Appendix:Hen Linge pronunciation

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The Shiväisith language has 17 consonants, 8 vowels with two lengths and 2 glides.

Standard Romanization

Letter IPA English example Notes
a a father
b b bath
d d dog
e ɛ bet
ei e bait
f f food
g ɡ good
h h ham
i i beet
k k skill
l l left
m m man
n n no Assimilates to a following velar consonant.
o o moat
ö ø Like e pronounced with rounded lips.
p p span
r ɾ Like the t in batte.
s s see
sh ʃ sheep
t t stop
th θ think
u u rude
v v voice
w w wet
y j/ɨ young/chicken. Pronounced as a glide before a vowel; otherwise pronounced as a vowel.
z z zone


Hen Linge has a front rounded vowel that shows up from time to time and a central unrounded vowel, but is otherwise fairly plain in terms of its phonology.


Labial Dental Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m n (n [ŋ])
Plosive voiceless p t k
voiced b d g
Fricative voiceless f th [θ] s sh [ʃ] h
voiced v z
Lateral w l y [j]
Rhotic r [ɾ]


Hen Linge has 8 phonetically distinct vowels:

Front Mid Back
Close i [i] y [ɨ] u [u]
Mid ei [e], e [ɛ],ö [ø] o [o]
Open a [a]


Hen Linge has the dipthongs ai, ie, io, and öi [øy]. The former diphthong ei is now simply [e] and contrasts with plain e [ɛ].