinked placename and PLACETYPE its placetype.
local function prepend_article(placetype, placename, linked_placename)
	placename = m_links.remove_links(placename)
	if placename:find("^the ") then
		return linked_placename
	local art = get_equiv_placetype_prop(placetype, function(pt) return data.placename_article[pt] and data.placename_article[pt][placename] end)
	if art then
		return art .. " " .. linked_placename
	art = get_equiv_placetype_prop(placetype, function(pt) return cat_data[pt] and cat_data[pt].holonym_article end)
	if art then
		return art .. " " .. linked_placename
	local universal_res = data.placename_the_re["*"]
	for _, re in ipairs(universal_res) do
		if placename:find(re) then
			return "the " .. linked_placename
	local matched = get_equiv_placetype_prop(placetype, function(pt)
		local res = data.placename_the_re[pt]
		if not res then
			return nil
		for _, re in ipairs(res) do
			if placename:find(re) then
				return true
		return nil
	if matched then
		return "the " .. linked_placename
	return linked_placename

-- returns a string containing a placename, with an extra article if necessary
-- and in the wikilinked display form if necessary.
-- Example: ({"country", "United States", "en"}, true, true) returns "the {{l|en|United States}}"
local function get_place_string(place, needs_article, display_form)
	local ps = place[2]

	if display_form then
		local display_handler = get_equiv_placetype_prop(place[1], function(pt) return cat_data[pt] and cat_data[pt].display_handler end)
		if display_handler then
			ps = display_handler(place[1], place[2])
		ps = link(ps, place[3])

	if needs_article then
		ps = prepend_article(place[1], place[2], ps)

	return ps

-- Returns a special description generated from a synergy table fetched from
-- the data module and two place tables.
local function get_synergic_description(synergy, place1, place2)
	local desc = ""

	if place1 then

		if synergy.before then
			desc = desc .. " " .. synergy.before

		desc = desc .. " " .. get_place_string(place1, true, true)

	if synergy.between then
		desc = desc .. " " .. synergy.between

	desc = desc .. " "  .. get_place_string(place2, true, true)

	if synergy.after then
		desc = desc .. " " .. synergy.after

	return desc

-- Returns the preposition that should be used between the placetypes placetype1 and
-- placetype2 (i.e. "city >in< France.", "country >of< South America"
-- If there is no placetype2, a single whitespace is returned. Otherwise, the
-- preposition is fetched from the data module. If there isn’t any, the default
-- is "in".
-- The preposition is return with a whitespace before and after.
local function get_in_or_of(placetype1, placetype2)
	if not placetype2 then
		return " "

	local preposition = "in"

	local pt_data = get_equiv_placetype_prop(placetype1, function(pt) return cat_data[pt] end)
	if pt_data and pt_data.preposition then
		preposition = pt_data.preposition

	return " " .. preposition .. " "

-- Returns a string that contains the information of how a given place (place2)
-- should be formatted in the gloss, considering the entry’s place type, the 
-- place preceding it in the template’s parameter (place1) and following it 
-- (place3), and whether it is the first place (parameter 4 of the function).
local function get_holonym_description(entry_placetype, place1, place2, place3, first)
	local desc = ""

	local synergy = get_synergy_table(place2, place3)

	if synergy then
		return ""

	synergy = get_synergy_table(place1, place2)

	if first then
		if place2[1] then
			desc = desc .. get_in_or_of(entry_placetype, "")
			desc = desc .. " "
		if not synergy then
			if place1[1] and place2[2] ~= "and" and place2[2] ~= "in" then
				desc = desc .. ","

			desc = desc .. " "

	if not synergy then
		desc = desc .. get_place_string(place2, first, true)
		desc = desc .. get_synergic_description(synergy, place1, place2)

	return desc

local function get_linked_placetype(placetype)
	local linked_version = data.placetype_links[placetype]
	if linked_version then
		if linked_version == true then
			return "[[" .. placetype .. "]]"
		elseif linked_version == "w" then
			return "[[w:" .. placetype .. "|" .. placetype .. "]]"
			return linked_version
	local sg_placetype = maybe_singularize(placetype)
	if sg_placetype then
		local linked_version = data.placetype_links[sg_placetype]
		if linked_version then
			if linked_version == true then
				return "[[" .. sg_placetype .. "|" .. placetype .. "]]"
			elseif linked_version == "w" then
				return "[[w:" .. sg_placetype .. "|" .. placetype .. "]]"
				return m_strutils.pluralize(linked_version)
	return nil

-- Return the linked description of a placetype. This splits off any
-- qualifiers and displays them separately.
local function get_placetype_description(placetype)
	local linked_version = get_linked_placetype(placetype)
	if linked_version then
		return linked_version
		local splits = split_and_canonicalize_placetype(placetype)
		local prefix = ""
		for _, split in ipairs(splits) do
			local prev_qualifier, this_qualifier, bare_placetype = split[1], split[2], split[3]
			prefix = (prev_qualifier and prev_qualifier .. " " .. this_qualifier or this_qualifier) .. " "
			local linked_version = get_linked_placetype(bare_placetype)
			if linked_version then
				return prefix .. " " .. linked_version
			placetype = bare_placetype
		return prefix .. placetype

-- Returns a string with extra information that is sometimes added to a
-- definition. This consists of the tag, a whitespace and the value (wikilinked
-- if it language contains a language code; if sentence == true, ". " is added
-- before the string and the first character is made upper case.
local function get_extra_info(tag, value, sentence)
	if not value then
		return ""

	-- HACK! Check for Wikipedia links, which contain an embedded colon.
	-- There should be a better way.
	if not value:find("%[%[w:") and not value:find("%[%[wikipedia:") then
		value = mw.text.split(value, ":", true)

		if table.getn(value) < 2 then
			value = {nil, value[1]}

		value = link(value[2], value[1] or "en")

	local s = ""

	if sentence then
		s = s .. ". " .. m_strutils.ucfirst(tag)
		s = s .. "; " .. tag

	return s .. " " .. value

-- Get the full description of an old-style place spec (with separate arguments for
-- the placetype and each holonym).
local function get_old_style_gloss(args, spec, with_article, sentence)
	local gloss = ""

	-- The placetype used to determine whether "in" or "of" follows is the last placetype if there are
	-- multiple slash-separated placetypes, but ignoring "and", "or" and parenthesized notes
	-- such as "(one of 254)".
	local placetype_for_in_or_of = nil
	for n2, placetype in ipairs(spec[2]) do
		if placetype == "and" then
			gloss = gloss .. " and "
		elseif placetype == "or" then
			gloss = gloss .. " or "
		elseif placetype:find("^%(") then
			-- Check for placetypes beginning with a paren (so that things
			-- like "{{place|en|county/(one of 254)|s/Texas}}" work).
			gloss = gloss .. " " .. placetype
			placetype_for_in_or_of = placetype
			local pt_data, equiv_placetype_and_qualifier = get_equiv_placetype_prop(placetype,
				function(pt) return cat_data[pt] end)
			-- Join multiple placetypes with comma unless placetypes are already
			-- joined with "and". We allow "the" to precede the second placetype
			-- if they're not joined with "and" (so we get "city and county seat of ..."
			-- but "city, the county seat of ...").
			if n2 > 1 and spec[2][n2-1] ~= "and" and spec[2][n2-1] ~= "or" then
				gloss = gloss .. ", "

				if pt_data and pt_data.article == "the" then
					gloss = gloss .. "the "

			gloss = gloss .. get_placetype_description(placetype)

	if args["also"] then
		gloss = gloss .. " and " .. args["also"]

	local c = 3

	while spec[c] do
		local prev = nil

		if c > 3 then
			prev = spec[c-1]
			prev = {}

		gloss = gloss .. get_holonym_description(placetype_for_in_or_of, prev, spec[c], spec[c+1], (c == 3))
		c = c + 1

	if with_article then
		gloss = (args["a"] or get_article(spec[2][1], sentence)) .. " " .. gloss

	return gloss

-- Get the full description of a new-style place spec. New-style place specs are
-- specified with a single string containing raw text interspersed with placetypes
-- and holonyms surrounded by <<...>>.
local function get_new_style_gloss(args, spec, with_article)
	local parts = {}

	if with_article and args["a"] then
		table.insert(parts, args["a"] .. " ")

	for _, order in ipairs(spec.order) do
		local segment_type, segment_num = order[1], order[2]
		if segment_type == "raw" then
			table.insert(parts, spec.raw[segment_num])
		elseif segment_type == "placetype" then
			table.insert(parts, get_placetype_description(spec[2][segment_num]))
		elseif segment_type == "holonym" then
			table.insert(parts, get_place_string(spec[segment_num], false, true))
			error("Internal error: Unrecognized segment type '" .. segment_type .. "'")

	return table.concat(parts)

-- Returns a string with the gloss (the description of the place itself, as
-- opposed to translations). If sentence == true, the gloss’s first letter is
-- made upper case and a period is added to the end.
local function get_gloss(args, specs, sentence)
	if args["def"] then
		return args["def"]

	local glosses = {}
	for n, spec in ipairs(specs) do
		if spec.order then
			table.insert(glosses, get_new_style_gloss(args, spec, n == 1))
			table.insert(glosses, get_old_style_gloss(args, spec, n == 1, sentence))

	local ret = {table.concat(glosses, "; ")}

	table.insert(ret, get_extra_info("modern", args["modern"], false))
	table.insert(ret, get_extra_info("official name:", args["official"], sentence))
	table.insert(ret, get_extra_info("capital:", args["capital"], sentence))
	table.insert(ret, get_extra_info("largest city:", args["largest city"], sentence))
	table.insert(ret, get_extra_info("capital and largest city:", args["caplc"], sentence))
	local placetype = specs[1][2][1]
	if placetype == "county" or placetype == "parish" or placetype == "borough" then
		placetype = placetype .. " seat"
		placetype = "seat"
	table.insert(ret, get_extra_info(placetype .. ":", args["seat"], sentence))

	return table.concat(ret)

-- Returns the definition line.
local function get_def(args, specs)
	if #args["t"] > 0 then
		return get_translations(args["t"]) .. " (" .. get_gloss(args, specs, false) .. ")"
		return get_gloss(args, specs, true)

---------- Functions for the category wikicode

-- Look up and resolve any category aliases that need to be applied to a holonym. For example,
-- "country/Republic of China" maps to "Taiwan" for use in categories like "Counties in Taiwan".
-- This also removes any links.
local function resolve_cat_aliases(holonym_placetype, holonym_placename)
	local retval
	local cat_aliases = get_equiv_placetype_prop(holonym_placetype, function(pt) return data.placename_cat_aliases[pt] end)
	holonym_placename = m_links.remove_links(holonym_placename)
	if cat_aliases then
		retval = cat_aliases[holonym_placename]
	return retval or holonym_placename

-- Find the appropriate category or categories for a given place spec; e.g. for the call
-- {{place|en|city|s/Pennsylvania|c/US}} which results in the place spec
-- {"foobar", {"city"}, {"state", "Pennsylvania"}, {"country", "United States"}, state={"Pennsylvania"}, country={"United States"}},
-- the return value would likely be "city", {"Cities in Pennsylvania, USA"}, 3
-- (i.e. three values are returned; see below).
-- More specifically, given three arguments: (1) the entry placetype (or equivalent) used
-- to look up the category data in cat_data; (2) the value of cat_data[placetype] for this
-- placetype; (3) the full place spec as documented in parse_place_specs(); look up the
-- outer-level data (normally keyed by the holonym, e.g. "country/Italy", or by "default")
-- and the inner-level data (normally keyed by "itself" for a specific holonym and by the
-- holonym's placetype for "default"), and return the resulting value. This value is a list
-- of one of two things: (a) a category, which may have +++ in it, which is replaced by
-- the matching holonym placename; (b) 'true' to construct the category from the entry's
-- placetype and the holonym's placename. The lookup works by iterating twice through the
-- holonyms in the place spec: First to look up the outer-level data, and secondly to look
-- up the inner-level data in the outer-level data just found. Both lookups stop as soon as
-- a matching key is found, meaning that usually only the first-listed holonym of the form
-- PLACETYPE/PLACENAME (i.e. excluding bare strings like "in southern") has a corresponding
-- category returned. Three values are actually returned:
-- where ENTRY_PLACETYPE is the placetype that should be used to construct categories when
-- 'true' is returned; CATEGORIES is a list as described above; and PLACE_SPEC_INDEX is the
-- index (3 or greater) of the matching holonym in the place spec, or -1 if the outer-level
-- data was keyed by "default". More specifically, there are three cases:
-- 1. An outer-level key matching a specific holonym (e.g. "country/Italy") was found,
--    but an inner-level key matching the holonym's placetype (e.g. "country") wasn't
--    found. In this case, CATEGORIES is based on the inner-level key "itself" (or nil
--    if no such key exists), and PLACE_SPEC_INDEX is the index of the holonym whose
--    placetype was found among the outer-level keys.
-- 2. An outer-level key matching a specific holonym (e.g. "country/Italy") wasn't found
--    (so the outer-level key "default" was used), and an inner-level key matching the
--    holonym's placetype (e.g. "country") also wasn't found. In this case, CATEGORIES
--    is based on the inner-level key "itself" (or nil if no such key exists), and
--    PLACE_SPEC_INDEX is -1.
-- 3. An inner-level key matching the holonym's placetype (e.g. "country") was found,
--    regardless of whether an outer-level key matching a specific holonym was found.
--    In this case, CATEGORIES is based on the matching inner-level key, and PLACE_SPEC_INDEX
--    is the index of the holonym's placetype serving as the inner-level key. Note the
--    difference here in the meaning of the second parameter vs. (1) above.
local function find_cat_spec(entry_placetype, entry_placetype_data, place_spec)
	local inner_data = nil

	local c = 3

	while place_spec[c] do
		local holonym_placetype, holonym_placename = place_spec[c][1], place_spec[c][2]
		holonym_placename = resolve_cat_aliases(holonym_placetype, holonym_placename)
		inner_data = get_equiv_placetype_prop(holonym_placetype,
			function(pt) return entry_placetype_data[(pt or "") .. "/" .. holonym_placename] end)
		if inner_data then
		if entry_placetype_data.cat_handler then
			inner_data = get_equiv_placetype_prop(holonym_placetype,
				function(pt) return entry_placetype_data.cat_handler(pt, holonym_placename) end)
			if inner_data then
		c = c + 1

	-- If we didn't find a matching place spec, and there's a fallback, look it up.
	-- This is used, for example, with "rural municipality", which has special cases for
	-- some provinces of Canada and otherwise behaves like "municipality".
	if not inner_data and entry_placetype_data.fallback then
		return find_cat_spec(entry_placetype_data.fallback, cat_data[entry_placetype_data.fallback], place_spec)
	if not inner_data then
		inner_data = entry_placetype_data["default"]
		c = -1

	if not inner_data then
		return entry_placetype, nil, -1

	local c2 = 3

	while place_spec[c2] do
		local retval = get_equiv_placetype_prop(place_spec[c2][1], function(pt) return inner_data[pt] end)
		if retval then
			return entry_placetype, retval, c2

		c2 = c2 + 1

	return entry_placetype, inner_data["itself"], c

-- Returns the plural of a word and makes its first letter upper case.
-- The plural is fetched from the data module; if it doesn’t find one,
-- the 'pluralize' function from [[Module:string utilities]] is called,
-- which pluralizes correctly in almost all cases.
local function get_cat_plural(word)
	local pt_data, equiv_placetype_and_qualifier = get_equiv_placetype_prop(word, function(pt) return cat_data[pt] end)
	if pt_data then
		word = pt_data.plural or m_strutils.pluralize(equiv_placetype_and_qualifier.placetype)
		word = m_strutils.pluralize(word)
	return m_strutils.ucfirst(word)

-- Turn a category spec (a list of partial or full categories, or {true}) into the wikicode of
-- one or more actual categories. It is given the following arguments:
-- (1) the language object (param 1=)
-- (2) the category spec retrieved using find_cat_spec()
-- (3) the placetype of the place (param 2=)
-- (4) the value of cat_data for this placetype
-- (5) the holonym for which the category spec was fetched (in the format of indices 3, 4, ...
--     of the place spec data, as described in parse_place_specs())
-- (6) the place spec itself
-- The return value is constructed by iterating over the entries in the category spec.
-- For each entry, the category is formed as follows:
-- (1) If the category spec is 'true', construct the category from the plural of the placetype +
--     the appropriate preposition ("in" or "of", as determined from the placetype category data,
--     defaulting to "in" unless key "preposition" was specified) + the string "+++". Otherwise,
--     the category spec should be a string; use it directly.
-- (2) If "+++" occurs in the resulting category string, replace it with the holonym placename.
--     The substituted placename comes from the holonym placename, possibly preceded by "the"
--     (if appropriate).
local function get_possible_cat(lang, cat_spec, entry_placetype, entry_pt_data, holonym, place_spec)
	if not cat_spec or not entry_placetype or not entry_pt_data or not holonym or not place_spec then
		return ""

	local all_cats = ""

	local holonym_placetype, holonym_placename = holonym[1], holonym[2]
	holonym_placename = resolve_cat_aliases(holonym_placetype, holonym_placename)
	holonym = {holonym_placetype, holonym_placename}

	for _, name in ipairs(cat_spec) do
		local cat = ""
		if name == true then
			cat = get_cat_plural(entry_placetype) .. get_in_or_of(entry_placetype, holonym_placetype) .. " +++"
		elseif name then
			cat = name

		cat = cat:gsub("%+%+%+", get_place_string(holonym, true, false))
		all_cats = all_cats .. catlink(lang, cat)

	return all_cats

-- Return a string containing the category wikicode that should be added to the
-- entry, given the place spec (see parse_place_specs()) and the type of place
-- (e.g. "city").
local function get_cat(lang, place_spec, entry_placetype)
	-- Find the category data for a given placetype. This data is a two-level
	-- table, the outer indexed by the holonym itself (e.g. "country/Italy") or by
	-- "default", and the inner indexed by the holonym's placetype (e.g. "country")
	-- or by "itself". Note that most frequently, if the outer table is indexed by
	-- a holonym, the inner table will be indexed only by "itself", while if the
	-- outer table is indexed by "default", the inner table will be indexed by
	-- one or more holonym placetypes, meaning to generate a category for all holonyms
	-- of this placetype.
	local entry_pt_data, equiv_entry_placetype_and_qualifier = get_equiv_placetype_prop(entry_placetype, function(pt) return cat_data[pt] end)

	-- 1. Unrecognized placetype.
	if not entry_pt_data then
		return ""

	local equiv_entry_placetype = equiv_entry_placetype_and_qualifier.placetype

	-- Find the category spec (a usually one-element list of full or partial categories,
	-- or a list {true}; see find_cat_spec()) corresponding to the holonym(s) in the place
	-- spec. See above.
	local cat_spec, c
	equiv_entry_placetype, cat_spec, c = find_cat_spec(equiv_entry_placetype, entry_pt_data, place_spec)

	-- 2. No category spec could be found. This happens if the innermost table in the category data
	--    doesn't match any holonym's placetype and doesn't have an "itself" entry.
	if not cat_spec then
		return ""

	-- 3. This handles cases where either the outer or inner key matched a holonym.
	if c > 2 then
		local cat = get_possible_cat(lang, cat_spec, equiv_entry_placetype, entry_pt_data, place_spec[c], place_spec)

		if cat ~= "" then
			local c2 = 2

			while place_spec[place_spec[c][1]][c2] do
				cat = cat .. get_possible_cat(lang, cat_spec, equiv_entry_placetype, entry_pt_data, {place_spec[c][1], place_spec[place_spec[c][1]][c2]}, place_spec)
				c2 = c2 + 1
		return cat

	-- 4. This handles the remaining case, i.e. the outer key is "default" and the inner key is "itself".
	--    In this case, there is no holonym to substitute into the category. If the category is 'true',
	--    we replace it with only the plural placetype (rather than "PLACETYPES in PLACENAME", as normal).
	--    If the category is a string, throw an error if it contains+++ (indicating a holonym substitution);
	--    otherwise, use it directly.
	local all_cats = ""
	for _, name in ipairs(cat_spec) do
		local cat
		if name == true then
			cat = get_cat_plural(equiv_entry_placetype)
		elseif name then
			cat = name
			if cat:find("%+%+%+") then
				error("Category '" .. cat .. "' contains +++ but there is no holonym to substitute")
		if cat then
			all_cats = all_cats .. catlink(lang, cat)
	return all_cats

-- Iterate through each type of place given in parameter 2 (a list of place specs,
-- as documented in parse_place_specs()) and returns a string with the links to
-- all categories that need to be added to the entry. 
local function get_cats(lang, place_specs)
	local cats = {}

	handle_implications(place_specs, data.cat_implications, true)

	for n1, place_spec in ipairs(place_specs) do
		for n2, placetype in ipairs(place_spec[2]) do
			if placetype ~= "and" then
				table.insert(cats, get_cat(lang, place_spec, placetype))
		-- Also add base categories for the holonyms listed (e.g. a category like 'en:Merseyside, England').
		-- This is handled through the special placetype "*".
		table.insert(cats, get_cat(lang, place_spec, "*"))

	return table.concat(cats)

----------- Main entry point

	local params = {
		[1] = {required = true},
		[2] = {required = true, list = true},
		["t"] = {list = true},

		["a"] = {},
		["also"] = {},
		["def"] = {},

		["modern"] = {},
		["official"] = {},
		["capital"] = {},
		["largest city"] = {},
		["caplc"] = {},
		["seat"] = {},

	local args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame:getParent().args, params)
	local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode(args[1]) or error("The language code \"" .. args[1] .. "\" is not valid.")
	local place_specs = parse_place_specs(args[2])

	return get_def(args, place_specs) .. get_cats(lang, place_specs)

return export