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The text entitled Shrubbery, Being a History on the Flora of the Valyrian Freehold appeared in promotional material for House of the Dragon. Who wrote the original English is not known, but the High Valyrian translation was done by David J. Peterson. In-show, it is written by Maester Mikkelion, presumably a Westerosi maester of the Citadel in Oldtown. The text describes the life and findings of Jaehaelor Mataeryon, a Valyrian dragonlord and botanist, who collected and documented the flora of the Valyrian Freehold. The text is notable for being one of the longer texts in High Valyrian. It can be seen below:

Kastrir: Hen Valyrio Ezīmilliot Ūbryro bē Vestriarzir. Maestro Mikkellio.

Valyrio Ezīmillio Vējes perzomy ōrbrosā geltiton hyngirion jāhon gieriōn hūndetas. Gierior oktior, jāhys pāstyssy, pōjyz jaehossa, pōjon raqnon, buqnon, kempēgrion, ōdrōn ñuqrio munnō embār qrimbughetas.

Konīr daorys uglaestas, se pōntoma vestriarja morghūltis. Tyriā Tembyrlion, elēdrio rōvājor rhēdessiarzājōr gūrēntrio jāelion, pryjataks. Tembī, tembyrī, sōluttīsi ñuqrot sīdis. Yn rūniro vējose prattosy, tolvȳn qrīdropatoksy daor.

Esso tegalbār tolio ālȳti pōjo lentoti henumīdēmari zaldrīzāeksia ulis. Mirrossa hae jurneroti se mirrossa Valyrio ondori ozudlitis lī qilōnagon aerēptis. Yn īlot brōzi mastas lȳs tolys Qohorīho guēsinoti rhēdessiarzī ūbryri, parma, kasta ȳlā ibardugon aerēptas.

Jaehaelor Mataerion, hen siñot dāez ōrejos se hen botennot raqnōt gevurlȳti āeksio, nektollī derēbiles, sepār tegon ōhotas se jēdar melīntas. Tubȳti rȳ udra haerēptis, se Jaehaelro lenton, lentor, gieriōn pryjataks gūrēntas.

Lo tolije zaldrīzāeksio istos zijosy gīmirose daor, maghilloma Jaehaelor ñāqoso vējōñjo Dāero Oktiot, Valyrio ēlio talot Volantiot, sōvetas. Lo vestriarjir drējor iksos, konīr va mōriot glaestas, se konīr zȳho gevurlȳti bē rūntas lī tolvȳni hae zȳho gierio drāñȳ dōrenkro geralbroti ñellȳndo tembī bōsī bardutas.

In English:

Shrubbery, Being a History on the Flora of the Valyrian Freehold, by Maester Mikkellion

The Doom of the Valyrian Freehold saw a peninsula and its people consumed by fire and smoke. An entire civilization, its inhabitants and their gods, their loves, grudges, guilts, and pain all drowned in a sea of ash and sorrow.

None who dwelt there survived, nor did their histories. The Library of Tyria, the largest and most renowned repository of knowledge of its day, was destroyed. Books, scrolls, and tomes turned to cinder. But while the fate of memory seemed sealed, not all was lost.

Elsewhere on the continent of Essos were dragonlords, spending time away from their homelands. Some were on patrols, and some to exact punishment upon anyone who dared deny the power of Valyria. Yet one other, whose name has come down to us, was away to take stock of the foliage, plants, and teal mosses known throughout the resplendent forests of Qohor.

Jaehaelor Mataeryon, a freeborn landowner and gardener by trade and passion, was at work collecting samples when the earth shook and the sky turned red. As the days passed and news travelled, it became clear that Jaehaelor’s home, family, and people had been destroyed.

Not knowing if he were the last of the dragonriders, Jaehaelor packed his bags and flew to the southeasternmost of the free cities, Valyria’s first daughter in Volantis. It was there, if tales can be believed, where he spent the remainder of his life scratching everything he could remember of his gardens on sheets of parchment so long they rivaled the broad stone highways of his people.

The English text continues for several sections after this, but only the part above was translated into High Valyrian.
