User:Aegon/HV FAQ

From The Languages of David J. Peterson
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High Valyrian Frequently Asked Questions

This page serves as a source of questions one learning High Valyrian may have.

Verb Usage

  • Can you negate a passive infinitive such as x aōma urnekson daor gūrēni, intended to say with you we learn to not be seen?
Yes, however the pronoun is not placed correctly. Rephrase it as urnekson daor aōma gūrēni to avoid the reading we learn not to be seen with you.

Noun Usage

  • How does the conjunction effect a genitive translation of, for example, the knight's or the master's horse verses the knight's horse or bull?

Adjective Usage

  • If a coordinated list has nouns of different genders such as rios, qelbar, tegōn, how is a single adjective coordinating them declined?

Prepositions and Postpositions

  • How does a genitive prepositional phrase like from the knight's land translate?
Hen azanto āliot. Azantys remains in the genitive and the preposition hen modifies ālion.


  • Can words like zaldrīzerme, udrimmi, and averilloma occur postpositive?

Coordinating Lists

  • Where is and in the phrase muña, riña, kepā (mother, girl, and father)?
The vowel lengthening (macron, ā above) serves as the conjunction and and is used for coordinating non-modifying consecutive nouns, verbs, or adjectives. Se is not used in this case.
  • Does the vowel lengthening strategy like kepa muñā hold for nouns in other cases? For Adjectives?
The vowel lengthening holds for nouns in other cases; it is used for adjectives.


  • Can interrogatives be used in non question sentences like I understand why this law is just, where why is not a question word?