
From The Languages of David J. Peterson
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High Valyrian


From an invisible proto-language
The etymology of this word comes from an invisible proto-language. If you're confident you know the etymology, feel free to add it, but reader beware should the etymology be added by someone other than the creator of the language!


(Classical) IPA(key): /aˈvero/


avero (third declension lunar, plural avera)

  1. grape
    Avero ñuhȳ relgot eman.
    I have a grape in my mouth.
Singular Plural Paucal Collective
Nominative avero avera averun averor
Accusative averuni averori
Genitive averō averoti averuno averoro
Dative averot averunto averorto
Locative averunno averorro
Instrumental averoso averossi averusso averorzo
Comitative averummo averormo
Vocative averos averas averusso averorzo
Derived Terms