User:Juelos/High Valyrian Non-Canonical Vocabulary

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This page keeps record of all words suggested by learners of High Valyrian so as to fill semantic gaps of High Valyrian and enable better communication in High Valyrian. However the contents of this page are not official in any way and could very well be proven wrong by DJP when he announces new lexemes, thus replacing the ones here with other official ones.


acc. accusative case
act. active
adj. adjective
adv. adverb
ambitrans. ambitransitive
aor. aorist
appl. applicative
aq. aquatic
C-fin. consonant-final
col. collective
coll. collective
com. comitative case
comp. comparative
conj. conjunction
dat. dative case
dem. demonstrative
eq. equative
exp. expression
for. foreign
fut. future
gen. genitive case
I class I (first declension)
II class II (second declension)
III class III (third declension)
indecl. indeclinable
inf. infinitive
inst. instrumental case
insv. instrumental passive, instrumentive
int. interrogative
interj. interjection
intrans. intransitive
irreg. irregular
loc. locative, locative case
lun. lunar
n. noun
num. numeral
obl. oblique
part. participle
pass. passive
pauc. paucal
perf. perfect
perh. perhaps
pl. plural
poss. possessive, possibly
postp. postposition
prep. preposition
pres. present
prob. probably
pron. pronoun
prop. proper
relex. relexified
s/o someone
s/t something
s/w somewhere
sg. singular
sol. solar
subst. substantive, substantivized
sup. superlative
ter. terrestrial
trans. transitive
v. verb
V-fin. vowel-final
voc. vocative case
1 first declension/person
2 second declension/person
3 third declension/person
4 fourth declension
5 fifth declension
6 sixth declension
° unexpected gender
triggers (regarding cases and verb forms)

Non-Canonical Vocabulary


This section contains words reconstructed from words in, mainly, Astapori Valyrian with the changes having happened from High Valyrian already known in general (see here).

1st degree of certainty

These words' form and meaning is almost certain.

  • kimagon [kiˈmaɡon]
v. C-fin. to shake, to wave, to move around (cf. HV dokimare "serious, focused", dokimarves, AV kimagho.)
  • kimībagon [kiˈmiːbaɡon]
perfect: kimīptan
v. C-fin. to wag, to swing; to talk, to wag one's jaw ( < kimagon + -ībagon; cf. AV kimivagho, HV kimībenka.)
  • mandāves [manˈdaːves]
n. 4sol. kindness (< manda + -āves, cf. AV mandaves blessing)[1]
  • nārytsa [ˈnaːrytsa]
adj. I unhealthy, poisonous? ( < nā- + rytsa; AV narysta.)
  • nȳnta [ˈnyːnta]
adj. I (so-)called (perf. part. of nȳmagon "to call"; cf. AV nynta.)
  • ōghrar [ˈoːɣrar]
n. 6col.1aq. hair on one's head ( < col. of ōghar a single hair; cf. AV oghrar.)
  • oktōñe [okˈtoːɲe]
adj. II urban ( < oktion + -ōñe; cf. AV ohtoni urban.)
  • pārsīr [ˈpaːrsiːr]
adv. always ( < pār + sīr; cf. AV porzír.)
  • pāsābarves [paːsaːˈbarves]
n. 4sol. loyalty, faithfulness (< pāsābare + -ves, cf. AV pazavorve loyalty)
  • piktenka [pikˈtenka]
adj. I obedient ( < pikta + -enka; cf. AV pihtenkave.)
  • ripāzma [riˈpaːzma]
n. 1lun. brain ( < ripo + -āzma, cf. AV ribazma brain)
  • sīrtrī [ˈsiːrtriː]
adv. better, more (cf. AV sidri.)

2nd degree of certainty

These words' reconstruction is not foolproof since there are many possibilities of sound changes that have occured.

  • byjagon/byzagon/bȳjagon/bȳzagon
v. to break wind (cf. AV byjagho.)
  • nȳnyges -e,-i,-is [ˈnyːnyɡes]
n. hamster?, rodent? (cf. AV nynyghi.)

Learners' Creations


  • ademmilaksir [ademmiˈlaksir]
n. 5aq. price (type II substantive of the present participle of ademmagon; lit. "that which will be paid".)
  • ademmvos [aˈdemmvos]
n. 3sol. supplementary payment, amount needed to complete repayment; implement, tool ( < ademmagon + -vos.)
  • aemarion [ˈaemarion]
n. 3ter. container (type II substantive of the present participle of aemagon; lit. "having, containing".)
  • aemarior [ˈaemarior]
n. 6col.3ter. containment (col. of aemarion container)
  • aerennon [aeˈrennon]
n. 3ter. travelling ( < aerēbagon + -non.)
  • aerēbiros [aeˈreːbiros]
n. 3sol. nomad, wanderer, vagabond (type I substantive of the aorist participle of aerēbagon; lit. "one who ever is traveling".)
  • aerēptys [aeˈreːptys]
n. 2sol. traveler ( < aerēbagon + -tys.)
  • aertir [ˈaertir]
n. 5aq. distance, displacement (type II substantive of the perfect participle of aeragon; lit. "that which has been moved".)
  • angokvos [aŋˈɡokvos]
n. 3sol. bait ( < *angokagon + vos; lit. implement of causing to bite.)
  • angorys [ˈaŋɡorys]
n. 2sol. bite, bite mark, bite wound ( < angogon + -arys.)


  • bānī [ˈbaːniː]
adv. warmly ( < bāne + .)
  • bararys [baˈrarys]
n. 2sol. mark ( < baragon + -arys.)
  • bardurion [ˈbardurion]
n. 3ter. description (type II substantive of the present participle of bardugon; lit. "writing".)
  • barduty [ˈbarduty]
n. 2lun. log, journal (type I substantive of the perfect participle of bardugon; lit. "that which has been written".)
  • botemarys [boteˈmarys]
n. 2sol. education, training ( < botemagon + -arys.)
  • botēda [boˈteːda]
adj. I aware, tutored, graceful (cf. dobotēda ignorant, untutored, clumsy.)
  • botēdāves [boteːˈdaːves]
n. 4sol. awareness, tutoredness, gracefulness ( < botēda + -āves.)
  • botilarion [botiˈlarion]
n. 3ter. energy (type II substantive of the active future participle of botagon; lit. "that which is going to work".)
  • buqarys [buˈqarys]
n. 2sol. hate, hatred ( < buqagon + -arys.)
  • bykemagon [bykeˈmaɡon]
perfect: bykēdan
v. C-fin. (irreg.) to shrink, to reduce ( < byka + -emagon.)


  • dekurūbio [dekuˈruːbio]
n. 3lun. walker ( < dekurūbagon + -io.)
  • dopāsirion [doˈpaːsirion]
n. 3ter. heresy (type II substantive of the aorist participle of dopāsagon; lit. "that which ever negative believes".)
  • dopāstys [doˈpaːstys]
n. 2sol. oathbreaker, heretic ( < do- + pāstys.)
  • dorīgles [doˈriːɡles]
n. 4sol. dishonor ( < do- + rīgles.)


  • ēdrin [ˈeːdrin]
n. 6pauc.5aq. supplies (type II substantive of the perfect participle of emagon; lit. "that which has been had".)
  • ezīmptir [eˈziːmptir]
n. 5aq. discrimination (type II substantive of the perfect participle of ezīmagon; lit. "that which has been split".)


  • giēnion [ˈɡieːnion]
n. 3ter. hospital ( < giēñagon + -ion.)
  • giēntys [ˈɡieːntys]
n. 2sol. healer, doctor ( < giēñemagon + -tys.)
  • glaesozȳrys [ɡlaesoˈzyːrys]
n. 2sol. widow, widower ( < glaeson + -zȳrys.)
  • greviot [ˈɡreviot]
postp. →gen. around
  • grevuragon [ɡrevuˈraɡon]
perfect: grevurtan
v. C-fin. to encircle, to envelop ( < grevion + -uragon.)


  • harrenkirī [harˈreŋkiriː]
adv. appropriately, suitably ( < harrenka + -irī.)
  • henupālegon [henuˈpaːleɡon]
perfect: henupāletan
v. V-fin. to extort ( < hen- + -u- + pālegon.)
  • henupālerion [henuˈpaːlerion]
n. 3ter. extortion (type II substantive of the present participle of henupālegon; lit. "extorting".)
  • hīnnon [ˈhiːnnon]
n. 3ter. punch, hit, strike ( < hīlagon + -non.)


  • idakonon [idaˈkonon]
n. 3ter. attack ( < idakogon + -non.)
  • imazumbarys [imaˈzumbarys]
n. 2sol. association, alliance, union, coalition ( < imazumbagon + -arys.)
  • irughio [iˈruɣio]
n. 3lun giver ( < irughagon + -io.)
  • issaryr [ˈissaryr]
n. 6col.2sol. nature (col. of issarys existence in the generic sense.)


  • jehikio [ɟeˈhikio]
n. 3lun. angel ( < jehikagon + -io.)
  • jeldegon [ˈɟeldeɡon]
perfect: jeldetan
v. V-fin.. to strive, to endeavor ( < jaelagon + -egon.)
  • jeldir [ˈɟeldir]
n. 5aq. freewill, contentedness, satisfaction, mental well-being, peace of mind, serenity (type II substantive of the perfect participle of jaelagon; lit. "that which has been hoped or wished for".)
  • jeldrin [ˈɟeldrin]
n. 6pauc.5aq. agreement, harmony, meeting of minds, oneness (pauc. of jeldir freewill, contentedness, serenity.)
  • jitty [ˈɟitty]
n. 2lun. missile, projectile (type I substantive of the perfect participle of jikagon; lit. "that which has been sent".)
  • jomemēbagon [ɟomeˈmeːbaɡon]
v. C-fin. to rage on, to march on ( < jo- + memēbagon.)
  • jorularion [ɟoruˈlarion]
n. 3ter. relaxation (type II substantive of the future active participle of jorilagon; lit. "that which is going to rest".)
  • jorȳdragon [ɟoˈryːdraɡon]
perfect: jorȳdratan
v. V-fin. to babble, to chatter ( < jor- + ȳdragon.)


  • karāves [kaˈraːves]
n. 4sol. greatness, magnificence, excellence
  • kempāves [kemˈpaːves]
n. 4sol. gravity ( < kempa + -āves.)
  • kepoqitta [kepoˈqitta]
n. 1lun. fatherless ( < kepa + -oqitta.)
  • kipio [ˈkipio]
n. 3lun. rider ( < kipagon + -io.)
  • korinon [koˈrinon]
n. 3ter. search ( < korigon + -non.)
  • kōrion [ˈkoːrion]
n. 3ter. evil (cf. kōz evil.)
  • kōttegon [ˈkoːtteɡon]
perfect: kōttetan
v. V-fin. to manage, to achieve (eventative of kostagon.)
  • kydynnon [kyˈdynnon]
n. 3ter. measurement ( < kydȳbagon + -non.)
  • kynilla [kyˈnilla]
n. 1aq°. silk (< kyno + -illa)


  • laehoqitta [laehoˈqitta]
adj. I. eyeless, blind ( < laes + -oqitta.)
  • laodinon [ˈlaodinon]
n. 3ter. theft, abduction ( < laodigon + -non.)
  • lumēgrie [luˈmeːɡrie]
adj. II. morbid ( < lumie + -ēgrie.)
  • lumives [luˈmives]
n. 4sol. sickness, illness ( < lumie + -ives.)
  • lykāves [lyˈkaːves]
n. 4sol. quitness, calmness ( < lyka + -āves.)


  • maghio [ˈmaɣio]
n. 3lun. messenger, courier ( < maghagon + -io.)
  • mandāves [manˈdaːves]
n. 4sol. kindness, courteousness ( < manda + -āves.)
  • martāves [marˈtaːves]
n. 4sol. balance, symmetry ( < marta + -āves.)
  • martemagon [marteˈmaɡon]
perfect: martēdan
v. C-fin. (irreg.). to balance ( < marta + -emagon.)
  • martemvos [marˈtemvos]
n. 3sol. balance, scale ( < martemagon + -vos.)
  • maspradagon [maspraˈdaɡon]
perfect: masprattan
v. C-fin. to prepare ( < maz + pradagon.)
  • mēremagon [meːreˈmaɡon]
perfect: mērēdan
v. C-fin. (irreg.) to unite, to coalese ( < mēre + -emagon.)
  • mīvindikio [miːˈvindikio]
n. 3lun. taunter, harasser, mocker, heckler; torturer, tormentor ( < mīvindigon + -kio.)
  • mīvindinon [miːˈvindinon]
n. 3ter. taunt, torture, torment (cf. amīvindigon to taunt, torture, torment, frustrate, infuriate (of things))
  • mīznon [ˈmiːznon]
n. 3ter. protection, defence ( < mīsagon + -non.)
  • morghūltros [morˈɣuːltros]
n. 3sol. wight (type I substantive of the past habitual participle of morghūljagon; lit. "that which used to be dead".)
  • munqitta [muɴˈqitta]
n. 1lun. motherless ( < muña + -qitta.)


  • nābeka [ˈnaːbeka]
adj. I. unusual, irregular, anomalous ( < nā- + beka.)
  • nābekāves [naːbeˈkaːves]
n. 4sol. irregularity, unusualness, anomaly ( < nā- + beka + -āves.)
  • nāpāsagon [naːˈpaːsaɡon]
perfect: nāpāstan
v. C-fin.. to disbelieve, to distrust ( < nā- + pāsagon.)
  • nāpāsilla [naːpaːˈsilla]
n. 1aq°. doubt ( < nāpāsagon + -illa.)
  • nāpāznon [naːˈpaːznon]
n. 3ter. disbelief; suspicion, distrust ( < nāpāsagon + -non.)
  • nāqobjir [naːˈqobɟir]
n. 6col.5aq. simplicity (col. of nāqopsir the basics)
  • nāqopsirī [naːqoˈpsiriː]
adv. easily, not difficultly ( < nā- + qopsa + -irī.)
  • nārȳbagon [naːˈryːbaɡon]
perfect: nāryptan
v. C-fin.. to defy, to rebuke ( < nā- + rȳbagon.)
  • nāsombākogon [naːsomˈbaːkoɡon]
perfect: nāsombākotan
v. V-fin. to sabotage, to undermine ( < nā- + somby + -ākogon.)
  • nāsombākonon [naːsomˈbaːkonon]
n. 3ter. sabotage ( < nāsombākogon + -non.)
  • nēdenkāves [neːdeŋˈkaːves]
n. 4sol. bravery, courage ( < nēdenka + -āves.)
  • nektorys [ˈnektorys]
n. 2sol. scar, cut mark ( < nektogon + -orys.)
  • nevevos [neˈvevos]
n. 3sol. carriage, wagon, chariot, vehicle ( < nevegon + -vos)
  • nevevītsos [neveˈviːtsos]
n. 3sol. cart, wheelbarrow( < nevevos + -ītsos.)
  • nȳmnon [ˈnyːmnon]
n. 3ter. call ( < nȳmagon + -non.)


  • ōdrior [ˈoːdrior]
n. 6col.3lun. disability (col. of ōdrio wound)
  • ojenillurlion [oɟenilˈlurlion]
n. 3ter. brothel ( < ojenilla + -urlion.)
  • ossēnnes [osˈseːnnes]
n. 4sol. murder, slaying ( < ossēnagon + -nes.)
  • ossēnnin [osˈseːnnin]
n. 6pauc. massacre (pauc. of ossēnnes murder, slaying.)
  • otāpnon [oˈtaːpnon]
n. 3ter. thought ( < otāpagon + -non.)
  • ozērinagon [ozeːriˈnaɡon]
perfect: ozērintan
v. C-fin. to conquer, to triumph ( < oz + ērinagon.)
  • ozērinnon [ozeːˈrinnon]
n. 3ter. conquest, triumph ( < ozērinagon + -non.)
  • ozgūrokio [ozˈɡuːrokio]
n. 3lun. captor ( < ozgūrogon + -kio.)
  • ōzigon [ˈoːziɡon]
v. V-fin. to be proud (cf. jōzigon.)


  • pālekio [ˈpaːlekio]
n. 3lun. conspirator, plotter, schemer ( < pālekagon + -io.)
  • pāsābarves [paːsaːˈbarves]
n. 4sol. faithfulness, loyalty, integrity, truthfulness ( < pāsabare + -ves.)
  • pāsāptys [paːˈsaːptys]
n. 2sol. bannerman, bannerwoman ( < pāsābagon + -tys.)
  • pāznon [ˈpaːznon]
n. 3ter. trust, belief ( < pāsagon + -non.)
  • pāzvos [ˈpaːzvos]
n. 3sol. evidence ( < pāsagon + -vos.)
  • pirtāves [pirˈtaːves]
n. 4sol. falseness, deception ( < pirta + -āves.)
  • pirtemagon [pirteˈmaɡon]
perfect: pirtēdan
v. C-fin. (irreg.). to falsify ( < pirta + -emagon.)
  • pirtirī [ˈpirtiriː]
adv. falsely, wrongly, incorrectly ( < pirta + -irī.)
  • pirtys [ˈpirtys]
n. 2sol. falsifier, liar, fraudster ( < pirtemagon + -tys.)
  • pryjatir [pryˈɟatir]
n. 5aq. destruction (type II substantive of the perfect participle of pryjagon; lit. "that which has been destroyed".)


  • qanāves [qaˈnaːves]
n. 4sol. sharpness ( < qana + -āves.)
  • qanirī [qaˈniriː]
adv. sharply ( < qana + -irī.)
  • qēlenka [qeːˈleŋka]
adj. I starry ( < qēlos + -enka.)
  • qēlun [ˈqeːlun]
n. 6pauc.3sol. constellation (pauc. of qēlos star)
  • qrīdroparys [qriːdroˈparys]
n. 2sol. ostracism, exile ( < qrīdropagon + -arys.)
  • qrimpāletilla [qrimpaːleˈtilla]
n. 1lun. betrayal ( < qrimpālegon + -illa.)
  • qrinangēlla [qrinaŋˈɡeːlla]
n. 1aq°. venom ( < qrin- + angogon + -illa.)
  • qrinēdrurys [qriˈneːdrurys]
n. 2sol. nightmare ( < qrin- + ēdrurys.)
  • qrīnior [ˈqriːnior]
n. 6col.3lun. oppression, tyranny (col. of qrīnio dictator, tyrant)
  • qubāves [quˈbaːves]
n. 4sol. poverty ( < quba + -āves.)


  • raqirenka [raqiˈreŋka]
adj. I. friendly ( < raqiros + -enka.)
  • rhēdessiarzos [r̥eːdesˈsiarzos]
n. 3sol. noble, celebrity (type I substantive of rhēdessiarza.)
  • rholarys [r̥oˈlarys]
n. 2sol. combination ( < rholagon + -arys.)
  • ruartys [ˈruartys]
n. 2sol. spy ( < ruaragon + -tys)
  • ruarilaksir [ruariˈlaksir]
n. 5aq. secrecy, privacy (type II substantive of the perfect participle of ruaragon; lit. "that which was hidden".)
  • ruarilaksy [ruariˈlaksy]
n. 2lun. secret (countable) (type I substantive of the perfect participle of ruaragon; lit. "one which was hidden".)
  • rūhoqitta [ruːhoˈqitta]
n. 1lun. childless ( < rūs + -oqitta)
  • rytsion [ˈrytsion]
n. 3ter. health (type II substantive of rytsa.)
  • rȳuhīlagon [ryːuˈhiːlaɡon]
perfect: rȳuhīltan
v. C-fin. to interfere with →gen. ( < rȳ- + -u- + hīlagon.)
  • rȳuhīnnon [ryːuˈhiːnnon]
n. 3ter. interference ( < rȳuhīlagon + -non.)


  • sennon [ˈsennon]
n. 3ter. movement, maneuver ( < selagon + -non.)
  • siglinon [siˈɡlinon]
n. 3ter. regeneration, restart, reignition ( < sigligon + -non.)
  • sindilior [ˈsindilior]
n. 6col.3ter. commerce, trade (col. of sindilion lit. "all of the markets".)
  • sombākogon [somˈbaːkoɡon]
perfect: sombākotan
v. V-fin. to fortify →loc. ( < sombion + -ākogon.)
  • sōpnon [ˈsoːpnon]
n. 3ter. laughter ( < sōpagon + -non.)
  • sōpnenka [soːpˈneŋka]
adj. I. funny, silly ( < sōpnon + -enka.)
  • statilaksy [statiˈlaksy]
n. 2lun. condemned one (type I substantive of the future passive participle of statagon; lit. "one who will be executed".)
  • statnes [ˈstatnes]
n. 4sol. execution ( < statagon + -nes.)
  • syluterion [syluˈterion]
n. 3ter. taste (type II substantive of the present participle of sylutegon; lit. "tasting".)
  • sytiotāptys [sytioˈtaːptys]
n. 2sol. councilor ( < sytiotāpagon + -tys.)
  • sytiotāptyn [sytioˈtaːptyn]
n. 6pauc.2sol. council (pauc. of sytiotāptys lit. "a few councilors".)


  • trūmurlior [truːˈmurlior]
n. 6col.3ter. the depths figuratively (col. of trūma + -urlion lit. "all of the deep places".)
  • tȳnī [ˈtyːniː]
adv. second (tȳne + .)


  • ūbrēdiarzir [uːbreːˈdiarzir]
n. 5aq. generation (type II substantive of the passive past habitual participle of ūbremagon; lit. "that which has been raised".)
  • ūbremarys [uːbreˈmarys]
n. 2sol. culture, upbringing ( < ūbremagon + -arys.)


  • vaovīlīptys [vaoviːˈliːptys]
n. 2sol. mercenary ( < va- + -o- + vīlībagon + -tys.)
  • vēdroso [ˈveːdroso]
adj. invar. angry (com. of vēdros.)
  • verdillun [verˈdillun]
n. 1aq°. tactics (pauc. of verdilla framework)
  • vēttekio [ˈveːttekio]
n. 3lun. lawyer ( < vēttegon + -kio.)
  • vētterys [ˈveːtterys]
n. 2sol. judge ( < vēttegon + -tys.)
  • vētturlion [veːtˈturlion]
n. 3ter. legislature ( < vēttir + -urlion.)
  • vīlīptros [viːˈliːptros]
n. 3sol. veteran (type I substantive of the past habitual participle of vīlībagon; lit. "one who used to fight".)
  • volpuragon [volpuˈraɡon]
perfect: volpurtan
v. C-fin. to estimate, to project ( < volpe + -uragon.)
  • vūjinon [ˈvuːɟinon]
n. 3ter. kiss ( < vūjigon + -non.)


  • ȳdratir [ˈyːdratir]
n. 5aq. communication (type II substantive of the perfect participle of ȳdragon; lit. "that which has been spoken".)
  • ȳghāves [yːˈɣaːves]
n. 4sol. safety, safeness ( < ȳgha + -āves.)


  • Danavon [ˈdanavon]
prop. n. 6for. Donovan ( < English)
  • Iāvejaes [ˈiaːveɟaes]
prop. n. 3sol. Joel, "Yahweh (is) God" ( < Iāve "Yahweh" + jaes.)
  • Jaehiāves [ɟaeˈhiaːves]
prop. n. 4sol. Elijah, "My God (is) Yahweh" ( < jaes + Iāve "Yahweh".)
  • Jaehirūdys [ɟaehiˈruːdys]
prop. n. 2sol. Theodore, Dorothy, "God's gift" ( < jaes + irūdy.)
  • Jaerhijarys [ɟaer̥iˈɟarys]
prop. n. 2sol. Timothy, "he who honours God" ( < jaes + rijagon.)
  • Jūelos [ˈɟuːelos]
prop. n. 3sol. Joel ( < Swedish)

Dungeons and Dragons

  • arliñes [ˈarliɲes]
n. 4sol. transmutation ( < arliñagon + -es.)
  • amīses [aˈmiːses]
n. 4sol. abjuration ( < amīsagon + -es.)
  • morghes [ˈmorɣes]
n. 4sol. necromancy ( < morghon + -es.)
  • nābemes [ˈnaːbemes]
n. 4sol. evocation ( < nābemagon + -es.)
  • qrinistes [qriˈnistes]
n. 4sol. dunamancy ( < qrin- + (type II substantive of perfect participle of sagon + -es.)
  • sētes [ˈseːtes]
n. 4sol. conjuration ( < sētegon + -es.)
  • sytiarrites [syˈtiarrites]
n. 4sol. illusion ( < syt- + -i- + arrita + -es.)
  • sytijentes [sytiˈɟentes]
n. 4sol. enchantment ( < syt- + -i- + jentagon + -es.)
  • urnēptes [urˈneːptes]
n. 4sol. divination (type II substantive of perfect participle of urnēbagon + -es.)
