User:Aegon/High Valyrian Tutorial/Universal Declaration of Rights

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The Universal Declaration of Rights

Drīvoti Rhēdessiarzī Rūniapossa

Ēliar Udra

Ripo hen dāervot, drīvot, lykōt vȳhot iotāptenon hen issaroro zaldrīzerme gīdō drīvoti issa,

Zaldrīzerme drīvesse vaogemas lua gaoma qrinuntenka va vēdrot ābrari maghisi; kesy arlie vȳs issa skorī issaror udriro dāervī se jorepno dāervī se dāervī hen zūgerre raqilza,

Vēttriro ondoso amīsakson kesi zaldrīzerme drīvī sytilības lodaor zȳhon issa līr gūrēlza se hen qrīnȳrto zirȳle dāeremilza,

Kesi zaldrīzerme drīvesse dārȳti rȳ pāsābarvī kustikis,

Vȳho Dāria kesȳ rūniapot zaldrīzerme drīvoti bē, issaro kostillo bē, se ābroti valotī rȳ gīdāvo bē pōjon pāznon anevessi se gierȳndo naejurnon se dāerverre sȳrkton glaeso verdillī ajorarghīlzi,

Dāria kīvȳssi Vȳho Dārȳssi issaro drīvī se zaldrīzerme dāervī gierī hiotāptīlzi skustikilzī,

Quptenkor gūrēntir hen keso drīvoti dāervotī karājȳr kostillo hen keso kīvio gierȳr kostiot issa,

Sīr, sepār,

Bekon Gierūlnon,

Keso Drīvoti Rhēdessiarzot Rūniapot hae ērinno quptenkrot verdillā issarorto dārȳndō hiderēbilzi sepār issaror se gierȳndo ezīmor, kesi rūniapos iotāpteje, botemaro gīmīmarō ondoso keso drīvoti dāervotī iotāptenon naejurilza se naejuriro gaomoti ondossi, dāriot vȳhōt, pōjon gierior drējōr iotāptenon rīglī mīsilza dārio gierio se pōjo grozillaro gierio syt.

The core of freedom, justice, and peace in the world is respect for all individuals' indestructible and equal rights,
Antagonistic acts that defile indestructible rights bring mankind to anger; this is a new world where all individuals shall enjoy freedom of speech and freedom of prayer and freedom from fear,
These indestructible rights should be protected by law; otherwise, he shall take what is his and free himself from tyranny,
These indestructible rights encourage loyalty between kingdoms,
The World’s Kingdoms, in this letter, convey their beliefs in indestructible rights, in the value of an individual, in equality between women and men and shall pursue advancement of society and better frameworks of life in full freedom,
The kingdoms have sworn that with The World’s Kingdoms they shall wholly respect and strengthen individual rights and indestructible freedoms,
Common knowledge of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for this promise’s full ability,
Now, therefore,
The Regular Assembly,
They shall choose this universally recognized letter of rights as the common framework of victory for all individuals and all kingdoms, therefore, all individuals and all parts of society, ever taking into account this letter, shall advance respect for these rights and freedoms by education and teaching, and by progressive actions, in the kingdom and in the world, shall protect their whole and true respect and honor on behalf of the kingdom’s people and the people of their territory.


  • Tolvī issarossa dāervoso se gīdos drīvossi sittaksi. Pōnta otāpnondi gūrēntir teptaksi; sepār, mandiaro gīso hēnkirī gaomagon pōnte sytilības.
All individuals have been born with freedom and equal rights. They have been given thought and knowledge; therefore, they should act towards each other with a spirit of sisterhood.
  • Tolvī issarossa lentroro, sȳndrillaro, ēngoro, jorepno lūhoro, elēniro, muño tegondo, dārȳndo, se hen verdoti gēlȳndo drīverte dāervertē kesȳ rūniapot pōntāle gūrossis mirro ezīmptrio mijiot.
All individuals of all houses, of all colors, of all languages, of all types of prayer, of all opinions, of all mother lands, of all kingdoms, and of all amounts of money merit all the rights and all the freedoms in this letter for themselves lacking any discrimination.
  • Issaror drīvī va glaesot, dāervot, issaro mīznōt emilza.
All individuals shall have the right to life, liberty, and individual defense.
  • Daorys dohaeririot ōrīlaks. Dohaeririon se dohaeriro sindilior zȳhȳ sēteryrry pryjēlaks.
No one shall be held in slavery. Slavery and the slave marketplace in all its forms shall be destroyed.
  • Daorys mīvindīlaks; daorys kōrȳs gaomossi iā qilōnarȳssi botilza.
No one shall be tortured; no one shall suffer evil actions or punishments.
  • Tolviot issaror hae issarot vēttriro naejot urnīlaks.
All individuals shall be seen everywhere as an individual before the law.
  • Issaror vēttriro naejot gīdys kessa se vēttriro gīda mīzna mirro ezīmptrio mijiot emilza.
All individuals shall be equal before the law and shall have equal protections of law without any discrimination.
  • Issaror dārio dokimaro judlȳti naejot sȳrio zgiēñemvo drīvī emilza, gaomoti keso zaldrīzerme drīvo vaogemaroti bē.
All individuals have the right to good treatment before the kingdom's serious archons for actions defiling these indestructible rights.

  • Daorys drīvo mijiot ozgūroty kessa, lykāpsirī ozgūrēlaks, iā va qrīdroparot jikilaks.
No one, lacking justification, shall be a prisoner, shall be idly captured, or shall be sent to exile.
  • Issaror, gīdāverre, va gierȳndo martot gierūlnot marto dāerō judlȳti naejot drīvī emilza zȳho drīvoti, boto ajorrāelto, qringaomnotī bē.
All individuals, in full equality, shall have the right to society’s balanced assembly before balanced and free archons with respect to his rights, required work, and misdeeds.
  • 1) Qringaomio iksos lȳs issaror dōriar rhēdessiarza qringaomna emilza vapār zijot harrenkon mīznon irughilaks lȳs iderennes vēttrirzi averdas. 2) Qringaomno jēdā ilagon vēttriro sēteto bēvilza. Vēttriro qilōnariot qringaomno jēdā naenākogon qilōnario bēvilos daor.
1) All individuals that may be evildoers shall have no universally recognized misdeeds until trial, where he shall be given a suitable defense, makes a decision with law. 2) The law that is being brought forth must exist at the time of the misdeed. The punishment must not increase from the law's punishment at the time of the misdeed.
  • Daoro ruarilakso gaomoti, lentro, lento, iā rūniapoti rȳuhīlilaks daor drīvo mijiot. Daoro rīgles idakēluks daor; daorys qrīdropēlza. Keso idakonoti rȳuhīnnotī syt issaror vēttriro mīznon emilza.
No one's private matters, house, home, or letters shall be interfered with lacking reason. No one's honor shall be attacked; no one shall be disgraced. For these attacks and interferences, all individuals shall have defense of law.
  • 1) Issaror dārio grozillaro iemnȳ senno se mirriot glaesaro dāervī emilza. 2) Issaror mirrior dārion henujigon kostas, sesīr zȳhon, se va zijot dāriot āmāzissigon kostas.
1) All individuals shall have freedom of movement and living anywhere within a kingdom's borders. 2) All individuals may leave any kingdom, even his own, and may always return to his kingdom.
  • 1) Issaror tolio dārȳti hen qrīnȳrro iā jovēnno qringaomnoti dāervī ondurigon kostas. 2) Kesys drīves qringaomia amīsosy daor.
1) All individuals may seek freedom from oppression or misdeeds of politics in other kingdoms. 2) This right does not protect evildoers.
  • 1) Issaror dārio pāstys sagon kostas. 2) Dārio pāstys issa lȳs daorys kesi iā va zȳho dārio arlinnot drīvī lykāpsirī ojughilza drīvo mijiot.
1) All individuals may be a citizen of a kingdom. 2) No one who is a kingdom's citizen shall idly lose this or the right to the change of his kingdom lacking reason.
  • 1) Valar abrār hen harrenkot jēdarta ūndot, sȳndrillaro, muño tegondo, jorepno lūhorō dīniakson kostas se lentor ūbremigon kostas. Va idīnillot, idīnillā, se idīnillo mōrī gīdī drīvī emilzi. 2) Mērī pōjos dāerȳs se gierȳs jeldrissi dīniliks. 3) Lentor issaryro se kostillo va gierȳndo issa; issaror dāriōn ūī mīsilzi.
1) All men and all women of the appropriate age of all colors, of all mother lands, and of all types of prayer may be married and may raise a house. They shall have equal rights towards marriage, in marriage, and in marriage's end. 2) Only with their free and complete agreement shall they be married. 3) The house is of nature and of importance to society; all individuals and the kingdom shall protect it.
  • 1) Issaror hae issarot iā tolommi lenton sindissigon kostas. 2) Daoro lenton lykāpsirī ondurilaks drīvo mijiot.
1) All individuals may purchase a house as an individual or with others. 2) No one's house shall be idly seized lacking reason.
  • Issaror otāpno dāervo, jeldrio dāervo, se jorepno lūhoro dāervo drīvī emilza; kesos drīvose, dāervo jehikarȳ, zȳho jorepno lūhori iā zȳha pāzna arliniagon kostas. Mērpa iā tolommi ilos skorī gīmīmarē, botarē, rijībarē, se urnēbarē zȳha pāzna sētios.
All individuals shall have the right of freedom of thought, freedom of freewill, and freedom of all types of prayer; with this right, in the presence of freedom he may change his type of prayer or his beliefs. He may be alone or with others when he may bring forth his beliefs in teaching, working, worshiping, and watching.
  • Issaror elēnio vestretriō dāervo drīvī emilza; kesos drīvose elēni ōrīlza, rȳuhīnno mijiot. Ȳdratrio sēteryro rȳ gūrēntir jorarghussigon, jiōrigon, nevessigōn kostas grozillaro mijiot.
All individuals have the right to freedom of opinion and pronouncement; with this right he shall hold opinions without interference. He may seek, recieve, or convey information through all forms of communication without borders.
  • 1) Issaror lyko gierūlnoti imazumbarotī drīvī emilza. 2) Daorot imazumbaromy mazumbagon sīlaks.
1) All individuals shall have the right of assemblies and associations of peace. 2) No one shall be forced to join an association.
  • 1) Tolvī issarossa ilios botose iā sytiotāpȳssi dāerī iderēptossi pōjo dārio jovēnnon rakessigon kostis. 2) Tolvie issarossa, pōjot dāriot, dārio gīdo dohaerirȳti drīvī emilzi. Issaroro jeldrin dārion asētīlza; keja jeldrin beko se drējȳ iderennoti rȳ anevīlza skorī issaror ruarilakson iderennon iā tolior dāeriōr iderenno gaomon emilza.
1) All individuals may take part in their kingdom's governing with direct work or freely chosen advisors. 2) All individuals, in their own kingdom, shall have the right to equal services of the kingdom. 3) The harmony of all individuals shall form the kingdom; this harmony shall be conveyed through regular and true selections where all individuals have a secret choice or other free action of choice.
  • Tolvī issarossa, hae gierȳrro ezīmoti, va gierȳndo ȳghāvot drīvī emilzi. Dārion dāriōr pōjos verdillussa ēdrissī gēlȳndo drīvī, ūbremaro drīvī, se lentot drīvī skustikilzi hegnīr iotāptīlaks se zȳhor jeldir hūbremilza.
All individuals, as parts of society, shall have the right to the safety of society. The kingdom and all kingdoms with their tactics and supplies shall enable the rights of money, rights of culture, and civil rights so that he shall be respected and his freewill shall grow.
  • 1) Issaror boto, boto dāerȳr iderenno, drējo mandō boto, se mīzno hen dōrot botot drīvī emilza. 2) Issaror gīdo gēlȳndo hen gīdot botot drīvī emilza ezīmptrio mijiot. 3) Issaror botose drējo mandō gēlȳndo se gierȳndo ȳghāvo tolȳ gaomoti drīvī emilza hegnīr ziry se zȳho lento issarys iotāptīlaks. 4) Tolvī issarossa boto imazumbaro mazverdaro iā mazumbaro rȳ pōja gaoma mīsigon kostas.
1) All individuals shall have the right of work, of free choice of work, of just and kind work, and of protection from no work. 2) All individuals shall have the right of equal money for equal work lacking discrimination. 3) All individuals with work have the right to just and kind money and other matters of the safety of society so that his and his house's existence shall be respected. 4) All individuals may protect their matters through creating or joining work associations.
  • Issaror ilinītso jorulariō drīvī emilza; boto jēdi grozillī aemilzi; dārio beki tubissa jorulario syt kessi.
All individuals shall have the right to rest and relaxation; hours of work shall have limits; there shall be regular days of the kingdom for the good of relaxation.
  • 1) Issaror glaeso verdillot havondo, mīsītsoro, lento, lumivo giēñemaro, se gierȳndo dohaerirȳti ajorrāeltoti bē drīvī emilza se mīzno hen dōrot botot, lumivot, ōdrȳrto, zȳho ābrazȳro morghot, olvȳr jēdarta ūndot, iā urnios daor luo glaeso tolȳ massina drīvī emilza. 2) Muñar talār dohaeririo hen pōjot lentrot drīvī emilzi. Tolvie talar, sesīr talar dōros idīnillosa sittromo, gierȳndo hēnkon mīznon raqilza.
1) All individuals shall have the right to a framework of life concerning food, clothing, house, treating illness, and needed services of society and shall have the right of protection from no work, sickness, disability, the death of his wife, many years having been seen, or other occurrences of life that he did not see. 2) Parents and children shall have the right to services for their house. All children, even children born with no marriage, shall enjoy the same protections of society.
  • Issaror botemaro drīvī emilza. Botemarys ēlio ezīmoti dāez kessa. Talar ēlie botemari imāzissis. Botemarys kostȳti syt ulza se issaror dokimarvose hen egliktot botemarot gīdī kelinītsossa emilza. 2) Botemarys jeldrio gierior kostion asētīlza se issaro drīvoti dāervotī syt iotāptenon skustikilza. Iotāptenon hen dārȳndo, sȳndrillaro, jorepno lūhorō issarorto sētīlaks se lyks rāelilaks. 3) Muñar botemaro lūhot zȳhe talari sytiderēbigon kostas.
1) All individuals shall have the right of education. Education in the first parts shall be free. All children must attend primary education. There shall be education on behalf of abilities and all individuals with discipline shall have equal chances for higher education. 2) Education shall bring forth the whole power of freewill and strengthen respect for individual rights and freedom. Respect for all individuals of all kingdoms, colors, and types of prayer shall be brought forth and peace shall be maintained. 3) Parents may choose the type of education for their children.
  • 1) Issaror lentuno ūbremari rakessigon kostas, yvori raqigon kostas, se hen naejurnoti gierȳndo kostiot kustikaks. 2) Tolvī issarossa mīzno hen nūmāzmot gēlȳndō drīvī emilza, mirro pōjo yvoti, bardutoti, se naejurnoti gierȳndo kostio syt.
1) All individuals may take part in the community's culture, enjoy the arts, and be strengthened from advancements in society's ability. 2) All individuals shall have the right of protection of the essence and of the money on behalf of any of their art, writings, and advancements of society's ability.
  • Issaror gierȳndo vȳhō dokimarvo jehikarȳ ilza skorī tolvī drīvesse dāervessē kesȳ rūniapoti gierī sētessiakson kostis.
All individuals shall be in the presence of discipline of society and of the world where all rights and freedoms in this letter shall be fully brought forth.
  • Issaror lentuni dohaeris kesrio syt mērī konīr zȳrho jeldrio gierior kostion ūbremigon kostas. Drīvesse dāervessē grozillī aemilza hegnīr toloti drīvoti dāervotī iotāptīliks se gierȳndo rīgles, dokimarves, jeldrīn rāeliliks. Kesyz drīvesse dāervessē Vȳho Dārȳti indirarion iā nūmāzme spryjagon sajakson kostosy daor.
All individuals must serve the community for only there can the full power of his freewill grow. Rights and freedoms shall have limits such that the rights and freedoms of others will be respected, and society's honor, harmony and discipline will be maintained. These rights and freedoms cannot be used to destroy the motive or essence of the world's kingdoms.
  • Daorun kesȳ rūniapot keso rūniapo irūdo ondoso drīvī iā dāervī spryjagon sajakson kostosy daor.
Nothing in this letter can be used to destroy rights or freedoms given due to this letter.