Appendix:Trigedasleng pronunciation

From The Languages of David J. Peterson
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The Trigedasleng language has 21 consonants, 8 vowels and 2 glides.

Standard Romanization

Trigedasleng IPA Informal English example Notes
a æ/ǝ a/uh bat/sofa
b b b bed
ch t͡ʃ ch check
d d/ɾ d dog, or Madagascar Where English /t/ and /d/ are flapped, a flap is retained in Trigedasleng. It's always written d.
e ɛ eh bed
ei e ay play Note that this sound is not a diphthong.
f f ff fool
g g g good
h h hh ham
i i ee machine Often pronounced somewhere in between the i of "machine" and the i of "kid".
j d͡ʒ j judge
k k k kill
l l ll left
m m mm man, ham
n n nn no, tin
o ɔ/ɑ aw law, father Not necessarily the same sounds, but these two sounds from English, along with [ʌ], merged.
ou o oh crow Note that this sound is not a diphthong.
p p p pill
r ɹ rr Pronounced just like regular English r.
s s ss see, city
sh ʃ sh ship
t t t top Where it occurs intervocalically, what is written t is often a geminate [tt].
th θ th thin Never pronounced like the th in this.
u u oo ruminate Often pronounced somewhere in between the u of "ruminate" and the oo of "took".
v v vuh voice, have
w w wuh wave, dowager
y j y yes
z z z zoo

The letters q and x are not used in the romanization scheme of Trigedasleng.

Aspiration and Flapping

As Trigedasleng derives from Modern English, it retains several of the more prominent features of Modern English. Among them is aspiration and flapping. All voiceless stops are aspirated in precisely the same places as they are aspirated in Modern English. Thus, the t in Trigedasleng is aspirated but the t in stoba is not. Since the flap [ɾ] is always written d, the relationship between certain words is obscured in the romanization of Trigedasleng. For example, set the verb becomes seda the agentive noun.