Category:Væyne Zaanics verbs

From The Languages of David J. Peterson
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Newest pages ordered by last category link update
  1. Gelninoh
  2. Gelnineh
  3. Ifonoh
  4. Ifeneh
  5. Pænonoh
  6. Pæneneh
  7. Wamarnonoh
  8. Wamarneneh
  9. Vanonoh
  10. Vaneneh
Oldest pages ordered by last edit
  1. Yocaponoh
  2. Toseneh
  3. Tosonoh
  4. Yeseneh
  5. Yesonoh
  6. Zaanineh
  7. Zaaninoh
  8. Angunoh
  9. Anguneh
  10. Yanguneh

Fundamental » All languages » Væyne Zaanics » Lemmas » Verbs

Væyne Zaanics terms that indicate actions, occurrences or states.